Pocket Monster Girl

Pocket Magic Niang Chapter 58

White-haired girl Magic Niang took a biscuit all eaten, she slowly stood up and said to Luther.

"School brother, are you going to prepare?"

Luther did not answer immediately, he was confused.

I don't know this, my school brother? Why is this called him.

This name, why, let him have a good feeling.

Next to it, the short-sleeved shirt of Luther as a dress in Christine, she tritly unfortunate this doubt, staring at the Niun Topolos maiden in front of him:

"All the magic things in the big library and the magic lady are all fakes made by the master's power, and the master of the master is controlled."

"Similar to Mha, but also different, Mm is unified by Mha, and the memory sense is shared."

"And the awareness of the master is relatively independent, and the consciousness will completely regard himself as the Magic Niang."

"Although it is a false magic lady created by a teacher, its attribute is exactly the same as the real magic lady."

"Before, I was thrown into the big library for the post, and the teacher got another me."

Luther slowly nodded, fully understood.

Getting the white-haired girl in front of the white-haired girl, Luther is estimated in his heart, can you fell her, with a fist.

It seems to see the mind of Luther, and the young girl is laughing.

"I am a teacher for a teacher, a monster student, is a student of Lud and Timi, my name is Mino, my brother, school girl, please advise."

"Schoolmates, do you want to have a hard relationship?"

"My Sister, I am not very recommended. Although my strength is only fiveth order, but I am still good at fighting. The general six-order magic Niang is not my opponent."

Although I am talking about verbal, Miño's expression is eager to try, it is very expected to be excited.

The things in the labyrinth can be created at any time.

Immediately, Miño's hands appeared a very huge black special metal warfare ax, and the radiance was larger than Lunde, and its weight was measured in tonne.

That is, such a very huge and heavy war horse.

Minoes actually as if there was no weight, it was easy to mention, and the air was drawn, and the air was drawn, and finally anti-in the shoulders.

"To play? Want to play? Do you want to play?"

Miño repeatedly asked, the eyes were looking forward to the stars.

"Yes, the school sister is allowed, you together, let it go!"


"Sorry, I refuse, I choose the exam!"

Luther has a serious opening.

Miño's expression is in an instant, full of disappointment, full regret.

"Hey, can't you play with me?"

"School brother, you can't do this, are you a man, be a man, you have to be brave, be decisive!"

"Fast! Come! Positive school sister!"

108. Scholar's heart

Minoes self-explosive grades and strength, the five-order high-level magic Niang Niang Thalos mother, and ordinary sixth order will not be her opponent.

To say the power of a battle, Luther is there, the key is on Ai and Christine.

Christini itself is also the same five-order race of Miño, a simple than the panel, Christine can not be virtuous, even from a race, Christin is still so lost, but the problem The key is that Christine is still in the state that is not completely completely completely completely abducted from . This makes her completely conflict with the energy of her body. Do not have strength, even weaken than ordinary humans.

The case of Christini itself is like this, but adding in Ai, it is different.

Use the scientific research, the same attributes of the monster, generally have upward compatible features.

Low-level magic maiden can directly accept and use high energy levels.

And high-level magic lady can't.

Ok, it's not really can't, but just like a person who has eaten inferior food, the energy absorbed low-level energy will make the high-energy magic Niang feel uncomfortable.

And to turn the low energy level into spell skills, then refine, it is necessary to experience a short process, far less than the energy efficiency of high-energy magic Niang's own resumption.

Specifically to reality, now, Aniene can directly distribute her light energy directly to Christini.

Christini can absorb the light energy provided by Unburse to strengthen itself, and can directly convert into spells and skills.

In fact, the monster of the mid- or five or five-order, the true truth is true.

By engraving the energy gallery in the body, let yourself become the energy intermediate conversion enhancer between the contract magic Niang Niang, the energy accumulation pool.

The Magic Niang, which was originally an individual became a whole, all the magic laysche, including the magic, to share a blue strip.

What is this advantage?

Examples of the situation of Luther, if Luded became a mid-term magic, and in the body inscribed the energy gallery of the light and reversed.

So, when a game can only be played with others by Lili.

Even in the field, you can't participate in fighting, Ai and Christin can also pass the contract, through the transit of Lund, transfer their light energy into dark energy to the Lili Dew, with Ai and Christin's super-one The energy self-recovery speed of the upper magic Niang, this is equivalent to the open an infinite blue plug, what skill is there, what is the problem, what is the face, the keyboard, a few outputs, Perhaps the physical strength of Liliuro is hungry, her blue is still full.

This is the root cause of the monster to eliminate other extraordinary careers of the old society.

Other extraordinary careers, such as the Master, Blue is gone, then relying on their own meditation, and most of them are blue.

And the magic is made, a magic mother is output, a few magic Niang's output of the power station, this is only tired, then only outputs, the single is not cool, then mix the double hit, the basic people open infinite blue hanging, How do this unreasonable battle? How to fight, but you can only be eliminated!

The words are returned, although Luther is not a mid-level magic, but Anne's energy can be used directly to Christine, which makes Christin to play all her strength.

