Plague Doctor

Chapter 490 Mental Pillar [Request for Month Ticket, Request for Subscription]

"Technical Secrets of the Mental Pillar"

Gu Jun brings this scroll in his mind to life. The scroll of the light gold skin is made of some kind of material, like a fabric. Later, analysts did not dare to carry out too many tests on it, afraid of irreversible damage.

When the reel is opened, it is one meter long and 35 cm wide, and it is filled with ancient Chinese characters and some mysterious patterns.

One of the six stars is particularly pronounced, and the tough lines form six blank star angles, with the center full of fine symbols.

Unlike the ritual mark of looking at those dark forces in the past, it is also different from the old printing technology. When Gu Junzhen looked at this six-mang star, he felt light and warm, as if he were being sprinkled by the aftermath of the sunset. This six-mounted star is the foundation of the mental pillar.

Gu Jun learned from the scroll that this is a psychic technique created by Sunset City combined with a variety of technologies, most suitable for human beings.

After looking at the scroll, he knew that it had something in common with the astronomer's Wall of Heart technology brought about by Deng Xie Mai, but it was very different.

The Wall of Psychopathy builds a false barrier for itself through self-hypnosis, like an experience, even a personality. When impacted and eroded by the forces of darkness, the walls of mental handicap are pushed out, thus avoiding the damage to real personality. However, this technology has been spreading unfavourably, as it takes a long time to build and false barriers can have an impact on real personality. If it's a drug, it has a lot of side effects.

But the mental pillar is different. It combines the emotions, memories, beliefs, etc. cherished by the individual in a psychological and spiritual way, making it the mental pillar.

There are different kinds of mental pillars, although there are no absolute standards for what is stronger in this matter, which vary from person to person.

Because the thoughts of each person are different, so are the spiritual things that are most precious to them and obsessive.

And that cherished, obsessive, desperate and defensive is the source of strength of the mental pillar.

For example, if one places the greatest importance on one's family, then that affection for one's family can be constructed as a pillar of mind.

For example, Yangzhou stir-fried rice is the last thing a person can put down, and this love can also develop into a mental pillar.

Or perhaps a man's strongest obsession with seeing his country's men's football team kick into the World Cup can also be a pillar.

However, this is undoubtedly a fragile pillar.

Love, love, friendship, ideals, desires, desires, love, beliefs, religious beliefs… can all be chosen as pillars.

But are you sure you love a plate of Yangzhou fried rice more than you love your family? Are you sure you want men's feet to last? Are you certain that these pillars of mind will not waver when they are struck by the forces of darkness, no matter how bewildered, deconstructed, defamed?

Once shaken and cracked, it can easily collapse.

Personal obsession, solidity, vulnerability.

For land travel, looking forward to seeing Wang Shibei Dingzhong Haraji is a firm and unwavering obsession.

For Juliet, love for Romeo is her steadfast obsession; for Romeo, Juliet is his steadfast obsession.

For Wu Shiyu, all-day food, comfortable sofa, TV are all very high ranking obsessions.

Constructing obsession as a mental pillar can better resist dark forces, but the collapse of the mental pillar can also cause greater mental damage.

However, not everyone can only build one mental pillar, depending on the strength and weakness of the mental force, but can build 1-6 mental pillars.

On this scroll, it is remembered that the detection of the induced six-mangle star can identify the number of pillars a person can currently build.

With the mental qualities of Sky Machinery Spells Department personnel, it is estimated that on average, three pillars can be built.

Gu Jun tried to test himself. All six corners of the six-mangxing star were bright, six.

Each of these pillars is of a different type, forming a stronger complement, just as a few more columns in a house are less likely to collapse. Three pillars, one in emotion, one in ideal, the other in desire.

These are the pillars of humanity, and it is with them that the people of the Randolph Carter Foundation can preserve the human mind.

In the face of dark forces, the pillars have fallen. As long as there is still one pillar left in your heart, you can be saved and not lost in madness forever.

Once restored, the falling pillars can be repaired or reconstructed.

And this is just for the individual.

Another strength of the Pillar of Mind technology is that it connects people's minds, and the simplest way is to build a mobile contingent with one pillar in which they participate, so that the Pillar Testing technique roughly distinguishes whether or not the team members are in concert. When the pillars stand up, and when they need a team to work together, not only will their connections become easier, but they will also explode more power.

If the GOA concentrator team had used the technology by the time the showdown was over, they might have succeeded.

