Plague Doctor

Chapter 615 Rorschach Ink Quiz [Request a Moon Ticket, Request a Subscription]

The Rorschach Ink Test is a well-known personality test method and one of the rare projective personality tests.

By accepting certain mediums, such as irregular lines, blurred images, incomplete sentences or stories, the subject was either trying to tell an imagination, or to complement sentences and stories, releasing his or her mind without restraint and revealing personality traits, which is projection.

The Rorschach ink test consisted of 10 carefully designed ink maps, and the test images appeared in the prescribed order in front of the subject.

1, 4, 5, 6, 7 are black and white pictures with different ink intensity; 2, 3 are black and white with some red details; 8, 9, 10 are the last three are color pictures. All ten images are symmetrical and meaningless, but there are many features that inspire association.

The reliability and validity of Rorschach ink tests are controversial, although almost all psychological tests are controversial.

At this time, Gu Jun sat in the test chair in the middle of this empty judging room and looked at the first ink map appearing on the projection screen not far from him.

“Captain Gu, what does this picture look like?” One of the judges behind the review table asked Minghui, and the other four adjacent judges were recording.

When Gu Jun first arrived here, they had a brief introduction, and their attitude was very peaceful, as if they had no position.

This Rorschach ink test was not Gu Jun's first test today. Regarding his personality, some questionnaire tests have been done before. Gu Jun answered whatever they asked, and he didn't hide it or hide it because he wanted to know the answer himself.

In fact, this whole process is also being psychologically evaluated, the observation method is good, the interview method is good, these judges are observing his mental state.

If you're not crazy, then don't pretend you're crazy. If you're crazy, get treated while you can.

Gu Jun is in such a state of mind. Although his heart is upset and flipping, he has been cooperating well since the beginning.

The black and white ink map in front of him at this time surprised him a little, but then it became clear that this ink map was the first image of his familiar Rorschach ink test, not a redesigned set of pictures for him, and not even routinely used during the NASA internal review.

This does not mean that they do not take the test seriously; on the contrary, they have to start the test from the very ground up, leave nothing behind, and test more if they can.

“Bats.” This ink map does remind him of a bat for the first time, "said Gu Jun.

Bats, butterflies, moths, are the first three popular reactions of Rorschach ink subjects to this graph.

Gu Jun was not the first to take the Rorschach ink test. He had already studied it in depth. He was very familiar with the test mechanism. He even knew what rating he would get for answering this question. How to answer this question would make him look like a healthy and normal person.

The speed of the test reaction can show a lot, too fast may have anxiety, mania, etc., too slow may have depression, depression problems.

Normal people usually give 17—27 answers to all 10 pictures. The total number of answers is high, but poor quality is mania. The total number of answers is low, but high quality is depression. The total number of answers is high and high quality is mostly introverted. The total number is low. Poor quality may have brain problems, or low intelligence. … Animals are less sensitive, too many animals are stereotypical, animals are in a happy mood at 20-35%, accounting for 50-75%, and depression...

Despite many controversies, the Rorschach ink test has its own scientific logic and a rigorously complex calculation.

Typically, when a subject sees almost everything as a corpse, an anatomical site map, or death, the person's mood doesn't rise anywhere.

“Anything else?” Minghui asked, “Anything else come to mind? ”

The judges were all looking at Gu Jun in detail, and the quiz was not just about what he answered, but also about how he answered, including the time - the time it took for each picture to start the first reaction, the long pause between each reaction, the total time it took to react to each picture; and his expression, incidental actions, and other important behaviors - all revealed to him.

So even if Gu Jun is very familiar with this set, his subtle behavior is still worth the judge's grasp.

In addition, although more than 50% of respondents responded to the first ink map with a bat, it was also a bat, some would say a “flying bat," others would say a "dead bat corpse," which would reflect a different mood.

Looking at the picture, Gu Jun suddenly thought, if Wu Shiyu did this test, she could feel a million reactions.

And now he looks at it so blindly, and feels the details, like there's something floating, hidden...

“Anubis.” He was honest, "one on each side. ”

Anubis, Anubis, Ἄνουβι, a reaper in ancient Egyptian mythology, appeared in the murals of Pharaoh in the form of a wolf's head and body. Also common in popular culture is the so-called "head dog". They prayed to it to protect the graves, to protect the mummies and to protect the dead.

The human body, animals - including mythical, virtual, real concepts or body parts, symbols, words, numbers, plants, etc. - are all answers that will be tested. But myths are rare, and Anubis.

Ancient Egypt, Reaper.

Niyalatotip, Apep, Chaos, Darkness, Destruction...

Even Gu Jun himself realizes which side his current mental state and personality traits are biased towards.

The five judges still recorded calmly, while Gu Jun was still watching, and the scene in front of him seemed to change, "said the mask. ”

When he said the word mask, his heart was more agitated, a thousand faces, a thousand masks...

Not bad in a mask, not bad in a mask... are you wearing a mask now...

Bats, Anubis, masks, constantly poured and alternated in front of his eyes. Gu Jun couldn't see anything else. He shook his head: “Nothing. ”

“Captain Gu, please tell us which parts of this picture remind you of these three things.” Minghui said again.

The ink map has different shapes, lightness, colors, etc., where is the association triggered? That's what we call determinants.

“are… the whole.” Gu Jun shrugged, “There is no division, all three things can be seen from the picture as a whole. It should be that Anubis… is the first association between the two sides of the picture, like Anubis' mouth side. ”

The judges recorded it again, and Minghui asked: "You see one Anubis on the left and one on the right. The partial details on the left and two on the right of this picture are different. Do you think the two Anubis are different? ”

The Rorschach Ink Test Free Response phase avoids all inductive questions, but during the Question phase, the reviewer can use some questions to dig into the subject's hidden thoughts. And on this issue, the difference between the two sides of the picture is an objective fact, and the two Anubis in the picture have some sort of separate and objective fact.

Gu Jun continued to look at the projection screen. The picture was symmetrical, but some spotted ink on the right half was deeper, and there were several more visible black dots...

The more he looked at it, the more irritable it was going to be.

Those black and white inks seem to be melting, stirring up and becoming chaos...

“One is true, the other is fake, and the other is… Niyalatotip. ”

Gu Jun said, looking at the judges ahead, everyone became blurred, including himself, "But I'm not sure which is true and which is false. ”