Power Master

Do you want to be noble?

“... ”

Myeonghu stares at the old man who asked for a handshake, the head of the Imperial Wizards, Sis.

‘... why on earth...'

The head of the Imperial Wizards is never a low position. They do not take orders from anyone unless they are commanded by the Emperor. Even the ducs, the ducs, who are directly under the emperor, are so high that they cannot be called like this.

It is also not easy to get a position as director. In order to become a commander, you must first master the magic of the Seven Circles for the Empire. The number of wizards who have mastered seven circles in the Empire is now 10, and only 10 of them are qualified to be a director.

I mean, why would they...

However, I did not understand why great men came to me and asked me to shake their hands, and I was ashamed and glorified.


Sis smiles brightly and takes her hands off her back as she refuses to accept the handshake. Myung Hu said, looking at such a sheath.

“I really have a question. ”

I was really curious.

“What are you doing to me? I'm just a blacksmith. ”

From their perspective, I was really curious as to why he did this to himself as a blacksmith.

“Haha, yes. Myeong-hoon is a blacksmith.”

However, in response, Sis frowned.

“So... why is it such an honor to meet me as a blacksmith? ”

Enlightenment asked straightaway. Then Sis was a little embarrassed, and soon she opened her mouth.

“I'm sorry, I made a mistake. ”

“...? ”

“I'll be going now. I'll tell the others. ”

His reaction and words caused him to be embarrassed. What did you do wrong and why are you sorry? Plus, there were other masters that Sis mentioned. But what am I going to tell the Master?

“Still, it's an honor to meet you. ”

The sheath bows slightly and speaks, then dips the floor with a cane.


Then he turns around and starts walking out of the forge. Myeonghu looked behind the sheath and found another old man coming into the forge.

‘... ’

The old man was also wearing a robe for the Imperial Wizard.

‘It must be the director.’

Probably dressed up like they had been looking for. However, when Myeonghu saw Sis taking the old man who had just come in, he turned his eyes and walked to his work.

‘... why is this happening? ’

As I walked along the workbench, I thought, "How did this happen?"

That's when it all started.

I recall Kreme, First Master of the Imperial Wizards, when he came to the forge and talked to me.

‘Obviously... I changed my mind when I was talking to him. ’

He asked for his identity and suddenly smiled brightly. From then on, my attitude and behavior were different as if I were treating someone else.

Are you... mistaking me for someone else? ’

Come to think of it, there was a point. If that's the case, I understand that the headmasters are coming now.

By the way, who are you confused with? ’

Who are you mistaking yourself with? It would not be an ordinary person. They wouldn't have come looking for him if he was a normal person.

"If it's such an honor to have the masters of the Seven Circles..." ’

After thinking about it, I suddenly opened my eyes slightly.


If you're mistaken for a dragon, you're quite likely. Seven Circle Masters, they're almost the best at magic, and they have the most pride of all. Even with the same class of knights, all I could think of was dragons who would be so glorious to look down one step.


However, the manifestation soon shook his head.

‘If you thought it was a dragon, you wouldn't be able to do this. ’

A dragon said to devastate an empire if it bothers at all. If he thought he was a dragon, he wouldn't have acted like one.

‘... who the hell is he? ’

After thinking about it for a while, I soon stopped thinking.

‘You wouldn't believe me anyway. ’

They won't believe me if I tell them I'm not who I think I am. I keep saying I'm a blacksmith, but I can tell just by looking at what I don't believe. For some reason, they were filled with confidence.

‘Maybe it'll help later. ’

They are masters of the Seven Circles. They are mistaken, but as a result they are trying to establish friendship with themselves. If I built up friendship like this, I thought that one day I would use it for something useful.

‘Well... I'm not interrupting anything. ’

All they did was come to shake hands and say it was an honor and establish friendship. Such behavior was annoying and embarrassing, but not only that, it interfered.

“Let's make some! ”

Brightness opened the Crafting window. Then I chose the Silk Seal Dagger and pressed Craft to start crafting the Silk Seal Dagger.

