Pocket Monster Girl

Pocket Magic Niang Chapter 75

Such actions give the road morality to the feeling around him.

More than why, for this sentence of Lona, the name of this academic brother, Luther has a feeling of familiarity.

However, no matter how it is important, you can't find the source of this feel.

"The person is the first, Miss Lona is stronger than me, and I am willing to call me for the school, my pleasure."

Luthei Qianqian has a gift answer, Lona is warm and beautiful.


Lonna suddenly took a deep breath.

"School brothers, school brothers, school brothers, school brothers, school brothers, ..., school brothers, school brothers!"


Luther is a question mark, what ghost? It's enough to shout, so many mean? Is it hovered?

"Hey, there is nothing, just make it up with the you haven't mentioned the you're."

Sure enough, it is considered a researcher, the magic lady's thinking and brain circuit is different from normal human beings. It is really strange.

"Hey ~ School brother, do you want me to help you design some experimental ways about misplaced evolutionary secure reliability.

Lonna said, this is also asking, Luther chicks have a nodding.

In other words, this Lona temperature seems to know his own look, and he does not know that he does not accept high-risk experiments and will only accept safe and reliable experiments.

It seems to see the idea in the heart of Luther, and Lonna will smile.

"I have learned the situation of the school from Azer."

"It turns out that the school sister wants me that this school has premedited, I thought it was temporary."

Luthent Tong Road, Lonna's warm face is slightly red, but it is delicate, and it is very straightforward.

"The school brother is so handsome, the Shengguang is beautiful, I will definitely be contacted by many wild Magic Niang Niang Shu to contact the various pursuits. I am also a wild-owned Magic Niang, and there is more further approaching than other wild monsters. The chance of the school, of course, you must have a bad voice for the school brother! Even if the sister is just a lowest and weak Arna temperature, there is also a dream of a super handsome and superior master! "

This is also too straightforward, and the thick face of the battlefield of Luther is a bit unbearable.

Lona Wen is suddenly pouring the body near the camera, the picture of Lonna is getting bigger.

"School brother, I can help you design a safe and reliable experimental way, but you have to give me your body photo poster, you can only wear underwear, not wearing, of course, is the best, hehe."

"If the school brother can give the school sister, you can give your body fluid. The school sister swear is the exclusive of the school brother. Can't afford the devil's mother and the exclusive researcher! There is no conditional research on evolutionary research."

Luther pays that the pupil of Lona turns into a pink love shape, and there is a mouth of the mouth, and it's a low smile.

Lying in trough, metamorphosis !

Luther was scared from the seat, and the bed is holding the pillow. The tail is also scared by the fried gruna.

"Hey! Lutco brother, what are you doing! Don't suddenly scare !!"

Li Kuli is full of sound.

After listening to Li Kulu, Lona warmly converges her metamorphosis, she sorted up clothes and hair accessories, allowing the instrumentation to look at the elegance.

"So, just like this, if the school brother makes decisions, post the things to this address."

"After receiving something, the school sister will immediately hand over the things you need to you!"

After saying, Lona wast hanged the video communication, followed by an address, appeared on the chat window, and followed a pink love expression picture.


Lunde speaking, what is this? What is this TM?

Just now, I was shocked by Luther. Now I see the wonderful entanglement of Luther. Li Ke Luo Lulu is completely hooked. She quried to Luther, although it is difficult to teeth, but the road Germany finally told Lili Luo, after all, this is about her evolutionary experiment, as a must participate, she has the right to know.

"Map Evolution ~?"

The red jade scorpion of Li Kulu is completely bright, and it is full of expectations.

"Hey cooperate! Let's cooperate! Let the soul are like the unprecedented magic lady like the stupid passion."

"Isn't a full body poster of Ludggegion! Snooked!"

Said, Li Ke Luo hurriedly ran back her room, hugged a bunch of posters, but also now have a handsome poster, and there is still no change in appearance.

Luther uses a quite complicated also to stare at Lili Luo, these posters, when is it shooting, when is it made, how did he know! ? And where is it? He didn't have to go, whether in the previous Azer's villa, or now, he actually didn't find it at all!

