Plague Doctor

Chapter 754 The Discovery of the CrowsA monthly pass, a subscription

Because of Wang Ruoxiang's words, there was a new light in the base of the incantation department.

Then they were encouraged by the good news from Zuggeli, "Come on, come on! Those crow believers are here!"

Even before Chen Jiahua could sense it, the ancestors in the base were boiling. They knew very well what the situation was. They couldn’t even find a phantom dream channel. They couldn’t escape even if they wanted to escape. They were the same as humans. The mouth on the drumstick.

Not long after the ancestors reported, Zhou Haorui and Yang Xinxin really came again from the gate of the base.

The crowd had been waiting for these crow believers for a long time, and immediately invited them to the conference room where the core staff held a meeting.

"We already know the situation." As soon as Zhou Haorui entered the meeting room, he brought an important piece of information: "It is possible that in a week, the Life Will Alliance will launch a second attack, and the target should still be a big city."

"What's the matter?" Lou Xiaoning asked hurriedly, Xiao Xu was also a little surprised because the other party could tell the time so finely.

"We have been to New York." Zhou Haorui explained, "There is still a very strong dark kinetic energy left there, Qingqing...Xin Xin has seen a vision."

Yang Xinxin took the words and said: "The so-called'dark kinetic energy' is probably a kind of energy, similar to electricity and oil. The thing that attacked New York should be a strange city. I saw that there are many buildings and Street; the stranger masters the space jumping technology, but every jump needs to consume dark kinetic energy; but a single stranger’s jump only needs to open a little space crack and consumes less, but it can’t go anywhere at will The local jump is based on the fortress city, so the stranger can suddenly disappear. In fact, I went back to that city. I didn’t see how it invaded again. But I’m sure that every time that city jumps, It consumes a lot of dark kinetic energy, and that is their money."

Everyone frowned thoughtfully as they listened, which is a bit understandable...

"Do you know how that dark kinetic energy is added?" Xiaoxu asked.

"I saw that in a place that looked like an altar, many foreigners were doing sacrifice rituals to a black stone." Yang Xinxin said again, "Don't listen to those strangers who are talking about it, they are still attached to a dark force. They strengthen themselves by gaining power, but they call that dark power life instinct. The sacrifices they sacrifice are chaos, killing, and carnival. I won’t talk about the scene, it’s that. Then the black stone will produce Kinetic energy, this should be the core of their technology. Dark kinetic energy will then push those machinery, including the entire city and those flying cars."

Everyone remembered the black pharaoh again, this kind of dark kinetic energy, dark technology...

Chaos, Nyarlatotep likes chaos.

"Why New York? Not Dahua?" Xiaoxu asked the key question again, "Now this is not in the enemy's best interests."

"We haven't figured it out for the time being." Zhou Haorui said, "It is possible that New York has been arranged by them, and a certain connection has occurred. The jump in the foreign city should not be unlimited; moreover, we may still have Another force is guarding. We have always felt this way. It is the black cat."

Black cat?Which black cat could it be? Everyone in the conference room knew it was Wu Shiyu.

After the battle at the Pyramid of Nastassen, Wu Shiyu has not reappeared until now, and no one knows that she is still in this world.

At this time, Zuge Gili, who was also in the conference room, clapped his legs and spoke, and slapped his paws to sign: "I said it a long time ago. Our ancestors smelled salty rain in the food hall from time to time. There, I can’t find her, and there are no shortage of chicken legs. It’s really strange. She doesn’t even like chicken legs after making a cat. She now has the abilities of those Usa cats, Usa cats are very sneaky, don’t It’s a misunderstanding to say that our ancestors are all sneaky all day long-no matter how we sneak in to find a dark place to talk, Uzzama will always know, but we still can’t see them! Maybe Xianyu is eavesdropping around here now Now."

Lou Xiaoning looked around, and he was not sure if Wu Shiyu was hiding in that empty corner or elsewhere.

That guy is now, but he can jump with human space.

But what is the actual situation of this matter, they are temporarily unable to verify.

"Humanity still has a chance." Zhou Haorui said confidently. "The crow said that the future of this world depends on us, not the strangers." Yang Xinxin also nodded and said, "The crow is Money has always been outrageous, but other things said are quite reliable."

The steadfastness of the two crow believers also drove the confidence of the secret agents.

But Xiaoxu still didn't understand: "Why are you sure it's the attack time in a week?"

