Pocket Hunting Dimension

Chapter 1008: I'm Really Sorry I Didn't Connect

Fred and Irei were forced out of the curved space and instantly felt the attention of the crowd, but were not attacked.

This relaxes their tight bodies slightly.

They looked around.

Um... barbarians? Wings?

The insect family is gone. Did it destroy the body?

Thinking about it, they both feel a little numb.

Then they saw Lu Ze next to the giant silver wolf and silver wolf on the other side.

After seeing the silver wolf's glittering eyes, they were both tight, feeling a little cold and not a little warm.

Is that the most powerful scent you've ever felt?

And this beast did it before being forced out of the curvature space?

What a powerful beast!

At this time, Fred's eyes glistened with gold and some of them dared not believe the opening: “Nebula level one?! ”

He finds that this Silver Wolf Wesen's cultivation is only one layer of nebula!!

Upon hearing Fred's words, Ire couldn't help but keep his eyes open and look at the silver wolf with some grimace.

“What?! ”

Just one layer of nebula can push them out of curvature space?!

You know, Fred has three levels of Nebula, and even reached Nebula 5!

What kind of monster is this?!

Why would such a remote region have such a powerful beast?!

You know, like the martial arts, the more powerful the martial arts are, the more resources they need.

In this remote area, the resources are not very rich. Even ordinary powerful beasts should not be interested in such places, let alone such terrible beasts?!

The minds of the two were full of doubt.

But I don't dare ask.

Later, they saw Lu Ze on the edge.

After seeing Lu Ze, their bodies were stiff again, their eyes widened, and there was a shocking appearance in their eyes.

Irei recently had a twitch and opened his mouth: “Three levels of galaxy?! ”

The three levels of galaxy cultivation actually have the power of a nebula?

What kind of monster is this?


At this time, Irei's eyebrows slightly wrinkled and looked at Lu Ze with some confusion.

… how do you feel like you've seen this race somewhere?

He flashed a few doubts in his eyes, thought about it carefully, and then thought about what.

He suddenly opened his eyes and pointed at Lu Ze, the whole person shrugged: “* * * * * * * *!! It's you! You're the one who saw the star of the last deal!! ”

Irei remembers.

Isn't this the guy he saw outside the auction house the last time he got together at the East End Auction House?


It was like he was just a planetary fix, wasn't it?

How long has it been?

Two years?

Now it's galactic??

Irei: “????? ”

He opened his eyes and looked at Lu Ze. His eyes were very blind.

He's a little suspicious of life.

A human race breaks through from planetary to galactic in just two years?

It's not martial arts at all.

Fred next to him sees Irei like this, and suddenly he asks, "You know him? ”

Irei sniffed, his mouth twitched violently.

His complexion was a bit odd.

He knows people. They probably don't know him, right?

This made his mood extremely complex. As a supergenius of nebula-class civilization, this was the first time he had encountered it.

Just when the two people were secretly communicating, Lu Ze was also a bit confused.


Isn't this the one who died once?

He didn't recognize it until now.

He found himself and this guy quite fortunate, the first time he met this guy was where he died, and the second time at the East End Gathering, it was now the third time he met.

Didn't expect this guy to have reached the nebula level?

Tsk, you are the top genius of nebula-class civilization, cultivation is really fast.

Lu Ze couldn't bear some exclamation.

He picked his eyebrows slightly and smiled and said, “I wonder what the two nebula figures are planning to do when they sneak up from the curvature space? Is there anything wrong with us? ”

Fred and Irei were both physically stiff when Luther asked.

Irei hastily explained, “You misunderstand, we're not malicious. We're tracking the previous insect family. Did you see that? ”

Irei couldn't help but get a little tangled up, and the body of the insect clan was gone.

Lu Ze's eyes flashed with a hint of fine light when he heard Irei say the previous insect clan.

He was just wondering what the hell was going on with the bugs, and I didn't know, Irei, that's why they came here?

And he smiled, and he said, "Do you know what happened to that bug before? ”

Irei nodded and said, “The bug left the battlefield of our Crystal tribe, and we followed him in order to prevent any great destruction. ”

Saying, he introduced himself: “By the way, my name is Irei. This is my predecessor Fred. We are all geniuses of the Crystal Nation. Although this is a bit embarrassing, we are still quite famous. Someone should know us within your family. ”

Lu Ze: "…”

When he heard Irei's words, he was speechless, and this guy knew he was ashamed to say so?


Oh, how narcissistic!

