Power and Wealth

Chapter 1360 [Surgery!

You picked up?

Are you really going to have surgery?

Everyone heard slightly stunned, think Dong County Governor is too bold, they didn't hear that Dong County Governor is a doctor, and don't say that he is no longer a doctor. The wounds on Hua's body were almost the most dangerous and urgent kind of surgery, even the general surgeon wouldn't dare to answer, even if they did, they definitely didn't have absolute certainty to rescue people back, but Dong County Governor actually took over!

Meng Rui didn't believe it either, "Can you do it? ”

Dong Xuebin looked at him, “If you can't do it, you have to do it. ”

Zhang Wanshui frowned: “This is a human life, not a play! ”

“I'm not too sure either. If the surgeon gets here, whatever, but there's no surgeon here right now, I'll have to try.” Dong Xuebin Dao.

”- [sic]“ Governor Dong, don't...

Pu 'an also stopped him, all afraid that Dong Xuebin would take responsibility.

Dong Xuebin was not afraid, but looked at Chu Peng. "Director Chu, Sister Zeng is your family. She can't last seven or eight minutes. How about you decide? ”

Chu Peng bites his teeth: “How much hope? ”

Dong Xuebin shook his head, “I don't know, I can only try! ”

Kang Fangfang inserted, “I think you're not studying medicine, right? ”

“Professionally not.” Dong Xuebin replied: “Later I learned something from others. ”

“Chief Dong, it's not as simple as sewing clothes!” Dr. Wang doesn't think that Dong Xuebin, a managing deputy county governor, understands surgery, "it's complicated! You can't! ”

Dong Xuebin looked at him, “Then come! ”

Dr. Wang, “I'm an orthopaedic, too...”

Dong Xuebin said: "If you don't come, don't bullshit me! ”

Dr. Wang was choked and dared not speak.

Dong Xuebin continued to say to Chu Peng and Old Man: “I don't have much time for Sister Zeng. If you believe me, give me the man! ”

Zeng Linhua's parents didn't say anything.

Chu Peng closed his eyes and said, "Okay! Ringhua, please! ”

Zhang Wanshui cautioned: "Chu! Think about it! ”

“I've been thinking clearly!” Chu Peng: “Horizontal vertical is dead! Let Dong County Governor try it! ”

Everyone was silent for a while, and the families of the injured agreed, and they couldn't say anything.

The old lady glanced at Dong Xuebin with tears. “Boy! Please, help my daughter! ”

Dong Xuebin nodded and closed the back door of the ambulance under the complicated eyes of everyone. Everyone was also outside stealing whispers.

In the car.

A total of two random doctors and two nurses.

People couldn't stand apart, it was a little crowded, Dong Xuebin said: “Make room! ”

The nurses looked at each other and began to move things away, some useless and threw them out of the car.

Dong Xuebin took advantage of this time to say to Dr. Qian: “Do you have any surgical tools? ”

“Basically all of them. ”

“Anesthetic? ”


“Suture needle? ”

“… Yes. ”

“And all the stitches? ”

“There are not many types, but there are.” Dr. Qian explained: "Normally ambulances are not available, but are provided at noon because there are more injuries in the dormitories. ”

Dong Xuebin had already worn a mask. “Okay, let's get it all out. Let me know when you're ready to give the patient anesthesia! ”

Dr. Wang and Dr. Qian hesitated and went to prepare.

Dong Xuebin sat there with his eyes closed and his mind spinning fast, recalling the only surgical experience and the way the doctor handled it at the time, and recalling the medical books he had read these days, went through the steps and sequences in his heart and back and forth.

“The place is out. ”

“Surgical tools are fine. ”

Dong Xuebin opened his eyes and breathed.

Suddenly, Dr. Wang said, "Wait, no medical microscope! ”

After all, this is not an operating room, and the equipment is still incomplete.

Dr. Qian also stunned, "No microscope? So how do we suture the blood vessels? ”

A nurse suddenly said, "There's no time! Patient's blood pressure's dropping again! ”

“Look again! Quick!" Dong Xuebin has bent over and sat beside Zeng Linhua, ready to go.

Everyone started flipping up, and they still didn't find an alternative, and finally a little nurse over there flipped out a thing, "Only... magnifying glass. ”

“The magnifying glass multiplier is not enough," said Dr. Wang. ”Even if he is not a surgeon, common sense knows that some tiny blood vessels have to have a medical microscope because they are too thin and if you sew the wrong needle, the surgery will fail!

Dong Xuebin glanced at him and said, "Magnifying glass is magnifying glass! ”

“But...” Dr. Qian thinks this is bullshit.

“It's too late! Anesthetic!” Dong Xuebin: “Injection! ”

An outsider has a fully equipped surgery, and the people in the car don't report any hope. If this surgery can succeed, it's not!

Magnifying glass??

It's the first time I've heard of a magnifying glass vessel suture!

“I said anesthetic! Immediately!" Dong Xuebin grabbed the reinforcing bars inserted in Zeng Linhua's abdomen.

