Power and Wealth

Chapter 748 [Scolding District Secretary!


First hospital compound.

“Don't squeeze, don't squeeze! My leg!”

“Keep order! Don't squeeze!”

“Go ahead! Get out of there! I can't get past it! ”

“Don't push the back! What a hurry! Isn't it still shocking? ”

At this moment, the courtyard was full of outward crowds, there was a large parking lot outside, and there was no tall building around it, so everyone went outside to take refuge, hundreds of people filled it up, messy voices were laid, some nurses followed around, some pushed mobile beds, some gave the wounded to continue to handle the wounds in the sun, hung bottles, the scene was very noisy.

Soon, there's someone in the district!

Leading the team was District Committee Secretary Wang An Shi, who was mobilizing rescue teams nearby. As soon as he heard something happened at the hospital, he hurried back. He followed Organization Minister Xue Qingrong and Director of Public Security Bureau Wen Wei, several District Leaders with some District Committee staff crowded out.

“Make way! ”

“Let Secretary Wang go first! ”

“Get out of the way! ”

In the talking room, Wang An Shi took people into the compound.

President Sun and several hospital leaders rushed up, “Secretary Wang, Minister Xue, Director Wen. ”

Wang An Shi pointed at his nose and drank: “What are you doing to me? You! Who told you to evacuate the wounded? Where are we going? Are you going to your house? ”

Dean Sun said bitterly: "It was not my instruction, it was Director Dong Xuebin. ”

Wang An Shi frowned, “Dong Xuebin? If he tells you to pull out, you pull out? Have you agreed to go through the district? ”

“There are some cracks upstairs.” President Sun refers to the main hospital building, "said Director Dong, afraid that something might collapse, holding the horn to let everyone move, I didn't want to be evacuated. ”

Wenwei looked up and said, "Which building isn't cracked now? What is this? ”

Xue Qingrong coldly said to Mother Sun: “Isn't this nonsense? Why didn't you stop it? ”

“I stopped it, but I didn't.” Dean Sun is helpless, "You see this situation now, this...”

Wang An Shi and Wenwei all had a cold heart. Dong Xuebin, this prick, always had to find something for them. Although the life-saving style of Dong Xuebin Shu at noon yesterday gave Wang An Shi a little movement, but as an official at this level, it has been difficult to be changed by some other emotions. Before the earthquake, there was no room for easing the contradiction between Wang An Shi and Dong Xuebin, so Wang An Shi would only impress Dong Xuebin because yesterday's events did not affect Wang An Shi's attitude towards him. Before, Dong Xuebin and Geng Yuehuadu advocated for earthquake protection and evacuation, but Wang An Shi did not listen to them. It turned out that Wang An Shi was so wrong that he had to stabilize the big picture after the earthquake, do a good rescue job, and do a good job of healing the wounded, so who wants to make up for the political impact, Dong Xuebin came back to mess up!

Let the wounded move into the street at this hour?

What about the medical device? What about accommodation? How is the infection resolved?

I don't know how many people will die! In Wang An Shi's view, this is obvious nonsense! They already have a hospital in the South Mountains that has collapsed so badly that they can no longer accommodate patients, so they need medical support from the first hospital, how can this kind of mouth evacuate people??

Wang An Shi immediately ordered: "So many wounded! There's no way out there! Send all the patients back now! What the fuck! ”

President Sun ordered you to persuade everyone immediately.

Let it go later, let it go again later, a lot of people are bored.

“What are you guys doing? Are you kidding me? ”

“I just got out of here. You want it back? Whose are you listening to? ”

“Isn't the building cracked? How do you live here? ”

Wang An Shi immediately took a horn and shouted: “I am Wang An Shi, District Secretary. Listen up, the cracks in the building are not serious. In the acceptable range, if you need to evacuate, the district will notify you, but not now, go back! ”

Xue Qingrong and Wenwei also persuaded him.

Several people are district leaders, and the talking weight is still very heavy.

After listening, a lot of people stood up reluctantly and started getting things ready to go back.

But Dong Xuebin, who was directing the evacuation in the hospital hall, saw this scene and heard Wang An Shi's words, but he was annoyed. He paralyzed you, Wang An Shi. You haven't finished yet, have you? I told you about the earthquake! You don't believe me! No, not just evacuate and take refuge! And let the PSB bring the residents home to die! It was only after the earthquake that so many deaths and injuries were caused! After all, Wang An Shi mishandled it! Most of the casualties in Nanshan are caused by Wang An Shi! The building is about to collapse! Are you fucking here again? Send everyone back to die again? Wang's name! What do you mean, you? To have a stable situation! For less trouble! You take the lives of all the people seriously!?

Nurses and patients who were about to evacuate stopped at the hospital.

