Plague Doctor

Chapter 192 Possibility of Self Rescue

In the dark barrel, Gu Jun saw these task rewards, really wanted to make a long whistle, but kept himself calm.

He looked at the host information column first, but found his body metrics data, all changed to "?”, abnormally paralyzed?

He looked at the four rewards one by one, "1 Callup Scalpel," which obviously couldn't be picked up right now, otherwise he might have just stuck himself in a barrel. And the three anatomical devices are now unaccounted for, possibly on him, in Zoukona, in the black businessman.

“It's a scalpel, not an anatomical knife.” Gu Junxin thinks, "this triggers treatment-related illusions, right? ”

But now, with an illusion, the spirit of his recovery may be completely extinguished.

“10 Pages of Residual Spells," he looked carefully at what was suspended at sea, and the 10 pages of paper, combined with the previous page of the spell, seemed to be a different number of pages in the same spell. He pulled a page closer and looked at it, and saw that it was also full of notes, which were Langton's handwriting.

“The last time an Abyss mission was completed, the reward page was one page, this time directly ten pages. ”

It also shows how hard that nightmare house is to deal with, and destroying it is a great feat.

It is very spiritual to read the spell, so Gu Jun doesn't have a closer look at it at the moment, just a rough look at what it is.

These ten pages tell more about the basics of spells, with a focus on, "rituals."

There are two main types of spells: spells and rituals.

Rituals tend to have a stronger effect than simply chanting spells, and some things can only be achieved through rituals.

Ceremonies have detailed requirements. Different ceremonies have different requirements:

Weather, season, climate, location, number of people, procedure steps, appliances, spells, sacrifices...

“The ritual also requires sacrifice, and usually more...” Gu Jun looked at it with a deep breath and remembered the graveyard of the limb, the Inuit on the top of the iceberg, the sacrifice of the next life to the banyan tree, and the devouring of the altar carefully designed by the next life...

Those are rituals, all inseparable from fanaticism and darkness.

But the ten-page spell says that there are dark rituals, there are light rituals.

Gu Jun looked at the notes without realizing it. He also looked at Langton's notes. He had a mental pain before stopping him.

These ten-page spells are very helpful to him in understanding spells and rituals. If he could bring that knowledge back, it would also help NASA. But for his current predicament, it seems of little use.

At this time, Gu Jun noticed the caretaker's diary. After he devoured the nightmare house, he did not know what the caretaker's youth's dream had become. Now the tip is "saved”? He thought about it for a while before opening his diary.

On the last pages of the diary, new text was added stating that Dr. Carlop had cured the inhabitants of the town and the plague as a whole, and that the town of Worsan had returned to the calm of the past.

Suddenly, a new prompt box pops up:

[Your spirit was purified, erosion -0.1%, now 48.9%]

“Huh?” Gu Jun did have the feeling that the spirit was moisturizing, which was surprising, although only -0.1%.

The extent of this regression is somewhat indicative of how seriously he is being eroded.

But being able to fade away is great news, and you have hope for recovery!

Gu Junton was a little excited. Although he still had a barrel wall in front of him, the bright light seemed to stab him.

Turning off the diary, he continued to observe "3 Old Photos”. He didn't pull closer to take a closer look. It seemed like a landscape photo, but it was old and bright.

He tapped on the far left to take a closer look, and the spirit did moisturize again... This color photograph looks very ordinary mountain water, he can neither recognize nor disagree with where the green water in the photograph is, no date of shooting and development, nor know who took it.

[Your spirit has been purified, erosion -0.01%, now 48.89%]

“-0.01%?” Gu Jun's mood was complicated. He continued to look at the other two photos, which were also landscape photographs of the mountains, and each -0.01% erosion.

After the three photos, the erosion became 48.87%, very slow, but he felt a little different… as if his mental strength was a little different.

The retreat of this erosive force is also a form of digestion?

“If so...” He thought, "If I digested all this erosion, my mental strength would be great, wouldn't it? But what am I going to be? ”

This question is now unanswered, Gu Jun first opened the task list to see how to save himself.

If he's still going to save lives, or dissect something, he's going to have to rest.

[Normal Task: Complete 3,000 rolls of your eyes in a day, Task Reward: 1 old photo

Difficult task: Roll your eyeballs 15,000 times in three days, Task reward: 5 old photos

Abyss Assignment: 10% abyssal erosion within one week, Task Reward: Unknown]

Gu Jun understands that the system task content will adjust with his condition. Scrolling the eyeball is the only thing he can do right now. “Old photos" should be, as just now, a kind of spiritual food that purifies erosion.

Ordinary tasks are fine; difficult tasks do not require three days and can be accomplished within a day of teeth biting.

If the system task is refreshed every day and a difficult task is completed every day...

“If each photo is -0.01%, -0.05% a day.” Gu Jun calculates, "With about 8% of the erosion left, the body will probably recover to what it used to be. It would then take 20 days to lose 1 per cent and 800 days to lose 40 per cent. ”

800 days, if you can survive safely and rely on this method to save yourself, it will take more than two years.

“Too long.” Gu Jun muttered, it was like a bowl of cold water thrown at his head. The black businessmen could not have confessed him for two years in vain.

And two years in the dream world, how long is the Earth world?

He was not aware of the exchange ratio between the two, which seemed to be different on desert islands and in nightmare houses, most likely depending on the different regions of the dream world. So he's been out for two years, maybe two, a few years, even longer.

Perhaps time is pointless for the power of the system, and two years is a brief moment; but not for him.

Gu Jun's divinity looked at the abyss task. This is a paradox. He couldn't resist because of his high degree of erosion. How can he fade 10% in a week?

However, based on past experience, abyss tasks have the opportunity to be accomplished...

“Dreams 5.” Gu Jun finally looked at the reward. The reward he saw for the first time, isn't the opportunity in there?

Is it the same thing that reminds him that Captain Barcelona of the White Boat is going to take away 100 dreams of him and Wu Shiyu?

This special reward is only given to 5, indicating that this “Dream” is very valuable. At this point, the old captain is going to smoke a hundred... and it's really harsh. What would have happened if it had not been for the complex forces in his body was truly unpredictable.

“What good is this‘ dream 'anyway? ”

He saw only one bubble floating in the ocean, five glowing bubbles, like glittering scenery, five dreams.

He thought of what old Captain Barcelona had explained: "Nightmares are powerful, dreams are powerful. But everyone's dreams are limited, and losing them means losing the ability to dream. Those who have been deprived of their dreams will also be summoned by their dreams. ”

“Do these five dreams originate from someone else? Five dreams of the same person, or one dream of each of the five? ”

“Are dreams consumed in one go or can they be used more than once? ”

“Can you just get rid of my erosion? Or can you do some sort of summoning with it? ”

Gu Jun looked at the five bubbles, and many problems came through his mind. He felt that these dreams did not directly resolve the erosion, but would bring opportunities. If that's the case, you have to find out for yourself, but there are only five dreams, and he can't afford to mess around.

“Either digest this erosion or be devoured by it. ”

There is always no answer without trying. He pondered for a moment and decided to give it a try and stop as soon as something went wrong. He aroused his spirit and tried to tap the dream bubble on the far left. There was a ripple of circles on it, and the bubble grew bigger, and it seemed to pull him in...

“Hmm." Gu Jun didn't feel uncomfortable with the spirit, so he entered the dream.