Power Master

00250 41. Sudden destruction

“... ”

After seeing the message, I couldn't say anything. Myeonghu was just staring at the message.

‘Or...? ’

The gates of the Magic System have been opened. The door of the seven horsepower that had been opened before was reopened. What was embarrassing was that the destruction that opened the door at first reopened.

‘But... something's not right. ’

After seeing the message, I felt something strange. The second time the blast opened the door, something went wrong.

There is no... Demon King coming? ’

When the previous rush opened, more messages appeared than now. However, there were only two messages that indicated that the door was now open and that you could receive special quests.

It was just then.

- Gold Elite: Hey! You just got out, too, right?

I whispered something in his ear. However, I whispered to him with a good look on my face.

- To Gold's Stone: Uh, yes.

- It was that user, wasn't it?

It was clear that he was referring to a sudden attack.

- To Gold's Stone: Maybe.

- Gold's Stone: That's the user… but isn't it a bit strange?

I knew there was something strange about Min-sung.

- To Gold's coronation: Right?

Gold tablets: yes, compared to before, there are too few messages. Especially when I didn't get the message that it was coming.

- To Gold's coronation: I think that's odd.

It was strange even after reading it. Why are there only two messages this time?

You're the King of the Rich who saw the Demon King on the seven charts.

- To the Stone of Gold: Because you bought Prince Charming... maybe?

Myeonghu replied to the folk's words and recalled Rakuza, the king of the Riches, who had bought himself the Castle of Magic. He seemed less distant to be called the Demon King.

Did he open the door because he had nothing to do with the Demon King?

Opening the door did not necessarily mean the Demon King had to come. If the Demon King didn't want to come, he might not come.

‘... it could be true. ’

In the words of the Ming Dynasty, I thought it might be so. Otherwise, the Demon King wouldn't have come.

- Gold Ritual Stone: I think I can find out a little about it once I go to the temple… Are you going to go there?

- To the Stone of Gold: Temple?

- Gold's Stone: No, no, no, no.

- To Gold Master's Stone: First, check the quest.

I already knew how to get to the 7 Horse System. What mattered was the quest.

- Gold's Stone: If I go...

Min-hyung whispered in my ear again.

- To Gold's Stone: I'll give you an ear.

Myeonghu smiled and gave an answer in his ear, and looked at Laphid and the girl staring at him.


The girl opened her mouth again. But at the same time, Raffid raises his fist and the girl shuts up.


Myeonghu got up from his seat, smiling at Laffid and the girl once more. When the manifesto got up, Rapid got up, too.

“Where are you going?”

“Temple, would you like to come with me? ”

“Yes! Hehe. ”

Laffid nods and says, "Come with me." In Rapid's answer, he turned his gaze and looked at the girl sitting next to him.

“And you?"

“... annoying. ”

At the end of the sentence, the girl stood up and muttered with a really annoying face. Raffid tilts his head in response to the girl's words and reactions, then opens his mouth.

“Then you stay here. ”


The girl who got up from her seat and walked toward the door stops. Then he turned around and looked at Raffid in a puzzled look. Rapid once again said, looking at the girl's embarrassed face.

“Trouble? Then stay here and rest. Hehe.”

“... ”

Although I said it was annoying, it wasn't really annoying. The girl said nothing to Rapid. No, I didn't. However, the girl smiled slightly at the sound of the afterthought.

“No, but I don't want you to be alone, so come with me. I'll be back soon anyway. ”

That's what Myeonghu said.

I'll never leave you alone.

Even Hechling was a dragon. Moreover, she was not as good at following her own words as Laffid. I didn't know what was going to happen while I was at the temple.

“Yes, heh heh. ”

“Heh, heh. If that's what you want...”

Rapid smiles widely and replies, and the girl shakes her head.

Let's go...

After hearing the two answers, he took another step.

"What quest will you give me..."

I've been looking forward to giving you some quests.

