Pokemon: The Legend of Wreck Eye

Pet Elf Write Eye Legend Chapter 497

On the seven nights, the bullets of Central Connan, they were lucky, they did not fight, only hit the left arm, and naturally done to the arm induced, did not stay in the body, and save the bullets. However, there are also unlucky places. After all, the child's arm is thin. It doesn't have the launch of the thigh muscles as the bullet muscles, but directly interrupted his bones.

The bones of the arm are interrupted, the wound is too big, the blood is too large, and the special effects of the special effects of the piano wine, plus time dragging too long, it has been coma because of blood loss during the hospital.

The bones are still small, but the blood type in the hospital is suitable for the blood type in Conan, and Xiaolan's blood type and conno, that is, the new blood type of Koiri, and Xiaolan is of course to give Conan blood, she is very concerned about Conan , The mysterium of Xiaolan is not coming back, and there is no way for seven nights. It is just that she is not too reluctant.

It turns out that this kind of girl in Xiaolan is very massed. Although it is gentle and considerate, sometimes it will not be obedient, Conan is too blood, it takes a lot of blood, and Xiaolan give Connan has lost too much blood, and since the blood transfusion was fainted, it was sent to the hanging glucose in the ward.

I was awkward in seven nights. Xiaolan didn't feel anything unhappy. Instead, I laughed with my crazy, softly looked at the seven nights, said: "Seven Nights, in my impression, this is the first time you first And me."

The seven nights were unhappy. After hearing Xiaolan's words, he turned over a white eye, said: "You lost his blood, the brain is stupid, is it so happy ?!"

Xiaolan slightly, his head, showed a pure and innocent smile, whispered: "But ... I am really happy, I am really happy ..."

Xiaolan is also worthy of the Angel approved by the thousand sides of Bell Mad, let the seven nights have no fire, no choice but hand, touch the pretty face of Xiaolan, said: "Xiaolan , You are really angel ... "

The seven-night strokes and praise, let the martilage's face float, the original pale face has become healthy, and it is almost afraid to raise his head. "Seven nights, my mother is still here. ...... "

After the seven nights, it is a gloomy, leaning on the wall. It is a seven-night and his own daughter. Although I can't know, but I can't help but dissatistency. After all, after all, after all, Emotion This complicated thing, even if the human brain is developed to 100%, it is uncontrollable. After all, human beings are a weak, but extremely emotional animals.

"I went out to buy something." Gently sighed, and the german came out of the Xiaolan's ward, came to the automatic vending machine outside the hospital, bought a can of Oolong tea, but did not take it.


In the heart of the inferior, a punch is on the wall outside the hospital. This punch actually pulled a pocket on the cement wall of the tile. It can be seen that her heart is how out of control.

"I will be evil! Why is it so happy!" The English bite the silver tooth, and the eyes flashed in the eyes. "The bastard, he wants to pursue Xiaolan to let him catch up! But why is this hurt in your heart! !! "

After ten minutes, I was sighing, picking up the can of Oolong tea, drinking tears together, as for the taste, there is much bitter, only she understands.


"Xiaolan, you are in violation of my agreement today."


The pretty face of Xiao Lilan was smashed on the seven nights: "Don't you say that it is too reluctant to force yourself?"

"Sorry, there will be no next time."

"For Xiaolan, I don't believe it."

"Is my reputation are so bad?" Xiaolan looked at the seven nights slightly, and it was rare to launch a delicate.

After seven nights, I went into my head. I had a bite on the cheeks of Xiaolan. "Because Xiaolan is the kind of fool who will regardless of others."

Xiaolan face showed shame, the corner of his mouth evoked a sweet smile.

I touched the hair of Langlan in seven nights: "I will go back first. I will see you in tomorrow, I will take a break this early. If you lose so much blood, it is very slow."


Seven Nights and the two people returned to the house all the way, after changing the shoes, the germanished back to her room, and she suddenly hugged her in seven nights.

"What's wrong, I am not happy?"

I didn't resist the hug of seven nights this time. After listening to him, I was silent, and said: "Of course I am unhappy, Xiaolan is hospitalized."

"Is this reason?" Seven nights moving his head, his lips continued to slip over the white cheeks and earlings, the heroic body trembled, breathing was slightly spurt, and the seven nights didn't reveal her heart.

"English, you are jealous, eat Xiaolan vinegar, right?"

"You Hu said!" He said in a strong support, but the heart is panic, it is too straightforward after all.