"Because I saw in the illusion that the stone surface of the Blackstone engine shows a countdown." Yang Xinxin replied, "When I saw it, there was one week left, but the rest was guesswork, not sure, just possible; Maybe the countdown is over, they can start jumping again; I don’t know if they can speed it up, such as through more sacrifices? I don’t know if the time of the illusion is instant-those illusion fragments are very The chaos was not surprising a few days ago, so it is entirely possible that the enemy will have a second attack tomorrow."

This is not good news. Everyone's mood suddenly sinks. Xiao Xu asked, "How many cities like this do you think a foreigner owns?"

According to the video information from the mysterious world, the alien city that appeared in Milu over there seemed to be different from the alien city that appeared in New York.

"I don't know." Zhou Haorui's serious expression has a kind of convincing power, and he is no longer the lush ordinary college student. "But I think it is this kind of speculation that made the other party achieve their goal. They may only have one or two cities, but they want to We think that there are countless seats, and they have been spreading fear and creating pain to defeat our will and the will of the world. So my opinion is that there is no need to guess, there will only be one if there is one, and two if there are two."

At this time, the meeting room door was opened and Wang Ruoxiang hurried in from the outside. She hurried back from the admission point, her face full of determination.

After hearing the new information Xiaoxu said, she immediately said: "There won't be many, no matter how much they say, there won't be many. I have been in contact with their dark powers, and I am even more aware of their existence. It's clear. The Life Will Alliance is the opposite of the Negative Selection Life Society and the Issi race. They are not a community of consciousness, and the rules they follow are based on the difference between the strong and the weak. A strong is the existence of the entire civilization."

One strong is the entire civilization?If everyone understood, Xiao Xu understood Wang Ruoxiang's meaning as soon as he heard it.

"That's right." He nodded, "I now judge that they have only one city. The reason they look different on the Mysterious World is that they have changed their appearance on purpose."

"Why?" Lou Xiaoning didn't quite understand, and asked urgently: "Why do you think so?"

The enemy has a city like that, and there are hundreds or thousands of cities like that, which is very different.

"According to their philosophy." Wang Ruoxiang explained in detail, "They are'strength is respected', and the strongest has absolute power. In this way, regardless of whether the foreigner has had one hundred, one million, or one Hundreds of billions of people line up level by level, and in the end there will always be only one stranger on the throne, and its will is the will of life.

This kind of social structure, coupled with the fact that they are also constantly killing each other inside-many new strangers are like this, and there are strangers in New York and Milu suddenly fighting each other due to contradictions. The images can prove that they are also found from the ruins. The dead body of an alien who was killed.With their tyrannical habits, they usually only fight more intensely.They need to keep in contact with darkness and consume darkness to become stronger. This is how they "release life instinct".Such a society, no matter how plundered, will not grow.They will not have a large population, and many will be killed; there will be not many cities, only one can represent the strong, otherwise the two cities will fight each other.They do not multiply, have no families, and those are all considered to be restrained. To replenish the population, this civilization can only rely on plunder, replace batch after batch, die batch after batch, just to produce the strongest.The strongest are constantly challenged by the following and will die if they lose.

We all know now that the Alliance of the Will of Life is not the original organization of our world, but an invader. If our world is destroyed by them, they will not stay there, but will continue to invest in another world and continue another round of destruction."

"If you guessed right..." Xiaoning downstairs understood, "then they can really create fear."

But there is a problem that even if the opponent really only has that super sci-fi city, human civilization does not seem to have enough power to defeat it.

Therefore, although these conjectures are considered good news, everyone is still solemn and the enemy is still present.

Wang Ruoxiang thought and said: "They must be creating panic. The world is huge. If you count the speed at which they can destroy a city in a week, it will completely destroy our civilization in ten years, but people will be chaotic. A New York has already begun chaos. If potential strangers are thrown into the darkness, if hemoptysis occurs... the world will be destroyed by ourselves sooner."

She frowned and said solemnly: "Gu Jun and Crow have said that we can no longer let the suffering of this world deepen. We must find a way to heal potential strangers, stop their mutations and let them Mutation failure can survive, saying that this is a kind of disease, then we must save them."

Chen Jiahua nodded silently, and Zhou Haorui also nodded: "That may be our opportunity."

"The question is how to cure it. What do you mean by offering sacrifices to crows?" Lou Xiaoning asked the two crow believers, "Can the'different person's disease' be cured?"

"I'm afraid it won't work. The distant water can't save the nearby fire." Zhou Haorui said, making their hearts sink. "What the crow wants is health. Sacrifice to the crow is not to sacrifice healthy people to it, but to restore the patient's health. Let it taste the joy of life, the kinetic energy of rejuvenating life; in fact, to put it simply, it is to treat the patient and make it aware through specific rituals, so that we crow believers can gain greater strength."

