Plague Doctor

Chapter 9 Unnamed Packages

Dip, Dip.

The clock on the wall of the ER waiting area was moving. Gu Jun watched the second hand walk round and round for five minutes. His body did not have any unusual sensations, and the tension in his mind gradually subsided.

“No. 186, Li Zixuan.” The radio rang another number, and parents rushed to the emergency room with their children, and parents stood up emotionally to ask past nurses, how come it's not their turn?

The Emergency Department is a graded caller, and patients in emergency situations are called first. But the emergency department doesn't always have that many emergencies, many of them like now, a large group of children who can go to the pediatric clinic with a cold cough are waiting to be called.

Gu Jun cautioned against conflicts that might erupt around him. Today is really not a good time to get involved in disputes...

At this point, his mind suddenly dinged and a system prompt box popped up:

[Your brain stem tumor is medically suppressed and has temporarily stopped growing.

Yes, Gu Jun immediately opened the host information section of the system to observe the changes in the various indicators of his body. If there is no abnormality, the heart rate is decreasing.

Dip, Dip.

An hour later, "No. 208, Zhang Haoxuan. ”

Two hours later, "No. 231, Wei Zirui. ”

Gu Jun sat in the morning until noon, then sat in the afternoon until evening. He spent ten hours in the emergency department and went to his cell phone to record his body indicators. Indicators are healthy and stable, he does feel much more comfortable with his head, and those severe stings are being alleviated...

“The efficacy of alien drugs is truly remarkable. ”

Gu Jun looked at the 33 capsules in a small medicine bottle in his hand, some of which he had gotten from completing his assignment in the last week, "Looks like they could really be used clinically. ”

The system did not say how long it would take for his condition to be cured, and the text on the cartridge was incomprehensible, but if Alien Medicine maintained such an anti-tumor effect on his tumor, the tumor would probably shrink slowly until it disappeared. It could take months, it could take years, maybe.

He squeezed the bottle in his hand and took a long breath. He should not die. The long life of the bad guy is true.

“Ah." Gu Jun packed his things and got up and left. The waiting area behind him was still noisy. The parents and children were not easy, and the doctors worked really hard.

Out of the hospital door, Gu Jun came outside and looked at the blue sky. There was a new mood.

Animal experiments with Alien Medicine need to be continued to see the long-term efficacy, because those nude mice can't take much powder a day anyway. Their feeding and administration can be hosted in bare rat houses, and they have a little bit of their own savings, but they certainly don't have much free time.

“I'm going to study medicine and be a good doctor.” Gu Jun said to himself.

He had not previously reflected on his state of life in previous years, or even on the idea that terminal illness was God's punishment of him.

Now that we have a second chance, we must seize it and leave no regrets behind.

And there are things that need to be figured out.

He knows that this mysterious force of the system is related to the anomaly of the Loncan Underwater Volcanic Zone. There are anomalies in Longkan, and they are active. This is also borne out by the tone of the three Lee Laurie, who got the news to go on an adventure.

Gu Jun's biggest concern was whether the parents' affairs had anything to do with this? Where the hell is the Seabird?

“Did Lee Laurie get anything?” Gu Jun walked to the side of the tree and took out his phone to look.

It's been half a month, and neither Lee Laurie nor Wu Dong have contacted him. He knocked on them on WeChat the other day and didn't reply. Calling them was off. These two are like vaporizations.

Because there was no contact information exchanged with Lin Xiaotang, I didn't know what happened to her.

Gu Jun would like to know whether it was the result of Lee Laurie's fracture surgery or the result of that phone.

“Is something wrong? ”

Gu Jun walked over to the campus. Some ideas appeared unrestrained. In their three capacities, they should not be kidnapped and locked up, right? Did the helicopter crash that day? Impossible, otherwise the old captain would have gone mad that night. And there is no news in this regard.

Suddenly, Gu Jun noticed that a man was looking at him at the road ahead. As soon as his eyes met, the man turned away.

He frowned, something went wrong, this man... It's not like he's seen this man for the first time in recent days. Flat head, ordinary figure, ordinary look, just a middle-aged uncle, but he felt that the man's eyes had a kind of indescribable shadow and weird.

“Am I thinking too much?” Gu Jun shook his head. Recently, he was made a little suspicious by the illusions...

He kept an eye out and watched all the way back to the campus dormitory apartment area, but found no more of the man's figure.

Maybe it was just a passerby? My impression of him is just visibility? Gu Jun can't be sure.

The dormitory area is full of old apartments that are not eye-catching, with air-conditioning, clothing and protective nets, and balcony plants.

Thinking about things, Gu Jun went to the fifth floor of one of the apartments and walked into a bedroom.

The eight-year students lived in the same bedroom for four people. It was not very large. Each person leaned against a wall, an elevated bed and a desk with wardrobe. The desk was filled with books, and medical dogs like stethoscopes, human skeletal models, etc.

It's still summer vacation, he and Cai Zixuan live in the bedroom.

Shortly after walking into the bedroom, Gu Jun smelled a scent in the air. He saw Cai Zixuan sitting on the balcony reading a book. Next to him was a purple casserole pan. The lid snapped and the water vapor soared. Gu Jun asked: "Zixuan, what kind of soup are you cooking? ”

Cai Zixuan has a talent for cooking and often cooks beautiful soup. We've all had a couple of nice bowls of soup favors, so there's no such thing as illegal appliances.

“Pork kidney, pork liver, goji soup.” Cai Zixuan dropped the "Pathology" in his hand and erased his tired old face, saying: “Today the lab next to him dissected two pigs, all good pigs without medication, these guts should be thrown away as medical garbage. I see you've been so tired of experimenting lately, so I suggested to the master to bring back some soup and bring it to make up for you at night, and the master gave me a half day off. ”

“Do you have my share?” Gu Jun was slightly drowned by the soup fragrance. It's not strange for the source of the pig's guts. They also came back to the hot pot with the body of the rabbit that was dissected from the animal experiment class before...

“Yes, a large pot. Oh, right.” Cai Zixuan suddenly remembered something, "the mailroom just sent a package of yours. ”

“Mailhouse?” Gu Jun-yi didn't have anything to shop for online.

“It's an international package, right on your desk.” Cai Zixuan couldn't figure it out, "the mailroom aunt said, pressing this on them for a few days, because the recipient's information was unclear. She called the dormitory today to ask if it was you, so she sent it. ”

“Oh?” Gu Jun doubted to his desk, adding a small package of yellow paper leather to the table. He picked up the mailing slip posted on the parcel, in English and Chinese, from Maldives… the sender was a series of numbers “233333” and the recipient was "Gu Jun, an eight-year student at the University of Eastern State School of Medicine".


An idea popped up in his head. Did Lee Laurie send it?

Gu Jun immediately copied a pair of scissors from the table and carefully removed the package. It contained a small paper box and continued to open it.

When he saw what was in the carton, he was shocked and suspicious...