Luther is tired, says that follow her, anyway, Li Ke can use it, then let Lili can be deal with Lona.

Under the permission of Luther, Lili Luo Lonn's friend.

"Miss Lishi ~~"


"Ludgogor is because of the hint of Liarian, but he is not, don't be a little ! But it is very careful! Although it turns into Ana Wen Niang, whether it is the appearance and even character of the character changed. But there are still many common places, rest assured, I will not tell Lutco's . "

"Yes, Lona is Luofei. In the Honglian Horror's terrorist attack, the whole body is almost smashed with the whole body. It is unable to use the usual way to treat it. The flower room is symbiotic, that is, now, Lona Wen. "

"Hey ~! Since Loff, Lona Wen, there is no problem! Lund Gothic's full body photo poster, Lonna Wen sister, which one is!"

Li Kulu sends a stroke drawing.

There is a picture of Luther sleep, eat the picture, brush your teeth, and practice the sword sweats such as the jealousy picture, there is a picture of the prince Yanshire to shoot MV, and even press the crazy bully Christini she drums tears for mercy Not letting alone but continue to be more fierce and bullying a wicked expression chart.

For a long time, Lonna Tempered GIF animation of a grip.

"take them all!!"

138. Procedural Test

Luther didn't know how many payments were reached by Lili Luo and Lona Temping. How much is Liko Luo Lulu sold his whole body poster.

Luther only knew that the next morning, the morning practice had just finished breakfast, and Li Kewei came up with a U disk to him.

The U disk is installed is about the guess idea, argumentation, calculation formulas, and experiments for subsequent design tests.

After spent two days, Luthen took all the information carefully.

Then, Luther couldn't help but confuse. Is this really a program that is only in the stage of conjecture?

The data in this U disk is also too detailed. Some places are not a speculation, but a positive sentence.

This is like it seems that it has passed four or five related experiments, and the data of subsequent data is checked.

This is exactly the same.

Regarding the misplaced evolution, this guess actually in the mind in Lona, when she is still a human Rofe, only did not expand the corresponding experiment.

After becoming Lona, Lona Wen is deeply frustrated.

After all, she became the descent of the devil who was annoying, even if she didn't pay much attention to her family and parents, they all gave up her, and strive to cultivate her several brothers and sisters.

This ridiculous thing happened to her body.

Fortunately, the nature of Ana Tempery Magic Niang will temporarily distort the pure school sister of Luther into the degree of love.

With this distorted idiotic love, Lona Temping regains the feelings and self, and accepts the fact that is already the monster.

When I came back, I became a magic lady, and the appearance of the appearance became more beautiful than the neutral appearance. It was more beautiful, the chest became bigger, the convex convex, the thamia, this is probably the only let Luo Nawen can now feel very happy.

Before Lifu, she did not want to trim, it was not not wanting, but how to repair it is more than others, so she is from violent.

Now, Lona Temping has already had something that the landscape of the Magic Niang's level has been dreaming of Loff. However, Lonna is not enough, she still wants more.

Since it became a magic, it would be a more powerful magic nous. Become the upper monster! Even the legendary super-magic lady!

At least you can't be more than the other magic maidies in Ludder.

At least there is too much extraordinary complex skin color.

At least it cannot be a magic lady who is bound by Unawen in a flower pot.

However, in addition to the variant of Lily Na, there is no evolutionary branch of other branches.

Lily Na Temperature, a flower Shuang Rui's Ar Nim is a variant, thinking that it is to be with another woman forever, coexist, the predecessor is the human girl, whether it is a psychological or physiological acceptance, so, Lona The temperature can only make another way of evolution. She will evolve it in advance, when other people don't know, it is still busy in the demon evolution, Lona Wen is already in her own. After several misplaced experiments, this will have such detailed data in Luders.



In-depth study of Lonna Wen's premises, Luther has made a summary.

Several points of misplaced evolution.

First of all, the Magic Niang himself has a strong evolutionary thought, and the belief is sufficiently firm to get a business.

In this regard, the evolution experiments in Cammy have been fully demonstrated, while Luther is also unfamiliar, Li Ke Luo's wants to evolve the idea. If he doesn't see it, even the original Chanmi It's far more than.

