Pivot of the Sky

Chapter 352: 354, What Shall I Call You

Someone started smashing things on Joseph, and the first one had a second one, rotten apples, stinking eggs, vegetables, and hard stones. The rain hit Joseph like a rain spot until the soldier who escorted Joseph was unbearably hit. Joseph closed his eyes and walked in shackles in the spite of all the people, passing through the streets of Salem City from Temple Square, until he was taken to the gates of Governor Marrow's house.

Governor Marlowe heard a tsunami-like cry outside the residence, realizing that even if he wanted to keep Joseph's life, if there was a riot here, he might lose his official position first and then decide to take orders from heaven to sentence Jesus to death “at the request of the people".

When the verdict was pronounced, the crowd shouted. Joseph closed his eyes and muttered to himself: "Flood, this is the great flood that flooded me! ”

Joseph was not simply executed directly; he was first to be flogged. The whip was a belt filled with nails, beating him to the skin, and Joseph bore it silently. After the whipping, he was taken to a prison outside the gates of the city, where the mob appointed by the priests and the agitated population followed the execution like a flood.

Some also tried to humiliate Joseph and crowned him with a thorny cane with a spike, shouting, “Look, this is the king of Salem, the Messiah the Redeemer!” While shouting, spit on his face. The swollen Joseph bled, and the bright red blood reflected faint golden light in the sun.

According to the laws of the Maroon Empire, the most heinous death row inmates will be crucified alive, sunburned and thirsty with feet and straight arms penetrated by large nails. It is an unimaginable pain and suffering, and only the citizens of Maro can escape this terrible punishment - citizens of Maro who commit capital crimes will also be executed, but not crucified.

As part of the punishment, death row inmates themselves carry heavy crucifixes to the ground. But because of the mob's torment, Joseph's flesh and blood had become scarred and he was crucified. Even the escorted Maro soldier could not watch. He called a pilgrim from outside to help Joseph carry the cross.

When the punishment ground arrived, people placed the cross, pressed Joseph's open arms to move his palm forward, picked up the nail and nailed it from his palm into it, and the blood kept spilling out...

Joseph was nailed to the cross, and the soldiers erected the cross into a stone trough on the ground and hung the Son in the sun. The sun runs half way from the horizon to Jomtien. The pain of the drill was almost intolerable, but Joseph did not faint, and he watched and felt it happening soberly.

It was not only Joseph who was executed on that day, but also two crucifixes, one left and one right, with two other prisoners on death row. And the man on the left saw Joseph, and he said, "Didn't you call yourself Messiah the Savior? If that were the case, I would have prayed to you for your salvation. But now, like me, you're hanging here in pain waiting to die. ”

The prisoner on the right struggled to drink: "Shut up!” Then again to Jesus: “When you are king, do not forget to save me. ”

How can we save Joseph, who has been crucified to death? I had no idea that the death row on the cross would say something like that here and now. Joseph finally revealed the first light smile of the day: "This is a special day, and you will soon be in heaven. ”

Under the rays of the sun, Joseph's hands and feet bled outward with nails, and scars all over his body. The crowd remained undisturbed and gathered together in the pit to scold Joseph.

Joseph's disciples also crowded into the crowd and came outside the guard line laid by the soldiers, who were covered in tears. And Joseph's mother came, and with the help of his disciples, his body had fallen unstable. John the Apostle hears the voice of Joseph in his soul: "Please take care of my mother.” John could not speak, but nodded silently.

By noon, the sun suddenly darkened and the sky was cloudy, as if it were dusk during the day. Joseph hung on the cross, suffering from flesh and blood. He looked down at the crowd in the courtyard and looked up at the distance. He could see the magnificent outline of the temple in the city of Salem. He looked so quietly, feeling and feeling silently.

The sun runs behind the clouds, halfway from Jomtien to the western horizon. The angels in heaven also stared silently at the scene, and the head of the angels, Medanzo, had been mixed into the crowd on the ground, and he could not watch.

