Power and Wealth

Chapter 899 [Warship Coming!

At sea.

The pirate's speedboat rushed in, getting closer.

The cattle lead the crew in their final struggle, turning wildly north.

Dong Xuebin looked at the situation on the deck, walked back to the cabin without a word, went back to his room to push the door, took a glass of water to grunt and drank into his stomach, replenished the moisture, swirled and touched a fruit-cutting knife on the table, folded the kind, slowly inserted into his belt at the back of his waist, thought about it was still not enough, went to the crew room next to turn out two folding knives, in turn hidden into the back waist. This type of knife is of little use to others. After all, pirates have guns and ak47 type of sub-machine guns, but the knife is enough for Dong Xuebin, he does not need to prepare too much, nor is it necessary.

Walking up to the deck, there's still a picture of you chasing me.

Boom, boom, boom! Then a few gunshots flew halfway into the sky, with great deterrence!

The ten pirates on the four speedboats laughed furiously and shouted at some of Dong Xuebin's words they could not understand.

When the crew heard the gunshots, many were frightened, some desperately sought shelter and others ran into the cabin to hide from the bullets and scattered.

“Harder!” Bullshit drinks!

“Captain! I can't!”

“Yeah, we can't run away from them! ”

“Do you want to die here? Turn the rudder! Hurry up!”

The boat was in a mess and everyone was busy for a while.

All of a sudden, a crew shocked, pointing to the position behind the boat's incline: “There's a boat! A boat!”

Dong Xuebin looked at the past. Indeed, there were two black dots there, as if there were more than one boat. Niu Daqiu and several crew immediately looked at the past with a telescope.

“The one in the back is too far away to be seen clearly. ”

“The first one is a cargo ship! It's country H.! ”

“It's a freighter! I saw it, too! It's bigger than ours! ”

“There must be valuables on board! And it's four or five times our number! ”

This reminds many people of their spirit, hoping that these pirates can divert their targets and stop chasing them. After all, the freighter in the distance has changed course after hearing the gunshots. If the pirates attack their side, they will certainly not catch up with the freighter. The goods on that ship are much more valuable than on their side. As long as they are not fools, they know who is heavy and who is lightweight. This also shows a glimmer of hope.

Two pirates with binoculars also apparently saw large cargo ships in distant countries.

The gunfire stopped and the pirates spoke to each other, discussing what had happened and finally made a signal to the small and medium-sized pirate ship not far away. The pirate ship there seemed to have flashed a few times and returned an order. When the pirates on the speedboat saw it, they stopped saying much and did not even look at the cargo ships of State h and continued pointing their guns at the ships of the Republic.

The cow was annoyed and yelled at the pirates: "We have some common cargo on board! What are you chasing us for? ”

A crew member saw it, “They're trying to take hostages! ”

The crew next to him was also white, “Too much deception! You're lying! ”

Is it true that these pirates are too deceitful to do anything but lay hands on Republic ships? For their country only? The ships of other countries can pass freely?

What the fuck is that supposed to mean?

What is the concept of piracy? At first it was synonymous with ship hijacking, but now the pirates are already heartbroken, and the hostages are many times more important to them than the cargo, because they can exchange ransom, and they can talk as much as they want, especially the people of the Republic, the hostages of the Republic, after several dealings, the pirates have tasted the sweetness and courage to take hostages of the Republic, knowing that the Republic will not fail to pay for them, which is why they chose the ship of the Republic three or five times. Perhaps, in the view of these pirates, hijacking merchant ships of other countries may not only not receive ransom, but may also be subject to reprisals. If the ships of the Republic are hijacked, it is not necessary to consider this. There is ransom. The Republic does not dare to take action against them. Instead, it is afraid to wait for reprisals from others. That is why we have this scene. That is why they are so mad at the Republic, right?

Dong Xuebin's fire has gathered to a certain point at this time, pressed against his chest, and will burst out at any time. You robbed our boat. We are concerned about the safety of the hostages, regardless of the cargo you robbed, regardless of the fact that you killed our crew, and gave you the ransom. But finally? You're targeting the ships of our Republic? Two times at a time, three times at a time. Those other countries that didn't give ransom, you just ignored it and let it pass? Where in the world does that make sense? You bastards are looking for death!

The more compromise, the more carefree they get, the more shit they shit on your head!

That's the face of the pirates!