The same is fiveth order, the same as the upper race, Christin is certainly able to fight with Minnoes.

However, Luther has chosen to avoid the war and choose the exam.

Unless it is a crushing bureau of the property, otherwise, it will fight with Minno, ...

Luther glard by Minno's shoulder axis than others to be big and huge, watching it is super scraping, even if it is finally won, this is also a great hurt.

At least Luode, Li Kulu, Mha, or low-level them, afraid that the remaining wave of a little battle will be injured.

After all, this is just the first time, this is the heavy injury, what should I do?

What if I encounter a trap and a magic? Isn't it cool directly?

Waiting for another restoration? How much time? Although it is a challenge badge, Luke does not want to spend a few months here.

So Luther is firm self, no matter how Nno said, even if he is not a man, even if he can't do it, Lian Lud's magic nine can't help but live, Luder is still a firm choice of Do not fight and choose exam.

The helpless Minino has to put down the huge war ax in the shoulder.

"School brother, he is very annoying, I really didn't think."

It seems that the desire is dissatisfied, Mino is extremely uncomfortable.

Then, the Nijulos Mother touched the female servant's pocket, took out a group of paper who was smashed into the ball to lose to Lu De, and went back to the seat to eat refreshments.

Luther expands the paper ball, is the first test paper, and there is no text on the beginning of the test paper. After a few seconds, it has gradually emerged.

The above problem, how to say it, is not too difficult, but Ludder can't answer one time.

[The San Devil Federation has several joining kingdom, please write all the names of all the joined kingdom]

Luther knows that the Holy Devil's Federation has 23 joining kingdom, but all the name of the kingdom, this road is not clear for a time.

At the shoulders of Luthel, Mmmmm Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm hitting his hand, said that this problem she knows that, at the beginning, the memory fragments that Ai I infused, there was an answer.

In another one, another ordinary demon branch, Mha jumped to the table, and she took the pen to pick up the pen next to it, and wrote it.

The answer is correct, and the next second of Mumm, a red circle appeared on the answer, apparent that Azerra was amended on the spot.

Then, all the words on the test paper disappeared, and there is a new problem for two seconds.

Please briefly analyze the social structure of the old Loss Empire. When the San Devil is compared to it, there is only three advantages.

This problem is simple, Luther can answer, he took the pen written by Mm, just finished writing, and a red circle appeared on the answer.

Then the third question

Where is the sensitive belt of the Niangmi Thalos?


Seeing the problem that emerged, Lu Deron speechless, two questions in front of this, how do you start dropping?

Ok, Azeri is still a magic mother, this aunt, it is also a kind of knowledge.

Luther glance, first look at his magic nine, even Mam shook his head, helpless, Luther looked next to Minno who was drinking tea.

Minoes is beautiful and delicious to eat tea cake, and it is perceived by Luther 's sight. She looks up with Lu De.

"Sister, where is the sensitive belt of Napo Versols Mother?"

Luther is asking such a direct question, his monsters are stunned.

However, let the Luther's magic maid are more shocked! Minoes actually answered and very seriously answered.

"The average person is in a sensitive belt of the dairy Niang's situation than guessing Naulos mother, is actually wrong."

"It is more sensitive to the nose of the Niangros Mother, but it is still A, but also A, it is still A.

"A? Well, thank you for your sister."

Luther is in the test paper, the red circle is correct.

Lili Luo said doubts, what happens, how would this? Is this the bribery entrance? Put water on the spot? Is this Is this planning to give the Luther?

Christini is understanding, deliberately pinch the clothes of the short-sleeved shirt of Luther, and she laughs for Li Keeu:

"Knowledge is free, there is no shame and the Jing, the difference is the mentality of scholars."

"This assessment is an open test. All the answers can be found in the big library, and the master does not ban us, and it will not prohibit we will ask us."

"Minno is the school sister of my and stinking man, of course, I can ask for it."

"So, as long as we ask her with a simple question, you can ask her, you can, Minno's school sisters will definitely answer."

"So, the key to this problem, the focus of the first level is a pure scholar."

The answer is correct, this question is again hidden, then the fourth issue will appear.

[This is the final problem of the first level, please answer, the taste of the Niolos Milk, sweet? Salty?


Luther once again, the old face was uncomfortable.

"Sister. Amount, I think, that, I want to ask, ask Milk's milk, is sweet or salty?"

Luthegan's asked.

Minno, she slowly standing.

"School brother, are you asking? No, your attitude is very unfair, you are X harassment!"

"Even the school brother, the school sister is also angry!"

Said, Minno filed the huge and heavy giant ax, smile 'splendid'.

109. Hunting

Just now, the Natural Natural Natural Niulos Mother, at this moment, it seems to be pressed by the strange switch, and the whole becomes fairy.

The difference is like a cow and bullfighting of a leisurely grazing, and the bucket is ready to prepare a bulk.

The pupil turns into an unusual demon red, and the eyes are extremely aggressive. Minno looks at the road morality, and the enchanting has a lip.

"School brother, really want to know?"

"Yes ~"