Power and Wealth

Chapter 1274 [Full Shout!

Outside field.

In the lobby.

A lot of people lined up at the counter to exchange the chips for cash, some went back to rest, some were idle, some went to play slot machines.

It's a little messy.

There are still plenty of people scolding the casino for stopping the machine.

Almost all the casino staff came out and rushed to maintain order.

“Zhou Lao!” A few of the heads who had just heard about the incident also rushed out from somewhere else. Incredible: “Did you really lose? ”

Old Zhou nodded and looked at Dong Xuebin far away, "I lost. ”

Song Yuhu's heart said, "Why don't you open the pot?" "Zhou Lao didn't do his best. At best, he only lost a small amount of money. ”

A leader said, "Is there still a dozen? ”

Another woman said, "Yeah, why are we stopping outside? This loss...”

Zhou Lao slowly said: “Don't listen to Song to find me face, I just lost a fight? ”

Song Yuhu said: “You have lost and won with him. It's hard to say if you really want to win or lose at the end. ”

Zhou Lao shook his head, and Zhou Banu nudged away Dong Xuebin's back. “Look at him yourselves. When you revealed your wrists, I found out. There was obviously a fracture in his left hand when playing mahjong. I could only barely move. I couldn't even estimate the force. There must be a limp on his leg. Obviously, it's not his best condition now. Just like this, he won me. How many chips did you say I lost? ”

Song Yuhu took a breath.

Everyone else looked that way.

No, the young man was seriously injured!

How can you win a card god in a thousand tricks??

"'So you don't have to say hello,' said Zhou Lao. 'I didn't have time to tell you, so I just let Song stop the field. None of us in this room... Not only are his opponents, it's not just cards and tricks. See how he looks when he plays roulette, I don't know if there are any other means. ”

“Baccarat, too? ”

“Not at 21: 00, but...”

Zhou Lao interrupted: “Stop it, for the sake of insurance. ”

Song Yuhu said: “He said he was going to play Baccarat and some other projects, there may be a way we didn't notice, otherwise he wouldn't be so confident. ”

The woman looked hard, “Otherwise, let's take him...”

Song Yuhu was shocked. "No, my people have been in contact with him before. Even the truck couldn't kill him. Instead, he scrapped more than 20 people from me! ”

Woman, “How can he fight? ”

Old Zhou didn't think of it. He glanced at Song Yuhu.

Song Yuhu sighed: “I don't want to discourage myself, but the fact is that his injuries were not caused by my people. When my people came into contact with him, he was already fractured, but even so... I don't know where he came from. Even if all the bodyguards on our boat go up, I'm afraid they won't get him. I don't recommend using any other means. ”

I can't!


Paralysis, how did you meet such a man?

A few small heads didn't say anything. It's the safest way to close the door if you run into such a hooligan. They have no further opinions about Zhou Lao's decision.

As for the slot machine?

They didn't take it seriously!

I haven't heard anyone can win money off a slot machine by cheating!

The inside of the slot machine is all computer-controlled, then the number is shaken, but if there is a little artificial interference, the slot machine will also call the police, and it is not possible to cheat.

“Hey, what's the boy doing?” Song Yuhu suddenly looked at Dong Xuebin.

A little head frowned: "Why aren't you on the slot machine's side? ”

“Is this a slot machine?” Zhou Lao has nothing to worry about, just curious, “go, look. ”

… corner.

Dong Xuebin and Zhang Longjuan went to a quiet place.

This slot machine is almost full of people, because this is the only one that can play, but there is no one there. It is the machine Dong Xuebin had played at random when he first entered the casino. For more than ten minutes, there is no one to sit on, preferring to wait beside other machines.

Shen Xiaomei wondered, “Why isn't this machine sitting? ”

Shen Xiaoyan: “I heard an ear earlier, as if I had won a $100 million prize in this machine last month, so I don't think it's going to happen again. ”

Shen Xiaomei shouted, “I see. ”

Dong Xuebin laughed: “Shall we play slot machines? ”

Zhang Longjuan looked at the table and said, "Okay, stay. ”

“Forget it, I guess.” Shen Xiaomei mentioned the chip box in his hand, "I don't have a lot of money to play with, but it's also money, so I'd rather keep it for Zhang HQ.” She doesn't want to waste it, because any one of the lowest chips in it is her salary for a month. If she throws it in for nothing, Shen Xiaomei is also in pain, "they are leaving soon, and don't send them any money. ”

Shen Xiaoyan mumbled, “That's true. ”

Zhang Longjuan took a look at Dong Xuebin. "I think Dong's hand is itchy. I can't wait any longer. Ha ha. Otherwise, let's play a few handfuls. It's not much money. ”

Dong Xuebin laughed: “I don't want to give them money either. It's not easy for us to win some money, but... it's not necessarily who sends the money. ”

Zhang Longjuan Yi, “What do you mean? ”

Shen Xiaomei was stunned: “You said you had hope? ”

“Not necessarily. I'll try.” Dong Xuebin is not 100% sure either.

