Plague Doctor

Chapter 499 Some Legends [Request a Moon Ticket, Request a Subscription]

Tripartite agreement between humans, ancestors and cats, as decided.

When Ancestor walked out of the main tower of the Temple of Usa, he was held out by several young ancestors, such as Jilly, who may be sinners in the history of the Ancestors, and who may be great ministers in the history of the Nation, but now he just wants to slow down his heart and gasp.

These little creatures, including the evil ancestors, left the temple frustrated and then left the town of Usa to return to the nest of the enchanted forest.

They have to choose a group of ancestors to work with when the Tianxuan team returns.

Some cats also walked out of the main tower, carrying a piece or two of cat mint leaves, not far out, all surrounded by a group of companions to rob the incense leaves.

Meanwhile, in the main tower hall, Gu Jun and others are still trying to get to know the old raccoon cat and the elder of Atar as much as possible.

Is Niyala Totippe the god of the Dreamcats?

“No!” Cats like old raccoons and black cats all showed disgust when they heard the name. The old raccoon cat didn't reveal it in hiding, so this is exactly what the dead enemy of their family, another group of cats in fantasy dreams believed in.

“Niyala Totippe is not specific because it has a different face. ”

The old raccoon said, "Sometimes it appears in fantasy dreams, and many of the beings that can be called gods fear it. All its followers, all its people, all its cats, all have fun destroying, destroying and playing tricks on others, and you can call them chaos forces. ”

These, Gu Jun and Yu Chi all have some understanding.

But there's also a bunch of dark cats in the dream, which is the first time I've heard of them.

“As for the gods that our people believe in, it is no good to tell you.” The old raccoon said, “That's Buster the Cat Goddess. ”

A spiritual, Buster! That's the cat god of ancient Egyptian mythology! It's the goddess of war in Lower Egypt.

The head of the cat, also the guardian saint of the family, represents warmth and joy and symbolizes the fight against disease and evil.

In mythology, Buster and Chaos Viper Apep are also the opposite of the dead, often fighting.

“Team Gu, team Gu...” Yu Qi hastily gave this information to Gu Jun.

Raynes-Nelson, the most ancient Egyptian mythical astronaut on the team, also said what he knew.

Gu Jun listened to his thoughts and there was a speculation that was being confirmed.

Nayalatotip, in fact, has long been documented and worshipped by the Egyptians.

If the name were to be spelled out in English, it would most likely be "Nyarlathotep” speculated by the researchers.

This is because the pronunciation of the name has obvious Egyptian character, and the word "-hotep” in the Egyptian name generally means “satisfied" or “calm", like the four Egyptian pharaohs “Amenhotep” I, II, III, IV, the name is generally translated as Ammonhotep, meaning “satisfied Ammon”.

Amon refers to Amora, the sun god, and is the twin brother and death of the Chaotic Viper Apep.

Amora, Nayala, add one more -hotep.

If Niyala Totippe means "to the satisfaction of Niyala", then who is "Niyala”?

“I am the chaos of voyage, and I am the one who satisfies Nayala. ”

This Niyala Totip also has its service...

At the moment, Gu Jun tries to ask Old Raccoon and Atar about the issue.

“Is there a higher presence above Buster, Nayalatotip?” The old raccoon is not taboo, "the answer is yes, but we don't know, and you shouldn't be involved. But in a legend related to Randolph Carter... Carter had been deceived by Niyalatotip and almost recklessly saw that higher being, but realizing he was actually dreaming, he left the fantasy in a sober way. ”

Speaking of Randolph Carter, the old raccoon can only provide pieces of information.

Because it's been a long time since I've seen an old cat like it, Randolph Carter.

Legend has it that Carter climbed the highest mountain of his fantasy dream, "Cardas," and later reclaimed his Sunset City from a bunch of dust gods.

The so-called "god of the dust world” is not the same as the presence of Nayalatotip, Buster, it is the god that mortals can touch.

By contrast, their power is much weaker than that of the old rulers.

But these are legends, lack of detail, lack of clarity about the causes and consequences, and the end result.

In fact, what gods, what kadas, what they say, they go to the ordinary inhabitants of Usa and they hear the mythological stories of fantasy dreams.

On the one hand, the people of the Tianxuan team heard a little bloody, because this Randolph Carter is too strong, and Carter's presence indicates that the upper limit of a mortal can be very high; but on the other hand, it is precisely because of this that they inevitably have a few grunts in their hearts, is this true, or is it exaggerating...

“Randolph Carter, I remember him.” The silence of the elders of Atal for a long time surprised people and some cats to say.

The old face of Atar's wrinkle of age had a slight look of memory, “At that time, he intoxicated me with Joe's moon wine, making me say a lot of things I shouldn't have said. It was a very special man, and he had extraordinary power over him. ”

Turns out Carter didn't show up long ago, thousands of years ago, and this old guy, Atal, who lived hundreds of years ago, hosted Carter here.

Knowing this situation, Gu Junxin was very vibrant, and with Atar's remarks, the authenticity of that person, Carter, was greatly improved at short notice.

And the Sunset City, the Foundation, their world can take a higher level of trust.

And Sunset City seems to be in a fantasy dream?

“Heart to light, never despair!” Yu Chi is much more excited than Gu Jun, always like this, and he understands the significance of Atar's statement.

Their world needed that kind of help so badly that they could really trust it, not have to worry about it, not even end up falling for it.

This news is another great reward for their trip.

But no matter what they say next, Atar shut up and, in order to avoid repeating himself, the old man didn't eat or drink, he just sat still.

The elders only said that they knew Carter better than the Cats, and what happened to Carter was unclear.

“Niyala Totippe is a big problem.” It's the old raccoon, "he said,“ but it's a broad interest, and time is different for this kind of existence, and if you don't call it, it can look for you in a year, maybe 10,000 years, maybe a million years. ”

The old raccoon's beard tightened, "Listen to you, you called Saab Nicholas against chaos, and it eventually broke into pieces and scattered. ”

“Saab Nicholas, it has super vitality, super fertility, but such power can cause distortion. It's like a moth can't carry a dog's life force, and a man can't carry much more than a man can. ”

“Because of your help today, we, the Cats, will give you a good warning. Be prepared. A great change in humanity is coming. ”

The old raccoon's voice was so heavy that the other cats seemed a little more serious.

Gu Jun's eyebrows were slightly wrinkled. In fact, the two worlds had such psychological preparedness long before the old cat gave good advice.

“That should be different from the disasters you have faced in recent years…” said the old raccoon cat, "the disease, the plague is to destroy life, Saab Nicholas does not destroy life, it breeds life, evolutionary life, it is just the heavy pressure that it brings, and it will be a disaster. ”

Having said that, the old raccoon stopped saying as much as Atal did, one had limited knowledge, and the other said too much to the detriment of the cats.

A blurry cloud of the future has wandered in the hearts of Gu Jun, Yu Chi, Feng Peiqian and others.

Human civilization has just passed a crisis of extinction, but human civilization still floats in the dark oceans.

Wu Shiyu, for the time being, did not think about it so much. Her task was to connect with the cats and establish a friendly relationship. This job is suitable for her.

Just lay down together, sunbathe together, and smoke cat mint together?