Plague Doctor

Chapter 345 Awakening [Request for Moon Ticket, Request for Subscription]

The whimpering of the patient's awakening was unbelievable and ecstatic for all medical personnel inside and outside the ward.

Wu Shiyu also heard, kissing her lips apart, she looked up at him and even cried out: “Xian Jun? Xian Jun?” The little eyes of each of the ancestors next to him were also staring at them, clapping himself and shouting.

The crowd only saw Gu Jun's thin face with his eyes slightly trembling and his eyes moving under his eyes.

Liu Mingfeng and others had a nervousness. Patients who were unconscious sometimes woke up gradually in stages and sometimes directly.

After all, Gu Jun started CPR after about 6 minutes of coma. He probably had brain hypoxia, and he did have cerebral hemorrhage, and had craniotomy. Only because he remained unconscious after surgery, no one could determine his brain nerve damage...

Can you open your eyes?

They didn't think much of it. Gu Jun's eyelids opened slightly and his revealed eyes wrinkled with the irritation of light.

“Hello!” Wu Shiyu saw his long disobeyed eyes and took a breath of relief, "Ah, you've had enough sleep, it's my turn to sleep well. ”

Everyone was excited, but pressed first, because the situation was not clear, Liu Mingfeng asked: “Shiyu, can we give him a state of consciousness check? ”

“Okay, you guys come on.” Rain nodded when Wu Shi, now lifting up Joe Kogeli and giving way to his position.

Liu Mingfeng, Zhang Zeli and other experts immediately went up and asked: “Dr. Gu, can you hear us?” Gu Jun made a slight, uh, sound that excited the crowd, and Liu Mingfeng asked: “Do you remember your name? Do you remember the last thing? ”

“Gu Jun... I'm at the end of the ceremony...” Gu Jun said slowly, "Did we succeed...”

Do you remember who I am? ”Wu Shiyu looked at the probe so that he could see that if he lost his memory or something, it would be troublesome.

“Shiyu...” Gu Jun saw her, his mouth lifted slightly, revealing a smile. “You survived... OK...”

Wu Shiyu was happy and had to pinch Joe Jilly hard. "Yes! You guys check, I'm going to take a break.” She just moved a chair and sat down.

“Dr. Gu, can you see how many fingers there are?” Liu Mingfeng stretched out the four fingers of his right hand, "what fingers are they? ”

“Four, index fingers, middle finger, nobody finger, and a tail finger...” replied Gu Jun with a low voice.

The more inspection items are completed, the happier the white coats will be.

The patient is sober! Good awareness of myself and the surrounding environment, no blurred memory, no sluggish thinking, and correct answers to any questions.

Nurse Liu was then responsible for performing a physical function assessment on him, stimulating his muscles to see the reaction, move his hands and feet, and bend his fingers to the entire limb... Gu Jun's movements, though weak and slow and some involuntary muscle shaking, were able to complete the movement without paralysis.

Although he also had headaches, chest tightness and other unwanted symptoms to be conditioned and recovered, comparing his condition at the beginning of the rescue, from loss of autonomous heartbeat breathing for two hours to continuous ECMO, a series of surgeries, a series of intensive care… On the 103rd day of this coma, Gu Jun woke up.

It's already a miracle, a medical miracle.

Smiles appeared on the faces of Liu Mingfeng, Nurse Liu and others.

It was very unfortunate that Sheba had not been able to recover, but it was reassuring that they, together with Wu Shiyu and this ancestor, had brought Gu Jun back from the abyss.

At the same time as they did the examination, Gu Junsu woke up. Once the situation was confirmed, a nurse reported it. This consolation spread. Uncle Tong, Yao Shinian and others who received the news boiled for it. Uncle Tong shouted and laughed at the scene: “Hahaha, this kid is fatal, what a fate! ”

On the other side, a tinkle, the elevator door opened, and Uncle Egg, Cai Zixuan, Deng Xie Mai and other people rushed out.

After they had previously left the hospital building, they went to a restaurant at Headquarters for dinner, and the phone came back with a message from Wu Shiyun.

The nursing station is no longer watertight, with many medical personnel coming and more guards along the way. But they had a pass because Gu Jun heard they had just arrived and wanted to meet them. When a pedestrian came outside the ward, he could hear Gu Jun speak softly. He went in and saw that he had woken up.

Wu Shiyu sat on the chair beside the hospital bed, holding the life-saving ancestor in his arms, but it was tightly covered by a jacket and looked just like a group outfit.

“Joon!” Uncle Egg first shouted with joy, Cai Zixuan's orbital moisture and emotion. Deng Ximai has rarely smiled in the past few months.

“Dr. Gu.” Xie Yiman really wanted to laugh, but he still had no expression on his face. “Great, great...”

Peacock people were delighted to not speak, and Shinning laughed and scolded.

Gu Jun was also very pleased to see them. He had previously had a remote connection with Grandpa Tong and others, and already knew about Xue Ba.

Originally out of the protection of his mental state, everyone did not want to tell him the news for the time being. He insisted on it for a long time before learning it.

Now Gu Jun doesn't speak much. After all, he has just woken up. His energy is still poor, and he still needs time to rest and recover. So everyone stayed for about 10 minutes, got together and chatted. Once Xie Mann talked about his situation again, he had to go and let him rest. Even Wu Shiyu and Zukogiri were no exception.

However, Zukogiri was in a bit of a hurry and wanted to earn money out of his jacket. The debts were owed by nightmarers, and others admitted it was a problem.

“You don't have to worry...” Gu Jun smiled at him. “You can't eat anything without salty rain...”

“Well, let's go first.” Wu Shiyu pinched his face. I really don't want to go, but he needs to rest. "I'll see you next year. Happy New Year. ”

“See you next year. Happy New Year.” Gu Jun smiled, she was just leaving, and he called her: “Salt rain, wait... and don't think you can send me away with a word of blessing... I haven't lost my memory, you said to give me a gift, Mid-Autumn Festival, New Year's... I want it all...”

The crowd rejoiced and walked outside the ward, leaving time for them both.

“So memories are really good and bad.” Wu Shiyu mumbled, "Luckily, I've already prepared many gifts. I'll give you one first. ”

She kissed him on the forehead, hugged Joe and followed everyone outside, "Geely, we invite you to eat chicken legs. ”

“Wu Shiyu!” Gu Jun shouted with a strong smile. “This is a wonderful gift, I love it...”

“Well, good or good, it's salty.” Wu Shiyu's voice came from the front hall. Her footsteps accelerated and she jumped away.