Please stop talking

Chapter 388, two hundred billion

"Hey, destroy a peak and other half spirits, evolutionary points +1 billion."

"Wow, the owner is awesome! It is too powerful!"

Xiao Jiu Fengyu's fantastic body hangs in Ye Feng, holding Ye Feng's neck, and a beautiful eye is full of excitement.

I thought that Ye Feng can save her out, I can't afford it. I didn't expect Ye Feng directly to achieve the true god, and I also gave the Jieli half god!

"Small nine grows big!"

Ye Fengxin secretly felt emotion, and the little fox who watched him before he had become a peerless beauty.

Two mountain gave him a huge pressure.

Let him feel some hold.

"Congratulations on the real gods, you can celebrate!"

"Congratulations on the real gods, you can celebrate!"

One half of the god came out from the void, and the Ye Feng was arveted, and the face was full of smile.

They don't want to come out, but they know that Ye Feng must find them.

They don't dare not come out.

Looking at a smile, Ye Feng is embarrassed to kill them.

Stretch your hand and smile.

"Since it is congratulations, will it be a word?"

Looking at a group of half gods in front of him, Ye Feng thought of there were also many imperialism, and even surpassing the God of God.

Therefore, the heart is decided, and these people are temporarily put.

This is not what he is afraid, but there is no need to have no blood.

He really died all of these people, and there was nothing benefit.

Although he has a system, but the other party is temporarily, he may not be able to promote God, or a little better.

But don't kill them, it is still possible to extort some spiritual stones.

The people heard the words, and I also felt a pain in my heart.

They know that they have to be bleeding.

"Congratulations to Ye Fengzhen God, small gift, does not pay tribute, please ask Ye Fengzhen not to disappear."

A peak half gatters to take a storage ring to Ye Feng.


Ye Feng swept an eye, worth more than 100 million spirit, can replace it into billion evolution, it is good.

follow closely.

Other half gods have sent gifts and then they will leave.

Ye Feng received all the spiritual stone, and then all replaced it into an evolutionary point.

He looks to the system panel:

Host: Ye Feng

Refined: the next true God

Air transport: 500,000

Evolution point: 234.5 billion

Method: Mixed Elementary Method, Yinyang Collection, Daxie Dynasties

There is no magic: chaotic road, purple thunder, mixed yuan, void, mix element eight

Great Attack: Seventy-two changes, French sky, call the wind!

Skills: God-level alchemy, god-level refiner, god-level character

Treasure: Do not destroy the godberg, wishful to shoot, banana fan, Sun and Moon Ding, blood Dragon Bow ...

"The evolutionary point is more than 20 billion, which can be promoted to the middle!"

Ye Feng was very satisfied, leaving the body and treasures of Jieshili and a half-god, and returned to Fenglin Villa with Xiaojiu.

Back to Fenglin Villa.

The women saw that Xiaoji was curious. Although I know that the monster became the beast king, it could be chemical, but when the small fox was still fox, it turned into a big beauty, and there is an inexplicable feeling in my heart.

But very fast, Xiaojiu also integrates into everyone.

Ye Feng was cultivated with Qin Qingqing backhand.

He has just promoted the true God, temporarily not prepared to improve the repair.

But he can help people have improved.

The two people and the mysterious women are promoted to the half of God, and Qin Qingqing and others are still in the end of the emperor.

"Qing Qing, I will show you a baby."

Ye Feng put Qin Qingqing on a tester, and got her face in front of her.

"Every time I said, my baby I don't know how many times!" Qin Qingqing was white, and the eyes were full of contempt.

"I said it is true baby, you will definitely like it."

Ye Feng will take out the heart of the congenital spirit from the Herbs and Semisprudence.

Blue halo is filled with a large sea to accommodate Baichuan's vastness.

Qin Qingqing first attracted the hearts of the ocean, as if I saw a beautiful ocean from inside.

at the same time.

Inspiration like a tide, thinking seems to be active.

Although she doesn't know what level of treasures, but with her knowledge, this is definitely a precious to treasure than artifacts.

"I do not want."

Qin Qingqing's white root arm holds Ye Feng's neck, moved in my heart, blurred, the beauty of Ye Feng:

"If you can't get it, I can't afford the face."

Ye Feng stunned.

The front sentence is still normal, the last sentence is really it?

This speed is too fast, and it has smashed the horizon.

He knows that Qin Qingqing is good for him, does not want him too precious treasure.

By the way, I told him a paragraph.

"Obside n't invalid, I will ask again, do you want?"

Ye Feng hugged Qin Qingqing in one hand, holding the heart of the ocean in one hand, swaying in front of her eyes:

"If you don't want, I will give you myself?"

"Ah, no……"


Demon, God Feng Palace.

Feng Feng Palace has already turned into a ruin as Ye Feng leaving, but the site here is taken by the nearby half of the god.

At this time, the two breaths were restored, and they couldn't see the shadow.

After answering, the two easily got the news, and the herit of prison was killed by Ye Feng.

"Milo, will this not be the observatorial method of Jiar, to confuse us with a fake death?" Mac is sinking.

"Don't be like, Jieslo is killed by Ye Feng, many people have seen it, his body and Ye Feng are hard!"

Milo half god shook his head, and the two continued to listen.

The resulting message is similar.

"The heart of the ocean is definitely in Ye Feng, Ye Feng is not weak, we want to come back too!"

Mike wrinkled, some is it.

"Ye Feng is also a peak, the strength is mostly the same as the Jiarh, and it is not as good as Jiuyin!"

Mi Luo's eyes flashes, "he can kill Jielo, it is entirely because Jielo is hurt by us, let him pick it out."

Because many half gods were extracted by Ye Feng, very shameful, so Ye Feng killed the crowd of Jiejun was depressed.

Moreover, Ye Feng moved quickly, and did not show the truth.

And those who know that Ye Feng is true God will not promote Ye Feng is a true God.

Therefore, in addition to those half of God, almost no one knows that Ye Feng is the news of God.

Mike and Milo two foreign people, more impossible to listen.

I thought that Ye Feng was still a peak.

"Since Ye Feng is so reborn, for a woman directly kills the demon world, we can make an article from this, there is no need to fight with him!"

Miloz beads are holding.

Mike heard, "Ye Feng so many women, even if Ye Feng gave them some of the life-saving base, but with our strength, catching one or two women not to come?"

"I want to see how the marine heart and his woman, Ye Feng will choose, I will be very interesting!"

"I also want to know!"

Milo smiled, the two quietly left the demon, and went toward the Blue Star.
