Pivot of the Sky

Chapter 209: 207, His Name Is Satan

Ann La is the oldest god in the Nine Unions, and in folk mythology, even the gods are described as his descendants. But long before the Egyptian Empire was founded, Ann La had faded away from the human race, and for the Egyptian Empire, the most important gods had always been Isis, Osiris, Horus, Seth.

In order to take over the status of the Lord God, Pharaoh Elaht made Ancient Ann Lakht his only god, while the other gods and angels were called angels, and Sett became the guardian of the angels' elders and de facto kingdoms and the Lord of the Nine Unions. In the name of monotheistic reform, Erlacht has been very successful in the recent past.

Yet Erlacht's religious and political reforms have so far been carried out only by Seth, and Ann La herself has never surrendered any of the divine messages. And in fact, in the millennium since the Egyptian Empire was founded, Ann La has never sent down a divine message, as if he were a non-existent angel. For the first time in the history of the Egyptian Empire, the emergence of the Ang La Oracle shocked both Pharaoh and the high priests of the Empire.

The contents of the Ann La Oracle are simple, first of all by telling the Pharaoh and the high priests of the Empire that their so-called "demons of blasphemy” were once Imperial General Ammon, confirming people's speculation. Although Ann La spoke of Amon's identity, she did not indicate that she would show miracles to punish Amon, nor did she instruct the Ecumenical Empire in the name of the Oracle on how to deal with the matter, but let people do it themselves.

The angel told Pharaoh and the high priests of the Empire that it was between Amon and Seth, so let Seth settle it himself, and he will recall the angels of the Nine Legions and no longer go to Ecuadorians to pursue Amon. The Egyptian Empire can announce this in its own way and decide what to do.

Erlacht was overwhelmed when he received the message, and he wanted to ask the angels, but Ann La no longer answered. Pharaoh then convened a small secret meeting for consultations, with the participation of the highest ecclesiastical members of the Ecumenical Empire, in addition to Pharaoh himself, the three high priests of the Temple of the Lord of the Empire and all the elders of the Ecumenical Academy.

The seniors at the Academy of Theology analyzed the simple message of the angel Ann La. Ammon rushed into the temple to cut down the statue of Sete, which was next to the statue of Ann-La, and the angel of Ann-La was supposed to be clear about the matter, but didn't want to interfere, and even the message implied dissatisfaction with Sete.

Ann La means letting Seth deal with it herself, and if Seth is unwilling to face Amon, then she should bear the consequences of being cut off from the altar. The idea of the gods is hard for any man to understand, but what should the Egyptian Empire do? The first question is how to identify the demon.

After an entire night of discussion, Pharaoh finally made a decision, and since Ann La had not ordered the Ecumenical Empire to do so, it was not necessary for the Ecumenical Empire to publish Amon's name in order to prevent unnecessary unrest in the civilian population. The ruling authority of Erlacht and the divine prestige of Seth have now been seriously questioned. If the people were to know that “demon” was the Amon that all the people worshipped, I'm afraid it would be difficult to explain why, because everyone would question one thing in their hearts —— why would Amon God do that?

Then Pharaoh ordered that a proclamation be made to all the land of Ecu: "The great angel Ann La has come to proclaim the name of Satan, the devil who blasphemed the gods. Satan, the demon who came to the Temple of Isis a year ago, attempted to wreak havoc on the Egyptian people. Mary, the greatest Virgin ever, received the message of the angel Changsett, who sacrificed herself to devastate Satan with the power bestowed by the gods.

After Satan fled, he no longer had the strength to harm Ehu, but he was weak and insidious, avenged the great angel Changsett by the most despicable means, dared not fight the heroes of Ehu and the angels, and dared only to sneak up on the blasphemy and destroy the angel's statue. He disturbs people, shakes their beliefs, and sows the seeds of the devil. The great God Anne-La Oracle reveals that as long as people are not tempted by the evil deeds of the devil, they can look up to the light of the gods. ”

The name Satan means "adversary” and symbolizes the temptation to tempt people of uncertain faith to confront the gods. With the announcement, the Ecumenical Empire finally ended its six-month martial law in the cities and states, and the magical battle between Deeds City and Monfist City returned to normal. The Ecumenical Empire finally found a step down.

During this six-month period, no less than a large-scale war was waged to protect the temple and to follow the human, material and financial resources mobilized by the demons, with no casualties. If you can't grab Amon, you don't know how long it's going to last, and nobody can take it for a long time, let's just get it over with!

If Amon still wants to chop down the statue of Sete, go ahead and chop it. The statue of Sete in the 24 main temples of the city has let him chop down twelve. It's enough for what purpose. It doesn't matter if the other half is chopped or not. The whole empire cannot be accompanied by Amon and the idols, and the angels of Ann La have given the message that this should be the consequence of Sete himself, so let everyone else rest.