* * * *

A cave in the Valguras Mountains.

In front of the cave was a twin-headed ogre with a huge stature measuring 5 metres. I was just standing there. The Twin-Headed Ogre has done nothing.

- Phew.

That's when the Twin-Headed Ogre, who was standing dazed in front of the cave, began to walk into the cave. But something was wrong.


Twin-headed ogres, the top predators with no one to oppose in the vicinity, are moving very carefully.


A few moments later, the Twin-Head Ogre stops moving inward. It wasn't because the road was blocked. The end of the road was still invisible. Nevertheless, the Twin-Headed Ogre stopped walking because it was no longer to enter.

- Coor...

The Twin-Headed Ogre stops moving and roars briefly, gazing inward.

It was just then.


As the roar ends, someone appears in front of the Twin-Head Ogre. She appeared as a beautiful woman in her early 20s.

Durban Durban

A woman with a deep red eye for a sensual body as well as a beautiful look looked at the Twin-Headed Ogre and looked around. The woman looking around her face is slightly stiff.

“What is it, Lou? ”

The woman said, looking at the Twin-Headed Ogre with a stiff expression.

-... Core.

The Twin-Headed Ogre hesitates for a moment, then opens his mouth and roars briefly.

“What? Kidnapping? Kidnapped?”

After hearing Twin-Headed Ogre's roar, the woman reacts with a nonsense expression.

- Coor...

Twin-headed ogres roar at the woman's greeting and nod. The woman frowns at the nod of a Twin-headed ogre.

“What the fuck did you do? And your friend? What have you done? A human child has kidnapped her! ”

- Cow, cough, uh...

Twin-headed ogres roar with a slight backward glance at the angry woman's cry.

“... what? ”

The woman who was likely to run into a Twin-Head Ogre right away was a little surprised by the roar of the Twin-Head Ogre.

“He flew away in one blow? To the kid?”

- Coor...

The Twin-Headed Ogre nods. The woman opens her mouth, gazing at the Twin-Headed Ogre with an unbelievable expression.

“Where are you?”

I wanted to see for myself. Whether or not the Twin-Head Ogre is telling the truth.

- Coor...


The woman who heard the Twin-Headed Ogre roar and knew her location disappeared straight away. The place where the missing woman resurfaced was the place where the Twin-Headed Ogre said her daughter had been abducted.


The woman immediately began to check her memory in space.

“... ”

Checking her memory, she said nothing. It was the same even after checking all the memories.

It was real.

I thought the Twin-Headed Ogre exaggerated. However, there was no falsehood in the words of the Twin-Head Ogre. No, there was only one thing.

‘Oh, my God, she has eyes for men. ’

Unlike what Twin-Headed Ogres say, Lulu was not abducted. Others might think they were abducted, but the woman who was a mother could clearly tell.


The woman begins to move slowly in the direction of the human child and his daughter Lulu.


On the move, the woman continued to read the memories that remained in the space. After a while, the woman was able to arrive at one of the vacancies.

“... ”

When she arrived in the void and began to read the remaining memories in the void, she frowned slightly. Though I was expecting it, the Human Kid was not alone. Of course, he didn't come alone, but frowned.

“Phew... If I find out you're a dragon...”

The woman sighs. As a child, Lulu did not know what he meant to humans.

“We need to educate them. ”

The woman continues to read her memories, muttering. However, for a moment, the woman was forced to frown again.

“Warp scroll? ”

I tried to keep track, but I couldn't use the warp scroll to track it any longer. Of course, there was no way to trace it at all.

“Territory... if it's near here...”

Through her memory, she could see that the boy's father was a nobleman nearby. Any territory around here was obvious.

“It's Asren.”

The woman mutters like that and turns her head toward Asren.

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We have now envisioned 12 horsepower. Not all of them, of course. You can come out for a while by mentioning.


Have a great day!

Boom on your way! Thank you for doing this, heh heh