Plague Doctor

Chapter 480 University of Miskatonik Library [Request for Month Ticket, Request for Subscription]

This is not the real Arkham, Gu Jun can already be sure of this, this is just the world in a book.

Still in the restaurant, he suddenly recited that prayer to fight chaos, called Nightmare, called Banyan, printed the old...

It all didn't work and didn't respond at all.

In this world, he has no access to other mysterious forces, which are firmly controlled by the power of the text.

His madness, or only Hannah's memory, seems to have really lost his memory, and he doesn't understand any spells.

Now there's another question. Where is Yucchi? Is he here?

Gu Jun thought that since he, Xianyu and the witch were not dead, Yuchi should also survive.

Arkham, though a small town, is not small enough. Hannah drove to the University of Miskatonik on the banks of the Western River, and Gu Jun saw more houses and more residents. Hannah doesn't know exactly how many people have names here, and she counts only seven.

She shouldn't just know so many people, it can't just be classmates, and there's a long list of contacts in the phone directory.

But Gu Jun also saw that most of the contact information was blurred, and the more he looked at it, the more floating it was, and these people didn't appear in the script.

Among the seven named people, one is the big librarian, Dr. George Amitsch, who is 60 years old, versatile, approachable, charming, cultured and stylish, and is a very popular old man of the universities.

In Massachusetts, the Amitic family is one of those called “OldGentry” and has been the upper class of the new continent for centuries.

George Amitych's grandfather, Henry Amitych, also held the position of director of the Midea Library, and his father was a member of the school board.

Thus, when it comes to the large library, there is no other family than the Amitic family, whose contribution to the library is truly incomparable.

Normally, as long as they are in Acam, Dr. Amitić appears in the library every day and is easily visible to students.

The last time Hannah saw this old man was borrowing The King of Yellow Clothes, it seemed that Dr. Amitich had read the book as well.

Gu Jun would not take this personally lightly, not just because George Armitic has a name and a detailed background.

There is also a well-known reason why librarians are not usually idle. This Dr Ametich is definitely not easy.

The campus is covered in an obscure night, and the University of Miskatonik is situated on both banks of the river, separated by a small stone bridge, with buildings in style earlier than the Victorian period, where some of the top of the greywall teaching buildings stand, like ancient castles.

This university is almost as old as Arkham.

The car is on the campus-wide road. There are not many passengers. Even if there are, it looks like a walking corpse. It makes Gu Jun feel even colder.

Since coming out of the restaurant, there has been no scenario correction, and it seems that in the script, they just come here.

Through the woods, the car stopped in a roadside parking spot not far from the library, and the old kerosene lamp shaped streetlights emitted a bleak light, unnamed night fog that soaked some of the glamour of the old days, as well as weirdness.

The library in front of Gu Jun is naturally no bigger than the library in Nakert City, but it is unique.

The three-storey church-like building is spacious, with a steep dome connected to the night clouds. The lights are on in the library, it is now just over 9 p.m., a large number of students are studying inside, and the library is open all night from Monday to Friday.

The library is a quiet place, quiet is the order of the place.

However, at this time, it was very quiet, and Gu Jun could hear the river flow further over there.

There is also a distant dog barking from which direction it is not known, and the barking is harsh.

“Can you hear the dog barking?” Gu Jun also walked out of the car, Hannah, not sure if it was her own fantasy.

“Of course.” Hannah nodded, not much. “There are dogs everywhere, school bred, stray dogs, everywhere. ”

Gu Jun's eyes swept around again, as well as medical and archaeological dogs.

“Looks like we're in the right place.” Hannah walked to the library door, and Gu Jun followed her, walking a long stone staircase.

Before going in, the two men showed the guards at the door who were students and graduates, and the guards let them pass without saying anything.

Entering the lobby on the first floor, Gu Jun saw a large classical table placed in front of him. The students sat at the table, reading books, tapping the laptop lightly, writing notes... are all hard-working or hanging up science supplements.

And the shelves around the walls, which are as tall as the roof, are filled with books, including a lot of knowledge.

However, when Gu Jun walked past those big tables, he glanced at the books and notes on the table that were being read by students.

Students can see God in their own eyes, but the pages are all blank, one page after another, all just blank background props...

Gu Junton was agitated, even props should write some words, so that it could appear authentic...

When he thought about it, the things he saw changed. There were a few words floating around, twisting like bugs. He tried to see better, but found that it was all messy and unreadable clusters, like just throwing some ink to fill the scene.

“Beyond what you can touch, you can see whatever you want.” said Hannah walking by.

Is Dr. Armitage in the library now? Although the Doctor comes here every day, he doesn't live here.

Anyway, Hannah walked past the lobby on the ground floor with Gu Jun and went straight to the second floor, which had fewer desks and more bookshelves. The library's collections are hierarchical, with the most precious and least accessible collections on the third floor of the guard, while the Yellow King was previously on the second floor.

Gu Jun walked all the way and watched his surroundings.

He never trusted Hannah completely, nor was he going to let her do anything about it.

After coming out of the restaurant, he had not tried to challenge the script. Gu Junxin moved his head and suddenly burst against one side of the wall against the long bookshelf. His hands pulled off the books on the shelf like crazy. Bang, bang, bang. The books were all over the floor, some spread out, and the contents were also blank.

At the same time, Gu Jun heard dogs barking closer, more ferocious and clearer...