Please stop talking

Chapter 483 Decoction Dragon Palace, Avenue Supreme Peak

Magical dragon.

The mountains undulation, a seat towering into the clouds, clouds around the hills inserted in the clouds, and the dragon flew in the mountains, Dragon Tour nine days.

On the mountain, it is suspended in a dark palace that is extremely huge, unbeatable, and unparalleled.

Above the palace, Dao Yun is filled, the law is interleaved, no surroundings, the horrible Shenwei shocked nine days, traversed 10.

It is the magic dragon palace of the Weihao Endless Chaotic Continent.


Suddenly, a vast horror of horror, suddenly falling, all of the gods of the magic dragon sanctuary felt a suffocation.

Those gods in the air of the air are suddenly bodied, and then they fall down from the air as the dumplings.

Bold! "


"Who dares to be in the magic dragon palace? Look for death!"

A silence and sorrowful, the avenue of the horror dragon dragon, and a stunning figure flew out from the palace.

Every body exudes the horror of the Avenue Supreme.

The Dragon Supreme As the Avenue to the Strong Strong, create a magic dragon palace, there is countless years, nature is not a lone.

He has more than a dozen a dozen avenue.

However, most of them are the first premiere of the avenue, the medium term.

There is only one person in the late launch of the Avenue.

That is the Dragon Supreme Wife Bai Long Supreme.

Bailong Supreme is the same as the feet, but is a chaotic white dragon. Otherwise, it is also cultivated to the Avenue Supreme period, and become the wife of the Dragon.

"Who is your? Why come to my magic dragon palace trouble?"

Bailong Supreme hit the white dragonobe, graceful, stunned, looked at Ye Feng from the void, and asked.

She saw Ye Fengxiu is extraordinary, and at least there are at least the avenue.

Such a strong, even if the magic dragon is no longer easy.

Don't say her.

"I am not coming to find trouble!"

Ye Feng looked at Bailong Supreme and behind him. He killed the magic dragon to the magical dragon sanctuary.

The purpose is naturally a rumor.

Although the Dragon Dragon is dead, the magic dragon palace will still be underestimated. If you stare at him behind him, you will be troublesome.

Let him not be afraid, but if these people are staring at the people around him, then the people around him must be dangerous.

Therefore, he naturally wants to send these people to the magic dragon.

"What do you don't know what happened?"

I heard Ye Feng didn't come to find trouble, Bailong Supremely relieves tone, and asked again.

Now the magic dragon is so good, she faces Ye Feng, some drums in my heart.

She felt a very dangerous breath from Ye Feng.

"I am here to destroy you!"

Ye Feng said, the avenue god suddenly showed that there were no secrets of millions of times.


Bailong supreme, and then understood that he was played.

"you wanna die!"

Bailong Supreme Angry, although Jie Ye Feng, but not afraid of Ye Feng.


I don't wait for her actions, and one is difficult to describe the tingling in any language into every nerve, as if someone uses a meandering cone thorn into her head and soul, to tear her.


Bailong to the honing, the body is dropped from the air.


The surrounding power is surprised, and the horrible breath is burst, and it is rolled up toward Ye Fengfeng.

"Chaotic Domain!"

Ye Feng's field is launched, with a 10 million times under the secret surgery.

More than a dozen strongest avenue, the strong, the strong, suddenly, the mountain, it is difficult to move.

Their skills are not very strong, the talent potential is limited, and it is already the limit.

Otherwise, they will not serve the Dragon Supreme, willing to give the magic dragon to respect the dog legs.

"How can it be?"

"What are this field?"

"I can't move!"

More than a dozen avenues, we must know that Ye Feng is cultivating chaos, and now I have reached the admiration of the Avenue.

The 12-year-old chaotic domain of the avenue will be terrible, and it is possible to suppress the avenue to the peak, let alone the first premiere of these avenues.

More terrible is that there is a total of tens of thousands of secret motives, which is horrible.

They were shrouded by the Ye Feng field, just like amber in amber, only people can slaughter.

"Avenue God!"

Ye Feng's eyes bloom two horrible gods, invisible fluctuations sweeping over the chaotic path.