There is also a more complex and solid way of supporting each other between people. Gu Jun and Wu Shiyu can be in love. Gu Jun and Cai Zixuan can be in friendship. Through such a connection, the team is like a six-mang star. The spiritual connection works better than the team pillar.

In addition, better care can be taken, as well as to reduce instances of teammate mutiny, mental breakdown, etc.

Such a connection naturally requires deep friendship among the team members.

When Grandpa Tong and Yao Shinian understood this technology, they were immediately pleased to realize its great value.

It not only gives front-line personnel and all those fighting the forces of darkness a greater defence, but also provides a breakthrough in the current stalemate between the astronomical world and the mysterious world in matters of alliance cooperation.

If one of Gu Jun's pillars is Yu Chi and one of Yu Chi's pillars is Gu Jun, then this is more credible than a blank promise on paper or mouth.

Because when each other is for a pillar, the other can feel it until one of the pillars collapses, and this change can be detected.

So this could push the two hesitant worlds forward, for example, by creating a cooperative body.

Or a new, special, mobile contingent that brings together the elite clouds of both sides as the most powerful troops in both worlds.

It is also a first step towards cooperation between the two sides. Everything starts hard, and with the first step, a lot of things go easy.

Now the two worlds are actually sitting on the same boat, and no one can please the boat.

This was also the breakthrough approach that Gu Jun had in mind. After this high-level meeting, a plan was presented to higher levels and action was initiated.

But these are all built on the basis that the mental pillar is actually viable and effective, and can be built quickly.

Though Grandpa Tong wanted someone else to be the first white mouse to build the pillar, Gu Jun petitioned to be the pioneer of the road.

The main reason is that he has a secret scroll projection in his mind. He is the one who has really come into contact with Foundation personnel. He is also the one who has the system created by the power of Sunset City in his body. Is there any weirdness, traps, etc., which can only be best understood if he has tried it himself.

In a situation where a person has multiple mental pillars, the time at which different pillars are constructed is not necessarily linked to their solidity.

However, for a person, the sooner the pillars are usually established, the more important the obsession is chosen.

This pillar, known as the "first pillar," is usually the least likely to collapse and always serves as a lifeguard: the only person left with the first pillar that crashes is pulled back from the edge of madness by teammates. That is why this pillar is so important.

Statistics show that the highest type of pillar I is relative, which can be a specific relative.

Or it can be not the specific who, but the affection, the parents, the partner, the child.

But Gu Jun can't take his parents as a pillar. Without children, “sister" is a vicious and vicious witch.

Kindness is not for him for the time being, but there is also a girlfriend, who has intimacy, love, desire, everything, and is best connected to her spirit.

Therefore, Wu Shi Yu Dang Ren refused to let go, “I will give you my back to make sure that you become irreversible. ”

“Then your first pillar would be me.” Gu Jun told her, "The sofa can only be the second pillar at most. ”

Wu Shiyu's test results also show that as many as six pillars can be built.

“With so many struts, you don't have to bother yourself, it doesn't matter without the couch.” She agreed.

This technology will excite Gu Jun and the executives. One of the main reasons is that the scroll says that the initial construction is fast, because it is not a false barrier, but the exact real emotion of the individual, it is the treasure that he already has, and building the pillar is equivalent to opening up the treasure.

At this point, in the evening, west of the sunset, in a quiet room at the Asahi Sky Machinery Base, there were surveillance cameras in the corner.

In the quiet room, only Gu Jun was alone. He lay flat on a soft and warm bed, letting himself relax every muscle and bone, closing his eyes and following the secret on the scroll, he built a light golden six-mounted star foundation with a little mental force in his mind.

There's no need for dictation or spells, but every line, every angle, every detail, has to come out like an oil painting.

The foundation of the Six-Mountain Star needs to be built only on the first occasion, but it is more difficult than building a pillar, so that the foundation can rise.

Nor did Gu Jun know how long he had spent, maybe an hour, maybe an entire night, he completely forgot the time.

Until all the details were complete, this six-mounted star was bound up with his network of brain neurons, and all the synapses and cells were not repelled, and his spiritual strength blended with a warm sunset force, which slowly spun the six-mounted star.

At this point, he condensed his spirit to one of the star horns.

That's very clear and very real for him.

This star angle will be his first pillar. He will carefully taste and project into the star angle the drip of rain between himself and Wu Shi, those memorable moments, her face and voice, and his feelings for her...

Gradually, a light shadow stood on the corner of this six-mounted star, a giant pillar of magnificent beauty and a little saltiness.