Power and Wealth

Chapter 134 [Call Director Xiao Dong!

That afternoon.

Zhen An Guo was still thinking about Dong Xuebin and hesitated to sell Xu Yan's face.

The bell bell, the bell bell, the phone on the desk rang in a hurry. Zhen An Guo picked it up and killed an angry voice across the street. Zhen An Guo was stunned, “Chengxi Branch! It's your West End again! What the hell do you want? I want to know what you guys are up to! ”

I heard all the yelling on the phone and my face changed. Who is this? How dare you yell at Director Jane?

Zhen An Guo gave a fine pint and immediately heard who it was. His face was straight: “Chief Jiang, what happened? ”

Yan Lei was surprised, Chief Jiang? Is that Chief Jiang? What's the matter with you? Director Jiang's phone call directly to Director Zhen's office?

Five minutes later.

Dong Xuebin is anxiously awaiting the news of the deputy department in his small office. He thinks Zhen An Guo should not disagree, but there is no bottom line in his heart. He has promised this deputy, Xu Yan, and it must be fine, but the key is a time. This is the same for the deputy department within a week. This is the same for the deputy department within a year and two years, but this is the difference between heaven and earth. Of course Dong Xuebin wants to talk for a week... No, it is best to mention it today, so he is in a hurry to lose his mind.

Knocking at the door, Tan Limei suddenly came in, "Director Bin Zi. ”

Dong Xuebin smiled dumbly: “Come on, there's no outsiders. Don't call me that. Just call Binzi. ”

Tan Limei simply said: “Bin Zi, something may have happened in the bureau. I just heard that Director Zhen suddenly summoned Director Xu and Director Six to an emergency meeting. Something seems to have happened. The atmosphere is quite tense.” Emergency meetings, which are not common in the West Side of the city, unless there is something particularly urgent.

Dong Xuebin stunned, “What's going on?” I was just working on it. How come I didn't hear?

“I didn't know that. I just listened to your ear and I reported it to you. ”

Dong Xuebin frowned. “In this way, you let Pan Wei ask for it and come back and tell me.” At the critical period of Dong Xuebin's dry work, the above developments must always be grasped.

“Yes." Tan Limei took the assignment out.

Guo Panwei and the branch office have a lot of connections, the work efficiency is very high. He soon stepped into Dong Xuebin's office. “Director Dong, ask clearly, the emergency meeting was held because six places caught the wrong person! ”

The Integrated Office, the Political Office, the Treasury, the Disciplinary Commission and other departments belong to the executive branch. They are only involved in internal affairs. They do not deal with a series of external cases that pose a threat to national security. There are only six departments in charge of dealing with these incidents. Of course, the real number of large cases that cannot be placed on the bright side does not fall under the jurisdiction of the six branches. It is a matter for the city bureau and higher level State security organs. The six branches deal with relatively small cases. For example, you take a camera every day and shoot the district political axe in a building outside the district political axe. For example, you make some reactionary remarks outside, it seems that the competencies of the public security department are slightly intersecting, but this is actually the work of the six branches.

Dong Xuebin blinked his eyes. He didn't quite understand. “Tell me more about it. What's going on? ”

Guo Panwei gasped: “I just heard that too, you know there was a group of people spreading earthquake rumors on the internet a while ago? I got a message at 6: 00 in the morning, as if someone saw a man spreading earthquake messages with a laptop computer, and then 6: 00 in the morning, they went over and caught someone. The other party may have had some resistance, had some physical contact with six national security officers, injured the suspect, but when I investigated his computer, I found out that there was a picture on the QQ chat record, similar to the picture that had been spreading earthquake rumors a while back, the background font was very similar, but the text was not that. The text was just a thing. Anyone who saw this picture had to forward 100 people, or what —— it was a prank picture! ”

Wrong guy? After all, the national security organ relies on information provided by intelligence agents, obtained through informal channels, so the truth and the exact surname of the information certainly cannot be accurate with the information obtained by the public security organ and the prosecutor's office in the normal procedure. Dong Xuebin also knows that there are not many people who have been caught wrong, but if they have been caught wrong, let them go. If they beat up, they will compensate others for their medical expenses. Director Chen is so nervous?

