Pivot of the Sky

Chapter 356: 358, Epic Heavenly Prix

Just as Amon merged into the world of Themis, the gospel of Joseph spread from the Plains of Salem to all over the Heavenly Pivot, with branches. For example, in the former area of Baron, people used to practise the Great Light Divinity of the Persian Empire, and when the Maroon Empire appeared, it only circulated in folk and became alien. One of the branches of the former Great Light Church has evolved into Monihism, which adheres to the great Light Pride and is guided by the teachings and beliefs of Aroho.

The doctrines guided by the various genres differ from one another, and people assume that they possess faith and regard those with different understandings of the doctrine as heretics. When external missionaries have covered the entire Tianjin continent, this is followed by integration among the various factions, accompanied by intense debate and conflict. In the wake of the emergence of the Holy See, sects are still struggling intensely, while the Holy See punishes heresy and combats extraordinarily brutality.

Just as Amon ablated the great flood that Zeus had wreaked on the cloud, followers of various denominations in the world had held important gatherings, not only accompanied by lip and tongue warfare but also filled with lightsaber shadows in order to unify their understanding of the doctrine. What ultimately determines the outcome is not who has the strongest conviction and the most thorough understanding of divinity guided by Arrocchio, but who is in charge of greater authority, cleansing and dissenting voices in the world.

Just as Amon succeeded in defusing the great floods that Zeus had unleashed, the followers of the human race finally came to an important conclusion after the tragic conflict, which was about the origins of Joseph.

The priests of the temples called themselves priests in order to distinguish them from pagan beliefs. According to the priests, it was the Holy Father Arocha who attributed his essence, character, divinity and glory to Joseph, who was homogeneous to the Holy Father in man. Holy Father, Holy Son, Holy Spirit together.

Many have objected to the assertion that Joseph and God were same-sex, because Joseph never claimed to be God in his lifetime, but when the denominations merged, the assertion of the same-sex Joseph appeared. From then on, the man of the turn of Amona I, Jesus, was proclaimed God.

Aroho made a covenant with the people: "No tangible idols can be built for God, in which case the children of the Hereafter may forget the guidance of faith, but only pray for idols on the altar.” So Arrocchio has no idols in man, and the temple only uses a light cross to represent the radiance of that divine nature.

It was Amon who saved the people, and it was the descendants of that tribe who crucified Joseph, and centuries later, Joseph was worshipped as God. The scene of Joseph's martyrdom was carved by the artists, and he hung it on the cross, but the cross was then inserted into the altar.

This seems like a silent irony to Amon in the cloud, so Zeus gives Amon a good look at the world.

Amon once said that he didn't need that so-called domain of divine power, and he did it. The Temple of Amon in Ecu has been abandoned in the great rivers of history, and it was the priests in the Temple of Arocha who crucified Joseph. He eventually “won” Zeus, and Arojo's adherence to the mainland became the only statutory religion of the Maroon Empire.

It is not Amon himself who wins, but those who believe in Arrocho think so. Zeus said he lost, not himself, but the Olympus system disappeared in the realm of the divine source of human power. But Zeus still does not live and destroy the gods of the eternal gods, and can be present in every capacity in the world at any time.


Looking at that world on the cloud, more and more people are being sent to the frame because they believe in or do not believe in Arrocchio, acknowledge or do not recognize Joseph as God, or because they believe and acknowledge, unlike those who possess the frame. The temple in the heart that Amon intends to build is still in the heart, but there are countless magnificent and cold temples built on the earth for Joseph.

Such a human being, instead of becoming better, has entered a generation of darkness. It is not the light of faith that Arrocchio guides that is not there, but the light that people see in their eyes. It is a difficult path for the arts and crafts, and the soul of the reincarnation of the world is inevitably seen.

Zeus saw Amon silent in the clouds and said in a derisive tone: "You are truly a success, you want to go beyond what you have given up, and the believers have doubled their devotion to you! Seeing this scene, I don't know how you're going to get out of it. I've already admitted to losing. Do you want to celebrate the victory? ”

Amon sighed: “You didn't lose, I didn't win. Let's go, I'll buy you a drink! ”


There is a catchment town on the border of the former Barren Ancient Country, which was formed spontaneously many, many, many years ago, for pedestrians and merchants to travel to and from. It is also a place where nearby villages trade goods and buy goods. It has been ravaged by war for thousands of years, and houses have been rebuilt, rebuilt and destroyed. The name of the temple has been exchanged for change, but the town is still that town.