In the Ecuadorian States, normal life has been restored in the past, but some changes have taken place forever. The Gods of the Nine Leagues also returned to the Nine Leagues' Palace at the behest of the Angela gods, and they were all relieved. In fact, the gods made it clear that the causes and consequences of things, in selfishness, actually made it possible to understand why Ammon was doing it.

Many of them had fought Amon at Seth's command and prevented Moses from leaving Ecu in various ways. Some of the gods who experienced it personally were sympathetic to the people of Duke Town, and even had to admire Amon. Especially when Moses walked across the Red Sea, the Best Goddess suddenly appeared, and the gods later found out that the cat next to General Amonta was Best, who had fallen in the "Question of Destiny, Judgement of the Last Day”.

Amon can say that he saved and treated a distressed god in the Nine Legions of God. If viewed from a purely personal perspective, the gods had more fondness for Amon and fought him only to accomplish his mission. When Amon rushed out of the Kowloon Shrine, many of the angels were merely symbolic and did not do their utmost to surround the blockade. Because those people didn't get Seth's orders at the time, it didn't matter. It was just coping.

Amon broke into the Jiulian shrine to destroy Sete's palace, which was also an offense to the Jiulian Divine System. Later, the madness of the monarch temple in the cities of Eju provoked many angels. But the gods gave up practicing in the comfort of the shrine to guard the temple of the main city and state, something that was hard and unpleasant, and there were also complaints in their hearts.

These complaints were not directed primarily at Amon, and as long as he was not a fool, he could understand why Amon was doing it, but Seth's performance was deeply dissatisfying. The Kowloon Shrine and the Egyptian Empire are about to be overthrown, and Seth is a turtle! The angel elder should have the courage and responsibility to face the consequences of his actions, not to hide from others.

The angels only complained about Seth in their hearts, and no one would speak openly. The ancient and almost forgettable angel, Ann La, finally spoke, and his message matched the heart of the angels.

Interestingly enough, when the proclamation of the Ecumenical Empire was issued, the demon Satan never appeared again. People poured into the temple to pray and sacrifice to Anne-La, a god who, in a word, restored the peaceful life of the entire people of the Empire. As for the statue of Sete next to him, chop it and chop it, Anne-La's fame unexpectedly reached its peak in the millennium history of the Empire.

The priests took the opportunity to preach that the only true god, Ann La, whose majesty did not even dare to offend Satan the devil. By using only one divine message, the Angela gods restored the entire Egyptian Empire to its former tranquillity and tranquillity from six months of chaos.


Amon, who was crowned “Satan” by the Egyptian Empire, did not receive the message of Ann La, but when Ann La sent down the message in the Egyptian Empire, he saw another god on that distant island, and came to find him as Horus, the former god of the Nine Unions, the folding wing.

That was the morning when the sun rose in the sea, and the clouds of the half-day roll were plated with golden glow, the breeze swept through the waves, and the starting light flashed at the tip of the wave. Amon stood up from the mountains and came to the sea to see the rising sun. The sun leaves a turbulent and narrow strip of light on the surface, with several crabs climbing over the shallow beach not far away, leaving a shallow footprint on the sand, followed by a gentle roll of waves that disappear.

Amon watched the sunrise by the sea, and Gabriel looked at Amon's back on the top of the highest hill on the island with a thoughtful look.

Gabriel has been following Ammon for six months, and she is only a watcher and protector, if not necessary and openly present. To date, she has made only two attempts, one in the original Cape Town State and the other in the final Rosetta Town State, to take Amon away.

In fact, Gabriel didn't expect Amon to do that. In her opinion, Amon may have been temporarily exasperated when it was first in Cape Town State, and the effects of doing so continuously were too serious and too dangerous. But Amon was later struck down by a city state by the statue of Sete in the Lord's Temple, apparently with a clear plan, but insane and incredible.

If Maria could foresee what Amon did, she would surely be very worried and comforted, but in any case, Amon should not lose his mind. He was in a seemingly calm impulse to create a massive top-down earthquake in the Egyptian Empire, which also put himself and Gabriel, who followed him, in danger.

Gabriel's responsibility is to protect him from Amon's seemingly calm state of mind. After passing through the seven towns on the eastern bank of the Lower Eguroni River, Gabriel would have prevented Amon from entering the city of Monfis to die. But at that time Gabriel was finally relieved, because Amon did not go to Dream Feather, but went south along the Ronnie River into Ecu, leaving all those who were waiting for him overwhelmed.

Gabriel can see that, as the statues of Nasset, one after the other, were cut down on the altar, causing ever-increasing shock to the Egyptian Empire, Amon regained true calm, or a seemingly impulsive calm. He did not stop his madness, but on the other hand, he regained wisdom and obedience. Though he was alone, he still commanded thousands of armies to fight an empire.