Guo Panwei saw the misgivings of the director of Xiao Dong and quickly explained: “But the six places were not fought by other people, but by a person who was involved in our institution. ”

“… what background? ”

Guo Panwei lowered his head and lowered his voice: “The father of the person who was beaten seems to be related to the chief of the Jingcheng Guoan Municipal Bureau. I don't know what the specific relatives are, but they are all named Jiang and should be close. ”

Dong Xuebin was stunned, and the Guoan Municipal Bureau was in charge? Chief Jiang? This is the water that washed the Dragon King Temple!

“Now that Director Jiang of the city bureau seems angry, we have to explain to him from the west division of the city. Why did the people of Guoan instead arrest the family of Guoan?” Guo Panwei: “That's why Director Zhen held an emergency meeting to discuss how to solve this problem, who is responsible for it, and how to calm Director Jiang's anger. You also know that the corruption and bribery case in our Bureau last week, the city has already had an opinion on our station, and now we have this Oolong incident, which is aggravated by the snow. ”

Dong Xuebin understood, no wonder Zhen An Guo and other leaders reacted so much, this is really serious. Think about it differently. If your mother was caught by someone from your precinct and beaten up, she wouldn't be mad? That's disgusting! I can't blame Director Jiang for getting angry!

Soon, things started heating up in the organ compound.

Everyone was very saddened. The Chengxi Branch was afraid it would be a disastrous year. How come the waves haven't even flattened yet? Director Jiang is in charge of the party committee of the city bureau. If the director of the bureau appoints him to move his mouth, he can handle it. Who can afford Director Jiang's anger? I'm afraid someone's going to step down again.

The other side.

Office of the Director.

Zhen An Guo didn't even have time to go to the conference room. He called the relevant leaders directly to his office for an emergency meeting. This caused Zhen An Guo to be very passive. When he received the call from Director Jiang, he did not understand the situation. After being scolded by Director Jiang, he probably understood what was going on. It was the problem with the six handed over documents signed by Zhen An Guo in the morning. Not only did he catch the wrong person, but he also beat up the relatives of a handful of the city bureau. This is not hitting people anymore, this is hitting the face, hitting the face of the city!

“Are you hurt badly?” Director Zhen ran out of time to talk nonsense and went straight to the subject.

“It's not heavy, the corners of the eyes are a little bruised, the wrists are a little swollen, and the bones aren't damaged," said one of the six deputy directors. ”

Jan An nodded, “Where's the beating cop? ”

Six deputy directors sighed, "In my office. ”

Yan Lei stood behind Director Zhen, but his heart was calling him unjust. He had just come to the station for a few days. It was such a disgusting thing, too bad.

Director Jane wore a very formal national security uniform today. He was a very strong middle-aged man around the age of 40. Apparently, Director Jane, who had rarely appeared with the main building of the station, was responsible for this incident. When he saw Director Jane had the intention of holding him accountable, he immediately said: “Director Jane, intelligence is inherently vague. It is not possible to be 100% accurate every time. Who doesn't want to see this happening. My people have some problems handling this matter, but the other party did it first, he..."

Zhen An Guo misheard the taste, interrupting: “Now is the time to discuss how to solve the problem, not to shirk the responsibility. Director Jiang of the city bureau is on his way to the hospital to visit the wounded. We do not have time to discuss it with us here.” Zhen An Guo quickly looked at Xu Yan and Director Jane, "Let's see, Director Xu and Director Jane go to the hospital with me to discuss how to handle the relevant personnel on our way. ”

The emergency meeting was very quick and took only four or five minutes.

Then several leaders rushed into the car to rush to the hospital. Although the injured were not seriously injured, the necessary attitude was that they had to be made, because this was not the family of the other person, but the family of Director Jiang!

Dong Xuebin, standing in the hallway, saw the leaders rush through the glass, and knew that things were very difficult. Even if he handled the beating police officers, who knew what Chief Jiang was thinking, would he continue to write about this matter? Will you hold on to this?

Xuanwu Hospital.

