Power and Wealth

Chapter 1998 [Fang Shuiling's Office]

In the house.

Sun Lihan and Xu Zhuang are all waiting.

Zhang Dongfang hung up Fang Shuiling's phone and came back. “Xuebin contacted me. I gave her the address and said she would be here shortly. ”

Sun Lihan asked: "Are you the county board secretaries? ”

Zhang Dongfang shouted, “Xuebin is from Jingcheng and has worked with this side. ”

Sun Lihan still knew the situation: “That's not very good, is it? If you want to contact the State - Department - Office - Office, it's not a normal relationship.” A county secretary may be Yan Jiuding in the local area. He can call for rain in the county and even in the city, but he arrives in Beijing... It's really nothing. At this level, it's really not a joke that he might catch a cyclist working on the street.

"- [sic]“ Let's wait till someone gets here. ”

Sun Lihan nodded, “Then wait and see. ”

Xu Zhuang wondered: “Which leader is Secretary Dong looking for? ”

Zhang Dongfang paused for a moment, "I don't know, I don't think it's the leadership cadre, listen to the voice, it seems like a little girl. ”

“Ah?” Xu Zhuang stayed.

Coconut County Axe's staff, too, young lady?

Sun Lihan heard me and didn't say anything. In fact, after they came from Zhang Dongfang two days ago, they explained their intentions to themselves. Sun Lihan had a bottom line in his heart. He knew that this couldn't be done. Director Li's level in charge of this matter was not very high on the office side. But the department where people belong is very powerful. God, where did he say he saw it? Not to mention the dinner, the contact, why did he give you this face? But the old relationship with Zhang Dongfang was obstructed, Sun Lihan didn't say too clearly, still took them for two days to use a number of relationships to help contact them. Anyway, she did everything she could, she should do her best, and it's not her fault to do it.

Half an hour...

One hour…

In the blink of an eye, it's after 4 pm.

Wait left and right. Zhang Dongfang's phone rang.

The little girl over there said, "Hello, I'm here. Is this BaoHong City Liaison Office in Beijing? I'm right under this sign. Who are you? ”

"'We'll be right down,' said Zhang Dongfang. ”

When Zhang County Governor hung up, Sun Lihan said: "Is someone here? ”

“It's just down there, Director Sun, please take us with you for two days to run away, otherwise we can go, don't delay your work.” Zhang Dongfang Airway.

Sun Lihan laughed: "Do I work? My job is to help the comrades of Baohong City come to Beijing contact related matters, stop talking about Zhang County Governor, come with me, you are also unfamiliar with this side of life, let you go on your own I still have no heart, don't encounter liars. ”

Xu Zhuang stunned, “Where are the liars? ”

“Why not? There's more.” Sun Lihan took them downstairs, pointing to the west side, "Well, the Wyan Liaison Office over there, a while ago, there was one of their leaders who was cheated, who listened to who said what promised to do, knew what leaders above, blown smallpox crashed the leadership of Wyan to listen silly, finally the letter thought it really cost the cheater a lot of money to help bridge the line, what was the end? The liar took the money and left. He couldn't find anybody on the day. There were so many things like that. You didn't come here often, so you didn't know the situation. The situation was complicated. There were some things you couldn't believe.” After that, I added, “Of course, that's what I'm saying. I'm not saying that the person you secretary Dong are looking for is a liar. ”

Zhang Dongfang said: “We understand. ”

Of course, he understands that since Secretary Dong can be contacted, regardless of whether the other party can help to do things, at least people must be reliable, it is impossible to arrange a liar to come here, Secretary Dong Zhang Dongfang is still relieved. Of course, he doesn't really think that the people secretary Dong can really take them to do things, but since Dong Xuebin has arranged it, Zhang Dongfang cannot not give them this face.


Outside the yard.

Sun Lihan and Zhang Dongfang and others came out.

At the door, a pretty little girl wearing a floral dress, looking quietly at the ground in the shade, stepping on a falling leaf from the tree from time to time, may also be boring to wait, one plays and looks innocent. This is how it is. Fang Shuiling is not very old. He has also been attending school for many years, examining and studying doctoral studies. Almost every day he deals with schooling and books. He has not had much contact with society. Moreover, he has never worked alone except for his internship. Naturally, he remains a student.

“Is that her?” Sun Lihan said.

Zhang Dongfang couldn't get it either, “I don't know, just ask. ”

The commissioner of the County Axe Office immediately walked up to him: “Excuse me, miss..."

Fang Shuiling turned around and saw them. Sweet smile. “Are you the cadres of Jiao Neighbourhood County? Hello, my name is Fang Shuiling, just call me Xiaoling. ”

Is that really her?

What a little girl?