Now they knew why they said that the distant water could not save the nearby fire. "Can only the crow believers strengthen themselves like this?" Xiaoxu asked.

"It should be." Zhou Haorui was not entirely clear, "at least someone who wants to connect with the crow."

When Xiaoxu heard this, he immediately knocked on the laptop on the conference table in front of him, and made a new dispatch to the command center, and immediately sent the medical personnel who had contact with Gu Jun, including his classmates, Sun Yuheng and others, Especially those who can participate in surgical operations are all assembled, and they can offer sacrifices to the crows.

"If I didn't understand the error." Xiaoxu said, "Surgery is the fastest way to complete the sacrifice, because the success of the operation is success, and the failure is failure. After the operation, the crow knows better than us."

"Yes, there is no wrong understanding." Zhou Haorui nodded, "That's it, we also chose to have surgery,'s not the same as modern ones."

Everyone has seen the rusty knives and soldering irons held by the crows...

It is certainly not a modern surgical instrument, but it was also a surgical instrument used in the history of human surgery, and it has been used much longer than modern ones.

"Who did you perform the operation on?" Xiaoxu asked.

"To those souls who haven't rested yet." Yang Xinxin sighed, "And no money."

"Hey, you can use this to strengthen your own strength." Lou Xiaoning looked at the two of them, and only his left eye was slightly narrowed. "Strictly speaking, you are also strangers. You can grow crows. With wings, what about your society? Is there any strength to respect?"

It is true, but the crow believers worship the crow.

Chen Jiahua heard that Captain Lou was not malicious and wanted to hear the crow believer's personal statement. He was also curious. Since the crow mark appeared on his right wrist, he has not felt corroded by darkness.

"Oh, what do you respect? I want to respect money." Yang Xinxin really didn't leave money in three sentences, "but they don't agree."

"The crow hates sickness." Zhou Haorui said solemnly, "This is our philosophy."

"That's pretty good..." Wang Ruoxiang said, "I also hate sickness." Lou Xiaoning didn't ask any more questions, and had trust in the crow believers.

"In addition, we have another discovery." Zhou Haorui added, making everyone a little anxious, why can't you say it all in one breath, "The Alliance of Life Will, in addition to the black pharaoh, may also be related to the alien world and the power of the black goat. "A lot of known information has been taught by crows.

Everyone was surprised when they heard the world of different texts, but there was no particular surprise. The shadow of the world of different texts has never gone away in the past few years.

"Or what I found from the illusion, can I add money?" Yang Xinxin said, "I saw a statue of the goddess of dark life beside that black stone."

Goddess of Dark Life?Everyone immediately understood.

According to the available information about the world of different texts, the different texts believe in the "goddess of life", which has the power of light.

However, after the alien world was destroyed by dead skin people and hemoptysis, especially after the Kalop Academy was reduced to ruins, some alien writers established a new worship, "the goddess of dark life"-it should be the black goat of the forest , They said that the goddess of dark life is the goddess of life. The so-called power of light is due to the distortion of the Kalop Academy. In fact, there has never been a goddess of light, and Dr. Carlop has always deceived the world.

Negative choice life society, its source power is the goddess of dark life.

"Is choosing the life meeting", is that the same?It’s just that Nyarlatotepu’s malice was added...

Different text world, different text world...

In the end, the alien world was not ruled by the Negative Selection Life Society or the Laisheng Society. In the end, it seemed to have died out. Even the Son of Doom was sealed, waiting for believers to reawaken it in other worlds.Could it be the "black pharaoh" of the alien world that sealed it?

Will it be the Alliance of Life Will that ultimately destroys there?

Many new questions rushed into the hearts of everyone. Wang Ruoxiang, Xiaoxu, and Chen Jiahua were all silent for a while. Lou Xiaoning gritted his teeth and said, “Isn’t it good news? Old enemies are better to deal with than new ones. At least we are not one. I don't know anymore."

She was right, but another good news from Geely immediately inspired them.

Geely did not leave the meeting room, but received the news from the outside ancestors through the frequency of ground shaking, and happily patted the table and said: "Come on, come on, Ximei is back! Peacock and Mo Qing are back!"

Feng Peiqian and other mysterious personnel are fighting for their homeland world in the mysterious world. Before, they left with Peacock and Mo Qing; after the crow was sealed, Deng Ximei stayed away without asking anything. Now it is what they really need. Her time.

She was once a soul boy of the Laishenghui, and among them, she had the most direct and strongest connection with the world of different texts.