Possessing Nothing

< Gwangcheonma-4 >

A strong storm joins together to form a loop. There are dozens and dozens of them leading to one. Dozens of furiously rotating loops sweep through the area. I couldn't help but feel the mineral horse standing in the center of the blood gust with his hands raised.

‘I didn't mean to kill you...’

I just wanted to have a good fight. Although the workshop that the two workshops shared was so intense that it did not end with a touch, the miner thousand horses remained relaxed until the end, so that they would reap the flesh instead of the flesh.

But not now. It's too late. The berserker has unleashed a blood storm, a myth about the Bleeding Horseman, and this storm of death will rip the men apart and turn them into hundreds of pieces. That's always been the result when the cyclone was blown.

‘Too bad. That shaman... It's too bad to kill him like this. After 10 more years, he would have been stronger than he is now...’

The moaning of the miners stops. He feels a sharp slaughter in a thunderstorm. I wasn't mistaken. Phew! A straight lane pierces through the outside of the storm. Gongdo. A sixth of the nine-thousandth pole pierced the outskirts of the Heavy Wind.

No way! ’

The miner was frightened and moved both hands. The gust of wind fills the cracked area. However, the straight path created by the roadway is not filled immediately. Guryong killing sprouts through the open road. However, the nine dragons were unable to pierce the cyclone head-on.

Before the gap is filled. Guangcheon Ma looked at Lee Sung-min. In the wind of a madman who seemed to be falling down immediately, Lee Sung-min stretched out his spear. Breathing breaths and cold sunken eyes. The eyes, which had no idea where they were looking, were suddenly facing the berserker.

“… Haha! ”

The lightning horse laughs, and the blood gust explodes. The scattered red strength becomes fog and spreads to all sides. Gwangcheon Horse looked up at the red bitten sky quietly and looked down.

Lee Sung-min collapsed not far away. Lee Sung-min's limb was fine even though he received a headwind. Even if you were wearing armor, if you were in the center of such a tough steel ball, your insides would have burst by my weight method. The miners thought it would be.

“You killed the poor thing. ”

Guangcheon Horse muttered to Lee Sung-min like that. I fought with interest and greed, but the miners felt a little sad about killing Lee Sung-min. There is no way to resurrect the dead. But I wanted to clean up the body.

It was a few steps closer to the mineral horse. Lee Sung-min's body was greatly stirred. You mean he was alive? The miner's eyes flicker. The trembling of Lee Sung-min's body is frequent. Suddenly, Lee Seong-min suddenly woke up.

“What the...”

You got hit in the face with a headwind and you didn't get a scratch? The mouth of the miner opened wide. However, shortly after a while, the mineral horse realized that the strange ‘glamour' that he had been feeling had suddenly become dark.

Lee Sung-min opened his mouth. Ah, ah. Lee Sung-min who was speaking in that way turned around. Gwangcheon Horse opened his eyes and looked at Lee Sung-min's eyes. Different... So different. Are you saying you're the one who just shared the workshop with me? Are those human eyes that look like they put a whole flame in them?

“... Ugh...”

My heart is twitching. Guangcheon Horse stumbles back, feeling dizzy. My heart thumped and my whole body flushed. The miner was embarrassed because he didn't know how he felt.

“You cheeky bastard...”

Lee Sung-min chewed his lips and spit it out. The voice belonged to Lee Sung-min, but not Lee Sung-min. Heju occupied the body on behalf of the unconscious. As proof of this, Lee Sung-min's evil purple force was leaking out from the barn.

“I have so many questions for you. ”

Heju spits out. He glances at the liquor occupying Lee's body while sweating coldly. He didn't explain it, but he instinctively knew. That's a completely different person than before. Heju makes a loud approach to the Guangcheon Horse, staring this way. He glances at the spear in his right hand and puts it down without a doubt. It was originally because he didn't use a window.

Force fires from the body of Hesitar. It was much more sinister than Lee Sung-min used, and it was so violent that it couldn't even be compared to Lee Shin-geun. The face of the miner who was stepping back distorted. I didn't even know what was going on, but he was angry at the emotion that he was feeling.


The miners run forward screaming. Huju steps forward with his bare hands slowly raises his right hand. Kuooo! An enormous force wraps around your right hand. Lee Sung-min's body was a force that could not be retrieved, but it was not now. As Heju took over Lee's body, his strength was being used according to the willingness to be careless.

Gwangcheon Horse made a duel with a shout. The hemocytoplasty becomes violent, creating a red storm. Huju laughs at the raging strong storm and swings his right hand. It seems to swing roughly without any finesse, but the force that was wrapped around the Phantom's hand stretches thickly and presses down on all the winds of the hemolysis machine.


In front of your eyes, the berserker screams. Even so, the miners did not retreat. He opens his eyes and opens his balls in succession. The shaman was chosen by the shaman who defeated Lee Sung-min. The red force rises to form a loop and loop. Soon it became a great whirlpool.

