Plague Doctor

Chapter 168: You Are An Answer [Request for Month Ticket Subscription]

The scent of death is pervasive, and Ross is no longer visible at the top of the ice-cold mountain at night.

There was chaos in the command center, and the people left behind at the foot of the hill were in a panic. Ross players yelled excitedly at something, but more confusion in their minds… The satellite caught no one forcing Mustislaw to jump on them and they jumped themselves.

The moment I stood there, the moment after that I became a pile of rotten flesh on the ice.

The shock and hustle elsewhere did not break the silence on the top of the mountain, and those seemingly illusory Inuit looked at Gu Jun.

Wu Shiyu and Xue Ba have all noticed that these people seem to be waiting for Gu Jun to arrive. Since they climbed this deserted island, they must bring Gu Jun here.

Or was the longitude and longitude coordinates supposed to bring Gu Jun here?

“You're angry.” At this time, the middle-aged man like the Inuit chief said, his swollen long face had no expression, and his narrow eyes were chaotic, as if to say to Gu Jun: “You are also nervous. Son, you don't have to do this. ”

“What do I need you to say...” Gu Jun said, "How do I destroy this illusion when my mind turns to electricity?

The last time he destroyed the illusion of Chen Fade, the ogre, he used the Lalaire spell. But now... the spell has become inappropriate, and these Inuits are Lalaire worshippers, and behind this illusion is the mysterious Order.

And this is the place where the festival of worship of Lalaire takes place.

What happens if he reads that spell? Is that why they brought him here?

“Son, we watched you grow up.” The Inuit man said, "You've matured in the last six months. ”

Yu Xiaoyong glanced at Gu Jun. When they saw him settling, they also settled first, unable to enter or retreat...

“Just like a young bird's wings grow, he leaves his lair, leaves his former feeding and custody, and flies in the sky. ”

The middle-aged man continued, suddenly the birds in the pitch-black sky screamed, and the strange screams of sand sting everyone's eardrums.

“You did a lot of things we never thought you'd do, you weren't knocked down by the forces in your body, you had your own self. ”

While men were saying that, other Inuit people were smiling, like happy, happy, congratulatory.

Behind these people, a number of shadows of human shadows appeared, clumped and blurred together, as if they were black robes. Sheba and the others are acutely reminded that this is very similar to the church members in the mist described by Grandpa Tong...

This group of Inuit people, and the Lalaire congregation, do indeed seem to belong to the same pagan religion.

“The next life will not be deep enough for you, and we misunderstood your existence until recently. ”

“We have misunderstood the revelations given to us by the Great Being.” The man said, "There is no annoyance on the long face but calm," which is our ignorance. ”

Gu Jun concentrated his eyes, bit his teeth tight, and looked at these Inuit people who were colder than ice and snow, these shadows...

Indeed, the Lalaire Order and the next life will be different organizations, cooperative relationships.

But as this guy says, it's not all in their hands, “misunderstanding”? Did they think that the Son of Bad Luck would devour him and then consume him in the next life, or that the Son of Bad Luck would devour the next life?

But none of it turned out to be, and he wasn't dead, and he didn't lose himself.

“Son, you've come to this world.” The Inuit man also said, "is an answer. ”

“I came here with only one goal.” Gu Jun coldly said, "that is to kill you and the nightmare disease. ”

Someone in those shadows shook his head gently, and Inuit men didn't think, “It's not a disease, it's not a disease, it's a glimpse of the real world. The patients you speak of, they are fortunate; they yearn for extraordinary things from the bustling of the ordinary, and through dreams they are told great secrets. ”

“Lucky?” Gu Jun's heart was angry and flashed past the appearance of many patients' delirium. Professor Qin, Django and their faces...

The man went on to say, "We, the weak minds of humankind, can only reach the voices of those who are great in a dream way. They can't hear anything by themselves, but by bringing their spirits together, they can hear more. ”

“Son, you know, the way you come to the world is exactly what we get from the sound of dreams. ”

Suddenly, some other hallucinations appeared in front of Gu Jun's eyes. Wu Shiyu next to him was confused, and everyone's head ached.

They seemed to see a bunch of children's crazy naive faces and turned into piles of corpses, as if they were in front of them...

It was those super-sensitive kids who were abducted!

In a severe headache, Gu Jun understood that in the nine years between the Guangting City case and his birth, the Church and the newborn association's super-sensitive children's project had not failed.

Super Sense Children listening to dreams… is a step, children gather messy information from dreams, pointless information… until the spirit is exhausted, completely eroded by darkness, caught in delirium, madness, death…

But these wicked followers sort out the meaning and the mystery from which they learned how to train spiritual children, the music and the call to procreation...

He was born in exchange for the lives of those children.

“Ah...” Gu Jun exclaimed, “You guys are really disgraced...”

Now they're having nightmares, not just to bring him here, but to gather more, clearer information.

The latitude and longitude coordinates, perhaps to bring together the spirit of the nightmare patient, from here into the dream world, into another force.

These people had other plans for his presence.

Sensing the strong spiritual fluctuations of her companion, Wu Shiyu tried to call out: “Xianjun, hold on...” But she herself had been caught in the vortex.

“Son, you're angry and obsessed with nothing but delusions.” Middle-aged men are still calm and teachy, "you think they're important, just because you haven't seen enough truth. Son, take a look at yourself again. ”

The man's voice had just fallen, and the whole hilltop was spinning, and all the Inuits were chanting something, and strange sounds quickly became fanatical.

“Ah!" Yu Xiaoyong, Zhang Xiaoqi and other Arctic wolf members screamed painfully. Someone covered their heads and pressed the trigger of the gun in their hand uncontrollably. The banging sound of the gun was both dense and messy, but could not hit anything in front of them. Someone almost rolled down the hill and was lucky enough to be caught by Shelby and Uncle Egg, who still had control of themselves...

Wu Shi, the rain is white, but the blues on his face burst out like it was about to explode...

Everyone's eyes are protruding, filled with amazing blood silk, as is the left eye of Shinning Lu, where a skinless Arctic wolf is one-eyed.

Gu Jun's anger had burned to the extreme, but at this moment, he felt unable to move, as if he was trapped by some kind of pull...

Then a ray of light overshadowed them. It was the sudden appearance of the Northern Light in the sky. The colour was as dark green as creepy blue, haunting them and binding them. Evil followers chanted louder and louder, and in the middle of those two rows of Arctic wolf bodies, a giant stone carved shallow embossing rose from the snow and the birds began to scream.

The embossed body was engraved with myriad indescribable limbs, wrapped around each other, and twisted together, weird, frenzied.

In addition to these horrible patterns, there are some mysterious texts that are ancient and unrecognizable.

“Ph 'ngluimglw 'nafhCthulhuR 'lyehwgah 'naglfhtagn!!! ”

Inuit was screaming and screaming, Gu Jun's head ached and his heart ached, as if something was pouring... as if he was whistling too...

Suddenly, he understood the phrase, and they all liked Wu Shiyu, Xue Ba, Uncle Egg and Yu Xiaoyong, who were also in great pain.

In the eternal residence of Lalaire, the sleeping Khuru awaits your dream.

All of them, seem to be entering a fantasy dream...