Dr. Qian's eyes were harsh, obviously, and he injected the already prepared anesthetic, “Blood transfusion, plus blood volume. ”

Dr. Wang prepared trays and surgical tools beside him.

The other little nurse pinched the magnifying glass nervously and was ready.

While waiting for the anesthetic to play its role, Dong Xuebin ordered: "Wait a moment to pull out the reinforcing bars and the surgery will start. When I sew, I must concentrate all my attention. I may not be able to speak. You can handle anything else on your own. Don't ask me. ”

“'Okay,' said Dr. Qian. ”

“'Don't worry,' said Dr. Wang. ”

Dong Xuebin Yi, “Stand by? ”

A few of them were nervous and took a breath.

“Begin!” the voice just came down, Dong Xuebin held Zeng Linhua in his hand, pulled out the steel bars and threw them backwards. Pfft, some blood also erupted, “Clean up! Disinfect!”

The nurse cleaned the wound immediately.

Dr. Qian started the disinfection.

“Scalpel!” As soon as Dong Xuebin reached out, he took the scalpel delivered by Dr. Wang and pulled up Zeng Linhua's wound. The technique was not very skilled, and the position was somewhat ordinary, but the meaning arrived.

“B.P. 's dropping!” Another nurse's path.

“Find the blood vessels!” Dong Xuebin spoke loudly.

Dr. Qian is a doctor with more experience than a nurse. “Find two... no... three! ”

Dong Xuebin said: "Hemostatic pliers! ”

Dr. Qian tied the hemorrhagic vessels with a tourniquet.

Little nurses also help, they are obviously not surgical specialties and feel a little busy.

Dong Xuebin also cut some skin tissue with a scalpel. After throwing the scalpel, he reached out, “Suture the needle thread! Magnifying glass! ”

I got the stitches!

Dr. Qian flipped open the blood vessels that needed stitching with tweezers.

The little nurse also started pointing the magnifying glass at the vessel after she clipped the tournifier, her hands were shaking a little and she was nervous.

Another nurse said, "Blood pressure is still dropping! Come on, you guys! ”

Dong Xuebin knew there wasn't much time left, so he said, "Slow down!"

Time's slowing down!

Dong Xuebin raised his hand and went up. This stitching needle was the first time he used it. It was too thin, and he needed to use tools. But at this time, he couldn't care less, so he started stitching the first needle!

Vascular sutures go from the inside out!

But because the magnifying glass multiplier is too small, Dong Xuebin's first needle was emptied!

back a second!

Time's back!

Dong Xuebin is on another needle!

This is a mistake!

back a second!

The third time is finally the right angle!

Dong Xuebin didn't have much time, and the rest of Dong Xuebin's time was not very wealthy, so he was also anxious, and his entire attention was put into it!

A needle!

Two stitches!

Three hands!


What the ambulance saw was another scene.

Nobody thinks Dong Xuebin's surgery was successful, because it's a little bullshit, the surgical equipment is incomplete, and there are no microscopes!


This is not about technology anymore!

Even a top surgeon who stitches needles can't do even the simplest stitching surgery!

No microscope?

That's the same thing!

The key to suturing the blood vessels is to get the pin down! There's nothing wrong with that!

But Dong County Governor dared to perform surgery with only one magnifying glass. This audacity is no longer the ordinary type! That means basketball with your eyes closed!

Yeah, that's what they all think.

But the next sight stunned them all a little.

Dong Xuebin lowered his head and dropped the needle for more than a second. He could see his hand moving, but could not see what it was, because it was too fast!

Then Dong Xuebin looked up, “Next vessel! ”

“Ah?” Dr. Qian hasn't reacted yet. "What next? ”

slower has been temporarily lifted, Dong Xuebin drank: “I said the next blood vessel! ”

Dr. Wang stunned with tweezers to open the next one, and the nurse blinked and looked at Dong Xuebin. They had no idea what was going on.

- Lower your head, Dong Xuebin has begun!


Put the needle down!

Less than two seconds!

After a blink of work, Dong Xuebin looked up again, “Next one! ”

Dr. Wang flipped open the last major vein of bleeding. What the hell are you doing?

Dong Xuebin lowered his head for the third time. As soon as slower opened, his hand flew fast with a shadow!

Dr. Qian couldn't understand either. Instead of talking, he tied the rest of the broken blood vessels that didn't need stitching directly. This is simple.

Ten seconds!

It only took ten seconds!

Dong Xuebin said to them: "The hemostatic caliper has been withdrawn. ”

“Decommissioning the pliers? What?” Dr. Wang and Dr. Qian were both shocked.

The nurse also panicked: "There will be a lot of bleeding! Now the blood vessels are still...”

Dong Xuebin didn't say anything. He directly reached out and loosened the hemostatic pliers of the three main blood vessels. He threw a few noises in the tray.

Seeing this scene, several people were shocked!

(To be continued)