Plague Doctor

Chapter 330 Integration [Request for Month Ticket, Request for Subscription]

“No, I mean, we don't have camps, we don't have teams, we all work together.” Gu Jun pondered over and over again.

He recalled all his experiences, and the squad operations would end up with little good results.

There were other reasons, however, for him to make that decision.

In the meantime, Gu Jun did not explain to Grant Bell, but called everyone in charge of the national teams for a meeting.

He and Sheba represent NASA, Grant Bell, another middle-aged man, Bill Harrison, represent FBM, and Alexander Ploholovka of Ross, Polyna-Grizman of Gaulu, Ram-Fridrison of Germany and others.

As a result of the sacrifice of personnel, the leadership before departure has changed, and now more than a dozen people in charge are here.

“I am sure we are all ready to fight.” Gu Jun looked around at everyone, "There must be something strange over the hill. The battle is inevitable. We may be dealing with evil followers, maybe something else. I hope it's just the wicked followers, but we have to think about it, too. I didn't like to have so many people come before, but since this is already the case, we try to make the most of our strengths. ”

“If a large battalion is to be set up here, it is a risk in itself that the remains will have to be cleared first. ”

Gu Jun must think rationally, "The living are more important now and how to solve the enemy is more important. So let's just ignore the remains, so the camp environment is not good, and it's not possible to leave only the wounded and some doctors, and if we disperse the elite, we will weaken our battles. ”

Everyone listened, while looking at the bodies caught in the swamp, that rotten and weird face made them look a little disturbed...

It's not just corpses, it's like there's some kind of high-frequency radiation emitting, and it's not just normal mental stress.

They are not unfamiliar with this type of anomaly, they understand what is going on, but what is happening today is different from what they have been through and they face too much extraordinary power.

“But isn't there an unknown risk of not resolving those remains?” Ram-Fridrison asks, "The middle-aged face with the eagle hook nose is also thinking," along with all the corpses of other fish and animals burning, will it weaken the dark forces here? ”

Everyone thought about this idea, as did Gu Jun.

He was the kind of guy who faced a haunted house that could burn down a flat blast and never walk in half a step.

But this time, they're already in the haunted house, like on Nightmare Island, Worm House, even if it's not a dream.

“Mr. Friedrisen, there are places that have existed even longer than human civilization. The fact is that we do not have the capacity to destroy these places, and they may not be particularly interested in us, but are an unconscious force. Dark places also have rules for dark places, and our inadvertent behavior can put us in greater danger. Jack Wells didn't destroy the body of the swamp, so let's not destroy it for now. ”

Gu Jun stared at the distant hills, his heart was a little disturbed, "All we have to do is kill those who use this power to do things, and those evil believers are alive, and we human beings are fighting these battles, these places and the more powerful beings may not have cared at all. ”

Everyone was silent about it, but knowing that Gu Jun was right, the reason why darkness could come was that sometimes humans put out the fire themselves.

“That's why I think we can concentrate —— whether it's gunfire or mental, push it all the way through, kill whatever we can, until we can't do it. But to achieve that, we all have to close the gap, unite and reorganize. ”

Gu Jun swept through everyone's thoughtful face and said: “Seriously, including myself, whether or not each of us can go back alive is an unknown number. There's still so much futility to think about. We're here desperately. We'll talk about it when we get back to the fight outside the island. ”

At the end of the day, Gu Jun solemnly said: “We at NASA will show our sincerity first, and we will teach you how to print old spirits. ”

“Oh?” Grant-Bell had an accident.

Ploholovka, Grizman, etc. also felt suddenly that GOA had introduced Member States to what was known as the Old Seal and related scientific and technological products.

These can be major technologies.

“Yes, that's it.” Xue Ba has no objection and has been authorized by the Bureau prior to departure and can do so if necessary.

Because GOA was going to share this technology, not just to ring the GOA Hall of Fame, but in the interest of global security. This world must now seriously consider global security. The Earth is too small, one country falls into darkness, and another will not be alone.

Old and spiritual stamps are such a good choice.

This object is not destructive to ordinary people, nor to astronomers who are not corroded by darkness, but has a purifying effect. Only for dark forces, evil followers bred by dark forces, and distorted objects can it be lethal. Thus, in the future, the old spiritual mark needs to be more popular.

But other old Indian technology products, the Seven Secrets of the Earth, are still in your own hands for the time being, and international affairs are always complicated.

As a result, NASA has been prepared to provide ample evidence of the contribution of GOA, even if they share the old stamp of spirit on their side.

“As a condition, we are in charge here.” Gu Jun said.

Everyone is still a little hesitant, half of the reason is to wonder what kind of thoughts the Sky Machinery Bureau is playing, really so kind?

Regardless of what they think, Gu Jun called the peacock to model a spiritual old mark, and the air around him suddenly seemed a little refreshing and soothing.

“I don't understand you guys.” Peacock said coldly, "My hometown is very united, but I don't want my hometown to appear, and I want you to cherish it. ”

She said it without logic. Only Gu Jun and Catherine really understood what she meant. Yeah, and they don't want her hometown to show up either.

“Her hometown was born after the end of the world.” Gu Jun said to the people in doubt, "She is very imaginative. ”

“Yes.” Catherine nodded, “I am. ”

Ploholovka agreed, Grizman, Friedrisen and others consented, and eventually several co-captains of the FBM agreed.

Their joint force, which is truly united and reconfigured under the command of the Director General of UN-SPIDER, is a joint resolution.

The first thing you need to do is let people in good spiritual condition learn to print old prints, as long as they have a meditation base, old prints are easy to learn, and they can be used in the field. Everyone here is an elite, after all, and there's nothing wrong with learning.

And the mental breakdown struck the seventeen people who were calm, purifying empirical evidence with old stamps had no effect. These individuals are to be kept on the medication and kept under the strict supervision of specialized teams.

A new tactical formation of 109 JFOR troops began marching rapidly across the hill with supplies to reach the foot of the hill within three days.

But their large army was only a half-day away, and the reconnaissance team that was driving ahead saw something with a telescope.

“Coming to the right place!” The sound of Lu Xianning came from the radio walkie-talkie, "in front of a group of people, all dressed as Lysen members, suspected of being evil followers. ”

After the reconnaissance team, Gu Jun of the main team immediately appeared, looking with a telescope, only in the wilderness between the sparse grass, there were dozens of people scattered standing there, all wearing the kind of black robe of the newborn club, even their heads covered, all standing motionless, all facing this way.

The cold winds blow, and the dead leaves and the weeds blow, and their black robes blow.