Power Master

00268 43. 7 Magnetic

‘Huh? ’

After seeing the message, he stopped walking toward the door. Then he immediately opened his inventory and checked the restraining beads.

"Are you shining?"

The message said it was activated and the inventory compartment where the restraining beads are located flashed.

In addition, the Enable button which was disabled was activated as shown in the message. It wasn't just that.

What's wrong with that? ’

The magical instinct of the legendary item that transforms the faction into the Magusa was shining like a suppression bead.

‘This is red light. ’

Of course, the sparkles were the same, but the colors were different. The suppression beads were shining white and the horseman's instincts were shining red.

"What the..."

Why did this message suddenly come up? And why are the suppression beads and the horse instincts shining? I didn't know that yet.

Myeonghu opened the quest window to check the quests he received at the temple.

< Special Quest - Open 7 Horse Gates >

The gates of the seven barriers have been reopened. Find the restraining beads somewhere on the seven barriers and seal them again!

Difficulty: S

Quest Reward: Increases Temple Influence with Quests, and 1 Million Contribution to Quests


After seeing the quest, I coughed.

‘Will you complete the quest if I use it? ’

Special quests do not need to be reported separately. Completion of the quest is automatically completed when the quest conditions are met.

The completion conditions for special quests currently received at the Temple were to re-seal the open door and the use of the restraining beads button seemed to be active, so the use of restraining beads would seal the door and complete the quest.

I don't know why.

However, there was something wrong with completing the quest with the suppression bead. He thought, looking at the instincts of the red sparkling horseman.

‘There must be a reason why it sparkles like that...’

It wouldn't just sparkle.

“What's the matter? ”

Min-hyeong stopped walking and didn't say anything.

“Oh, I'm getting a message right now that I could use a suppression bead. ”

“Oh, yeah? ”

“Yeah, but I don't like this.”


He continued to look at the protestor with a look on his face.

“Not only do the suppression beads shine, but also the Horseman's instincts. The White Horse Instinct is red when the Sticky Bead is suppressed. ”

“Huh? That's it? ”



Ming also sobbed at the end of the speech. Then Min-hyung, who was thinking about something for a while, opened his mouth and said.

“Isn't that something you can't take with you? ”

“...? ”

What do you mean you can't take it out? I had no choice but to wonder what Ming said.

“You said it was glowing red. Usually red means warning, danger. If you can't take it out, or if you can't take it out, it's gone. ”

It made sense.


Myeonghu nodded at the folk's words.


Then I suddenly thought, Clarity gave out a short elastic expression. Then I started walking backwards looking at the door.

[The suppression bead is deactivated.]

After stepping back a little away from the door, another message appeared. After the message appeared, Myeonghu confirmed the restraining bead and the horse's instincts.

‘I see.'

As expected, the suppression beads and horse instincts were no longer shiny. He took a few steps forward towards the door again.

[Contains Conditions of Use for suppression beads.]

[Inhibitor Bead is activated.]

A few steps later, the activation message appears again, and the suppression beads and horseman instincts start flashing.

“Min-hyung, come here for a second."

After realizing that the suppression bead and the horse's instincts sparkle, he summoned a puppet staring at him at the door.


Min-hyung approached and said. Enlightenment pulled out the suppression beads from the inventory. Then he handed it over to Ming Ming.

“Hold this for a second. ”

“...? ”

At the end of the sentence, Min-hyung doubted and received the suppression bead. After you handed the suppression beads to the Tribe, you checked your inventory.

‘... As expected, activating is a problem. ’

His instincts were shining even though he didn't have a suppression bead. It was clear that whoever had the suppression bead was flashing when it was activated.

‘Then... I'll leave it to Min-hyun and send him out first. ’

It was a fine line because it sparkled. And I found out how it sparkled. After leaving the Horseman's instincts to the people, Myung Hu decided to seal the door with a suppression bead and take them back from his inventory and hand them over to the people.

“I'll take care of this for a while. And some suppression beads. ”


[Contains Conditions of Use for suppression beads.]

[Inhibitor Bead is activated.]

A message reappears after you've given up your Horse instincts and received the suppression bead.

“Your instincts sparkle. ”

Min-hyung said.

“Ah, wait a minute. ”

However, the statement that had already known that took a few steps back.

[The suppression bead is deactivated.]

“Oh, it's not shiny! ”

A message appeared and Min-hyun shouted.