* * * *

New recruit, no, who he is.

Nerphy thinks to himself, smirking.

"Was he also a nobleman? ’

At first, I thought he was a nobleman, but I believed him. But given the circumstances, that's not the case.

‘No, even aristocrats don't know why they're masters. ’

The Imperial Wizards' masters can't help but be Dukes and Dukes. Even though it was noble, I couldn't understand the reaction of the masters.

"What the..."

But it was clear that he did not have an ordinary identity.


However, there was nothing more to be learned from Nerfi, the ordinary blacksmith. It was just then.

“That Nerphy. ”

“... ”

Nerphy suddenly came to his presence and saw the aftermath of calling out to him. Of course, I didn't say anything.

‘I don't know how to talk. ’

I was wondering if I should raise my voice or if I should get off. Looking at the situation so far, I had to speak up, but I didn't think I should raise it again.

"You hid your identity... for a good reason."

I didn't know what it was, but there must be a reason why I hid my identity. Nerfi opens his mouth.

“Why did you call me? ”

“Oh, I have a question. Can I ask you a question? ”

* * * *

Alcan Helioka is currently being reported to his office.

“I see. Go. ”

After completing the report, Foren, the leader of the Red Knights, bows his head to Alcan's words and steps out of the office.


“It's your turn to receive the report of the Magic Master Krame. ”

“Hmm. Is Kreme here? I'll get it right away. ”


At Alcan's words, a door opens and a lime enters.

“I'm here to see the Emperor. ”

Kreme lowers his head slightly, expressing his respect, and raises his head to look at Alcan.

“I'll report to the Imperial Wizards. The ongoing construction of the Leverage Wall Wizard is currently in progress at 70% and will be completed in the next 5 days. and…. Finally, three members of the First Enchant have died. ”


When Alcan asks, Kreme smiles bitterly and answers.

“Yes, and the reason I'm here today is because I have something more to say about this. ”

“In addition?”

The word of the alkane is followed by a lime.

“Do you remember Carrot? ”

“Oh, the one who stole the taboo. I remember.”

“He is familiar with the taboo. Three dead men went there to stop him from coming back. ”

“Well, what happened to him? ”

“... ”

The question of the alkane prevents Kreme from speaking for a moment. Alcan looks a little surprised when he can't say anything.

“You didn't catch it? ”

Kreme shuts his mouth for a moment and reconsiders. Then he opened his mouth and said:

“That's right. Carrot killed three members and disappeared. It was untraceable like that day. But...”

The alkane tilts its head toward the cloudy creme at the end of the horse. Kreme smiles at the tilting alkane. And then he said,

“In the process, I found someone thought to be Secret Knights. ”

“...! ”

Alcan opens his eyes wide and looks at Krame.

“Secret... knights? ”

“There is absolutely no evidence that he is the Secret Knights. But I'm convinced. And...”

The creme once again blurs the end of the sentence and continues.

“He is currently a blacksmith in the forge. ”

“... Blacksmith? ”

“Yes, the forge currently uses the name 'Gwang-hui'. ”

“I see. How many of you know this? ”

“It's just me and my masters. ”


After a short exhale, Alcan opens his mouth.

“Use the name 'Enlightenment' in the forge... wait. Did you say" fine "?”

“...? ”

Kreme gives you a hesitant look at Alcan's reaction, then nods.

“Yes, I'm using the name 'Gwanghu'. ”

According to Kreme, Alcan glances at you.

“Leville, I think I heard the name 'after' when I got the report earlier. ”

Next to Alcan's words, Levil opens his mouth.

“Yes, the name of the person who built the empire's great achievements through armor production was clear. ”

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

It's pretty cold.

Watch out for the flu!

[Answer time]

1. Will the protagonist be Secret Knights?

No! Heh heh heh

2. Is the Emperor's Golden Hammer like a tool for summoning Secret Knights?

The Emperor's Golden Hammer just ruins performance.