Heju makes a big move toward the threatening hemorrhagic storm. The force that covers the body of the forgetfulness rises up like smoke and expands greatly. When you throw a clenched fist forward once. The Heavy Cyclone has been smashed. Huju runs forward toward the wide-open mineral horse. Suddenly, Hesitant's hand jumped in front of the miners and grabbed the miners' lap. Knng! Soon, the miner's body plunges into the ground.

“Where did you get this? ”


Heavy liquor snarls and spits out, throwing the miner's body to the ground. The miners struggle, gripping the confused spirit, but Heju doesn't let go.

“The power you use. My strength. Where did you get it? ”

“What are you... saying...”

“Don't pretend you don't know! ”

Heju shouts. At the same time, his strength falters from the hands of the shaman, and he is sucked into the body of the shaman. Then the mouth of the miner opened wide. The force that enters the body can never be absorbed by an ordinary human being. The human body is different from that of the monster, and the force of the monster is like blood. Just as you will die if you receive another type of blood in your body, so will your strength.

But it wasn't a mineral horse. I felt the pain of my whole body being torn apart, but the miners didn't die. He opens his mouth and screams silently. Huju grabs hold of the struggling miner and continues to push his strength. Then something deep inside the miner's armor reacted.

“Ugh...! ”

The miner's eyes turn upside down. The two white bitten eyes got wet in the light. The essence of momentum deep inside the armature is awakened by the aura. The main horse and photophobia suffered from photovoltaic aneurysm were side effects due to the force at the bottom of the short circuit. The reason why the frenzied Mine Celestial Horse drove all the way to Trabia in the far north was because of the existence of a madness heading here.

“Maybe you were the nobleman of this one. ”

I spit it out with my face that Heju is ridiculous. The berserker has always slaughtered everything around him, but not the current one. He was staring at the spirit that took over Lee's body, even though he had lost his mind in madness. Huju smiled in vain, looking into the eyes of such a miner.

“What the hell happened...”

The idle muttering that I couldn't understand stopped. A sprawling hand grabs my neck. It was the hands of the negligent, or the rational, who acted that way. He frowns as he feels the evil grip on his neck.

‘You crazy bastard...! ’

A rational person. A rational person who lost consciousness is waking up and trying to regain the body that Heju is in control of. He was embarrassed by it. It means that the mind of a rational person is much stronger than that of another human being.

I knew it already, but I never thought I'd be so influential with my body completely occupied.

“No, he's not trying to take over your body. Given the situation, I can't help it...”

Heju quickly spit it out, but Lee Sung-min didn't listen to him. Strength of the hand that wraps around the neck grows. In the end, even though he is his own body, Lee Sung-min's hand is strong enough to wrap around my neck and break it.

I was.

“Got it, got it! ”

In the end, Heju stepped away from Lee Sung-min's body. The force that was wrapping around Lee Sung-min's body was sucked into the barding, and the eyes of Lee Sung-min who was burning red recovered my color.


Lee Sung-min lowered his hand, clutching his neck, and breathed out a violent breath. I felt a rare numbness in my whole body, and my whole body was aching. I can barely breathe because I've just held my neck tight there. Lee Sung-min, who was exhaling, sat there reluctantly, feeling a faint headache.

[Son of a bitch... I don't even recognize the savior of life!]

“I know.”

Lee Seong-min touched his frustrated neck and spit it out. I know you've been a little distracted this time. It was Lee's ability to pierce the slight gap when he was caught in the blood gust, but when the blood gust erupted afterwards, Heju took out his strength to protect him. That's why I had to stop losing my mind. If I had just driven that fierce storm forward, my body would have been shattered.

“That's it... this is it. ”

Lee Seong-min replied, squatting on the floor. He died with the help of a fool, but I couldn't forgive Heju for taking his body and moving around freely. It's just... Lee Sung-min looks at his hands with bitter eyes.

What woke him up was when Heju smashed the blood gust with a single gesture. It was his body that did it... Even though it was the same body, the technique that Heju showed was so high that he could never imitate it. That intense yogi. A method of forcibly disconnecting a circular storm by pushing the force in an extremely short amount of time. I felt empathy for Lee Sung-min.

[If you become a monster, you can do the same.]

Lee Sung-min ignored it. Lee Seong-min sighed and glanced at the mine. The lightning horse, which had been consumed by the provocation, was lying unconscious without causing trouble.

“... What the hell is this? ”

[I don't even know this old man. But what he was using was definitely my strength. Deep inside his armor... there is the essence of my power. I thought that part of my power had vanished after being sealed 400 years ago, but it wasn't.]

Huzhou said so and remained silent for a moment.

[This old man looks like the bastard is the nobleman you'll meet in the north. He's a human being and he's dealing with forces. That side effect sometimes makes my mind go numb... Even so, it's great to maintain your strength while being a human.]

Lee Sung-min silently listened to the idleness without saying anything. Heju continued to say to Lee Sung-min.

[I don't know how that son of a bitch handles his strength as a man, but if you can learn how he does it, You'll be able to use it much better than that wretch. You will be able to use your strength without becoming a monster, and unlike that wretch who has part of my power, this old man is directly connected to you.]


At the end of the idle talk, the mineral horse lets out a low groan.

[First listen to him.]

The mineral horse opened his eyes.