Plague Doctor

Chapter 58: Faces in Black and White Photos

The sunset turned the sky red and there was a strange bloodbath.

After the surgical building completed the surgery of all 624 patients with Isolated Banyan disease with an 82% success rate, the medical staff were given a three-day vacation. Gu Jun, Wang Ruoxiang and other interns can also go back to the dormitory to rest.

It was the first time they had walked out of the surgical building in three days, and everyone was tired of dogs, but the last few days had shaped them better than the previous years.

Cai Zixuan has cooked a beautiful and aromatic porridge of green vegetables in the dorm to comfort their mouths and stomachs. After eating the porridge, the tired people dispersed and did not want to talk about their experiences for the time being.

Gu Jun went to take a bath and went back to his bedroom to lie down in bed. He also wanted to sleep first.

It's just that he closed his eyes and a scene from the past few days popped up in front of him.

The wife's death, the little boy's death, those weird twisted limbs, the sudden winding blood vessels, the black fluid flowing skin...

“Hoo-hoo." Gu Jun opened his eyes and looked at the pale ceiling. The void was sometimes a rare beauty.

“Wouldn't you really go crazy for a long time at the station? ”

He muttered that it grew much faster here than in medical schools and general hospitals, but the challenges were not the same.

Even though he realized that he had some experience, his life had fluctuated a lot and he was now resolute and clear. But he just couldn't control what was happening inside him, and there was an unconscious change in the subconscious, but it had to be in the midst of it.

Now he understands more what Django said, the more people inherently perceive, the heavier the shackles inside.

Looking at the ceiling for a while, Gu Jun gathered to manage the system.

Third-day and twenty surgeries failed, and Tyran's repair became the second double 2000030000, with a total familiarity increase of 13,000. His surgical contribution was increasing, but that's how proficiency began to rise faster and harder later.

Now, 10,000 proficiency is less than the third level, and it won't take long if we continue this life.

After watching Tyrann's hand, Gu Jun opened the surgical career list and pulled it off again. These are valuable surgical experiences, but he doesn't want to review them now.

He opens the task list again, and he completes a normal task in the last three days, except for that hidden task, for which the reward has not yet been claimed.

By now, Gu Junla had masked himself with a quilt, leading the box of "human anti-inflammatory drugs”, similar to the tumor-targeting drug, nothing special, it was also packaged in aluminum foil, but a row of 10 capsules, without instructions, the alien text on the medicine box could not be read. He put the medicine in his pocket and took it with him.

And then his mind looked at the hidden task:

“There is a task reward waiting to be claimed: 1 blurry old photo, click to claim your reward”

Gu Jun nodded with his head. There was a fierce and confusing light that suddenly poured into his mind from somewhere. Although he was already mentally prepared, this intensity was unprecedented. He had to press his hands to blow up his head, making a dull and painful sound.

At the same time, right above his sea of knowledge, that light shadow gradually condensed into something that looked like a photograph.

“Ah...” Gu Jun endured the pain and needed to slow down for a while, which was the biggest reward for his mental consumption when he received it.

He didn't even look a little closer, and he could see far away that this was a black and white photograph, and the paper was yellow, some smudged and blurred, and the edges were damaged, and it looked like this photograph was very old. In the photo, or sitting or standing, there are dozens of people in four or five rows, all facing the lens, which is a photo taken together.

The clothes they were wearing looked like the republican-style long vests of those who had sacrificed the banyan tree illusion...

Is this a photo of the organisation from Lyson Corporation? What era? Who are they all?

Gu Jun looked at the dozens of blurry people. One of them got nervous and pulled up. Will there be any sign of Mom and Dad in the photo?

He took another look at the background in the photograph, which seemed to be in front of a giant tree on the big shore, and the sea was so dark that the roots of that tree were crossed, and the branches of each tree, big and small, were all twisted with perverts... and banyan trees.

After a short pause, he finally lit up and opened and enlarged this black and white photo.

Gu Jun glanced at it and a burst of frenzy blew in his heart. His eyes were wide open and blind.

The dozens of people in the picture, tall or short, strong or thin, always small, all look the same, the face of that dead man.

Though their faces are slightly different, they are just different states under the same set of five officials, all very dry, their cheeks collapse, and some are thin enough to get deep into their eyelids, like skeletons. But they, they're all a face!

“…” Gu Jun looked heavily at the photograph, which was not one of his previous assumptions.

Why is this happening? This is a computer photo? No, he has an unspeakable sense of mania and tells him it's not...

That's not a mask. Surgery? Another thought protruded in his mind: “Have all these people done facial cosmetic surgery to make themselves this way?” He looked, but he didn't feel, and these faces were very coordinated, and the strangeness revealed was just shady and not deformed.

Why? He looked at them, and it felt like dozens of them were looking at him, and he counted, 52.

Gu Jun recognised the man in the illusion of sacrificing the banyan tree, who looked exactly the same; the other 51 people, perhaps those in black who were lying on their knees around the banyan tree.

So... the “waitress” man is not a man in red, not any of the photos, but another person.

Gu Jun thought, his mind popped up with the strange grin of the “waiter": “I am a man of no importance, to deal with, a man you can see. Unlike the ones you can't see.” Now I want to come to the man's tone with pride and ridicule...

Because even if he saw it, he wouldn't recognize who it was.

So he remembers seeing this man many times over the years. Are those drenched men really the same person?

“Li Sheng Company, Li Sheng...” Gu Jun muttered a few times, “What's the point of the name? ”

He had thought about it many times before, but could not be certain. Lai is a plant, a vegetable often eaten by the ancient poor. That's what the dictionary says.

But now that I've seen this photograph, Gu Jun has an idea that gradually becomes more precise, "What if ‘Li Sheng’ is just a voice? Actually, it's" the next life "? ”

This life, the next life, the next... that man's life is one of them.

Everyone is the same person, just as the banyan trees merge people and beings into one life.

“A newborn party?” Gu Jun suddenly muttered the name. The manic feeling in his heart grew stronger and stronger. Something seemed to be flipping deep inside his subconscious.

In the next life, these people will seek strength from the sea, calling the unknown from the banyan trees... what are they after? Immortality?

Gu Jun felt that he was a lonely boat in the open sea and tried to find the coast. Finally, he saw a little light coming from a lighthouse in the distance. He seemed to have found a direction and drove past it, but only went into a mist where he could not see the side.

He looked at this photograph for a long time, it took him a while to close it, and he still had a strong eye.

“I have to find a way to trigger the illusion of this photograph. I have to figure out what the truth is. ”

Gu Jun decided to settle his mind and went to sleep with his eyes shut. In order to cope with all this unknown, he raised his spirit. He adjusted his breath, abandoned his meditations, and tried to get himself to sleep... a silence in the bedroom, not knowing how long it had passed, he seemed to have fallen into a dream, seemed...

He heard a mysterious whisper, difficult to understand, high and low... he seemed to walk on a muddy road to a great banyan tree...

The whisper became louder and louder and louder, and suddenly he could hear it.

“As you know, I am the son of bad fortune, you are filthy things, you are ignorant things, you are despicable things...”