“Hey, look out there. How did they get up? ”

“Aren't you coming back? I just heard someone scream again. ”

“Is everything okay? Shall we go? I got everything. ”

Dong Xuebin looked at the watch quickly. Less than two minutes before the aftershock arrived, the people in the first hospital were almost withdrawn, and only the last group of people were close!

Dong Xuebin grabbed the horn at once. "Get out of here! Don't stop! ”

Zhan Ruoxuo held a wounded man and walked out quickly. “Director Dong, the district secretary seems to be here. I heard him from the window to let everyone...”

“What did he say?” Dong Xuebin scolded: “Listen to me! Go, go! ”

Several people were frightened by Dong Xuebin's evil look and rushed out of the main building, while several other patients frowned and hesitated in place!

Not even two minutes!

Dong Xuebin scolded him. He grabbed a doctor and a wounded person one step earlier. He stunned and dragged them out. "Go! ”

Urgent atmosphere spreads as it climbs.

Many people were infected by Dong Xuebin's impatience. He also became nervous. He stopped saying much and hurried out with something.

In the compound.

The guy who was about to go back met the guy who was running out.

“Don't come out. The district secretary's sending us back. ”

“What, I think the building might really collapse. ”

“Really? Who said that? ”

“There's a leader in there. Let's run! I'm in a hurry! I don't look like a fake! ”

“That was Director Dong. I knew him. He was the first person in the newspaper to send an article about the earthquake. ”

“What, is that Dong Xuebin? The first to guess an earthquake? ”

“So, the district didn't listen to him, so the earthquake surprised him. I think Director Dong's words should be correct. ”

Standing time, hundreds of people were blocked in the center of the hospital, everyone exchanged quickly, didn't know whether to go in or back, but without exception, no one dared to go back to the hospital, everyone was scared by the earthquake, now they all preferred to trust it or not.

“Get out of the compound! Hurry up!” Dong Xuebin stood at the door and shouted.

Wang An Shi and Xue Qingrong listened and their faces all sank.

Wang An Shi walked up with anger, "Xiao Dong! Why are you filling me in? You! Who told you to fake instructions to empty the hospital? Huh?”

Wen Wei also said: "Dong Xuebin! It's messy enough now! Don't bother! ”

Xue Qingrong turned to everyone and said: "Everybody go home! Don't stand here! How do we treat it here? How? Go back, the hospital won't collapse! ”

The wounded and the hospital doctor, the nurses are shaking again. It's too messy. Whose are you listening to?

Wang An Shi's face turned green and said to Wen Wei: “Organize people immediately! Get the wounded back!” Go ahead, Wang An Shi went straight to Dong Xuebin, Xue Qingrong also followed.

Dong Xuebin didn't even look at them. He hurried a patient to go outside. "Is there anyone else in the hospital? ”

One of the nurses who had just come out said, "They're all gone, and there are some medicines, and Jan Soft and Ting are moving them. ”

Dong Xuebin Fei quickly raised his horn: “Xiao Zhen! Don't move! Come on, get out of here! Did you hear that? Don't move! ”

Less than a minute left!

It's too late! The aftershock is coming!

Suddenly, the front door was in a mess, and several district leaders, such as Wu Liang, secretary of the disciplinary committee, and Shen Fei, deputy district chief, also rushed over. "What's wrong? What's going on here? ”

Forty seconds!

Wang An Shi has arrived angrily, "Dong Xuebin! What the hell are you doing? Don't you think it's messy enough? Stop it! Go back and feed your wounds now! ”

Dong Xuebin looked at him coldly, "The building is about to collapse! I don't have any more injuries! ”

“Who told you to collapse? Who told you that? Don't talk nonsense!” Wang An Shi pointed at his nose and said: “I command you now! Go back to your ward now! ”

“I'll fucking go back to your old man!” Dong Xuebin shouted, "I won't stop you if you want to die! But I can't let the people die with you! ”

Wang An Shi's face is white!

Xue Qingrong was also angry: “How dare you scold people? ”

“I'm fucking cursing you!” Dong Xuebin drinks: “The building has been torn apart, and you sent the people back to die? I can't do shit! Still fucking messing with me? Get the fuck out of here!” Dong Xuebin turned back and yelled at the inside: “Xiao Zhen! Are you out yet? Hurry up!”

Successively, several small nurses ran out with the medicine.

Less than 20 seconds!

After listening to Dong Xuebin's insults, everyone was stunned.

There have long been rumors that Dong Xuebin is a master who is not afraid! Never afraid of offenders! However, there are still a few people who have seen it with their own eyes. This time, Dong Xuebin pointed to the district secretary to let him go. Everyone believed it. If they had seen him as an official, they had never seen him as such!

Even the district secretary?

It's a sin to death!!

(To be continued)