Power and Wealth

Chapter 358 [Great Job!


China Merchants Bureau compound.

Dong Xuebin returned to his office with the working task document of the China Merchants Bureau formulated in the county. He frowned, not knowing how to say it to the departments. In fact, as early as noon at the end of the county meeting, some well-informed people knew that the China Merchants Bureau had been entrusted with 500 million tasks, 10 times a pass. Now, everyone in the Bureau of Merchants has blown up the pot. That's 500 million. That's more than three times the target of last year's task. So the Bureau complained at Lipton, and they were talking about it all up and down, and it was a mess.

Knock, knock.

As soon as Dong Xuebin returned, the knocking sounded.

Lin Pingping, chief of Business 1, walked in angrily, "Chief, I heard the county gave us the 500 million mark? This is killing us at the Merchants Bureau! ”

Dong Xuebin pressed his hand, “Sit down, sit down and say. ”

Lin Pingping didn't sit down, his emotions were a little excited, “500 million, this is not a matter of touching the mouth at all. If we want to increase the amount of capital raised, we need to come step by step. How can we work if we have doubled so many times at a time? Chief, the comrades in Operations are very emotional. What's this for in the county? That's not what motivates us! I only saw that the emotions of the comrades were greatly affected. The energy at the beginning of the year is now completely gone. Keep up the momentum, don't say 500 million. I think we can't even keep 200 million last year. Everyone's enthusiasm has been quenched by this pot of cold water! ”

Dong Xuebin looked at her. If not counting herself, Lin Ping Ping is the youngest cadre in the China Merchants Bureau. She is 289 years old. I heard that she is not married yet. She is a good looking person and has a slight appearance. After these days of understanding, Dong Xuebin also knows that she is a very capable woman with long sleeves and good dance. She has a lot of research in grasping investors' psychology. Otherwise, she will not be young enough to become a section chief. Last year, under Lin Ping's leadership, the business one department completed 60 million in total investment, she is a capable and beautiful woman.

”'Director..." said Lin Pinping.

Dong Xuebin shouted, but didn't answer anything. “Pan Wei, inform Director Sun Lu and the departments to come to my office and have a meeting. ”

Guo Panwei promised to do it immediately.

Dong Xuebin continued: “Chief Lin, sit down and wait for someone to arrive. ”

At first glance, Lin Ping breathed and slowly sat on the visitors' sofa.

Shortly afterwards, Kang Hailiang, chief of the second section of business, came in first. Kang Hailiang was also a very young cadre, only a little older than Lin Ping Ping, in his early thirties. Dong Xuebin nudged the couch and sat him down. Jiang Hailiang's face was not very good either, obviously because of the task indicators issued by the county, he glanced at Lin Pingping and sat on the sofa one meter apart.

Dong Xuebin knew that, although Lin Ping and Jiang Hailiang always laughed in front of others, in fact, their relationship should not be very good. One business, one business, two departments, there is a competitive relationship in itself. The Merchants Bureau also set up two business departments to stimulate this kind of good name competition, in order to improve work performance and everyone's energy, and according to Dong Xuebin's understanding, in terms of past achievements, Lin Ping Ping, who has always been far overwhelmed by the second department of business. Last year, the total investment of the second department amounted to more than 100 million, almost double that of the second department. This included Sun's establishment of a deputy director relationship. Because Jiang Hailiang and Sun's establishment were very close, the private relationship was very good. Therefore, Sun's establishment of some investments. Subsequent contractual work and discussions will be entrusted to the second department. That is, it will become a list of the second department, so the total investment will go to the second department. Only every year can it overwhelm one department at a time.

A few minutes later, the office directors Luo Haiting, Lu Dafa and Sun Shuzhi arrived.

Sun Shu arrived late, as if he was eating with an investor at a restaurant not far away. He picked up the phone and rushed back. He still had a little alcohol on him, but he wasn't drunk.

Dong Xuebin looked at Sun Zhuan, who was 10 minutes later than others, and understood that he was still not satisfied with himself, but of course Dong Xuebin would not beat him up about being late or drinking during working hours. This is how the Merchants Bureau works. "Well, everyone is here. I'm sure everyone knows about the 500 million indicators issued by the county. Um, let's talk, let's talk. ”

Lu Dafa looked at the nose and nose, and had no intention of expressing an opinion at all.

