Plague Doctor

Chapter 610: Chaos [Request a Moon Ticket, Request a Subscription]

A split cross symbol, engraved on the square floor in front.

Gu Jun had searched carefully in this square. There was nothing else to discover, or he didn't know how to get out of this nightmare. He finally came back here and stood in front of this symbol, staring at it...

He had a feeling in his heart that it was really for him.

Except those who left their imprints, not knowing whether it was the City of the Sunset or the existence of the City of the Sunset.

He looked around in solitude and chilled into the bones as if there were many shadows spying on him.

After half a mile, Gu Jun lifted into the middle of this symbol, and the four divided lines pointed at him. He looked at it, and the spirit gradually began to rise and turbulence. He saw that the four divided lines spinning, like the sky and earth spinning, and everything in this ruin was twisting.

His whole life was like being torn apart, and every cell was drifting.

All of a sudden, countless landscapes shocked and it was unclear what time it happened.

The sky was burned red, a cluster of chaotic fireballs fell from the sky, there was another cluster, another cluster… those fireballs, like missiles of another kind of technology, landed unstoppably, in those houses, in the streets, in the palaces, the bursting sound of explosions punctured the eardrum.

He saw the palace collapse, the statues in the square were blown to pieces, and the elegant houses collapsed one by one.

A crying cry of sorrow rang between the cities, and some human figures struggled to resist, but still could not stop more fireballs from falling.

He saw a figure hit by a fireball, instantly turned to ash, and he saw other figures and fought and retreated, walking down that long step and onto that terrace. Strangely, no fireball fell to the terrace, and even if it hit the steps, it did not cause an immediate collapse.

But when he thought about it, there was a flame of bears pouring down from the sky like torrential rain, flooding the entire terrace into the flames.

The fire obscured sight and made the disappearance of those shadows on the terrace a mystery.

I don't know if it all turns to ashes, or if it escapes somewhere else.

There is a pain, devouring Gu Jun...

It seems that he himself is the City of the Sunset, and all the beauty, hope and light is here, but it is bombed, polluted and destroyed.

Sunset City was destroyed...

That power in the sky... Gu Jun looks at the chaotic fireballs that are still falling, that chaotic form... the chaos of walking...

Chaos, chaos, that power in his mind, it was the same chaos at first.

Because of some thoughts, his heart ached so badly that he seemed to be stabbed with a knife, and there seemed to be a bland, silent sound in his ear saying:

[You see, the power to destroy Sunset City is Nayalatotip...

As long as Nayalatotip wishes, as long as Nayalatotip suddenly has such an interest, the fall of Sunset City is only in between its thoughts.

But how are you sure you didn't see what Niyala Totippe wanted you to see?

How can you be sure that what you see is true? Or fake?

How can you be sure that the Sunset City, the Randolph Carter Foundation, that you were exposed to before, is not a disguise for Nayalatotip?

Niyala Totippe, with a thousand faces. How can you be sure that one of these is not Sunset City?

Do you think that the power of light will not be controlled by Nayalatotip?

Light, darkness, are all part of the divine power.

You were able to escape from King Yellow because of the help of Sunset City, but how can you be sure that it wasn't Nayalatotip's arrangement?

Wouldn't it be nice to see you and Yucchi fight back the power of the Black Goat from this world?

That crow, that crow... isn't it helping - can it be said that it's arranging you?

How can you be sure that you are out of Nayalatotip's arrangement?

Can mortals truly escape their destiny?

Careful, Gu Jun, be careful. Didn't I tell you that?

Because Nayalatotip is the chaos of voyage, you will never know when you encounter it, when you talk to it, socialize with it, fight alongside it... but it is against itself... because Nayalatotip is the chaos of voyage...]

The noise of chaos is also like a fireball, constantly shooting down Gu Jun's mind and turning it into a rubble.

He stabbed himself and suddenly woke up. What he saw was not the shattered scene of Sunset City, but the blank walls in the base quiet room...

“I...” Gu Junhuodi stood up and looked around silently. He seemed to finally... wake up from that nightmare.

He hastily looked into his head to turn on the new system.

But it turns out that the interface of the new system is gone… again, there is only one left, a shattered chaos with a faint yellow light.

Gu Jun opened his eyes again and sat back on the chair. The new system also broke...

Trying to get more help, to get groundbreaking technology, that possibility, that path, it seems, is gone.

Moreover, there is also an unknown situation in which there is likely to be residue of the power of Nayalatotip, the power of the Black Goat, in one's own body, mixed there.

“Captain Gu, what's going on? ”

His abnormality prompted people outside the surveillance room to ask, "Xian Jun, is everything all right? Sounds like your heart is hurting... Answer me, beep. ”

“There's a little bit of a situation.” Gu Jun sighed, telling Wu Shiyu in his heart: “Don't speak... the Sunset City has been destroyed. ”

“Hmm.” Wu Shiyu's voice came back in his heart with a little surprise, “Well... what are you going to do? ”

What should we do? Gu Jun looks at the blank wall, it's like a blank mind.

Trying to get rid of it, trying to be a little colorful, but still obscure, stubborn, atheistic.

“I don't know… I really want to know what to do. I'm afraid I don't have a chance to contact Sunset City at this time...

Before the help we got, I'm not sure if that was actually a Niala Totip arrangement... I don't know if the power behind the crossword was ever just Niala Totip, different lines, different worlds, different faces... I'm not even sure if this is a fantasy right now... I'm not sure if I'm talking to you myself or a disguised face of Niala Totip... salt rain, I'm not sure if Sunset City is destroyed or because of the influence of my mental state, I can't reach Sunset City anymore, I can't get there again...

Salt rain, I can't be sure of anything right now, I don't know anything. ”