Plague Doctor

Chapter 249: Don't panic [Request a Moon Ticket, Request a Subscription]

“Due to the recent outbreak of new Legionnaire pneumonia in our city, a city-wide martial law will begin at 19: 00 p.m. on August 3. Please return home as soon as possible, do not panic and wait patiently for evacuation arrangements...”

On the television screen, the male host's face is very serious, his voice is solemn and generous, and he is filled with confidence to overcome the difficulties.

Yamagai City, no matter which TV channel is turned on, the signal is this breaking news story.

The network is already regulated, but mobile phones across the city are receiving such SMS notifications, and there is a new article every other minute.

The warning starts at 2pm and martial law starts at 7pm, and the time is very rushed, making people both suspicious and frightening.

Some people want to leave the city immediately by car, whether they are travelling from abroad or local towers, but no exception is found, all entrances and exits are controlled and the city is sealed.

Others want to go to the supermarket to grab supplies, but find that supermarkets and large shopping malls are blocked and unable to get in.

In the news, the moderator was very clear.

Legionnaires are airborne, produced in the natural environment and bred in artificial water supply systems such as air-conditioned refrigeration units, hot and cold water systems, etc. These systems expel contaminated aerosols and become infected after inhalation, showing symptoms of fever, sweating, dyspnea, coughing, etc.

Therefore, places like supermarkets and stadiums are the most heavily spread places.

All air conditioning throughout the city should not be switched on immediately. Showers, humidifiers, etc. should also be deactivated. Further, all artificial water supply systems should be deactivated. The city's water shutdown begins at midnight on the 4th. People are asked to store the water, but it is best not to drink it, and it is also necessary to keep the water away from the faucet after 10 hours. Please stick with the evacuation and do not panic.

Preventive personnel will first isolate the city's infected and suspected infected people on a region-by-region basis before evacuating the rest of the population.

“Please be patient at home.” The moderator repeatedly stressed, "Do not panic. ”

The press release, which was apparently repeated in an attempt to make the population aware of the seriousness of the situation without panic, did not even say “outbreak” but “outbreak”.

Medical scholars hear more odd, Legionnaires have not been so contagious in the past, what does “new Legionnaires” mean?

Not everyone understands Legionnaires, but these contingencies are severe and can be felt by everyone.

Lee has graduated from Mingqiu University for six years, nearly thirty years, and is a programmer at an IT company.

As soon as the afternoon city announcement came out, the company was panicked and everyone wanted to leave immediately, but the leader said the guidance document kept them as long as possible waiting for the evacuation, and it was those walking down the street who had to return to their homes as soon as possible.

“You can go first if you have children to look after. Others think for themselves that the traffic outside is chaotic and crowded, and running around is more susceptible to infection. ”

That's the truth, looking out the window on the middle floor of this office building, pedestrians in a hurry, taxis never stop, they're on the verge of traffic paralysis.

Li Mingqiu chose to stay in the company because he was not a native and did not marry or have children, so he shared an apartment with people. It was no good to go back.

Half the colleagues stayed, not only because of their families, but also because they wanted to grab supplies: “He said that he didn't know how long to wait for the evacuation, the disease could contaminate the water, and the mineral water was grabbed up later.” Some people think it's no big deal at all: “It's just a bluff, a routine. ”

The central air conditioning was switched off immediately, and in the hot summer of August, the office was hot and the windows had to be shut as instructed.

“This epidemic could be worse than the SARS...”

“Yeah, the state must know it was hasty, but it did. ”

The office was so hot that more than a dozen people stayed in their seats, and after the initial exciting discussion, it was a mixed story.

At this time, Wei Xiaoru, who was talking to a doctor, put down his phone and said to the nervous people: “My classmate said that Legionnaires have a variety of bacteria. This time it should be a new bacteria, unlike before. Prevent Legionnaires from opening windows to keep them ventilated and do not provide them with the ideal growth environment. ”

“Shall we close the window?” Zhang Dawei was shocked, which was also the confusion of Li Mingqiu and others.

Wei Xiaoru recalled: “Corps fungus is the most important propagating carrier, which is the aerosol according to the news, but generally can only spread to spaces with a radius of 200 meters with the wind and survive in tap water for more than an hour. Now we have to close the windows, we have to stop the water, and my classmate says, there are only three possibilities. ”

“The first is the new Legionnaires, with more diverse vectors, greater transmission and longer life in the water; the second is that the disease control side believes that the city of Mountain Sea is contaminated everywhere… Also, the first two could be true. ”

Everyone looked at each other, and although they didn't know much about medicine, they understood how harsh it was.

With the wind? Running with running water? People always breathe and drink water.

“The whole city is contaminated?” Zhang Dawei's face is full of rage. "What's the matter, you're not fucking reporting it again? Is this how you're going to evacuate? ”

“My classmates said...” Wei Xiaoru is also very confused, "the epidemic may be developing quickly, and even the country is overwhelmed. ”

Everyone was worried and anxious, but they had to wait. It was just seven o'clock in the evening, and an alarm sounded over the city, and the siege began.

They looked out the window of the office, the streets had long been depressed, only disease control vehicles that had appeared since the afternoon, martial law vehicles passing on the street from time to time, and teams of disease control personnel in white protective clothing walked by to catch individual people still wandering outside in transport vehicles.

But the news has long said that there is a greater risk of infection in contact with disease control personnel, so don't deliberately go out and get caught.

And they were taken away, not out of Mountain Sea City, but for testing, isolation and treatment in case of suspected infection.

After the alarm sounded, there was another broadcast over the city: "Please return home as soon as possible...”

The news also said that if suspicious symptoms such as constant coughing are found around people, stay away from the suspected patient immediately and call the helpline. If you experience symptoms, call the hotline immediately to get treatment as soon as possible.

Why evacuate the patient before evacuating the others?

The more Li Mingqiu thought about this issue all afternoon, the more he thought about it, the more he felt that the whole city of Shanhai was contaminated except for the shortage of manpower...

This disease has a latency period, and if you can't see who's carrying the disease, who hasn't, one patient can expand the contamination and infect tens of thousands of others.

So don't evacuate randomly, it takes time for the patients to reveal themselves to determine where the mountain sea city is still clean.

Perhaps only healthy people in clean areas end up getting evacuated...

Everyone was silent. Suddenly, Lin Mingda, a colleague who had not much to say in his office chair, coughed violently: “Cough, cough...”

All of a sudden, they all turned around and saw Lin Mingda's face, not knowing when it had become a little ugly.

Over, Li Mingqiu's heart tightened, his whole body seemed to collapse, and Wei Xiaoru next to him also looked white.

“Ah!” Zhang Dawei backed off a few steps and said in panic: “Call someone, call them...”

“I, I...” Lin Mingda tried to say, but coughed more violently: “I, cough...”