Power Master

00197 33. Preparation

"The god of this temple? ’

After I didn't know who Elgarve was, I looked at the priest with a embarrassed look on their faces. Then the priest opened his mouth and said,

“This way."

The priest began to take a step, and Myeonghu hesitated for a moment and began to follow behind the priest.

Knock, knock.

“High Priest, the one Elgarve spoke of is here. ”

After a while, the priest stopped at the door and said, knocking. According to the priest, he realized that the place where he stood was in front of the High Priest's room.

"What in God's name did you say..."

Myeonghu came to the temple to receive a quest, not to meet the High Priest. But now that I heard what the priests and users had to say, I wondered what Elgarve, the god of this temple, had to say about himself.


After a while, the door opened and the mid-50s appeared to a truly loving middle-aged man. The High Priestess was clear.

“Ah, the one Elgarve spoke of. This way."

The high priest who opened the door opened his mouth and looked at the picture. Then the priest who came with him moved aside. It seemed like the priests didn't go in. Enlightenment passed through the priest and entered the high priest's room.


The door closed again and the High Priest sat down. Myeonghu also sat behind the high priest and looked at the high priest. Then the high priest opened his mouth and said,

“You must have been a little embarrassed. ”

“Yes, what did Elgarve say? ”

“Well, as long as I'm a little embarrassed...”

The High Priest suddenly stopped, smiling and answering his words.

“... High Priest? ”

He looked at the High Priest with a curious look on his face.


A blue light appeared around the High Priest's body as if he was waiting for it and began to wander around. At the same time, the high priest opened his mouth and began to hear his voice.

“Ah, can you hear me? ”

A clear voice began to flow from the High Priest's mouth. I was embarrassed by the clear voice of the weather. Although it was coming from the mouth of the high priest, this voice was definitely not the voice of the high priest.

Is it Elgarve? ’

There was a possibility of blue light hovering around, a sudden change in voice. Myung Hu carefully opened his mouth and said.

“Are you Elgarve? ”

Then the high priest smiled and replied.

“How did you know! Heheh.”

As expected. The High Priest's body is strong in the temple of Elgarve.

“He told me about me.”

The end of the sentence was blurry. Then Elgarve opens her mouth and says,

“Ah, it's no big deal, I just said that if you came to the temple, I would be strong. ”

Elgarve explained why the high priests and priests were surprised and embarrassed.

“I see. Then why are you so determined? ”

Enlightenment got right to the point. I don't understand why Elgarve asked me to see her. He did not believe in Elgarve, nor did he do anything particularly related to Elgarve.

“You caught a child of the Paraden, didn't you? ”


In Elgarve's words, he tilted his head.

‘Ah, Kraken. ’

Then I remembered what I had heard from Derren before, and I nodded, realizing that the Paradens were pointing towards the Kraken.

“Yes, I caught it yesterday. ”

“That's why Ataxia is so upset. Heehee.”


Elgarve's words make him frown slightly. I don't know who Ataxia is. However, according to Elgarve, it seemed to be a god related to Kraken.

“Oh, that's not the point. ”

Elgarve smiles and continues to talk.

“You know the Seven-Market Demon King Agranetto is coming to your continent this time, right? ”


“We made a bet with it. ”

“... bet? ”

“Yes! As you grabbed the child of the Paradens, we learned of your existence. So I was talking about you. There's talk of Agranetto. That's when we made the bet! Heehee! I bet you win, of course. Agranetto is weak enough to be called the Demon King. Hehehe! ”

In Elgarve's words, he tilted his head.

So... why are you here? To let you know you made a bet? No, it's not. ’

A man named God could not have been so determined to announce the existence of a gamble. Myeonghu continued to look at Elgarve.

“I'm here to tell you that. ”

However, Elgarve's sole purpose was to show the existence of the wager. As if that were really the end, Elgarve didn't say anything.

“... ”

Myeonghu stares at Elgarve dazed. Elgarve looks at herself dazed and cries out with a smile.


[God blessed Elgarve.]

HP Recovery Speed +200% for 10 days.]

[MP Recovery Speed +200% for 10 days.]

[Movement Speed +10% for 10 days.]

A message appeared with Fighting. After checking the message, he looked back at Elgarve.


At the same time, the blue light that was hovering around the body disappeared. Myeonghu thought Elgarve, who was strong, had returned.