Second, it is sufficient emotional energy.

In this regard, Li Kulu should also be almost the same, and Li Ke can say that she doesn't want to eat, she has reached a state of satiety, that is, Ludu has not broken the four Order, otherwise I can see that Li Kewlla is filled with the strong embarrassment.

Finally, it is also the most important point, blood traction.

If you want to dislocation into another magic lady on another no longer evolving branch, you have to have a crystalline agglomerate corresponding to the Energy and blood of the Magic Niang Niang in the same property.

Just like the stone statue of the ghosts evolve the Dragon Dragon Scales.

But not all the crystalline agglomerates of the upper monster Niang, have to consider the blood velocity of the former.

As an example of Lili Luo, as a monster of the cat, you can't take a crystalline agglomerate of the Magic Niang Niang to give her.

I really took a crystallization of the Magic Niang Niang to the Lili Kulu, can't say absolutely no hope, but the success rate was afraid that one percent.

Giving the losing blood traction, it is best to have a crystalline agglomerate of the upper monster of the cat.

The darkness of the cat is the crystalline agglomerate of the Magic Niang.

Luther wants to go, it seems that he knows that only the hell letter is known as hell, and the death guidelines are said to be able to smell the dead cat mayu.

However, the Nether Nather is the kind of monster who came to the portless character. According to legend, it will only come to the human society to pick up the favorite partner and finally kidnapped.

At least in the official registration of the San Devil's official registration, there is no inquiry of the cat girl, which is only in the unknown area.

"It is not necessarily the Netherous Cat, it is best to be a cat department, but other deviation values ​​are slightly larger, there is no small success rate, or you can try it again! At least one test, relatives ! "

"If you can get a crystalline agglomerate of the super-demonic, completely cover the blood of the cat, it is also possible, and you don't mind if a Wang Niang."

I know that in order to safety in the experiment process, Luther will definitely drill the oldest plan, and Li Kulu is said.

Said, Li Kulu dew cat's cat sighted to wear pajamas and rabbit slippers to play with Cristin, who played mobile phones on the sofa, and finally tested the test.

Lutheran sill, nodded.

The first test is no problem, if the affinity is high enough, you can do try it.

According to the information given by Lona, Luther quickly adjusted a solvent used to detect blood affair.

It is very simple to detect the use of the solvent.

Among the 100 ml solvents, the blood required to evolve the lower magic lady and the blood directed by the proportion of the proportion of 10: 1, and stirring is stirred.

If the final solvent is liquid and the color is pure.

Then, it is proved that the pro-peace is high enough, it can be further tested, equivalent to the skin test, if the physical test is less than, you can make the final evolutionary experiment, even if the evolution failed, it will almost no damage to the injury. Sequelae.

If it is a liquid turbidity, then don't follow the steps, unless it is a true Emperor, 1% of the probability can win the bid.

If the final solvent is a solid crystal shape and transmits pure, such as crystal, it can complete the stage of the skin test, directly to the final evolutionary experiment, because this proves that the traction of the blood will completely cover the blood of the next magic Niang himself. If you don't have to consider what affinity problem, this is the same situation as the stone like the Dika Millennium.

Finally, if the solvent is condensed into a solid crystal but is not pure.

This proves that the traction blood is mostly covered with the blood of the devil's own, but it will still have a little residual.

This situation is as long as the courage is enough, it is possible to fight, maybe bicycle will change motorcycle? It is failed, there will be a small probability will have an unexpected variation. This variation may be short, or may be forever, such as a mental disorder, such as suddenly become extreme desire, will want crazy madness, It may take a long cat, and the cat is turned into two pairs, and the tail becomes three cases.

Unfortunately, Lysi Lulu and Christin's test results are liquid turbid. This situation does not need to be subsequently tested, and it can be judged, and Li Kewei will be displaced into a double-hearted beast.

139. The truth in the unknown area

The dark attributes of the monster are rarely, and the magic nine of the light attribute is even more rare.

In the current registered billions of the monstrians in the San Devil Federation, only about 30,000 dark attributes, and the upper magic lady is even more rare, less than 100.