Power Master

00220 37. Territory


Levil nods.

“I didn't think you were ready... Are you all so embarrassed? ”


Alcan stood up and said,

“I think you'll be... embarrassed. ”

“I bet. Huh. ”

At Levil's words, Alcan smiles at the fame. Then he opened his mouth and said,

“I'm ready. I'll explain on the way.”

After finishing his speech, Alcan starts walking out of the room.


After staring at the back of a mullah alkan, she wakes up from her seat and starts walking behind him.



Walking down the hall, Alcan opened his mouth.

“I'm going to give you Baron Magnus' estate today. ”


According to Alcan, I had to pause for a moment. Territory? What do you mean, suddenly? But Alcan's words were not finished.

“With the title of Earl. ”

In the words of the subsequent alkanes, there was nothing left to say. I was so embarrassed by the title and territory.

“Of course, this is the beginning. ”

“... start? ”

What do you mean, "Start?" The manifesto was forced to rebel against Alcan's words. Alkans smiled at the aftermath of the report.

“Okay, go. How long can we stay in the Earl? We'll keep expanding the territory. ”

‘... all of a sudden. ’

Suddenly, what Alcan said made me tremble. He was just trying to break the Emperor's quest. Suddenly, title and territory? In addition, it seemed that this was not the end.

“So now that you're ready...”

Enlightenment asked.

“Ceremony of rank, of course. ”

Then Alcan opened his mouth and replied with a naturally expressive expression.

“... ”

I couldn't say anything after the expression on Alcan's face that was natural. Of course, I didn't feel bad.


Myeonghu could get the baron's title at any time just by saying so. Nevertheless, the reason why he was not appointed was because of the territory. However, I couldn't be offended by giving her land and giving her the title of Earl, not the Baron.

“You've arrived.”

According to Alcan, he stopped thinking and looked forward.

‘It's huge...’

There was a building larger than the one with the Emperor's Oval Office.

“Let's go in.”

That's what Alcan said and went into the building. Myeonghu and Levil also took another step and followed Alcan inside. After walking along the corridor somewhere, I could see that I had soon arrived at the end of the corridor and had found a door marked with colorful symbols and arrived at the event.

Gruk, gruk.

The soldiers guarding the gate find Alcan, bow their heads and salute him. And the old man standing at the door with the soldiers, he smiled and opened his mouth.

“Welcome, Your Majesty. ”

“Yes. Open it. ”

“Yes, Your Majesty. ”

The old man replies to Alcan and turns around and opens the door.


“Let's go.”

The door opens completely and Alcan walks inward. According to Alcan, the manifesto follows you inside.

"I think they're all nobles..."

After coming inside, I thought, looking down at the nobles who are paying their respects to Alcan.

Is this how much you gathered? ’

I wonder if all the nobles of the empire have gathered.


After seeing the nobles like that, Levil stops walking and stops walking as his hands block the way ahead. But Alcan did not stop. I kept walking forward.

“...? ”

I looked at Levil with a curious look on his face. Levil opens his mouth in a quiet voice.

“It's about to start, so just wait here with me and get out. ”



Levil nods as if he knows. Standing next to Levil, he looks at Alcan. Soon after arriving in his place, Alcan sat down to look at the manifesto, smiling and opening his mouth.

“Let's get started. ”

The Foreign Minister, who was standing next to Alcan's words, came forward and cried out.

“The ball comes forward. ”

Ow! Ow! Ow!

The arrow begins to appear on the floor as soon as the scream has ended instead of the Foreign Office. The arrow was not the only thing that appeared.

[Follow the arrows.]

A message also appeared. Brightness began to walk along the arrows. After walking along the arrows, you soon see a hologram of a human figure in front of you.

You want me to take that position? ’

The human-shaped hologram kneels on one knee. I felt like I had to take that position from there.


The hologram disappears as soon as it arrives where it was. Myeonghu stopped walking to where the hologram had been and knelt on one knee. After Myung Hu knelt down, Alcan got up from his seat and went down the stairs. After stopping in front of Myeonghwa, Alcan picks up a jeweled sword in his hand, puts it over her head and opens his mouth.

“As Earl, I command Asren, the territory. ”

[You have earned the title of Earl.]

[Territory: You obtained Asren.]

[Territory window is active.]

[You can now manage your territory through the Territory window.]

A number of messages appeared after Alcan's words were finished.


After finishing his sentence, Alcan turns around and returns to his seat.


And Alcan, sitting down, opened his mouth and said,

“This concludes the award ceremony. ”

What, is this the end? ’

I thought it would be big because it was a promotion ceremony, but it was too simple.


I start hearing the voices of the nobles in the ear of the post. After realizing that it was really over, he woke up from his seat realizing that he didn't have to kneel. And I looked at the alkane. The alkane smiles and stares at the bright side.

“Congratulations, Earl of the Apocalypse. ”

Alcan said.

“Thank you."

Myeonghu smiled in reply to the alkanes.

It was just then.

