Power and Wealth

Chapter 1459 [Filling Me with Wine?


It's after 8: 00.

In the hotel elevator, Dong Xuebin, Changjuan, Chen Yunsong and Gong Na went upstairs to attend a small banquet organized by the City Merchants Bureau, just a few of them in the elevator.

4th floor… 5th floor… 6th floor… Changjuan asked: “Heard you and Director Lu shot the table? ”

Chen Yunsong and Gong Na obviously also heard, both looked to Dong Xuebin.

Dong Xuebin shook his hand, “What table are you shooting at? It was just a few arguments. ”

Chen Yunsong said: "It's too much for the city to let us give way to foreigners. Why? ”

"No matter how torturous they are, our plan remains the same. Meet us tomorrow at 8: 00 a.m. and contact us in advance. If the city doesn't lend us the car, we can find a way to transfer it from Shuishui County ourselves. If the car is not enough, we will contact the rental company. Then I will take the foreigners back to Shuishui County. You guys continue to adhere to the merchants' meeting and expand your advantages as much as possible. This foreigners' visit to Shuishui County will create a lot of potential for us. Opportunities cannot be let go. Hopefully, it will also drive some small domestic investors to invest in the capital. As for the rest, we don't care. ”

Gonna winked: “But what if in the city..."

Dong Xuebin calmly said: "The soldiers came to cover the water. ”

Changjuan smiled: "Yes, we will not change everything. Anyway, foreigners cannot leave them alone. The first stop must go to our county. ”

Dong Xuebin looked at them and suddenly said: “I also said in advance that this cake can drive everyone crazy. The benefits involved this time are huge. Likewise, there will be a lot of things underneath, even some unsightly means will come towards us, pay attention, and be smart. ”


“We know. ”

Tink, the elevator door's open.

A few people stopped saying anything and walked out.

There was a municipal merchant staff outside to show them the way, but the person looked at Dong Xuebin not very well. After all, Dong Xuebin turned his face directly with Lu Weiguo and the Municipal Merchants Bureau this time. He covered it up a few times before, so of course, the city merchant would not have any good attitude towards Dong Xuebin.


The door was open.

As soon as Dong Xuebin took people in, he attracted everyone's attention. The dishes are not yet served. Several cadres of Lu Weiguo and Municipal Merchants have arrived. They are talking to Chen Ming and others at the main table. Others are talking and talking, but their eyes frequently look at Dong Xuebin and others.

The atmosphere is a little strange.

Nobody went up to talk to Dong Xuebin. I think they heard about Dong Xuebin and Lu Weiguo fighting.

Dong Xuebin didn't care either. Dafang took people inside, searched for an empty spot, and didn't say anything.

To everyone's surprise, Lu Wei Guo actually spoke to Dong Xuebin first, waved: “Dong County Governor, sit over here. ”


What do you call me?

Dong Xuebin was also wondering in his heart, which part of Lu Wei Guo's performance did he say? Dong Xuebin doesn't think that Lu will be so big, can he stop worrying about him after he just called him Pan? Impossible, this old lady's got a big stomach. Dong Xuebin was a thief. He left his mind at once. "Director Lu, don't worry, you are almost full. I will sit with Chang Xiaochen and them. Just have a place.” Go ahead, Dong Xuebin searched for the last table with no one to sit on.

At first glance, Changjuan followed them.

Lu Wei Guo did not care and continued to talk to people.

Soon, almost everyone arrived, the six tables were full, and the dishes were on the plate.

At a glance, Lu Wei Guo slightly stood up: “Everyone has worked hard today. Before dinner, I want to say a few words. This time, foreign business participating in the China Merchants Association set a record in the history of Meihe City. The size of foreign companies is also not comparable to that of previous years. During the afternoon meal, the mayor gave a high degree of recognition to the work performance of our various investment departments, especially the comrades in Shuishui County, and the city leaders appreciated it. The scale of foreign investment exploration today, the efforts of Comrades in Shuishui County must be appreciated! ”

Boom, boom, boom.

After that, Lu Wei Guo took the lead in clapping.

People from other county China Merchants Bureau looked at each other and clapped their hands.

Chen Yunsong and Gong Na looked at each other and didn't understand what kind of medicine this Lu Wei Gourd was selling. How come he not only didn't get them into trouble in Shui County, but also exaggerated them? However, everyone wanted the work results to be confirmed. Everyone applauded them. Chen Yunsongona was also a little drifty. Well, although this matter belonged to Dong Xuebin Zhang Luo, they had no strength at all.

Dong Xuebin returned a gift with his hands together, but he was vigilant.

The applause stopped.

Lu Weiguo laughed: "This meal was approved by the city, but also to reward everyone for their hard work and hard work for two days.” Look at the table, he said: “It's 8: 30, it's after work time, and the investors are basically resting, so there's no drinking limit today. Everyone can drink whatever they want, eat whatever they want, and relax. It's to better prepare for tomorrow and next week's investment work. All right, let's move chopsticks. ”

Already at this time, many people are hungry. As soon as Lu Wei's voice drops, everyone starts eating, clipping vegetables, pouring wine.

Wine is a local brand, Dong Xuebin has never heard of it.

At first glance, 52 degrees, that's a lot of wine.

Suddenly, Lu Weiguo poured a glass of wine and shouted at Dong Xuebin. "Come, Dong County Governor, I'll have a drink with your comrades in Xishui County. ”

Dong Xuebin shook his hand, "Director Lu, we can't drink enough. ”

Lu Weiguo laughed: "What's wrong with drinking when we're in business? I lifted this cup, so you don't give me face? ”

"“ I don't usually drink alcohol, "replied Dong Xuebin." I really don't think so. Otherwise, let's finish lighting. ”

Lu Weiguo didn't speak either. He poured the cup directly and murmured all three or two wines.

At first glance, Chen Yunsong had to make a toast. Changjuan and Gong Na did not make a toast, they all sipped.

Only Dong Xuebin was left. Everyone looked at him and Dong Xuebin did nothing about it. After pouring the wine, he slowly sent it into his stomach. However, he drank it slowly and only drank the three or two drinks for half a minute.

Just after drinking, Chen Ming raised his glass, “Dong County Governor, this time you Shuishui County is out of style, I'll have one with you, haha. ”


Dong Xuebin finally saw something wrong.

What's that supposed to mean? Wheel fight? Are you trying to get me drunk?

Dong Xuebin was quick to understand that Lu Weiguo was a weasel to worship chickens - no peace of mind. If they get drunk, they won't be able to get up tomorrow morning. They may even send him to the hospital for a drip. Without him to contact President Zhang, Lu Weiguo will be able to see the sewing needle. There will be a great deal of certainty that they will leave President Zhang to visit the city tomorrow. Then they will do some more to retain foreigners, and the time to visit Xishui County will be unknown!

(To be continued)