Power and Wealth

Chapter 1366 [Awards!

One day.

Two days.

Three days.

Dong Xuebin was discharged this morning.

The wounds are all good, he has not listened to the hospital for a few more days, there is a recognition party in the county today, he must attend.

County Hospital.

Outside the compound.

Dong Xuebin didn't notify anyone. Otherwise, a bunch of people were coming to pick him up at work. It was always a bit unpleasant, making people gossip. Therefore, Dong Xuebin went downstairs with his things after completing discharge procedures. He waited for a while at the door and was ready to take a taxi. However, the economic level and consumption level in Shuishi County were there. Taxis were very few, half a dozen, the car didn't wait, but a call was made.

Bell bell.

It's Xie Huilan's number.

Dong Xuebin put things on the ground and answered the phone on the outside wall of the hospital. "Hey, Huilan, why did you wake up early in the morning to call me? Isn't it always at night? ”

The laugh came from over there, "I miss you, kid. ”

Dong Xuebin laughed: “Hey, I don't know if it's true. ”

Xie Huilan chuckled: “Where are you with? What's going on over there? ”

“Oh, just on my way to work.” Dong Xuebin did not dare to tell her that she was hurt, otherwise Huilan would have to settle down again.

“How's the work going? ”

“It's okay, I took over a vice president of engineering the other day. It's kind of my first performance in Shuishui County. I'm working on it. It's going pretty well. ”

“How's the relationship? ”

“It's okay, it's already in the circle. ”

“Well, I'm afraid your boy's blind to sinners again, huh? ”

“Don't you worry about me? I'll definitely try to get it back before and after you have a baby. How's the baby? Is everything all right? ”

“Just checked yesterday, okay. ”

“Do it super? Did you see the boy and the girl? ”

“It's okay, the doctor said it was supposed to be a boy. Ha, I told you before. You don't believe me, do you? ”

“What a boy? ”

“It's basically all coming out, I guess. ”

“Hey, look at you. Good boy, good boy!” Dong Xuebin was also happy, boys and girls alike for him.

“Xie also wants a boy. Your mother was happy yesterday for half a day. After the phone call, you let your Uncle Yang's secretary drive over to Fenzhou City to come to me. After a while of busy cooking and taking care of Xie, you made me embarrassed. You should also tell our mother that she is not well. Don't come running around so tired, you Xie Sister herself is fine. ”

“Look how much my mother loves you.” Dong Xuebin was jealous: “I haven't been treated like this for more than two months. My mother didn't even come to see me once. ”

“How far are you? ”

“The plane lasted only three hours. ”

“Oh, so Xie Xie went to see you? ”

“Come on, that's what you said.” Dong Xuebin hummed, “You have more to do than me, where can you go? ”

“What if Xie can walk away? ”

“Don't come either. You're pregnant. Don't run blind. ”

“Oh, your kid still has a little conscience, okay, you Xie decided to give your kid a surprise, but you have to kiss me first. ”

“What surprise? ”

“You kissed first. ”

“Oops, I'm with the outside. Me! ”

“Don't worry about anything, keep your voice down and kiss, Xie can hear you. ”

Dong Xuebin couldn't do anything, so he whispered to his phone. "Okay, what a surprise? Are you going to get promoted? Not so fast, huh? ”

“You'll see. Hang up. ”

“Hey, tell me about you when you kiss me! ”

“Oh, you're in the unit, don't say that. ”

Doo Doo, the phone was hung up by that end, so Dong Xuebin couldn't get down for a while. Every time, Dong Xuebin was obedient to her. If Xie Huilan stood in front of him at this moment, Dong Xuebin had to teach her a lesson. Of course, Dong Xuebin was just thinking about it. In front of his wife, Dong Xuebin had always been too afraid to build it again, he couldn't help it, he was an official and he was younger than himself. He was still pregnant. Dong Xuebin was obviously in pain and holding on to it. How dare he stare at Huilan?

Put away your phone, Dong Xuebin waited for a taxi.

… nine o'clock.

County council compound.

Taxi parked at the gate, Dong Xuebin checked out and stepped into the courtyard. Just when he came to work, there were a lot of people in the courtyard.


“Governor Dong? ”

“How did you get out? ”

“Good morning, Governor Dong! ”

“How are you feeling? ”

When Dong Xuebin arrived, many people stood still and greeted each other.

They had long heard that the wounds suffered by Dong County Governor the other day had been stitched for more than fifty needles, and they did not want Dong Xuebin to be discharged after only a few days.

Dong Xuebin greeted everyone. “Much better, thank you for your concern. ”

Behind him, Kang County Governor's car also came in and seemed to see him. The car stopped in front of Dong Xuebin. Once the door opened, Kang Fangfang walked down.

“Discharged?” Jiang Fangfang said softly.