"Oh, you don't admit it. It doesn't matter. Anyway, you belong to me." I laughed in the morning and evening. "The gains in this evening have been very much, and the peers are out of control in front of him, and they cry. Although not explained, But I also know that the feelings of the two have been deepen again, and the seven nights still have to get a kiss, the kind of hug, there is also the kind of hug, there is also a move, the man can also excuse, the strength of the seven nights I can't resist it, but the kind of intimate hot kiss explained unclear, let alone kissing is so intoxicated, and the infantry is actually jealous because of the intimate and vinegar of seven nights and Xiaolan, this is the same Reflection, if it is the amount of quantity in the first two days, the seven nights left a definitely unspeakable impression in the heart of the influence, that is the quality change, after the mood of the kiss and later jealous, It is absolutely impossible to face seven nights with indifferent or light expressions.

Seven nights, the body of the hero, letting her face himself, watching the influence of her English, there is still some red lips, laughing: "I can kiss you?"

"No!" Because of the existence of Xiaolan.

"There is nothing to do, I don't have to be." I looked at the german in seven nights, touched the gentleman's lips with the finger of the thumb, said: "You are not very intoxicated. Now you have a little "

I didn't have the head, I was smelling my mouth, she didn't know that her mouth is not swollen, but it is still a bit of merits.

"I don't know how tempting ... you are shy." Said to smile in seven nights, and then slowly attached to the small mouth of the hero.

"You don't ... don't ..." ... " , although she is pushing, but this time, it is more fade in a seven-night hot kiss.

This time, this time, this time, it is no longer satisfied with kissing, reach out the sleeves of the white suit and the inside of the shirt, the buckle is explained, the Start kneading.

"Hey ..." Heavy eyes widened, obviously did not expect to do this in the seven nights, pushing the chest of the seven nights, but there is no effect, the first two days of gentleman is so violently struggled, facing the giant of seven nights There is no way, how can I resist the invasion of seven nights now? Soon the softness of the seven nights.

But it is also quite good, after all, the silent record of the academic garden is an anime selling meat, which is generally not better than.

"English, you are beautiful ..."


Sitting on the sofa on the couch and laughing, I am really shy, but today is enough, after all, the mother and female ethics are the biggest psychological obstacles in the german, if Masher is not a boy, I may not be said. It will be pushed by the german, but the more difficult things, the more accomplish it after completion.

In the case, he hid into the room, although he was not cold, but she still stared at the door with the strictty that she parked her own.

:::::::::::::::::::::: :: ::: : : ! "

After the Ying Ying said, he buried his head into his own knee. She was looking forward to it. I look forward to sleeping with her for seven nights, and even expecting the seven nights to do that ...

After all, I have been empty for ten years. In addition, in the heart of the two-night complicated feelings, there is also the first thing that is born for the chest for seven nights. She is even wet, she is even looking forward to suddenly rushing in seven nights, tearing her clothes. Then I entered her body, I'm thinking in the influence of the intention, but the poor ingredients told her that she couldn't, so she didn't actively, only to expect her forced her for a seventen or night, even what happened, and finally The blame is on the top of the seven nights, have to say, women's heart sea.

After half an hour, I really can't help but put a cold expression. Open the door, it is like going to go to the toilet, but in fact, I want to see what I want to see. .

When I came out, I suddenly fired, because I was lying on the sofa for seven nights, I have already asleep. Born! I have been waiting for you for more than two hours. Are you sleeping here? !

In the heart, I was angry, I rushed back to the room, and I got on the door. However, after less than half an hour, I was out of the room again. This time I'm very abnormal, pretty Face red, I don't know what I'm thinking, I am in my own home, but it is like a thief, I am afraid to make a sound, so take off the shoes, I came out from the room, I went to the sofa.

The heroes pushed the seven nights, did not respond, and pushed it again, still did not respond, so many times, the gerbera is finally determined that seven nights have been sleeping, and the red face, actually curled up the body, lying When I arrived on the couch, I was lying in the arms of the seven nights.

The space on the sofa is very small. Although the two are squeezed, although it is lying, but the body is completely close, and the , listen to the seven-night strong heartbeat, the heart of the influence gradually calm down, but When I fell asleep, I suddenly fell asleep, and a big hand suddenly climbed to her chest and pinched hard.

"Ah!" The English screamed, instantly slept, lifted, just on the seven nights, the double in the night, also bright scarlet eyes, said: "What are you doing ?!"

"This sentence should be asked you." The seven night smiled in the chest of the peak, said: "What is the running of the big night, is it Make Love?"

"You said! Too!"

"Isn't it? Then you say what you have a big thing in a big night?"


"Hey, English, in fact, I am looking forward to you don't wear clothes to find me."