Originally, Zhang Dongfang and Sun Lihan thought that the voice on the phone might be a little distorted, or the voice might be soft, so they thought the other party was young, and they didn't expect themselves to be a little girl, and look like they were still students? This... is she good? Zhang Dongfang really doesn't understand why Dong Xuebin didn't contact the colleagues or leaders he met at the time of Zhong-Ji-Committee. Why did he prefer such a little girl?

If you want to think about it like that, you still can't show your face. Confirming your identity, Zhang Dongfang immediately said: “I'm Zhang Dongfang. Hello. ”

“I am the Director of the Liaison Office, Sun Lihan.” Several people shook hands and introduced each other.

In the end, Fang Shuiling spoke of business and asked: "What are we going to do now? ”

“Ah?” Zhang Dongfang winked. “We don't know. What did Secretary Dong say? ”

Fang Shuiling said: "Brother Dong said let me bring you here to do your business and withdraw the county application, right? The other brothers don't say anything. ”

Xu Zhuang was silent and felt that his future was very slim. What did you do without thinking about it? That's unprofessional.

Zhang Dongfang smiled bitterly, “So what are we now? ”

Fang Shuiling, Spirit of the Spirit of the Spirit of the Spirit of the Spirit of the Spirit of the Spirit of the Spirit of the Spirit of the Spirit of the Spirit of the Spirit of the Spirit of the Spirit of the Spirit of the Spirit of the Spirit of the Spirit of the Spirit of the Spirit of the Spirit You guys have dinner together? ”

Zhang Dongfang said: "This is the best way to do it naturally. ”

Fang Shuiling nodded, “That's fine. Which cadre is it? ”

Zhang Dongfang said: “It's Director Li from the office. ”

Fang Shuiling asked: "Which Director Li? Lee Fong or Lee Kui-ran? ”

Lee Fong? Neither Zhang Dongfang nor Sun Lihan had ever heard the other party's name, but it always seemed very powerful. I couldn't help but look at Fang Shuiling more. This little girl may really be a bit of a doorway, looks like she's familiar with the office?

Zhang Dongfang immediately said: “It's Director Li Xiaoli. ”

Fang Shuiling touched his head and thought, "Li Xiao? Who is this? ”

You don't know him, do you? Zhang Dongfang and the others just felt that Fang Shuiling seemed very powerful, and now they were helpless, explaining: "He is the director of the next department in the office. ”

Fang Shuiling shouted, “Below the department? Then I don't know him very well. Do I have to find him? ”

”'That's Director Li's department,' said Zhang Dongfang. 'The department is responsible for approving our application this time, so...

“Well.” Fang Shuiling thought about it. “That's okay. Let's go to the hotel first. I'll make some phone calls on the way. I'll definitely help you find someone. ”

Zhang Dongfang, uh: “Fine. Which hotel should we go to? ”

“There's a nice club in the north, I have a membership card, let's go there, I just want to eat the crab over there, huh?” Fang Shuiling understated.

“OK, then...” Zhang Dongfang looked at Sun Lihan.

“I'll have the car ready.” Sun Lihan greeted the staff in the courtyard and brought two sedans, both of which were not good cars, independent brand.

Everybody in the car.

Fang Shuiling just started calling, “Hey, Uncle Zhang, it's me... hey, you can't even hear me... Yes, I'm Ling... what, I'm in a bit of a situation, is there a director under our office named Li Xiao... do you have one? That's fine... you give him his phone... Forget it, I don't even know him, don't call him anymore, please contact him for me, I have something to do with him... then don't ask, just have dinner with him... well, then I'll give it to you, you have to contact me... just the place I often go to the leisure club, when you get him to tell me my name... thank you Uncle Zhang, bring my aunt too. ”

Zhang Dongfang and Sun Lihan are all listening with their ears up.

Hanging up the phone, Fang Shuiling smiled: “Okay, I'm in touch. Let's go first. I think he'll be over soon after work. ”

Too unprofessional.

It's unreliable.

Fang Shuiling's series of actions gave Zhang Dongfeng several people such a feeling. Although she seemed to really contact people on the phone, her breath was quite modest, but Zhang Dongfeng's mind was getting worse and worse. Did you really contact her? Can this little girl do it?

In fact, Fang Shuiling also brought people here for the first time. The big girl went to the flower sedan for the first time.

In fact, Dong Xuebin didn't want Fang Shuiling to run personally. What he meant by calling Fang Shuiling was to contact Zhang Dongfang and find out who was responsible for it. Then XiaoLing made a few phone calls to go down and the matter was OK. Where did he come down and take people away personally? However, Fang Shuiling also felt that he owed Dong too much for the last engagement ceremony. They took Dong's little one hundred million, Fang Shuiling naturally kept in mind. Now that Dong had something to help himself with, Fang Shuiling of course didn't have two words, he ran over directly. The aim was to show off and give Dong a beautiful operation. (To be continued.)