What happened in the province of Rosetta was already dangerous, and Gabriel made a second attempt. If Amon wanted to go on, it didn't make any sense. If he wanted to force Seth to show up, what he did was enough, even the Gods of the Nine Unions were shocked. Amon has to think about one thing, he's doing it for Maria, not Seth, and if stubborn deviation from one point of departure to another cannot be relieved, it goes against the original intent, and Maria is not willing to see it.

Some things are unforgettable, and people have to do something, but it doesn't mean that they should travel further away in a vented way. To this day, if we continue to attack the Temple of Eju, it means nothing to Maria or Seth, and becomes a self-entanglement in Ammon's soul.

At the beginning Gabriel herself was also in a state of outrage, but following Ammon on this path also led to a gradual tranquillity in her soul. Now she looks behind Amon as if he is thinking, moving farther or closer to that true source of divinity? Perhaps just in between.

Amon opened his arms to the sea, as if taking a deep breath or embracing something. At this moment, his movements suddenly paused and he lowered his arms and looked up at the direction of the sunrise, as if the surrounding waves were silent for a moment. In the glow of the sunrise, on the sparkling surface of the golden sea, a man walked slowly through the waves.

This man appeared empty-handed, and Amon's detective magic did not sense his presence at all. When he was seen, his figure was in a trance and he had stepped onto the beach at an incredible speed, standing quietly a few dozen steps away.

Looking at his face in his early twenties, he looked very handsome and looked a little pale. He wore a golden robe and a white high crown, with red feathers hanging on his shoulders on both sides of the cap and one sleeve floating empty in the sea breeze, apparently losing an arm.

As this man just stood on the beach, Amon swayed his right hand and secretly stopped Gabriel with the battle axe on his way, then looked at him and asked, “Horus? ”

It was Horus who came, and the Temple of Horus once existed in the town of Duke, and Amon had seen his statue since he was a child. There are usually two kinds of statues of Horus, one of which is the statue directly in the center of the main temple of the city, which is the image of the eagle head wearing both wings, the other is the image of a person in a normal face on other occasions, basically no different from the one in front of him, that is, the body is longer, and there is no less than one arm.

Ammon recognized him, and Horus nodded slightly: "Yes, I am Horus, and I have seen you in the crowd of the temple, and I have seen you in the fierce battlefield, but I did not expect to see you today in such a way. Please don't be afraid, I have no malice, to guide and help you. Amon God of Salem City, you really have the temperament of a god, you can still be so calm in front of me, I admire you! ”

As he spoke, Horus revealed a solemn and gentle smile, and in the morning his figure gradually became mysterious and noble, covered by a round golden light. Amon frowned: "Horus, the god in distress. If you need anything from me, please put away the god's pie. You don't need it in front of me and you don't have to. ”

Horus has just secretly launched a divine repression. Normally, spirits who have not yet escaped immortality will be deterred independently before such repression. This is also a divine technique that affects the mind and mind, and can only be carried out by the gods. But Amon has already seen more than one god out of eternity, first a girl on the prairie, Yoon Nanna, and now even Sete's statue dares to fall, so he doesn't eat this.

Horus smiled slightly, a bit stiff, but still asked with a smile: "Don't you welcome a god who comes with good intentions and is willing to help and guide you? ”

Amon said softly, "I just want you to talk. If you're here, tell me what you want. ”

When Horus waved, two large chairs appeared on the beach, with a magnificent umbrella behind him, and he made an elegant gesture to show Amon to sit down. And Amon sat down, and Horus asked, "Don't you want to ask me where I'm from? ”

Ammon replied, "Actually, I'd like to know more about where you went after you lost your Lord's Divine Spirit. I don't know much about the Nine Unions. There are many things I really need to ask you. If you could tell me how to find Sete, I'd like to express my most sincere thanks! ”

Horus finally couldn't help but look at Xiaozo and look down at a crab climbing by his feet and say, "I went to the kingdom of Ann La, where I came from. I healed my wounds in the Divine kingdom for some time, until Seth also entered the Divine kingdom, and I returned to the earth. I know what happened, and I know what you did, and I've always wanted to talk to you, but I don't want to go back to the Kowloon realm until today. ”

Amon couldn't help but lift the chair back straight up to his torso: "The kingdom of Ann La? What is that place? Seth went there, too. Why did you leave again? Did you have another fight there? ”

Horus shook his head helplessly and touched the empty sleeve: “In the kingdom of Ann La, obey the will of Ann La, where the gods are not allowed to fight, but I do not want to see Seth, so I refused Ann La's retention and could only return to healing. … you should be able to see that my injuries have not recovered. If we are enemies, if you do everything in your power, regardless of life or death, I fear I will have to flee back to that endless void. ”

* * (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote on recommendations, monthly tickets (qidian.com) and your support is my biggest motivation.)