Power Master

00016 4. The Fox


After hunting the bears and heading for the cave, we soon arrived in front of the cave. The cave is quiet without a sound. Myeonghu was forced to sigh while looking at the cave.


Eventually, he turned back to catch the bear and began walking towards the bear habitat. It was just then.

- Grrrrr.

You hear a sound from inside the cave. After stopping, he turned back and looked at the cave.

- Grrrrr.

He smiled at the sound of the Great Fox once again. Then I started waiting for the Great Fox to come out.

“...? ”

However, after a while, Myeonghu had to tilt his head.

“Why aren't you coming out? ”

There was definitely a sound inside the cave. But all I could hear was the sound. The giant fox does not come out of the cave.

“Should I go...”

Myeonghu eventually started walking towards the cave.

- Grrr!

- Grrrrrrr!

“...? ”

However, the two distinct sounds that were coming from him forced me to stop walking. Myeonghu looked at the cave.

“Did you hear wrong? ”

He tilted his head and began to walk back towards the cave.

- Grrrrrrr!

- Grrr!

“... ”

But at the sound of two coming back, the light stops and looks at the cave. After listening silently for a while to the two sounds coming from the cave, he muttered quietly.

“... what is it? Could it be two?”

I couldn't believe it. But something unbelievable happened. The two sounds coming from the cave were definitely the sounds of a giant fox.



Brightness smiled. Then he began to walk back towards the cave. It was unbelievable that there were two giant foxes.

But that was it. Two was not a problem. Rather, it was a good thing that there were two giant foxes.

- Grrrrrrr!

- Grrr!

“... Huh? ”

You hear the sound of a struggle from the cave. Myeonghu had no choice but to harden his face to the sound.

“I don't want to die.”

Myeonghu began to gradually increase his pace toward the cave.

- Grrr...!

Just then, a giant fox ran out of the cave. After stopping his steps, he saw the giant fox leaping out of the cave. The giant fox was bleeding from his side and face, but it was likely that he was pushed out of the fight.

- Grrr!


The giant fox jumps out of the way, sees the weather blocking the way, pauses for a moment, and then quickly swings its front foot. However, he didn't even care about the flying front foot. I just sighed as I saw the giant fox's scar.



The giant fox's front foot was fierce to Myeong-hoon. After seeing the shaved life force, he immediately punched the giant fox, who was about to swing his front foot again.


- Khh... ugh.


[Level Up!]

The Great Fox has fallen.

- You learned the hide of the Great Fox.

- You learned the claws of the Great Fox.

After picking up the item, he turned his gaze away from the fallen giant fox and looked at the cave. Soon, the remaining giant fox ran out of the cave. The giant fox was clean without a scratch.


Seeing the woundless giant fox, the expression on his face changed brightly.

- Grrr?

The giant fox comes out of the cave, finds the fallen giant fox and stops. Then, he looked at the fallen giant fox in alternation with Myeonghu, lowering his body and quickly running into position.


Myeonghu began to walk past the fallen giant fox and into the pose of running towards him.

- Grrrrrrr!

At the same time, the Great Fox began to run toward Myeonghu. He stopped and clenched his fist as he saw the giant fox running towards him.


Soon after that, the Great Fox lifts his right front foot and swings. It was unbelievably fast compared to the three giant foxes I caught earlier.


The giant fox's front foot was fierce on Myeong-hoon, and the light saw the life force that had been shaved off.

Eight hundred? ’

Even though it was the same attack as the other Great Foxes, it lost more than twice its health. Myeonghu once again approached the giant fox wielding his front foot and punched him.

Boom! Boom!

At the moment when the front foot of the giant fox was fierce to Myung Hu, the fist after the end was fierce to the abdomen of the giant fox.


[Level Up!]

The Great Fox has fallen with a level-up message.

- You learned the hide of the Great Fox.

- You've learned the inner parts of the Great Fox.

- You learned the claw key.

“Claw keys? ”

After collecting all the items, Myeonghu had to tilt her head. It was the first item I had seen. After opening his inventory, he checked the item information.

Claw Keys

The claws of a giant fox and the key to the forest. Unlike typical giant fox claws, there is magical power flowing through the claws.

The claw key was literally the key. Myeonghu closed his inventory and looked at the cave.

“Somewhere in there, right? ”

The claw key was clearly used somewhere inside the cave. Myeonghu began walking towards the cave.


After entering the cave, Myeonghu walked along the passageway, looking around.


It was so common in the cave. There was nothing special about it, and I couldn't find a place to use the key.

“Is this the end...”

Shortly after arriving at the room of the giant fox, the end of the cave, through the passageway, he muttered while looking around a large space measuring 7 meters.

Durban Durban

He looked around. However, nothing was particularly noticeable.

“What should I do...”

Myeonghu wondered whether he would go back to catch the bear or explore the place a little more.

“Let's find it.”

After deciding to find a place to use the key, he began to explore the Great Fox's room thoroughly, unlike before.


After thoroughly exploring a large space within 7 meters, he had to sigh. He also searched thoroughly, but could not find a place to use the key. Nothing in particular stood out.

“Let's just go catch a bear. I'll search later. ”

Later, he looked around the room of the Great Fox and walked out.

It was just then.


After entering the corridor from the Great Fox's room, he had to stop walking. Myeonghu looked at the wall to the left of the corridor just before entering the Great Fox's room. It was dark and hard to see, but it was definitely dug deeper than the others.

“I think this...”


After pulling the claws out of the inventory, he took the claws to the deepest part of the excavation. I thought it would be perfect if I put my claws in the part of Davony's swab.


Brightness put its claws in. The claws were perfectly placed as if they were part of the original wall, and the magic that was flowing through the claws began to circular up the wall.


Immediately, a round circle formed and the magical force filled the circle and emitted a bright light.


Myeonghu looks at the portal created in front of his eyes. You don't know which side is across the portal. The other side of the portal could be very dangerous.

Of course, that didn't mean we couldn't use the portal. If I was afraid of it, I wouldn't have taken this effort in the first place.

“Let's go.”

Myeonghu walks towards the portal.


Soon, the bright portal hides in an instant.

* * * *

After arriving at the other side of the portal, he had to be nervous around the grass that had risen to his knees and the dense trees that had grown around him.

“Let's see...”

Information about this place is nothing but a forest on a claw key. Now I had to find out. Enlightenment decided to move.


After moving through the bush, he saw the growing grass and trees and realized that he was going deeper and deeper.

‘Not good. ’

After thinking that it was not going deep without any information, he began to go back the way he had come back.


“...! ”

However, as soon as I moved, I heard a sound that made me stop walking and killed my breath. It certainly wasn't his voice. The sound is heard from a considerable distance from the clear climate. Brightness began to concentrate around it.

Bloop bloop bloop bloop bloop.

You start to hear footsteps again with the sound of rushing through the forest. The sound grows louder and louder, and Myeonghu senses that something has arrived just across the forest in front of him. He gazed at the bush, swallowing his saliva.


Then, through the bush, something on the other side of the forest appeared.

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Light Angel, kumada, dark2black/Thank you!

Rango/person is strengthened by despair.

Cloudweb, think about it. Maybe?

There's a stat called lamude/evasion!