I saw a dozen avenues that were suppressed by the chaotic trophy of the chaotic trip, as if see what the horror was seen, and then the head was awkward.

"Hey, destroy a road to the early days, the avenue point +1000000."

"Hey, destroy a road to the early days, the avenue point +1000000."

"Hey, destroy a large road, the avenue point + 2000000."


"Avenue God is really a force, dealing with the weak, simply kills!"

Ye Feng nodded, at this time, it was frightened when he had returned to God.

"how can that be?"

Just in an instant, she became the commander of the light?

What do you have to kill a dozen avenue?

Even if the magic dragon is unable to do.


Endless fear, Bai Long Supreme is busy: "Seniors have something to say, if it is a sin, I am willing to apologize ..."

She is also able to denteline.

Just Ye Feng has killed her son Black Dragon Prince, killing her husband's magic dragon, this hatred did not share the sky, could not be resolved.


Ye Feng did not be in love, and the chaotic gun wrapped the power of the sky.

Bailong Supreme Feel the terrorist life and death crisis.

Her ability wants to avoid.

However, she does not wait for her actions, and their heads have a pain.

It seems to be passed through a long gun.

This is the magic of Ye Feng's avenue.


Bai Long to the Drama, can't avoid, Ye Feng's chaotic gun is wrapped in the boundless Weili to run through her body, and the horrible chaos is constantly annihilating her awareness and avenue.


Ye Feng took the nine gun until Bailong was so close to the life of life.

"Hey, destroy a large road, the avenue +50000000."

"Ah, Bai Long Niang was killed!"

"Not good, Bai Long Niang is dead!"

"Dead! Dead, all the avenues are all dead!"

The Dragon Dragon Palace was quiet for an instant, and then the frightening sound of the earth was so horrified, and there were countless avenues, and Tiandao Tianjun fled four sides.


Ye Feng chaotic trip is suppressed, covering the entire magical dragon, and all the magic dragon palace strong, directly killing.

In the 12th chaotic Domain of his avenue, the avenue is supreme, whether it is the real God, or the Avenue Tianjun, there is no resistance to the power, instantly being smashed.

"Thank you En Gong gave me a fence, I have swearing who helves me helped me to help, I will report to the slaves for a lifetime!"

"If Enong is still killing me, the slaves have no regrets!"

Among the Lonely Souveng of the Dragon Dragon Palace, a woman dressed in a white skirt is rushing to the ground, and the sound is devout and firm.


A taste sounded, the woman looked up, he saw a beautiful and extraordinary, and the man who was stunned and stood in front of her, and she looked at her.


The woman's eyes, the heart is amazed, and I will return to God, I'm busy:

"The slaves are Bai Napi," "

Ye Feng looked with a woman who was squatting.

The woman's petteller is long, a white dress, and the silk is free, the skin is like a snow, and the three thousand green silk is scattered on the shoulders, which is dropped.

Its cheeks are slightly thin, but it is exceptionally exquisite, like a porcelain, it is a feeling of love.

Her look is somewhat weak, but the body is particularly attractive, the white dress is close, and the fire violent curve out, let Ye Feng's eyes flashes smoothly.

He sorted out the memory of the Dragon Dragon, Black Dragon Prince and Bailong Supreme Memory.

Bai's mother is famous.

This name made Ye Feng a little speechless.

However, the Bai Suzhen, who is in the myths of him is that Bai Su's mother Bai Suzhen is a dragon, or a white dragon.

The Magic Dragon looks at each other, and it can't wait to completely account for Bai Suzhen in the Chaos Sea, then grab it back to the Dragon Dragon Palace.

The so-called homogeneity, isotropic.

The Dragon Supreme likes Bai Suzhen, which looks soft and weak, staying at night, which makes the Bailong Supreme, Bailong, is very unhappy.

So later, he died of Bai Suzhen.

After the dragon is supreme event, he is dead, he will not punish Bailong Supreme because of a dead.

What's more, the Dragon Dragon is a person who is a little love.

His love for Bai Suzhen is just like the other's body.

However, for Bailong to respected his beloved, the magic dragon is also warned Bai Long Supreme.

Therefore, Bailong Supreme is not oriented or the white matter of the child.

