Power Master

00241 40. Black Nail Knights

“What about your mother?”

“He went to see a friend of yours. ”


At the end of the delay, he smiled broadly.

“... ”

Is it because of the quote and the smile? Or is it because of what he said? The face of the delay is slightly red. With a smile on his face, he approached the delay.


After arriving next to the delay, he naturally embraced the waist of the delay.

“Will you make it a nice boil? ”

At the end of the sentence, the face of the delay became more red.

“I don't know. ”

The delay quickly pushes the light climate inside his waist. Brightness smiled at the response of the delay and followed it inside.

“Hold on... hold on. ”

As I entered the house, the delay entered the room and said.

I like it the way it is.

After hearing the delay, he nodded slightly and sat down on the couch in the living room.


After sitting on the couch waiting for a delay, he got up from his seat and looked at the delay, smiling at the sound he heard.

“...! ”

After seeing the delay, he did not say anything. He too was not wearing clothes for the delay. I was just wearing fancy black underwear. Of course, the underwear was not covering the curved body of the delay, so it should be seen as wearing it, not wearing it.


After admiring the body of the delay for a moment, I realized that this was not the time to be doing this, and approached the delay. The delay slowly walked back to the room as the weather approached.

“... ”

Soon after arriving at the door, he smiled as he sat on the bed, looking at the delay in looking at himself with hot eyes. Then he took a step back towards the delay.

It was just then.

46945; 46945;

“...? ”

The moment I heard the sound in my ears, I stopped walking. And I looked at the delay with a embarrassed expression.

“... ”

Delays were embarrassing, too.

“W. Delay. Clothing.”

After reminding him that the delay was only underwear, he quickly opened his mouth. At the end of the day, the delay quickly ran to the wardrobe.

Tiric! Queek!

At the same time, the door opens. Myeonghu slowly walked out of the room.


Then I looked at the mom who had delayed entering the house and bowed my head. After seeing the postponement, his mom looked slightly surprised and said with a smile.

“Huh? You're here? ”

“Oh, yes. ”

“What's the delay?”


After not being able to tell him that he was wearing clothes in the room, I didn't know how to answer him, so I blurred.

“...? ”

As the end of the sentence blurred, his mother looked at the room of delay with a curious expression.

“Hey, is your mom here? You're here late today. ”

Immediately, the delay suddenly left the room and said. After a delay, he sighed for relief.

“Suddenly something happened, and the job ended quickly. ”

“I see."

The delay nods with an awkward smile. At the end of the delay, his mother looked at the explanations and said.

“Well, have fun. ”

That said, Delayed's mother went into her room.


The delay was a sigh of relief as his mother entered the room. Of course it was the same after clarification. The delay in sighing of relief saw the end, he said.

“It was so thrilling. ”

He nodded, nodding as if he would agree to the delay of the thrill.

“It was a pity. ”

“...? ”

The delay looked at the explanations with the expression, "What does that mean?"

“Ah. ”

Then the face of the delay became red, realizing what it meant. Jeonghul smiled and said, looking at the face of the red delay.

I wanted to eat ramen, but I couldn't eat ramen. To be precise, I could eat, but it was a bit of a burden to eat. However, I think I will eat ramen if I stay like this. Myung Hu decided to go home.

“... Yes. ”

Delays also understood the meaning of the statement and nodded. He smiled at the appearance of such delays.

“Next time, if you can't eat it today... will you boil it? ”


Otherwise, the face of the red delay became more red. He approached the embarrassing delay and covered his lips in delays. After a while, when he opened his lips again, he said, opening the door.

“I'll call you. ”

As he said that, after leaving the delayed house, he began to walk with a sad face.

* * * *

After arriving home, he immediately entered the capsule and entered the legend.


After connecting to the legend, he smiled at the mansion. I was worried that the mansion might be destroyed, but I didn't need to worry.

It was just then.

“Dad!!! ”

Myeonghu turned his head to the familiar voice in his ears and looked where he heard his voice.


Rapid is running from afar, knowing how he knows what he's plugged into.

‘That was fast... Maybe it's because the stats are high. ’

The stats were so high that you couldn't even imagine that Rapid was 6 years old.


Raffid arrives in front of you, smiling brightly. Myung Hu reached out his hand and stroked Laffid's head with a bloody smile.

“How are you? ”

“Yes, Dad! ”

Laffid smiled more widely to see if it made him feel better as he stroked his head. At the same time, the butler appears from afar and starts running.

“Let's go.”

After seeing the butler running towards himself, he took a step with Rapid to approach the butler.

“Huff-puff, you're here. ”

“Oh, yes. Are you okay?"

After seeing the butler panting heavily, he carefully asked with slightly anxious eyes.

“Huff-puff... Huff-puff... Yes, I'm fine! ”

The butler quickly breathed and smiled. Then he looked at Rapid and looked back at the verse and said,

“I have something to report. ”


The eunuch had no choice but to react. He had nothing to report to the deacon either.

What are you looking at? ’

Once there was no report concerning the territory. Reports related to territory were set up by the area manager.

“Yes, Master...”

The butler glances at Raffid, blurring his words. After seeing the butler's dark expression, he felt anxious at the end of his speech.

What the...

Afterward, the mansion was in good health and at ease, the butler thought, "What did Rapid do to the accident?"

“You've done a great job. ”

“...? ”

However, when the bear thought about what the butler said, he stopped thinking and looked at the butler with a curious face.

“Something big? ”

“Yes, you've done... a very big thing. ”

The butler, who was making a dark face, replied with a proud look at Laffid.

“What the...? ”

“The young master captured the spies who were lurking in the mansion. ”

“Yes? Spy? ”

The butler's words slightly frowned.

“Yes, I have been confined to prison for the time being. ”

Myung Hu looked at Laffid in the butler's words. I was worried that there would be an accident, but I didn't have to worry at all.


“Well done.”

Myung Hu once again stroked Laffid's head. After praising Laffid with a stroke of his head, he continued to look at the butler.

“Let's go to jail first. ”

“Yes, I understand. ”

The butler began to take a step ahead of his remarks. But it also paused for a moment. And turn around. Ow! I opened my mouth with a face.

“I have another report for you. ”

“What is it?”

“Well, there's a guest here. ”

“A guest?”

A guest? Myeonghu frowned slightly.

“Yes, I am staying in the reception room until I meet you. ”

‘... who is it? Mr. Leville? ’

The bear thought about who was trying to see him. A lot of people came to my mind.

“Did he ever tell you who he was? ”

“Well, I asked him where he came from, and he said he couldn't tell me. But if you say John, you know...”

According to the butler, he could see who the guest was who came to see him. It was clear that Master John of Black Claws provided information about the Assassin's Guild and the six nobles.

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I think it was Monday.

It's Friday already.

Challenge. So... idle.

This is a good time, right? Heh heh.

I'm going to bed now.

Have a great day!