Luo Haiting spoke first, "Chief, isn't the 500 million mark a little too heavy? ”

Jiang Hailiang was also angry, “It's not just heavy, the county doesn't know the actual situation, who doesn't want to attract hundreds of millions more? And we thought, but there are some things that we can do, Commissioner, and I asked the people down there at noon to make a second report last year, and you can see that last year's grades were already the peak of these curves, but they put so much burden on us, or a few times more. Isn't that hard? ”

Sun Shu suddenly withdrew his expression, “Five hundred million, even if the county fully supports it, will not be complete.” Sun has set up so many years of investment work, he has more say in the presence, “I am not fighting morale, I am just talking about things, all these years I watched the investment results of the China Merchants Bureau step by step, I believe that the momentum will not slow down, Yantai County will be increasingly attracted to investors, but it is not realistic to want to eat into a fat man. ”

Jiang Hailiang pressed the fire: “And if it's not done, you have to be held accountable. This is to get the duck on the shelf. ”

That's the main reason why people complain.

Lin Pingping also said: "Chief, can you please reflect on it? ”

Dong Xuebin took a sip of tea. “I already reflected it when I went to the county this morning. This is a document set by the Standing Committee and will not change. ”

“But 500 million...”

Everybody's got their mouths full.

Dong Xuebin sat quietly and listened to the complaints.

About a few minutes later, after seeing them all said that they were tired, Dong Xuebin looked up at them and said, "I know you have emotions, you can tell me anything you are dissatisfied with, but the task of 500 million has been set, which is a fact that no one can change, so I hope that when you get out of this office, you will no longer have this look on your face, you are all department leaders, your emotions will directly affect the comrades at the bottom. ”

Kang Hailiang held his airway: “But this task...”

“The task must be accomplished!” Dong Xuebin pulled his face down, “who feels he can't take his department with him to raise 500 million! Write me a resignation report now! Cover my roll and get out of here! Give seats to comrades who are confident they can get the job done! ”

Luo Haiting and Jiang Hailiang were shocked.

After coming to the China Merchants Bureau for so many days, Dong Xuebin has been maintaining a friendly leadership image in front of the people below him. He has a smiling face and a strong affinity for everyone. But today, Dong Xuebin finally recovered his past working methods at the Public Security Bureau and became hardened. Dong Xuebin suddenly found out that hidden knives like Xie Huilan's set of laughs were not really suitable for him, or that this “unreasonable” working method made Dong Xuebin Yu blade surplus.

Dong Xuebin looked at Guo Panwei, "Get the paper and the pen! ”

Guo Panwei was also a little surprised by Dong Xuebin's Fawei and hurried to bring the paper and pen.

Dong Xuebin pointed to the table, “Give everyone five minutes, if you feel that you are not confident enough to accomplish the tasks in the county, submit the resignation report to me, the paper and pen are here, after writing, I can sign, after resigning, I can report above to coordinate everyone to serve in other departments.” Dong Xuebin spoke harshly: “But if you don't write the resignation report, I understand that everyone is confident to do the work well, and in the future, give me 120 points of energy to do the work! If anyone complains in front of the people below! Whoever drags the Merchants Bureau back! I'm the first to clean up! ”

Nobody talks anymore.

Dong Xuebin looked at the watch, closed his eyes and waited.

One minute… three minutes… five minutes… “The time has come.” Dong Xuebin opened his eyes and looked at them. "Since no one wrote the pen, I can understand that no one resigned, right? ”

In the meantime, Lin Pingping had to stiffen his scalp: “Director, the first department of business must do everything in its power to do this year's fundraising work. When I go back, I will do everyone's ideological work, guarantee to mobilize everyone's enthusiasm, guarantee...” She bit her teeth, "guarantee to cooperate with the Bureau in taking 500 million tasks! ”

Dong Xuebin glanced at this woman and nodded slightly. "Okay! ”

Jiang Hailiang also looked at Lin Pingping and frowned in his heart. He also said: "The second department of business must do its best to complete this year's task.” He's not as responsible as Lin Pingping.

The office of Representative Luo Haiting also immediately stated that it would do its utmost logistical work.

Dong Xuebin said with satisfaction, “I also told everyone that the 500 million task is not to try, but must be accomplished. I have already issued a military warrant with Xie County Governor. If the total amount of funds raised today next year reaches less than 500 million, my resignation report will be sent the next day. ”

Lin Ping Ping and Luo Haiting were all stunned. Can't you just say that?

"Tell everyone about this," said Dong Xuebin. "I, Dong Xuebin, don't just say that if you really fail to complete the task, you will take one of you up on top of the crime... and you still sit here safely and steadily, the task will not be accomplished, and I will take the main responsibility, and so will everyone. So what you need to think about now is not what to do if you fail to accomplish it, but how to take down the 500 million!” He slaps the table, “I said! Other counties can do it! Why can't we do it? I don't believe we're worse off than the rest of us at Merchants! Let the county leaders and other counties take a look... Our China Merchants Bureau is also combative!! ”

(To be continued)