Dong Xuebinyi, "The wounds are almost fine. ”

Jiang Fangfang looked him up and down and saw that he was really fine, so he didn't say anything. “There will be a recognition party later. Since you are here, then prepare your statement in advance. ”

"'Forget it,' said Dong Xuebin. 'I'm not going on stage. ”

Kang Fangfang walked ahead, “Mainly your recognition party, who will speak if you do not speak? Get ready. I can't let the secretary get you a copy. ”

Dong Xuebin corrected himself for a moment and said: "That's fine. ”

The two men entered the stairwell and no one was on the stairs. Kang Fangfang said to him on his side: “You are choking enough, and there is no one to take care of you here. So, after I finish cooking, you go upstairs and eat at my place. Bring me some clothes and socks, and I'll wash you when I have time. ”

"“ I can't bother you, "said Dong Xuebin. ”

"'Little things,' said Jiang Fangfang. 'There's no trouble to talk about. ”

“I can't, it's too much trouble for you, Kang.” Dong Xuebin laughed bitterly and joked. "If you take care of me like this again, I don't think I can take care of myself in the future. ”

Kang Fangfang smiled.

Dong Xuebin lowered his voice and changed the subject, “Director Chu's side...”

Kang Fangyi, "Almost. Chu and his family are very fond of you. ”

Dong Xuebin knew that after the contact between the Governor of Jiang County and Chu Peng over the past few days, Chu Peng should have meant to rely on the Jiang system. He was also in a good mood. Although he felt that he should have saved Zeng Linghua, even then, if he had been replaced by someone else, Dong Xuebin would have been obliged to rush to save people and surgery, but Chu Peng could lean back towards the camp of the Jiang system, which is of course the result that Dong Xuebin was willing to see.

The two of them have gone upstairs.

In front is Dong Xuebin's office. Dong Xuebin was about to say goodbye, but Kang Fangfang suddenly stopped and looked at him. “You always said that I took care of you, but it should be me who thanked you. Since you came to Xinshui County, you have helped me a lot. I have seen it in my eyes, and I know in my heart that if you do not come, my work cannot be carried out so smoothly, it is an undisputed fact. ”

Dong Xuebin shook his hand: “You are serious. ”

"'Two months, thank you,' said Jiang Fangfang. ”

Dong Xuebin immediately said: “Look at what you're saying, it's all for the common people. It's not hard to do anything. ”

... When he returned to his office, Dong Xuebin called Yao Cui and asked her to find the secretary to get him a copy of the statement as soon as possible.

Not long.

Here comes the text of the statement.

Some cadres who were told that Dong Xuebin had been discharged also came to visit Dong Xuebin's office.

“Dong County Governor. ”

“Are you feeling better? ”

“Why didn't you stay in the hospital for a few more days? ”

Dong Xuebin was rewarded for a while. He also expressed his gratitude. Unlike when he first took office, after so many things, Dong Xuebin now has a lot of influence in Xinshui County.

10 o'clock.

The ceremony has begun.

The county's leaders and key cadres sat in the auditorium.

The meeting was chaired by a deputy director of the county commission, who came up to give a general description of the collapse of the dormitory building a few days ago, then invited a representative of a firefighter who had been struggling on the front line without fear of danger, followed by representatives of the masses who had spontaneously organized rescue at the time, and a representative from the family of the Public Security Bureau who had collapsed the dormitory building to express their gratitude.

It was Dong Xuebin who made the final speech.

Finally, the deputy director of the county council office shouted: "Finally, I have a statistic here. At the time of the incident in the dormitory building, one person rescued 21 people from the building within half an hour, more injured than all the firefighters and the rescue team of the mass spontaneous organization together. Later, at the moment of the collapse of the dormitory building, this person rushed into the building to rescue people despite his life and death. Finally, he was seriously injured and did not fall, and still insisted on rescuing the injured.” Dong Xuebin, "he said.“ Please ask the Governor of Dong Xuebin! ”

Applause thunder below.

Other departments under the control of Mongolia are normal, but the leadership and dry police on the side of the Public Security Bureau are very hard to applaud, this time Dong Xuebin's harsh style and perseverance really touched many people.

Dong Xuebin is on stage.

People looked at him and thought differently.

Hands up is a ton of stone walls!

You can't even blink so badly!

Up there is a very difficult surgery!

Dong Xuebin's story of the day was already spread. Many people later learned from the news of county television. After listening to it, it was a little unbelievable. Later, there were rumors that Zhu Peng, Secretary of the Political Affairs and Law Commission and Director of the Public Security Bureau, had recently come very close to the people of the Kang family. Everyone couldn't help but be silent.

When was it ever possible to imagine a ginger system that had been crushed to death?

But Governor Dong has only been here two months! The overwhelming advantage of the Meng family name is completely lost! On the contrary, there is a tendency to be suppressed by Kang Tie!

What a Governor Dong!

Where the hell did this guy pop up?

(To be continued)