Power Master

00105 21. Another person


It was the delay that greeted him with a big smile. Myung Hu opened his mouth to wonder how the delay in traveling and being here.

“How did you...? ”

The delay in asking questions opened my mouth.

“I've been traveling and wanted to see the cities. ”

Of course it wasn't true. The delay was not to come to see the city. There was another purpose.

“Wow, I'm surprised to see you like this. ”

“Yes! Where were you going? ”

Jeonghui smiled and replied with a question of delay.

“Well, I was going to the forge to raise the public record. ”

“Oh, I see. Let's add some friends first! ”

Delays sent a friend request to Clarify and, of course, accepted the request.

- Delay: Good work!

- To Delay: Good Job!

The delay in confirming that the whisper went well, he smiled.

“Goodbye, then! I'll go too!”

“Yes! See you later! ”

After that delay and separation, he began to walk back to the forge. Soon after arriving in front of the forge, we found someone coming out of the forge.

“Ahjussi. ”

“Huh? Levil. ”

It was Levil who came out of the forge. After discovering the manifesto, Levil immediately approaches Namhu and pulls a scroll out of his arms.

‘... Quests? ’

The scroll smells of quests. Levil gives you the scroll.

“Here's the thing. But…”

After the end of the sentence is scrolled, the blurry Levil shuts up to say something. Then he lowered his head slightly to greet her and went back past Myeonghu.

“What is it?”

What was he trying to say? He tilted his head and rolled.

< Stolen Wizard >

Having learned that the Wizard, Carrot, who had stolen the taboo, was hiding in a dense green space, Alcan Helioka decided to organize a punitive force to defeat him. Alcan Helioka organized a punitive force with the Red Drake Knights and set out for a lush green space. Go to the lush greenery, defeat Carrot before they do, and bring me the proof!

[Carrot's Corpse: 1 of 1]

Difficulty: A

Quest Reward: 3 Million Helioka Officials +?? (Additional merit points available.)

“...? ”

Myeonghu was forced to tilt her head when she saw the quest.

“I already killed him. Is it regenerated again?”

He's already killed Carrot. He opened his inventory. There was definitely a dead carrot in a corner of the inventory. He already had Carrot's corpse, the proof he needed to complete the quest.

“What the...”

He tore the scroll, muttering like that.

[You have accepted the quest.]

After accepting the quest, he immediately began walking to the Imperial Office to complete the quest.


As I walked to the Imperial Chamber, I could see quite a lot of nobles. And my brow frowned.

"Should I buy clothes?"

I didn't like the way the nobles looked at me. It was probably because of the outfit. Myeonghu later decided to go to the costume shop in front of the Imperial Palace and quietly walked.


Shortly after arriving at the building with the Emperor's office, he went inside, greeting the soldiers in front of the entrance. After arriving in front of the Oval Office through the hallway, he just found Leville coming out of the Oval Office.

“Hello, Levil. ”

“What? Myeong-hoon? ”

Looking at the explanations, Levil looks suspicious. Why are you here? Levil opens his mouth.

“What are you doing here? ”

Levil looks at the manifesto and says,

“I came to check in on you after work. ”


Revel muttered in his reply. After what Levil thought he didn't understand, he said directly.

“I've defeated Carrot. ”

“... ”

Levil has not said a word. He continued to look at Levil's face.

“Didn't the emperor tell you to kill Red Cobalt before? ”


“That's when I killed Carrot. ”


The expression on Leville's face suggests that he understood. However, he opened his mouth in a surprised manner.

“By yourself? ”


“... ”

Leville is once again speechless by the obvious answer.

He said he'd be in eight circles by now.

That's what he said, too. The magical leader Kreme said that Carrot would have joined 8 circles, which is different from mastering 7 circles. Even though he had just joined, he was able to face the three masters of the seven circles.

But you caught him by yourself? ’

Of course, Carrot was not a normal eight-circle wizard, but Leville looked at it with great eyes. However, not only was it great in the eyes, but it was mixed with many complex feelings.

What the hell are you...?