However, Lu Ze himself knew about Irei and naturally knew that he was not lying.

When he heard Irei's words, he knew where the insect family came from. He picked a slight eyebrow: “Do you know why the insect family came here? ”

Doesn't he find anything appealing here?

They don't seem to have offended the Bugs much?

Upon hearing Lu Ze's words, Irei was stunned and looked at Fred, and they looked at each other.

Then Irei smiled and said, “Well, we don't know, we just tracked that insect family down here. ”

Speaking, Irei thought of something, and said, “This should be the insect clan on our side of the Crystal clan that didn't take advantage of the battlefield of our Crystal clan, so you want to go somewhere else to destroy it. Ten more nests disappeared the other day, and now you don't know where to attack. ”

Lu Ze: "…”

Upon hearing Irei's words, Lu Ze's mouth twitched.

So the ten nests are from your side too?!

Lu Zeyu said, “The ten nests are coming to our side. ”

Irei: “…”

Fred: “…”

When Luisa was heard, Irei and Freddyton were caught in silence.

The atmosphere became a little awkward.

Then Irei smiled and said, “This is probably because the Bugs want revenge. That's why they sent this Nebula-class Bug. ”

It turns out the ten nests are here.

But with this race and this beast in front of us, the ten nests are probably gone by now.

At this point, Fred, who had not spoken, said, "You killed this nebula-class bug family, and this mission to Green Flank is your job. ”

After hearing Fred's words, Lu Ze glanced at Fred.

This guy's out of his mind. What?

Green Flank?

What the hell is that?

Or is it a mission?

Seems to see Lu Ze's confusion, Irei hurriedly said: “Cough, this brother, my brother is not very good at communicating with people, forgive me, it seems you do not know the Green Flank? ”

Lu Ze nodded: "Well, what is that? ”

Yerey looked like this and said with a smile: “After all, the area here is relatively remote. There are no powerful insects coming. This brother is normal if you don't know. ”

Lu Ze pulled the noose: “Don't talk nonsense. ”

We're in the country. I'm really sorry we haven't connected yet.

Lu Ze felt despised.

Seems to see Lu Ze's discomfort, Irei hastily explained: “Yes, Green Peak is a temporary organization established by the Elves. It is for this bug tide. If you complete the Green Peak mission, there will be rewards. Those rewards can be all of the Elves' things, they are some rare treasures! ”

Speaking of which, Irei thought of something and took a look at the silver wolf by Lu Ze and asked: “This brother, this giant star beast is...? ”

This beast appears to have little wisdom and has been on Lu Ze's side since just now.

He has some suspicions that this could be Lu Ze's spouse or something.

Irei's questioning made Fred look at it curiously, too.

He had the same doubts in his heart, but he was ashamed to ask.

Upon hearing Irei's words, Lu Ze smiled and said, “This is my pet. ”

Well... although it's a one-time pet.

When his energy runs out, it's going to disappear.

Upon hearing Luisa's words, Irei and Fred's eyes were all vibrated.

That's true!

Two people looked at Lu Ze more often.

Later, Irei smiled and said, “I envy you, brother. You have such a powerful guardian of the fierce beast. The reward given by the Elves may not be very appealing to you. ”

Irei understood perfectly, I'm afraid Lu Ze is quite a bit more than that.

Two years has raised two great boundaries, and it's still star and galactic, not to mention for humans, even for their crystals.

But Luisa did.

That's pretty much it.

I had no idea he still had such a powerful beast guardian.

As you can see, there is probably a deep secret behind this people.

Irei did not, however, continue to ask questions.

Being too curious about other people's secrets is not a good thing.

Instead of choosing to hide, the people admitted it, indicating that they had no fear.

Later, Irei smiled and said: "However, the Pokémon exchange still has a lot of rare items. Now you have done this task. If the brothers are interested, you can also consider joining Green Peak. No need to pay for the merit, right? Maybe there's something you need. ”

Upon hearing Irei's words, Lu Ze nodded with a smile: "I'll think about it. ”

Green Flank?

Lu Ze's eyes had a glint of spirituality, some curiosity.

He knows his own situation.

His resources are only suitable for himself and those who are familiar with him.

Perhaps the Pokémon exchange has good resources for everyone?

And I don't know if there's anything more advanced like Enlightenment Stone?

Now Enlightenment Room has become much less effective for Lu Ze.

Besides, since the mission has been accomplished, it is not a good idea to waste this credit point.

Why don't you go check it out?