Plague Doctor

Chapter 560: Strange Dreams [Request a Moon Ticket, Request a Subscription]

Wu Shiyu just rested next to the rest chair, and the protective clothes were still on him, but he had a strange dream.

Because she was more peaceful, she rarely had any dreams that would make her feel strange, but this time differently, she dreamed that Xian Jun was having a baby.

Moreover, he said some strange and terrible things painfully, “To die, don't come in, die...”

When Wu Shiyu woke up, he looked at the busy people around him, and the black mist that covered the alley in the distance remained unchanged.

It's just that the dream just made her unconscious. Feels weird, the dream?

After she moved on to this idea, the more she thought about it, the more she couldn't let go of it. She remembered the intermittent mental message Xian Jun had heard when she was at the medical school base. Could this also be a mental message, but it was expressed in a dream way...

Wu Shiyu thought of this, the original straight waistplate immediately shrunk back, relaxed next to the back of the chair, wanted to go back to the dream just now to hear more information, maybe see whether Xian Jun's baby was male or female.

However, he fell asleep, but no longer dreamed of Xian Jun's connection. He only dreamed that he was in the sun and that the sun was warm and bright.

She woke up again, and von Peiqian woke her up: "It's raining, it's raining, the first squad is ready to go. ”

“Oh." Wu Shiyu opened his eyes and wrinkled his eyebrows rather confusedly, biting his lips again, feeling a little uneasy.

All the detection methods have been used for that dark fog area, whether it's a drone or a mouse, all missing, what's going on in there, whether it's a two-way mutation area or just covered in fog, which is unknown.

It is precisely for this reason that the Command Center did not dare to attempt to bomb that dark fog area, which could harm Gu Jun and others.

Almost five hours have passed since the mutation, and if those trapped are in desperate need of rescue, it is better for them outside to move quickly.

Since this is an entirely unknown adventure, only three men and three ancestors are in the "first unit" of the command centre.

Huang Shaotian, Li Yurui and Sun Yu, all three members of the Dongzhou Sky Machinery Bureau's mobile contingent.

Squad One is a death squad, the three of whom will try to get into the fog one by one and stop the operation as soon as something happens across the line.

At the outset, sending them to take risks is a less humane and rational consideration made by the command center. The Tianxuan team, GOA concentrator team are more difficult to cultivate and are not suitable for tasks that may be sacrificed as soon as they are in contact.

The three warriors of the Death Squad are all voluntary adventurers. There's always someone to risk, and there's another reason.

They are the fathers of different babies, and the disease also occurs inside the sky machine station, and their wives have just given birth to different babies, all negative choices.

The three of them share the same desire, and this catastrophe should be resolved quickly so that their wives, their children, can live a normal and healthy life.

Wu Shiyu admired these warriors, but... now she's watching them over there pretending to be ready, wearing the highest level of airtight protective clothing, wearing automatic rifles, and some supplies, shaking alongside the three Cersers very unhappy pain ancestors...

Her anxiety grew worse and worse, and something was wrong, as if to see the team fail.

I don't know if it was because each of the three ancestors was clamoring and moaning at each other, causing oppression on her nerves.

After the previous mission had fallen, the Command Center consulted with Jilly, and the Ancestral Ministries of Dongzhou agreed to send three ancestors to follow the death squad.

As for the three, it was up to the drawing of lots, and the three ancestors who were now crying were lucky enough to get their signatures drawn.

“My ancestors, you are good, come on, this battle will be won!” Now, Jilly is standing in front of them, her claws are generous and cheerful compared to the sign language, but at the same time, her feet slap the ground, speaking Ancestral languages that no one understands except Wu Shiyu: “Once you go in, as soon as something goes wrong, the seedlings slip away...”

Are you upset because you're running away at any time, Joe? Wu Shiyu thought about it. Unlike that weird dream just now.

If that is indeed Xian Jun's dream, what does he mean by that? It really tested her wisdom.

Could it be a tune? Wu Shiyu looked up, not “dying”, but "medication time”, medication time? Or “keys”?

Still all three are right, “medication time” means to calm down, calm down, don't cross the border, you have to have a key to get in, or you're going to die.

“That makes sense.” She wondered why Xianjun was giving birth… Saab Nicholas, Black Goat Puppies, Karop Midwifery, Abnormal Amniotic Fluid, Stray Babies… These flashed through her mind and one thought became clearer.

Xian Jun was pregnant, like Tang Monk when he was in his daughter's country.

Saab Nicholas corresponds to his daughter King, Xian Jun corresponds to Tang Monk, he is trapped there, the Black Goat won't let him go...

That dark fog-ridden alley has become a mutated area of the Black Goat's Law of Power, unlike the laws of Nayalatotip.

Wu Shiyu understood that even in the same mutated area, even if there was no nuclear radiation, he could not just walk in. There was something more terrible than nuclear radiation, such as "pregnancy radiation”, and wearing airtight protective clothing was useless. You need keys, you must have keys.

She mentioned it in her heart, her eyes curled, so to speak, is the baby in Xian Jun's belly her flesh?

There is another question... is she Sun Wukong? There's a WU word, so the problem shouldn't be too big.

But Sun Wukong and Tang Monk, that's not the relationship...

Really chaotic, let's just get on with it.

Tang Monk is a VIP guest in his daughter's country. Xian Jun should not be in danger of his life for the time being. At this time, there are more urgent matters.

Meanwhile, the first squad was about to leave, and he hurriedly circled around. He repeatedly asked for permission, but did not approve. He felt that Gu Jun was there, waiting for their rescue. Gu Jun was so important to the secret realm of the sky machine that there could be no delay.

Dengxie Mae looked at the fog in silence, and she had been watching, feeling, thinking for a long time.

There are a lot of weird feelings in her heart. She didn't like this death squad action from the start, she always felt something was missing...

She said that to the Command Center, but couldn't say what was missing.

“Wait a minute!” Suddenly at this moment, a cry sounded.

Everyone looked, but Wu Shiyu screamed. She walked up and raised her hand: “Wait! Xian Jun gave me a dream. I can't just go in there. ”