Plague Doctor

Chapter 648 Mummy [Request for Moon Ticket, Request for Subscription]

Although we are all reluctant to believe it, there are diseases that suddenly descend from the sky and begin to erupt again and again in some way in the world.

Now there is a new disease in the world called AIDS. There is no doubt that we will face a brutal war in which many people will die, and there is nothing we can do about it. I just hope that humans will find a cure, and it won't take long.

Dr. Martin-Fred, Khartoum, Sudan, 1982


The burning sun exposed the African continent, making the Sahara desert look like a furnace, one of the most unsuitable places on Earth for biological survival.

But even the worst of the soil gives birth to life, and there are countless creatures, as well as humans, in this great desert.

“Look at this pottery, we're really going to be rich this time...”

“Do you think it's just pottery worth it, and I know that some of the millionaires in the flag countries have been looking for this, and the heathens want to eat this powder that's been grinding dead bodies for thousands of years, and they think that's going to give them eternal life, which is crazy. ”

“Yes, if the heathens think these mummies have any power, then we have to take them all. ”

“Of course we have to take them all away. Don't leave any rags behind. These are all money. ”

“Ella, Bashir, calm down and never leak the news when you get back. Otherwise, we won't be able to hold anything, and we'll be robbed. ”

“Do you think we're fools? Eldine, mind your own mouth and your wife's. ”

“Don't take it seriously, I'm thinking about our lives! Just this animal pottery is enough to kill us ten times. ”

“Wait a minute, there's a mummy down there, there's another one! ”

“Dig it up, quick, see if there's any gold? ”

The desert was deserted, and an old pickup truck parked on the sand. Not far from the vehicle, three men dug in a large pit with shovels of latte and piles of dirt dug up.

Across the soil pile, there are a few old pottery pieces that have just been excavated, and a few pieces of broken debris.

Even when buried underground for generations, time has not caused much erosion of these ceramics. They are mostly canned containers, of which there is only one animal ceramic statuette - probably the most valuable one, the image of a ramhead lion, a bucket size and a lifelike workmanship.

Next to these relics are two unnamed mummies, not in a graveyard, not in a coffin, all wrapped up in shrouds and dirt, like dead old trees, but visible in human form and hidden in mud by the five officials of the skull face.

The place was first discovered by Bashir, who had been in grave theft and had been searching everywhere for treasure.

But before that, the biggest reward was just a little leftover meal from the big team that followed him.

When Bashir found this place, suspected of having an ancient tomb, he did not inform the big team, but sought out two good brothers he could count on.

Ella is strong and powerful, tough and good at shooting, she really wants to fight one of the top, but she's prone to a fever; Eldin has always been the smartest of them all, knows a lot of people, and can better sell the treasures she's dug up.

However, when Bashir drove two people here and even dug up the first shovel, he didn't expect the harvest to be so rich.

There's a mummy.

So it's also a little strange... Bashir is not an archaeologist, but he's been in this business a long time, he knows a little bit about it.

Although it is bordered by Egypt, no mummies have ever been excavated before, and the ancient Egyptians were not made into mummies until they died of power, so mummies are usually found in mausoleums. Are these not Egyptian mummies, just ordinary dry corpses? That would be less valuable.

But ancient Egyptian pottery, again, shows that this is an ancient Egyptian cemetery.

These questions in Bashir's mind were all covered by the ecstasy that swept up when he saw the third mummy.

Three mummies! How much is this worth? There may be a large mausoleum, more treasures, more mummies in the desolate land beneath your feet...

“Bashir, calm down, dig slowly, and if you destroy the body, you lose the price.” Eldin persuaded from the side.

“Ha ha, so much, it doesn't matter if you drop the price...”

In this earth pit, Bashir was overjoyed and said, swinging the shovel down and down again, and the mummy's upper body had appeared.

“You see, it looks like it's got a little texture on it.” Ella was digging the dirt, too, and she saw something. "Could this be an Egyptian princess? ”

Bashir is the most archaeological person here. Take a closer look at the words. The dirt covered with this corpse is easy to loosen up. Some parts of the wrapped cloth are not even stained with dirt. It is true that the surface of a pavement is not just broken and dried up and blown away by the wind, but is like a little color and elasticity, with some strange shaped words or symbols. I don't know whether it is rusted or painted.

“Princess? Impossible...” Bashir mutters, "if it's a nobleman, it can't be without a coffin. ”

Ira was just kidding, but when she heard from her peers, she said, "Dig out her head and see what it looks like. ”

Meanwhile, Eldin stopped and felt a little uncomfortable...

But he couldn't say why, being shouted by two companions, he continued to dig together, but also because his mind was uncertain, his hands were too strong, the shovel was too deep, and he directly touched the mummy in the dirt, the clatter was boring.

“Damn it!” Bishlton scolds, almost puts Eldin down with an iron shovel, "let's slow down, what are you doing! It broke its hand. It must have broken. Fuck, Eldin, it's on your head. ”

Ella's eyes glowed, "Eldin, that's not necessarily your money. What if you died before you split the money? ”

“I seem to feel...” Eldin doubted and muddled, “touched a rock, not like dirt or bones, but a rock. ”

“What?” Bashir exclaimed curiously, switching to a shovel to gently shovel away the mummy's right limb.

Soon they saw only a few pieces of wrapped cloth that had been shoveled apart and revealed what was inside.

They used to wonder, if it was a dry corpse, it was too good to look like a skeleton, not just a skeleton, but a muscle.

Now it seems that the answer is not a dry corpse, but a statue of a human stone.

Those skeletons in there, they're rocks.

But the three of them looked at each other and didn't know what it meant, whether it was more valuable or less valuable.