But this is not necessarily, but Shen Xiaoyan Shen Xiaomei has been somewhat surprised, “Are you sure? This kind of machine can't be used to get tired of cats, Mr. Dong, please don't be blind. I heard that if there is human interference or external forces, the tiger opportunity here will sound an alarm! If they're going to find out who we cheated on, then it's hard to say who these chips are, but give them a reason! ”

Dong Xuebin nodded, “Don't worry, I have a few. ”

Zhang Longjuan slightly, "Then try it. ”

“I can't guarantee it won't work, Sister Zhang, if you can't, don't blame me. ”

“Oh, everyone knows the odds of a slot machine. I didn't have much hope for you. Try it. If you can't, you can't eat much of our chips.” Zhang Longjuan doesn't care.

After listening, Dong Xuebin also relaxed, “Okay. ”

Shen Xiaoyan Shen Xiaomei doesn't know where Dong Xuebin's “hopeful” hope came from, does he not?

Is that cheating too?

That's not a thousand!

Over there, Zhou Lao has approached with Song Yuhu and a number of responsible persons.

Dong Xuebin looked back and said, "Oh, just thought of you guys, you guys are here. Is this something you're not doing today? ”

"- [sic]“ Aren't you serious? ”

Dong Xuebin said: “What's wrong with me winning my money? ”

"'This time it's awkward for us,' said Song Yuhu. 'But remember, there won't be another time. ”

“Don't tell me next time, this time our business is not over, my sister Zhang is still 80 million short enough, we have not won more than 200 million and we are not going to leave.” Dong Xuebin laughed.

”" The machines have stopped, "said Song Yuhu.

One hundred million more?

Where are you going to win?

Isn't this a joke?

Dong Xuebin Nunu said, “Isn't there a slot machine? ”

“A slot machine?” Several people looked at him in a funny way.

“Ha, don't look at me like that. I know it's pure luck, but I forgot to tell you, I've always had good luck.” Dong Xuebin laughed proudly.

Song Yuhu and several responsible persons were laughed at. “You must be too loud? Well, let's see how lucky you are! ”

Dong Xuebin didn't say much either. Turning around, he slowly sat on the slot plane, which was basically empty.

After all, Dong Xuebin had just made such a big scene, and met him again with the people from the casino. Everyone shouted around!

“Check it out! ”

“The boy's gambling again? ”

“Interesting! However, the slot machine..."

“I heard him speak and win over $80 million! ”

“Win with a slot machine? How is that possible? ”

“Impossible, that's why, you forgot he won more than a billion things with a chip? Didn't you think it was impossible? ”

“How can a slot machine cheat? ”

“That's right, roulette is fine, color is fine, mahjong is fine, cards are fine, but how can a slot machine cheat such a purely random thing? I've never heard of it. ”

“And why is he sitting on that machine? It was only last month that we won the grand prize. This is even worse. A machine can only win the grand prize once a year. ”

The more people around, the more they come!

Zhang Longjuan and Shen Xiaoyan Xiaomei were both squeezed behind Dong Xuebin's chair.

Old Zhou frowned and looked at Dong Xuebin. Song Yuhu and the other principals were also quiet and ready to watch Dong Xuebin's joke. His words were too loud and no one thought he would win.

Dong Xuebin smiled and turned back: “Chips? ”

Shen Xiaomei remembered. He opened the box and handed him 10,000 chips.

However, Dong Xuebin pinched only 10,000 chips with his fingers in amazement.

Shen Xiaomei said, “Just one? Again...”

Dong Xuebin smiled and turned around, reaching out to cover the three patterns on the machine so that no one could see them. Then, after closing his eyes, he stuffed the 10,000 chips in. He snapped his hands and quickly pulled the waist rod, and his hands on the pattern were loosened.

The pattern is spinning fast!

Everybody's got their eyes on it!

Dong Xuebin answered Shen Xiaomei's words at this time, “… one is enough. ”

Then the slot machine shook out the numbers in the eyes of the crowd!!



… 7!

The slot machine is ringing!

A billion-dollar chip broke out at the bottom!!

Everybody look stupid!!

At that moment! Full of noise!!

(To be continued)