Zhen An Guo and others entered the hospital parking lot. Several people were just about to enter the outpatient clinic. Six deputy directors were at the tip of their eyes and saw Director Jiang's car coming from afar. Zhen An Guo and others couldn't get into the hospital, so hurry up and catch up with the car. Director Jiang's driver, not knowing if he had been instructed, did not stop at all. He rubbed Xu Yan Zhen An Guo several people over and parked in an empty space in the distance.

Zhen An Guo had no temper at all. He smiled bitterly and walked in that direction.

The door opened and got out of the car a middle-aged man in his 50s. He was not tall, but he was in a very good mood and was the head of the city bureau, Chief Jiang. Many people know that Director Jiang is actually quite a quiet person, he likes calligraphy and painting, he likes to raise flowers and plants, he is a person who attaches great importance to the cultivation of his surname, and he is not easily angry, but today Director Jiang is a face, and looks at Zhen An Guo walking over with cold eyes, looking angry. I don't blame Director Jiang for his anger. His nephew suffered no delusion. Not only was he beaten, but he was beaten by his own national security personnel. Where did this put his face?

“Director Jiang.” Zhen An Guo has already negotiated with several other leaders in the car, and he comes up and says: “This is a failure of our work. I am truly sorry, your family was shocked. Um, I promise that when I go back, I will severely punish those responsible, especially the two police officers who have physical conflicts with your family, and they must be taken seriously. ”

Director Jiang stared into Zhen An Guo's eyes and said: "Dead sheep make up the prison, what have you been doing long ago! ”

"Guarantee that there will be no more such incidents," Zhen An said. ”

Director Jiang snorted and turned around and went to the hospital. Zhen An Guo and others also wanted to go with him to see the injured, while easing the relationship, who knew Director Jiang suddenly turned around, “Wait here!” Director Zhen An Guojian stopped for a few moments and took Director Jiang and his driver to the hospital.


Xu Yan was very worried: “Director Jiang is very angry, I'm afraid..."

Everyone can see from Director Jiang's attitude, I'm afraid this won't be a good thing. I'm afraid it's not enough to deal with the two National Security Officers. But the leadership of Chengxi Branch has just been adjusted twice, and I can't stand the torment anymore. If I do, who will Chief Jiang open the knife? Leading the Deputy Director? Chief Jane? Deputy Director? That could have had too much impact, especially on Zhen An Guo. In the first few days of his tenure, he offended the city bureau. He also thought that after Zhen An Guo, who had greatly demonstrated his hand and foot in the national security system, it would be difficult to say anything.

Why did you accidentally capture Director Jiang's relatives?

What the fuck is that?

Xu Yan several leaders stood in the front door of the hospital and dared not move a single step.

Six deputy directors are undoubtedly the most anxious, he is almost certainly the one to be held accountable, so he rubbed his hand and thought anxiously for a while, suddenly, the name of a person popped up in his head. In the last three months, no one knows the name. If he comes... then... Six deputy directors seem to have caught the life-saving straw, busy with Xu Yanjiu: “Director Xu, isn't Xiao Dong off work yet? Let him come. ”

Xu Yan frowned.

Jane, who doesn't come to the main building of the bureau often, obviously heard the magical things of Director Xiao. After a while, he also agreed: “Anyway, there are no more recruits. Let Director Dong try to see if he can save the fire. ”

What does that mean? What's he doing here? Why do several leaders seem to trust Dong Xuebin? Isn't he the head of the Integrated Office? Or vice versa! What is the right name to be mentioned in so many leaders' mouths? Yan Lei was somewhat shocked by the words of several leaders. He later realized that he seemed to have made a mistake. This Dong Xuebin... doesn't seem like a general deputy director?

Zhen An Guo also doesn't believe that he can solve the problems that several of himself can't solve, but when he thinks of the things Xu Yan told himself about Xiao Dong, when he thinks of the phrase "difficult to find Xiao Dong”, Zhen An Guo thinks of the dead horse as a living horse doctor, try it.

Xu Yan didn't want Dong Xuebin to come here, he didn't want him to go to this mess instead of not believing in his abilities. This had nothing to do with the Integrated Office. But when he saw Zhen An Guo nod to himself, Xu Yan couldn't help himself. He grinned and picked up his phone and went away. He dialed the phone of the Integrated Office. “Hey, Xiao Dong, come to Xuanwu Hospital now...”

(To be continued)