“Please take them out first. ”

“... Okay. ”

Min-hyung hesitated for a moment, then nodded and approached the door again.

“Carrot, Primus, go back for a moment. ”

- Yes, sir.

- Yes, Lord.

After opening the Pet Window, he recalled Carrot and Primus and looked back at the Tribe. When he arrived at the door, he and Raffid and the girl tried to pass through the door.


Soon after seeing it, the folk, Rapid and the girl went through the door to the intermediary line, and after seeing it, they began to approach the door.

[Contains Conditions of Use for suppression beads.]

[Inhibitor Bead is activated.]

The activation message appeared again and after arriving at the door, he opened his inventory using restraining beads.


When the user presses the button, the suppression bead rises into the air and starts emitting light. It wasn't just that.


At the same time as the light emits, something begins to rise as the earth vibrates.


It was the temple that came up. After a while, the temple did not rise at all, and the suppression beads that were emitting light disappeared into the temple. And the message that I was waiting for began to appear.

[The door of the 7 open horsepower is sealed.]

[Special Quest - Open 7 Charcoal Doors "is complete.]

[Influence with Elgarve has increased.]

[The relationship with the Temple of Elgarve has risen to ‘Trust’.]

[The contribution of the Temple of Elgarve has increased by 1 million.]

Myeonghu saw the message. After confirming that there was nothing there, he turned his head and looked at the temple.

Let's go in.

I never expected a temple to appear. I wanted to see what the temple was like.

‘Let's go inside.'

After deciding to find out what the temple looked like, he stepped inside the temple. Of course, Min-sung, Rapid and the girl were waiting outside, so he quickly entered the temple and began to look inside.

It's nothing.

The spectacle, which I thought might be something, came out of the temple with a sad expression on the interior of the temple. Then I went straight to the door.

‘Nothing shiny. ’

After arriving at the door, I opened my inventory to see if there were any other shiny items. Fortunately, there was nothing shiny, and Myeonghu opened the door with a comfortable face and walked inside.

* * * *

The back alley of Asren in the Territory.


An ant warps into an invisible, empty alley.

“You've finally arrived. ”

The warp was a beautiful woman in her early 20s. A woman with a hunchful figure with a red eye mutters with a smile, and immediately starts walking out of the alley.

It was just then.

“Wow, that's awesome! ”

At the sound of her voice, she looks at the alleyway entrance. A man who feels fatter than a gigantic man and a man like Mira, who is thin and fractured, are blocking the entrance and staring at her.


As they passed by the alley, the two men who found the woman began to approach the woman without stopping at the entrance. Of course, the woman also did not stop walking, even though she saw two men.

“Hehe. I think she wants us, too. ”

“Yeah, look at your body! I never thought there'd be such a bitch here. ”

Even though they saw themselves, the two men talked with sly eyes and a sly smile as they saw the woman walking without any distinction.

“Humans, indeed."

The woman listens to the two men's conversations and mutters, shaking her head with an expression that also did not exceed expectations. He muttered quietly as he looked at the two men approaching him with cold eyes.

“godqhrgks gkfn qhsotlrlf qkfkqslek. ”

At the end of the woman's muttering, the two men who approached her had to stop walking.

“... Huh? ”

“W-what! ”

I didn't stop because I wanted to. He tries to move but doesn't move. It felt like it wasn't his body.

I no longer saw a sly smile and a sly look on the faces of two men who were making eyes. There was embarrassment and surprise instead of malice. The two men stared at the woman with confused and surprised eyes. Two men knew that the sudden immobility of the body was shortly after the woman's muttering was over.

“... H-help me. ”

“Well, I'm sorry. ”

The two men who realized that they were not ordinary women said to the woman in a pitiful voice.

“... ”

The woman did not answer the two men. I just walked past two guys with a smile on my face.



Two men let out a sigh of relief as the woman passed by without doing anything. However, soon the two men who saw each other's faces were afraid. He also had an extremely red face.

Bang! Bang!

“Humans are... amazing. ”

The woman comes out of the alley with a smile and mutters, then starts walking again.

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

Maybe it's the opening and midterm exams.

Or he's in a slump.

It's a little hard.

You can use it with a plot, but it's not working.

Let's just say I'm numb.

I've been thinking about taking a little time off to recharge.

I'm using a spatula, not a recharge.

I hope we get back to the old Faith as soon as possible. T

I hope you all had a great day.

We'll try to get the next one up and running as soon as possible tomorrow at 1: 00 a.m.