Plague Doctor

Chapter 122 Patient's Tongue

The night sky in Eastern State is gray, and there are few people on the streets from night to morning.

Although the Internet is strictly regulated, the media in Dongzhou are already saying that the people's phones have also been notified. A new influenza outbreak has recently erupted in Dongzhou, which is highly contagious and has a high mortality rate. If you have sudden symptoms of muscle ache, mental anxiety, or insomnia, you must seek medical attention in a timely manner.

Because of the seriousness of the news, people have spontaneously reduced their access to places where people live, and the city is in a state of death.

Gu Jun arrived at the Medical Department of the Sky Machinery Bureau on the outskirts of the city at midnight. After a month and a half, he finally returned here.

The buildings of the Department of Medicine are still lit, but the visible colleagues along the way are in a hurry, no one is talking, no eye contact, as if they can't see each other. Professor Qin told Gu Jun that there is no internal ban, but no outside chat is recommended.

There have been three cases within the Department of Medicine. None of them are familiar to Gu Jun. He is a nightmare researcher in the psychiatric group.

Because to compete for seconds, Gu Jun hasn't had a chance to meet someone he knows. He followed him to the psychiatric building in the first place. He often came to this place at the time of his induction training, but no strangers were stationed in silence, and there was no haze everywhere.

“There are currently 10 patients being treated here.” Professor Qin added, "Other patients are in quarantine camps.” Yao Shinian nodded.

After entering the building, they travelled through heavy checkpoints to the Nightmare Research Center on the 12th floor.

It's even less like 1: 00 in the morning, from the hallways to the offices, there are busy healthcare workers, experimenters, people trying to understand the disease in all its neurological, psychiatric and psychological aspects.

But if they don't frown, if they don't look, they won't find any breakthroughs.

“Old Qin, Captain Yao.” Tang Zhifeng, the head of the psychological group, walked quickly. When he saw Gu Jun, he was a little surprised. He knew Gu Jun.

Tang Zhifeng was one of the judges of that day's medical skills competition, and greatly appreciated Gu Jun's psychological qualities.

Later, however, Gu Jun suspected that it was “something in the banyan tree”, which was taken away by the abnormal forces investigation team and other circumstances, Tang Zhifeng also knew. Many other people here have also heard some gossip about Gu Jun, mainly that this Tomorrow Star crime has been taken away, and at this time, his appearance is also quite doubtful.

“This is Gu Jun, one of his own.” Professor Qin raised his voice to introduce everyone, "he did a lot of great things, and now came to join the research work. ”

Everyone was suddenly surprised and could be so valued by Qin Lao and Yao. What could Gu Jun seem to bring?

But isn't Gu Jun from Surgery? Oh yes, try the research plan for treatment with lobotomy. Tomorrow morning the first surgery is to be performed. Gu Jun joined the surgery team, but how can it attract such attention...

“Hello, everyone.” Gu Jun just greeted everyone, "said Professor Qin.“ Captain Tang, let's take Arjun to see the patient. ”

Soon after, Gu Jun put on his white coat and medical mask again every few days, and followed several leaders to the ward area on the floor.

The feeling of disobedience made him feel a little more calm when he didn't want to wear a mask to make his breath boring.

The corridors in the ward area are more heavily guarded, each with a single-person room with a single-way glass window at the door, visible from the corridor.

This is the way through the glass window, Gu Jun first saw a nightmare patient, a young man of ordinary shape sitting on the hospital bed and lost his mind.

“This patient was just admitted yesterday.” Professor Qin said that the voice had a calm that the old doctor sounded cold:

“Arjun, now we roughly divide the development of nightmare disease into three stages, this patient is still in the early stages, the clinical manifestation is mainly sleep dysfunction, every night after falling asleep the nightmare will recur, wake up and can no longer fall asleep. Some middle-aged patients have tried not to sleep at night themselves, but they still have hallucinations when they reach their nearest point, without nightmares or sleep well during the day. ”

“At this early stage, the patient's psychosis deteriorates rapidly, with delayed muscle weakness in the limbs, followed by autonomic dysfunction, manifesting with increased sweating, tachycardia, arrhythmia, postural hypotension, etc. Another first symptom is the tongue... go in and take a look. ”

Now, two Operations guards opened the ward door and went in and told the patient to follow the rules honestly before walking in.

When the patient saw a group of their doctors come in, he was excited and almost said something.

Gu Jun picked up his head and could see the panic in the eyes of the patient and the desire for survival.

The other side is only a few years older than him and should not face death at this age of 25 or 6.

“Ah." The patient only dared to make such a low voice. The rule here is that the patient is not free to speak, only the doctor can answer what is asked, and if there is a slight defect, the shock gun is immediately used to stop it.

“Hello, please open your mouth.” Gu Jun listened to Professor Qin. He took a small flashlight and seriously went up to examine the patient's tongue.

The patient cooperated perfectly and sat up by the bed with his head raised and his mouth widened.

Gu Jun hasn't taken care of it with a flashlight, his mind suddenly sinks, like he was dragged by the pathological scene in front of him.

The patient's tongue is already obviously shrinking. It is nearly half smaller than normal. It is curled into a small group. Don't twist the strange shape. Moreover, the tongue has a strange dark color and has a strong odor. It is like the tongue of a corpse...

The corpse appears to have a contraction of the tongue, which is almost identical to the tongue in front of it.

“That's enough.” Gu Jun sighed and nodded to the patient.

“Ah, ah...” The patient sounded anxiously vague and seemed to be crying for help.

But after reading his tongue, the walker went out, leaving the patient standing beside the bed blindly.

“Atrophy of the tongue is the first symptom of the initial patient.” In the corridor, Professor Qin told Gu Jun, "and the patient will feel dry tongue, but drinking water will not alleviate this symptom, which may be nerve damage. At this stage, however, the patient's mental will is fine, just getting a little restless. ”

“According to this patient, he was infected after reading a friend's WeChat message.” Tang Zhifeng next to him sighed, “his friend is here too, it's the middle of the year. ”

Gu Jun can only be silent. How dare you think you can definitely save them? He didn't trigger the feeling of enlightenment...

He looked at the patient in the ward again from a one-way glass window, and he was sitting there in a trance, wondering what he was thinking.

He calmly looked again at the patient information card hanging at the door:

[Name: Chen Wenwei

Age: 25

Condition: Early stage]