Dong Xuebin's cold eyes looked at the laughing pirates who chased him, but he pressed down the fire. He stood there motionlessly, too far away to see if there were any statues of the Republic hostages on the pirate ship owner in the distance, and if there were any traces of them. For whether they were waiting for the warship and ransom, Dong Xuebin was merely speculating, so he did not move slightly, the timing was wrong!



Gunshots are loud, but often deterrent, and pirates may want to capture them alive, so they are not shooting at the crew, nor are they angled enough.

“Xiao Dong! What are you doin '?” Niu Dazheng saw Dong Xuebin without any sense of imminent distress. Instead, he stood calmly there and looked. He couldn't help but shout, "Who is this man? How come you're not scared? Bullets don't even fly in front of you? The pirates are about to rob the ship. Are you still standing in front of your eyes? It's not going to kill you, is it?" Get back in the cabin! ”

Most of the crew returned to their cabins.

Dong Xuebin looked back and walked back. However, he did not enter the cabin. Instead, he picked up a telescope that had just been thrown on the deck. He picked it up and looked at a pirate ship in the distance. The main ship of the pirate was very shattered. Many places on it were wrapped in rag cloth. There were also some fractured shelves, which were very simple. They should have been assembled by an old ship. Now a little further away, Dong Xuebin hid from the telescope saw a pirate standing at the bow of the ship, with a beard, as if he were their leader. A speedboat was also left next to the main ship, patrolling it from time to time, as if it were an escort and not involved in the hijacking of several other speedboats.

The chief?

The chief's here too?

Dong Xuebin had some thoughts. If pirates come out looking for a target, shouldn't the chief follow them? They're all speedboats, they come and go, but now the chief is sitting in town himself? And with so many speedboats running together, and a dozen little pirates with guns, the pirates on their side, if they were also factions, would that be the full force of one of them? Such a big position? To rob a Republic freighter? Impossible, they must have other purposes waiting here!

The more analysis continues, the more Dong Xuebin thinks that this is the group of pirates who took hostages in the Republic the other day, but for a long time, Dong Xuebin can't even see if there are any shadows on the boat, the fishing area in the back of the cabin is blocked, can't see inside!


Another gunshot!

“Xiao Dong! Get in here!” Looking at the pirates about to board the ship, Niu Dawei also ran into the cabin and called Dong Xuebin outside.

“Captain! Close the door! ”

“Yeah, leave him alone! He doesn't want to live! ”

“Is this guy crazy? The shooting rain still stands? ”

In fact, Dong Xuebin has been feeling strange since he boarded the boat. If you go out and have a good time, why don't you take a tourist boat? Do you have to be a freighter? They even have to take this freighter to the waters of the fjords? Who knew there were pirates here? Aren't you done eating? Are you done? And now you're burning your eyebrows, and the bullets are all around you, and you're still looking at the scenery with your telescope? Don't you know how to write a dead letter? It's... people don't know what to say.

However, many people were shocked by Dong Xuebin's courage.

How many people in the world can do this without changing colours??

Dong Xuebin shook his hand at the cow in the back, still didn't go back. He repeatedly wanted to check with the telescope whether there was a wave on the pirate ship. After a moment, he was still invisible. Dong Xuebin simply turned the telescope and looked elsewhere to observe the surrounding situation.

The next moment, a boat actually entered Dong Xuebin's sight!

Not too far away, but not too close, so it's not very clear.

When you saw the cargo ship of State h, you saw two ships, and the one behind you is very far away. You can't even see clearly. Now the ship of State h turns to run early. The ship behind you just drove over. The direction is exactly where Dong Xuebin is.

Coming for us?

You heard the shooting?

You knew there were pirates here?

Dong Xuebin's heart fluctuated slightly. He felt strange about this. He immediately changed direction and continued to look over there. Suddenly, Dong Xuebin's pupils suddenly shrunk. He finally saw a flag from the ship - a ship of the Republic!

It's a Republic warship, to be exact!

When he saw Niu Dazhang was about to close the hatch door, Dong Xuebin immediately said: “The warship is here! Republic!”

Everyone was stunned, and Niu Daqiao grabbed a telescope and looked over, "What a warship! We're saved! We're saved! ”

A lot of people are excited to wake up!

Dong Xuebin is also sure of his heart. He is waiting for ransom! This is the gang!

However, after looking back at the pirate speedboat, which had only been more than a dozen meters, Dong Xuebin could not reveal a smile. He knew that the pirates were about to board the ship!

(To be continued)