What is it? I can't believe that a blacksmith won the battle against a wizard in eight circles.


After Levil says nothing, Myeonghu opens his mouth.

“May I come in and check on you? ”

“Ah! Yes.”

At the end of the sentence, Levil wakes up and opens his mouth.

“Your Majesty, this is Levil. ”

“Huh? Huh. Come in.”

You hear Alcan's slightly bewildered voice in the Oval Office. Levil opens the door as Alcan speaks.


“Let's go.”

On Levil's word, the manifest entered the Oval Office. When the manifest came in, Leville also followed behind him and closed the door again.


Alcan tilts his head as the light comes in. Levil quickly opens his mouth to the tilt of the alkane.

“That's... what they're here to report. ”

In Levil's words, Alcan gives you a look as if to what it means.

“You just gave it to me. ”

“Yes, that's what I just told you. But that's...”

The Alcan's question clouds the end of Levil's words. And then he said,

“I heard you defeated Carrot during your previous Red Cobalt subjugation. ”


At Levil's words, Alcan looks at the manifesto with a look of nonsense. He also heard from Kreme that Alcan, like Levil, would have joined the eight circles.

“Are you serious?"

Alcan once again asks the hard truth. When asked by Alcan, Myung Hu opened his mouth.

“Yes, I have a body. ”

“You have a corpse? ”


“Can you see? ”

“Of course. But... where do I get it?" ”

According to Alcan, Lu Shu nods and looks around where to remove the body. This was the office of the emperor. You can't just pull the body out. Alcan opened his mouth to see if he had read such thoughts.

“You can just take it out and show me. ”

“I understand.”

According to Alcan, he opened his inventory and took out Carrot's body and laid it to the ground.

“...? ”

Alcan and Levil look surprised to see Carrot's corpse taken from Myung Hu. And then Alcan looked at the manifesto and said,

“I think this is... rich. ”

Alkane's question followed by clarification.

“Yes, that's right, Rich. I captured Carrot and resurrected as Rich. I killed him again, but I didn't go back to the human body.”

At the end of the sentence, Alcan and Levil look away from Carrot's corpse and look away.

“... ”

On the other hand, Alcan and Levil had nothing to say. Brightness put the body back in the inventory. Seeing his appearance, Alcan opened his mouth and said,

“... I see, well done. Thank you so much.Rich... Huh. ”

At the end of Alcan's words, a quest completion message appears.

[Quest Completed.]

[Helioka's performance has increased by 3 million.]

He smiled at the reward. An additional message appeared.

[Receive additional rewards.]

[Helioka's performance has increased by 10 million.]


After smiling, he looked at the message with a surprised look.

Ten million? ’

What do you mean 10 million? It says here you can get an additional Degree of Citizenship for your reward, but this was unexpected. Brightness quickly opened the character window.

Nationality: Helioka [Empire]

Age: 22 Occupation: Blood Night/Strong Smith

Reputation: 406000 Pr: 17940410

Level: 230

HP: 1690950

Mana: 6420

Strength: 759

Strength: 83030 [8303 (+1090)] Agility: 165 HP: 607 (+500) Stamina: 10 Wisdom: 311

Hand dexterity: 279

Quest rewards increase by 13 million. Myeonghu stared at his karma, which had risen to 10 million with a surprised look on his face. You hear Levil's words in the ear after he looks so surprised.

“I'll tell him to come back. ”

“Oh, come back... oh, no. Tell them to subdue more Red Cobalt while they're gone. ”

“I understand.”

Levil, who replied to Alcan's words, looked on the bright side and said,

“Let's go.”


Speaking of which, Levil opens the door. After greeting Alcan, Myeonghu came out of the office through the door. Then Levil comes out the back, closes the door and opens his mouth.

“Well done. I'll be off then.”

That's what Levil said, and he quickly walked out of the hallway. Myung Hu slowly walked out of the building through the corridor and headed to the forge.


I laughed endlessly at the mouth of the man heading to the forge.

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Wacha and Luna will appear in the episode behind a lot of them.