Medanzo knew full well that it was the flesh and blood of mortals nailed to the cross, and Joseph was enduring suffering just like mortals at this moment. He whispered to a soldier on guard in the field and said in his heart, "Finish it! ”

The soldier suddenly stood up and raised the shotgun in his hand, unaware that the shotgun had become the spoon of destiny. The shotgun pierced Joseph's ribs, and the blood spilled from the wound was of a pale gold colour. And Joseph said one last thing: “I forgive them - they don't know what they're doing! Seeing the dome of the temple - this is what I bear! ”

Joseph finally died, and the soldier stood still holding the shuttle gun, while Medanzo retrieved the spoon of destiny.

It was not only Joseph and two other death row inmates who died that day, but Judah also hung himself from a tree in the hill where he led his soldiers to identify Joseph. Some say he regretted selling Joseph, while others say he was killed by a buyer because this shameful traitor is useless. But no one cares about Judah's death, as if to name this man as a symbol of betrayal and shame.


Not all the mobs in the camp were incited. When Joseph died and the crowd dispersed, tears lingered on the followers who truly loved Joseph. With the permission of Governor Marrow, they removed the remains of Joseph, wrapped them in white linen, and temporarily buried him in the garden in the backyard of a wealthy follower's home, using a stone fort as a tomb in accordance with traditional rituals.

There is also a god in the cloud who is invisible and who has witnessed all this happening with his own eyes, trying to pry into the subtleties that Amon God seeks to prove. He watched as Joseph was buried, but did not find the god of Amon returned to heaven, so where did he go? Has the soul been reborn and lost in the world?

With this possibility in mind, the god was confused and revealed a smile of bliss and joy. At that point, there was a sound in his ear: "Apollo, you shouldn't be here! ”

Apollo turned around and saw Amon's figure in front of him. Amon looked at him coldly and said, “I have not forgiven you. Have you ever treated John the Baptist as me in rotation? ”

Apollo knew not well, but found himself wrapped around a golden halo. This golden light is like a chain, tightening, melting away his gods. Apollo shouted unwillingly and suddenly the golden light burst on the cloud!


Later that night, after the death of Joseph, everyone in Salem was awakened by a loud bang of golden light bursting into the sky that would shine brighter than day. The earth trembled slightly, and people rushed out of the house into the streets. The glaring golden light in the sky prevents people from seeing things for half a day. The loud noise prevents people from hearing voices for half a day. This is like a breakdown in the sky.

Many, many years later, when people talk about what happened on this day, they say that the execution of Joseph by the Salem led to God's wrath. And what happened was that Amon God appeared in the clouds and Apollo fell on the spot.


When the sky sounded loudly, in the dark garden, Maria saw Joseph's tomb in the flash of the heavens and the earth. She was surprised to find that the stone that sealed the cemetery door had been removed and that the cave was empty and free of Joseph's remains.

Why did Maria come here alone? After midnight is the Sabbath of Salem, the followers agreed to wait till the Sabbath, to bring the scent and flowers to Joseph, and to bury the remains of the grass according to the traditional ritual. But Maria could not rest, even if she could not wait one day, so she came to the garden alone in the middle of the night.

Joseph's remains flew away, and Maria hurriedly turned to look around, but the golden light of the sky was still bursting brightly, blinding everything around her.

As the golden light dimmed, the ear echoes from that sky slowly disappeared. The graves in the garden were covered in darkness, and Maria's hands touched the removed tombstone and tears streamed down. In the middle of the day, she thought her tears had dried up, but now she couldn't help crying. Her shoulders trembled in the dark, suppressing crying.

That's when Maria found the light coming from behind her, and she heard a voice asking, "Why are you crying here? ”

Maria turned around and saw two angels saluting her. They were covered in soft light, and a pair of white wings stretched out from behind them, Gabriel and George, the former guardian samurai and high priest of the temple of Eghuissis.

But Maria did not know them, and she answered with tears, "He's gone. Did you take him away? ”

“Maria, I'm here.” An incredibly familiar voice answered, seeing Amon coming from the garden and standing in front of her with a smile.

Unlike Joseph, he must not only be much more handsome, but also have an unspeakable aura of holiness. But somehow, Maria recognized it at a glance - he was the one she cried for!

A moment of fear and sadness had been thrown out of the clouds, and Maria had poured into Amon's arms. Amon stretched her hand to brush the tears on her face, and Maria looked at his face in her arms and asked, “What shall I call you? ”

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PS: Double change today, tickets!

* * (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote on recommendations, monthly tickets (qidian.com) and your support is my biggest motivation.)