Power Master

00280 45. Empress of the Aman Empire

"What the fuck! ’

The sudden attack on Lakuza left me in a state of panic.

“Son of a bitch! Did you do that and come find me? ”

Rakuza shouts angrily and wields his staff again.

"What the fuck! ’

The sudden onslaught overwhelms Lacuza's words and quickly checks her vitality.

‘... fuck. ’

I was struck by only one staff, and 80,000 lives were reduced to 30,000. The sudden rush looks at the staff flying towards him in a bewildered look.


[You're dead.]

As expected, a message appeared as soon as the staff was ablaze.


“What the hell! ”

The sudden rush from the capsule, Kim Min-yong, exclaimed with a nonsense expression.

“No, why did you attack? ”

I still don't understand why Rakuza attacked himself.

“What was I? ”

Kim Min-yong recalled Rakuza's words before he died. Surely Lakuza waves his staff, shouting to himself, "Was it you, asshole?" Kim Min-yong remembered what he said when Lacuza's face changed.

“Is it... is it the seal breaking? ”

When I talked about the Seal, Lacuza's expression hardened. Then I didn't understand that Lakuza was reacting because of the seal breaking.

“You're the Demon King, aren't you supposed to like it? Agranetto and Makusa were desperate for it.”

I wanted to break the seal of the unknown Magusa as well as the Demon King Agranetto. But it was really strange why Lakuza had such a reaction.

“Phew, fuck. I went and died. ”

Kim Min-yong frowned and set an alarm at the end of the death penalty before sitting in front of the computer.


Soon after, the alarm went off.


The alarm meant that the death penalty was over, which meant that access was possible. Kim Min-yong got up from his seat to connect.

‘I just... have to hunt. ’

Kim Min-yong, who got up from his seat, decided to go hunting and entered the capsule and immediately accessed the ‘legend’.


“... Huh? ”

A sudden burst of connection stops you from looking into view as you try to move. The sudden attack stops, looking around with a curious look on your face.

“Well, what the hell. ”

Something was wrong. He must have died. After he died, he should have been resurrected in the village. However, as I looked around, this was not a village.

“Hey, where am I?! ”

I shouted, "Where is this place?" But the storm already knew where it was. I knew exactly what I was doing rather than knowing exactly where I was going.

“Why the prison all of a sudden? ”

Based on the dark surroundings, the gloomy atmosphere and the iron bars, the prison was clear. The sudden rush towards the iron bars.

Chop chop.

However, with the sound coming in, the sudden rush couldn't go forward. The rash lowers its head and looks at its ankle.

“The shackles...”

He had a chain around his ankle.

“What the...”

He muttered with a muttering expression that he couldn't understand why this situation was happening.

It was just then.

Skrack Skrack

The sound coming from the corridor outside the bars quickly turns your head toward the sound. Suddenly, when the protagonist of the sound appeared, the sudden rush came as a surprise.

Black Skeleton! ’

The main character of the sound was Black Skeleton. You look at the Black Skeleton and think, "This is ridiculous."

Are you a prison guard? ’

The blizzard thought the Black Skeleton was going to prison. The Black Skeleton had a key pack around his waist.

- Cock, cock, cock.

Soon after arriving in front of the storm, Black Skeleton opens his mouth. Then he began to go back the way he had come back.

You can't be here.

The blistering frowns at the thought of the Black Skeleton's back.

D-Uranus? ’

The prison guard was the Black Skeleton. No country is large enough to use the Black Skeleton, an undead monster, as a prison guard in the middle. Given the situation, it looks like a prison in Castle Marwan. There was no evidence that this place was called Marathon, but the blight was already certain it was Marathon.

Are you here because you died by this Mad Demon King? ’

There was no reason to resurrect here. It seemed to have died by the Demon King and resurrected here.

‘... how do we escape? ’

It's completely blocked. I can't figure out how to get out of here. The blister frowns and mutters.

“What the fuck...”

* * * *

“This is where Myeong-goon and Delay will stay. ”

Leville said.

“Rest well and I'll see you tomorrow. ”


“See you tomorrow. ”

After guiding you through the room, you turned your gaze from the rear of the exiting Level to look around the inside of the room.

“I like it.”


The room provided by the Aman Empire was very good. Spacious and basic furniture also looked very luxurious.

“But what's the location here? Close to the place?”

The delay in looking around the room asked Myeonghul. Even though the room was good, after all, the delay was user. In other words, it was not a place to sleep. The location of the room was important for the clarification and delay.

“Wait a minute.”

When asked about the delay, he opened his inventory saying to wait for a while. Then I took the map and spread it out on the table.

“This is the Queen Dowager's quarters, and where we are...”

Myeonghu looked at the map and confirmed the location of the room he was staying in.

“... Hmm. ”

After confirming the location of the room, he had to spit out a sigh. He also did not have a good position.

“On the contrary.”

It was the opposite of the Queen Dowager's quarters.

“Where's the party? ”

Delay was asked.

“The party venue...”

It was a considerable distance from the room to the princess' quarters. However, it was not necessary to check the distance from the room. It was because of the party venue.

“Over here.”

“You're halfway there! ”

Luckily, if the distance from the room to the Queen Dowager's lodging was 10, the distance from the party venue to the Queen Dowager's lodging was 5.

“Maybe you should go back and forth during the party. ”

The delay followed.

“Maybe that's better, huh? ”

Lu Shu nodded, agreeing with the delay.

It was just then.


“...! ”

At the sound of the incoming knock, the descriptions and delays looked at each other with a slightly startled look. The delay quickly pointed to the map and the clarification quickly opened the inventory to place the map. Then he approached the door and opened it.


“...? ”

After opening the door, I was a little embarrassed.

"What Maid? ’

The woman in Maid's costume knocked on the door. The woman who saw the embarrassed look on her face opened her mouth and said.

“My name is Yummi, and I'm in charge of Earl Minghu's room. Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns. ”

‘Oh, you're a maid. ’

When he heard her, he could see that the woman's name was Yummi and she was a servant.

"The Aman Empire makes its maids wear these clothes..."

Brightness looked at Yummi's outfit. It was a dress that made me smile warmly and delightfully. Yummi blushed his face and continued to say, "Did you feel that look?"

“You can watch it at night. ”

“...! ”

What do you mean it's midnight? Yummi's words were surprising. Yummi's voice is not small. He clicked and swallowed the needle and turned back to look at the delay.

“... ”

The delay was frowning.

‘You heard me.'

It was clear that he had heard Yummi.

‘I should send it...'

After thinking about sending Yummi, he quickly turned his head and told Yummi that he was still ashamed.

“I'll call you if I have to. ”

Yummi's face became more red shortly after the end of his speech.

“... I'll be ready, Lord. ”

Later, Yummi ran to the other side, stammering.

‘Huh? ’

After Yummi's reaction, he realizes that his words were miscommunicated. He turned back and looked at the delay. The expression of bad delays made him smile awkwardly. Then the delay opened its mouth.

“Call me if you have to," doesn't that mean? ”

In response to the delay, Lu Shu quickly nodded.

“Of course!”


The delay was subtle in expressing a deep sigh. He continued, looking at the delay with embarrassed eyes.

“We have until tomorrow, so let's break your quest first. ”

The delay was not only due to the expansion quest. There was also a quest to be done in the Aman Empire. Of course, it wasn't a quest for the Imperial Court, and it was a quest for wandering the capital city.

“... Yes. ”

The delay nods. As such, signs and delays have begun to move out of the imperial palace for quests.

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Did you have a good weekend?

I had a very fuzzy weekend.

I can't believe it's Monday.

We wish you a very happy weekend.