Jerbuck Jerbuck Jerbuck

I began to hear footsteps in the ear of the post. The sound of the footsteps was different and overlapping, so it was not a single person's footsteps. He turns his head toward the sound of his feet. After turning his head, he was slightly embarrassed by the protagonists of the footsteps.

“Congratulations, Myeong-hoon. Oh, should I call you Earl now? ”

“You've finally earned your place." ”

“Congratulations! Phew.”

The protagonists of the footsteps were the Imperial Wizards.

“Oh, yeah. Thank you."

Myung Hu smiled awkwardly, thanking him.

“Hey, Myeong-hoon. ”

Right then, the second master Rhyme called out in a quiet voice. Myeonghu looked at the lane and said,

“I... I have a favor to ask...”


I had no choice but to wonder what Lime had said. Do you have a favor to ask yourself?

“They say Carote has become Arc Reach... I was wondering if you could show me around.”

“... ”

In the words of the next lime, he did not say anything. I turned my head quietly and looked at the first crome.

“Haha, that... that was... a mistake.”

Kreme smiles awkwardly and blurs his words, turning his head to the ceiling of the hall, avoiding all future gaze.


He sighed briefly at the creme reaction and turned his head to look at the lane. Rhymes was staring at the picture with a glittering eye that did not match his age. Raine wasn't the only one staring at the picture with a twinkling eye.

“We also...”

“Can I see it?”

The three captains Parks and the five captains, Torden, who were standing next to him, also stared brightly at the picture. The three masters' eyes opened their mouths and said, "I can't help it."

“I'll show you later. ”

I smiled widely with the expression that the three masters were impressed. Looking at the three masters' smiles, he looked back at the creme. The lime, looking up at the ceiling, suddenly lowered his head to look at the weather, smiling awkwardly as his eyes met.

“Congratulations, Earl. ”

“Yes, thank you. But…”

When Kreme said that, he glanced at the three masters who were talking to each other with a blurry smile, then looked at Kreme again and continued.

“Kreme told me to look at the old Arc Reach...”

“I'm sorry. That was tricked by Rhymes.”

“...? ”

After trying to say something, I had to wonder what Kreme said. Soon after understanding the words of Cream, he smiled in relief. Then, this time, Kreme looked at the picture with a curious face. Myeonghu said, looking at the curious Krame.

“... No, I was just wondering how the research was going on that you mentioned earlier. ”

“Oh... I don't...”

At the end of the sentence, Kreme glanced at the three masters with a look of understanding.

“It's in the past. It's no big deal. We need the help of other masters to complete it anyway. Don't worry about it. How long has the study been going on? ”

“The frame is caught. I'll see you soon. Haha. ”

“I look forward to it. ”

The creme said with a smile. Cream also smiled at what was said.

“I'd better get back to work. Haha, so we'll be going now. And lastly, congratulations. ”

The creme still smiles and disappears from the hall with the three masters talking.


The headmasters start hearing footsteps again, terrified of disappearing. It was not just one person's footsteps this time. He turned his head back to where the footsteps sounded.

‘...? ’

After turning his head, I had no choice but to wonder. Several nobles are approaching with Levil.

“Congratulations, Myeong-hoon. ”

Soon after, Levil stopped walking and smiled.

“Thank you, Levil. ”

Myeonghu replies to Levil and looks at the nobles standing behind him. Levil opened his mouth with a smile in his eyes.

“I wanted to talk to Myeong-goon...”

“With me?”

“Yes, I want you to tell me a good story. ”

Levil finishes his sentence and goes up to where Alcan is. After escorting the nobles so far and looking behind the missing Levil, he turns his head to look at the nobles.


The man in his early 30s, who was standing in front of him, clears his throat to get over his embarrassment, came to Myung Hu and asked him to shake his hand.

“I am Popen, heir to the Marquis Ramas, and master of the Blackbeard Knights. ”

“... you must be Earl Popen. My name is Myeonghu. Nice to meet you. ”

He thought, shaking Popen's hand.

Black Bear Knights? I think I've heard of it… ’

Popen was Lord of the Knights at the same time as the Marquis. However, I felt like I had heard of the Knights somewhere.

Is this a quest?

The quest was clear. Otherwise, you wouldn't know about the Knights.

“I can't believe I'm no longer paid for quality equipment... I have to save what I'm using. Haha.”

He smiled at Popen's words. I asked where I heard it, but it was also a quest.

‘Er... wait. Then…’

Then I suddenly thought, I was embarrassed.

"What happens to the forge?" ’

Obviously, he was a blacksmith belonging to the Imperial Forge. But now he holds the title of Earl and even the territory.

‘Can you make a blacksmith...? ’

He holds the title of Marquis of Popen and is the Master of the Blackbeard Knights. But the blacksmith has a different story. I didn't think I could work as a blacksmith as the Earl.

"I'll have to ask you later..."

Myeonghu later decided to ask Alcan or Levil and started talking to the nobles who had come to him.

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

Opening class. Vagina.

I will try to make a connection every day, but... I don't know. Vaguely.

But it's not year-round. Knock, knock.

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Have a... good day.