As expected, the voice of the high priest came out, not a clear voice. The High Priest smiled and began to speak.

“I don't know what you're talking about... but are you done? ”

“Yes, I think so. ”

“I see. Ah! You didn't introduce me. I am Onax, High Priest of the Temple of Elgarve. ”

The high priest introduced himself and looked at the explanation. He opened his mouth when he saw the eyes of the high priest looking at him.

“It's called a manifesto. I have work to do, and I think I need to get up now. ”

After introducing himself, he woke up thinking of the scroll given to him by the Emperor. Then the high priest got up and said,

“Myeong-hoon, can I ask you a favor? ”

At the high priest's words, he stopped moving and looked at the high priest.


NPC's request immediately meant a quest.

“What...? ”

The High Priest quickly opened his mouth and began to speak as soon as the end of the sentence was blurred.

“Nine days later, the trust of the Demon Lord Agranetto came down on our continent. We are preparing, but even if we are preparing, it will be devastating if Agranetto arrives. We need you to eliminate the Granecto before it does any more damage. ”

< Onax, High Priest of Elgarve, Request >

Onax, the High Priest of Elgarve Temple, is worried about the devastating damage caused by the Demon King Agranetto of Death. Onax wants you to eliminate Agranetto after speaking with Elgarve before he does much damage to the continent. Eliminate Agranetto before the continent takes heavy damage!

Difficulty: A

Quest reward:??? (Depends on the extent of damage to the continent.)

The quest appeared after Onax's words were finished. After seeing the quest, I had to tilt my head slightly.

‘The quest... seems different.' ’

Something was wrong with the quest. I heard from Min-hyun that the quest for the Demon King at the temple is called a special quest. However, I did not see any special words in this quest.

"Is this a separate quest from the High Priest? ’

I thought so. Myeonghu, who had no reason to refuse, nodded.

“I'll do my best. ”

[You have accepted the quest.]

“Thank you."


Myeonghu came out of the room to talk to the high priest. Then he walked back to the place where the priests and users were gathering.

Soon after arriving at the gathering of priests and users, I could hear the voices of the voices of the users as they appeared.


“Hey, I'm out. ”

“You think he went to the High Priestess? ”

“Yeah, should I ask? ”

“Hey, will you tell me that? ”

Listening to the voices of the users, Myeonghu approached the priest who gave him the Demon King's Extinction Quest. Then the priest smiled and opened his mouth and said, and a quest appeared.

< Special Quest - Destroy the Demon King Agranetto! >

Destroy the Demon Lord Agranetto before he reaches the continent!

[Death Demon King Agranetto: 0 of 1]

Difficulty: S

Quest reward: Increases all Temple Influence giving quests. Fifty million for your country.

‘... Hey. ’

I was amazed. After checking the reward, he quickly nodded.


[You have accepted the quest.]

After seeing the acceptance message and confirming it, he turned back to leave the temple. I turned around and heard the user's voice in the ear.

“Hey, you got that guy's vanishing quest, right? ”

“Well, that priest gave me an extinction quest. ”

“Oh, so you know where the Demon King is? ”

“Maybe if I just met the High Priestess. Let me ask you something. ”

“Oh, I'll let you know. Let's follow him. ”

After hearing what the users had said, he smiled and walked out of the temple and into the holy empire towards the Warp Gate. I can feel the users following me from the temple from behind. However, I did not care about the explanation. It was not the Black Moon Tower where the entrance to the castle was, but the Holy Empire.

“Where are you going? ”

“I'm going to the capital of the Holy Empire. ”

“Then can I warp to the junk where the crossing gate is?" ”

I also felt like I couldn't warp immediately because the country was different. Myung Hu nodded.

“How much?”

“It's 20 gold. ”

He took the gold from his inventory and gave it to the wizard. And soon I was able to warp with the feeling of disintegration.

“You said you were going to the capital of the Holy Empire? ”

“Huh. What do you want to do? ”

After Myeonghu warped, the users who followed behind the temple looked at each other and talked.

“There is no gold. ”

“Me too.”

“... ”

The word began to linger in silence. Soon after, the user who appeared to be a leader opened his mouth and said.

“Let's go hunting... Can you get rid of the Demon King in nine days?" ”

“Is that right? Yes! Let's go hunting like the Revolution said! Let's level up for the Demon King! ”

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