Plague Doctor

Chapter 609 Dead City [Request for Moon Ticket, Request for Subscription]

Everything you see in front of you is ruins.

Gu Jun looked at the ruined city beneath the terrace and swept around. He could not see half the activity. Those tall adult figures from the Sunset City Foundation who stood on the side streets of the terrace talking to him... all disappeared.

Once vibrant life was replaced by desolate death, Dead City.

His heart, a fissure.

What's going on?

Footsteps of weakness slowly lifted, Gu Jun stepped onto the deck and walked towards the stairs. Previously, he couldn't get down that long stone step, couldn't even take one step, and the closer he got to the step, the more stress he felt, like he was about to wake up.

Unlike this one, he walked through the middle of this huge terrace, dozens of steps away, under no change in mental pressure.

It's just a bit more confusing.

As Gu Jun stood at the edge of the steps, it seemed like a cold breeze had blown through him, or perhaps he was just not cold enough to chestnut himself.

Sunset City destroyed?

But this place... is it Sunset City or not?

The yellow light seems to have been polluted by the dark smell... is that why he actually went somewhere else?

But why are the two so similar that he can see what magnificent and elegant buildings the walls of the fence used to belong to... mirrors? Reflection?

Of course, Gu Jun is reluctant to tend toward the destruction of Sunset City, but reason is pulling him, reason is saying, unlike any luck might exist...

He stood for a while before finally taking his right foot onto the first step down, stepping on his foot, the whole person went down, the nightmare did not wake up.

The second step, the third step, the fourth... nightmare is still there.

He didn't know how he existed here, and if it was a dream, why the vistas were so clear, why the cloudy air that inhaled his lungs was so real, that every pore of him could feel the silence of death here.

Gu Jun walked one step at a time and walked for about an hour before reaching the end of this stone step. The next step is the street.

All the way down, he noticed that the more the stone steps went down here, the more they were broken. The last hundred and dozen steps were full of cracks. On several occasions, he heard the sound of a breakdown deep beneath his feet, and the whole staircase crashed. Soon, as soon as the wind blows, a pile of broken stones will be added to the rubble.

And on the way, he had a new idea.

Time is not linear, the universe is full of dimensions...

Is that what it is? Sunset City exists in the past? Distant past?

Previous connections, help… are the product of past time and space, and now Sunset City is long gone.

Again, the Sunset City will be inseparable from the Black Goat, negatively choosing life, and the Earth's world will be disconnected from the latter two, just as it will be disconnected from the Sunset City... neither light nor darkness can exist alone...

Is that what this is all about?

Gu Jun's head was swollen and too many confused thoughts wrapped around him. He strangled him like a rope. The air became more cloudy, and the air beneath him smelled like rot.

He took the final step, leaving the steps and landing on the streets of a city previously inaccessible, but the delicate pebbles and marble were covered with cracks and dust, and large pieces of broken stone and collapsed stone columns cut off the road and he had to go around.

“Anybody? Is anybody here? ”

Gu Jun looked around and asked. The voice was not loud, perhaps because Ben didn't think there would be any response.

The houses on either side of the street used to be very lively, some residential, some library, some tavern… not so busy, if not so busy. The fountain that used to be sprayed with crystal clear spring water was clogged because it was untreated and only accumulated a pool of dirt; there was another pool of dirt accumulated in the flowering clusters of flowers; there was another pool of dirt accumulated in the beautiful stream...

“Anybody? Is there...”

Gu Jun walked across the broken arch bridge to a wide square. The statues that stood around the square were all piles of debris.

He looks to the left, he looks to the right, he looks to the front, he looks to the back.

It's no different than what you see on the terrace, just clearer.

Everything you see in front of you is ruins.

His full strength was not known whether he had been drawn away by the journey or swallowed up by the loneliness. After a long sigh of sigh, Gu Jun was almost unstable.

He stretched his legs and held his forehead, but all the old injuries on his body were seizures, the broken skull, the scarred face, the left hand tail, the right calf shortly after healing... I don't know if it was pain or numbness, or both, he couldn't breathe.

Sunset City... is it destroyed...

Have organizations like Sunset City, such power, been destroyed...

Heart to light, never despair...

Who destroyed Sunset City? By what organization? What power?

Gu Jun squeezed his slightly trembling fist and punched himself in the heart. If this is a nightmare, wake up!

But the whirlpool grabbed him firmly without letting him leave.

Just as Gu Jun was about to sit down on a large gravel next to him, suddenly, his eyes seemed to see a dark shadow flashing over a pile of statues in front of him. It didn't matter if it was an illusion or not, he started to rush to the past, "Stand up! Who is it?”

However, he ran over and looked empty.

The shadow just now is probably just a reflection of a piece of rubble.

Just that Gu Jun found something else, a split cross symbol, engraved on the ground here.

Split cross symbols... Split cross symbols that have been violated for a long time but have never gone far...

He seems to have seen this one at the University of Arkham Miskatonik Library in the world of King Yellow...

Back then, with the help of three guard dogs, a split cross symbol and a sunset city, he disengaged from the ritual of Dr. Amitić and from the lockdown of Nayalatotip, reaching the terrace of Sunset City for the first time and returning to his home world.

Why is there a split cross on the ground here...

Elsewhere in this square, next to the other statues, there are no symbols engraved.

The more Gu Jun looks at the symbol, the more thoughts flourish. Is it for me?

But how could they leave only one mark on Sunset City when it was destroyed? Besides, those people don't know what happened...

The more he looked, the more he thought the symbol had a strange appeal.

“Maybe different people come here and see different marks? Leave your mark on Sunset City? ”

Gu Jun thought, "Perhaps I could try contacting it? Like opening a letter... is there something buried in it for me? ”