After all, it will be able to make the magic dragon are so angry.

Moreover, she thought that Bai Su did not know the truth.

Plus Bai Su is like a thin ice, disguise yourself, and it can live a livestock, which can live to the present.

"I can't only kill Bailong Supreme, or kill the magic dragon, even to destroy the magic dragon palace, don't you hate me?"

Ye Feng bended down, reached out and pinch the abundant chin, lifted her cheeks, and asked.

"Kill the Dragon Supreme?"

Bai Suyi, the eyes are shocked.

I didn't expect Ye Feng actually killed the Dragon Dragon.

That is the horror that the Avenue is awesome.

No wonder Ye Feng dare to destroy the Dragon Palace, it turned out that the Dragon Dragon has been killed by him.

However, after a glory, Bai Su is depressed:

"The magic dragon is so righteous, or if he just puts my mother to make a venting thing, Bailong Supreme is dare to hurt my mother?"

"If he occupied him to take the mother, my mother will not encounter these, so my mother is dead, he also has a copy!"

"As for others, huh, they can bully me, there is lingering!"

"En Gong is a young girl, now I am the slavery of Encu, let the benefactor are disposed!"

Bai Su's beautiful scorpion looked at Ye Feng with firm.

Ye Feng looked at her eyes and determined that Bai Nap did not lie her, she hose her.

Send the meat of the door, don't eat it.

Bai's instinct reached out of the neck of Ye Feng, a heartbeat.

Although she said that Ye Feng's slave, she never served a man.

At this moment, he smelled the man on Ye Feng, and the cheeks were more hot ruddy.

Ye Feng hugged the Bai Su to the Dragon Palace, and divided a sense of consciousness to watch this gain:

Host: Ye Feng

Refined: The Avenue Supreme Post (the worship of the road chaos)

Air transport: 9000 trillion

Avenue: 324 billion

Percussion: Chaos, Yinyang Collection

Secrets: No way (successful. Tens of millions)

Avenue Motus: Avenue Shenji (12th), Chaos Tao Domain (12th), Zhidao 12 (12), Avenue Move (12th), Avenue God Rei (12th), Avenue Chaos (12 weeks)

Skills: Avenue Devil (12), Avenue Road (12), Avenue Dan Road (12)

Treasure: Chaotic Monitor, Avenue Tiangong, Avenue Dragon Gun, Avenue Dragon God, Destroyed Sword, Vacation Tower, Two Times Yin Yang Sword, Destroy Hulu ...

"The avenue is 3 billion!"

Although the magic dragon palace is alone, although it is not as good as the magic dragon, everyone adds up, the avenue point to Ye Feng contributes almost doubled.

"System, improvement!"

Ye Feng told him.

"Yes, host!"

The system should have.

Keeping up with billion avenue of consumption, endless feelings and strength flour into Ye Feng body, Ye Feng took a horrible breath.

Avenue supreme peak!


Whoquin is unbelievable, can you break through her way to do bad things?

Is there any heaven?

Repair as breakthrough, is this simple?

"It's a magical man."

Bai Su's heart is amazed, she only took the avenue Tianjun peak, but as Ye Feng broke through, she also knew that Ye Feng was just the first launch.

The Avenue Supreme Supreme Dragonfly kills the Dragon Dragon Supreme, which is weak, and is really incredible.

This battle is too counternal.

It's too strong.

She doesn't know that Ye Feng will make her more insight.

"Good power!"

Ye Feng opened his eyes and full of endless power.

Now, he can destroy Bailong Supreme, even if the magic dragon is so embarrassed, he can't stop him.

"Congratulations to the owner to make a big progress, the world is invincible!"

Bai Su saw Ye Feng woke up, and quickly congratulate.

"You can be sweet, it seems that I can't reward you!"

Ye Feng looked down with white sill.

Her appearance is also very beautiful, the eyebrows are picturesque, the skin is like a snow, and the cherry is a small mouth.

The undulating body, the weak eyes, with a faint charm, but the eyebrows, but there is a short of men to cool.

And when this charm is combined with it, the charm that is emitted, let Ye Feng are also excited.

Ye Feng is rude to throw her into the collapse.

Direct attack!