There used to be a tavern on the side of the road, an open courtyard in front of the door with a few tables on the empty floor, horse stakes next to it, and a sink to provide water and feed for the horses. Eight hundred years ago, Ammon had been drinking here with Darius, the human incarnation of Marduk, and Zeus suddenly appeared, with words that damaged two people.

Today, of course, that pub is long gone in the dust of history, but how could there not be the most common pub on the mainland in the catchment town next to the official road? Almost in place, there is another one today, even in a very similar pattern to that of the day, with no courtyard walls on this side of the tunnel, and several tables in semi-open courtyards outside the house.

Zeus and Amon sat here drinking again, listening only to Zeus serve the glass: “How was this wine compared to what it was? ”

Amon is the world's finest wine taster, and he smiles and replies: "Of course it's much more alcoholic and expensive than the turbid wine of the day, and the town is much bigger. But the wine is a bit astringent and the heat of the brew has passed, and although it is better from a secular standpoint, it is not necessarily better than it was. ”

Zeus: “Why can't I stop laughing when I'm holding this glass of wine? … what your followers do in the world is just like the wine you make. ”

Amon shook his head seriously: "No, that's not my wine. I'm actually the one sitting in front of you who runs the vineyard on the outskirts of Miduli. My estate gives people winemaking grapes, but people make different kinds of wines. ”

Zeus swayed the cup and said, "Are you still the vineyard owner? What a big vineyard! I remember you paying people a lot of money a day for a silver coin, and those who went to work in the vineyard not only scolded you, but almost beat you up. ”

Amon turned his lips against each other and said, "I paid you a magic stone! ”

Zeus smiled and said, “I got my stone, and you, did you get what you wanted? You may have got it. Three hundred years after the turn of the world, eventually Jesus Martyr, Amon God returned to heaven. Some spirits may have been confused. How could you return to heaven at that time? But it should now be understood that the gospel you propagate is indeed spread throughout the Heavenly Pivot, and you succeeded!

But is that what you want to do? Isn't it sad that one of your feet stepped on the threshold and couldn't make it? You asked me tomorrow night, and now I want to ask you personally - what is bothering your soul? Why is it that you are unable to take that step when you are able to escape from the circle of the world and show that you have seen the path that you desire? ”

Amon didn't answer, but there was a man next to him who answered: "Amon God, has anyone ever told you that - beyond ghost repair, you must no longer be a ghost repair, you may become the biggest ghost repair in the fairies' houses! Though you have gone beyond, the very foundation upon which a god like you was born is so. ”

Zeus and Amon were frightened. Naturally, what they said would not reach the ears of others, and the two of them were in another world, which was more intelligent than any kind of divine art of isolation. But not only did he hear them talking, but he also brought in his voice, indicating that he had also invisible a world where he was in communion with the two.

In order to do this, the realm is never below them, and the world that has opened its soul in silence has been blended, and people have made a move. The gods of the two gods have not yet detected it, and the power is incredibly vast.

And they turned their heads at the same time, Zeus said, "Bossin?” Ammon: “Are you the Kunlun Immortal's family who has been single-minded? ”

Zeus remembered the scene from 800 years ago, and Darius was there, so the person who came to this moment to make a scene and had the ability to do it was most likely Bonnie. And Amon immediately thought of the sentence, because the man's words, the fairy verse from Kunlun, were said in the rose garden.

Sen Mang is a sentiment of a certain immortal family, then the person who speaks at this moment is most likely the immortal family who cut off his heart and read it as a sentiment. Haven't seen him for years. Does this man have the ultimate Golden Immortal-like situation?

With a middle-aged man sitting on the table next door, he's not from the mainland, typical Oriental face, and the outfit is very special. He wore a light yellow flap robe with a black straightedge and chest. The trim was very neat and well-groomed. The five official ends had a warm face, and the divine colour was smooth and naturally dignified.

Zeus and Amon don't even know when he showed up and didn't even see him when he came. But this man sat there drinking a long time ago, and he heard the two of them asking each other the same question, and he said, "No, I'm not. You've got the wrong person. ”

With his voice, he didn't see any movement, and suddenly sat at Amon's table, as if he'd been sitting here all along. Zeus was surprised, and he raised his glass and asked, "Who are you, distant guests? ”

The man laughed: "Meet as you wish. It doesn't matter what your name is. Call it. ”

* * (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote on recommendations, monthly tickets (qidian.com) and your support is my biggest motivation.)