Power Master

00284 45. Empress of the Aman Empire

As soon as I turned back, the message that appeared stopped moving. You rub your eyes and check your message again, just in case you saw it wrong.


I didn't see it wrong. The message clearly said that the thief and the lucky god Refurem smiled.


Myeonghu turned back again. And I saw Hermeto, which is what caused the message. Hermeto is still down. I thought I was going to lie down until the expiration date and delay were gone.

It was just then.


The sights began to distort.

“...! ”

Myeonghu was embarrassed by the sudden distortion of his surroundings. The distortion began to recover again in a moment. After seeing all the distortions recovered and appeared, he frowned.

‘Where am I? ’

It was not the back alley of the commercial district that recovered the distortion. It was in a small room. Myeonghu looked around the room. The room was very ordinary and no one was seen.

‘I'll have to contact the delay first. ’

After a sudden disappearance and thinking of a delay to worry, he whispered to the delay.

[Delay cannot accept whispers.]

However, the message that appeared soon frowned.

‘Is this a deafening area? ’

It seems that this place is a place where whispering is impossible.

‘Where the hell is he? ’


I was thinking about this place, frowning, and turning my back to the sound of the door opening in my ears.


After turning around, you can see the boy coming in through the door. He looks 10 years old and very pure.


The boy came inside with a smile.

No way.

A sudden distortion, a new space, and a very natural greeting for the child. Myung Hu stared at the child with a suspicious expression.


“Yes! I knew you weren't stupid! Heehee!”

Fortune and the thief's god, Refurem, nodded and replied. After answering, Lepurem takes a step and sits at the table next to the door. He pointed to the other side and said to Myung Hu:

“Sit down.”

Lefurem said, "Once you're in a chair, you're in a chair."


After sitting in the chair, he opened his mouth straight away. Given the circumstances, it was definitely LeFurem who summoned the manifesto here. Myeonghu was going to ask why he called himself here.


However, as soon as he took it out, the shout of Refurem came in and shut him up.

“...? ”

And I looked at Refurem with a curious look. Then Refurem smiled and said.

“Heehee! Let me guess! You wanted to ask me why I brought you here, right? Right?"

“... Yes. ”

Myung Hu nodded and replied to Refurem's words.

“You don't have to say anything respectful to me! Heehee! You're strong enough! ”

Lefurem continued: At the words of Refurem, I did not know the meaning, and he tilted his head slightly.


Violence? I don't understand what you're talking about.



After trying to ask what it sounded like, he shut up and looked at the Refurem, once again cutting off his words.

“I asked to see you because I have something to offer in return for saving Hermeto's life. ”


After smiling at the words' gratitude, 'he argued that there was something to suggest.

“Yes, for now. ”

Refurem reaches out his hand, answering the post. Lefurem's hands are filled with something that looks like a gust of wind.

“In return for saving Hermeto's life. ”

According to Refurem, he reached out his hand and gave it to Refurem in return.

[You obtained the Refurem Token.]

It was a token.

I saw what it looked like and thought it might be a token, but it was a real token. Clarification immediately confirmed the information in the token.

< Refurem's Token [Demigod] >

If you have Refurem's Token or Token, you will receive the following effects:

1. Movement Speed +20%

2. Resist all Status Effects +20%

3. You can view Hidden NPCs and monsters.

4. Tokens cannot be discarded and traded.

I smiled at the mouth after checking the information.

I... never thought I'd get it like this. ’

I never thought I'd get an item of Demigod grade like this.

‘That's a lot of options. ’

Refurem's Tokens had three options in total, all of which were impressive.

‘I have to put it in. ’

After closing the information window, the inventory was opened to place the token.

Wait a minute.

After opening the inventory and putting in the tokens, I suddenly stopped thinking.

Is it... synthesized? ’

Not long ago, 'the sign of Elgarve’ and ‘the sign of Agranetto’ were gathered together and synthesized into 'the sign of death and darkness.’

I think it'll be synthesized.

Somehow, when I put the 'Token of Refurem’, it seemed to be a combination with the 'Token of Death and Darkness’. The possibility was sufficient; however, I could not carry the token without it in my inventory as it seemed to be synthetic.

Brightness put the token in the inventory with a slightly tense face. And I looked at his reaction.

“... ”

However, unlike what we thought, nothing happened. In the inventory, two "Death and Dark Tokens" and "Refurem's Tokens" were next to each other, but there was no evidence of any synthesis.

‘It doesn't always seem to be synthesized. ’

The manifesto closed the inventory looking at the two unsynthesized tokens.

“And my offer...”

When I closed the inventory, LeFurem said as if he was waiting for it.

“It's killing someone. Can you do that for me? ”

“... ”

Lefurem said that I could not answer the explanation right away.

Was it murder? ’

I never thought I'd offer to kill someone.

‘It's his god. ’

Moreover, Refurem was a god. It would be unusual for God to offer you a kill. Refurem continued to say as soon as he saw Myung Hu's worrying appearance.

“It's the kind you killed before. ”

"The faction?"

Lefurem said something strange about the manifesto.

Are you not human? ’

Seems like they're not human after all.

No, more importantly, do you know me? ’

Refurem said it was definitely the people Myung Hu killed. In other words, Refurem knew who the manifesto was.

Is it natural to know that God is God? ’

Thinking about it, it wasn't that weird to know. Refurem was a god.

“Who's the target? ”

Afternoon asked Refurem. Refurem replied with a slightly cooler look in his eyes.

“The Paradens. ”


I heard it somewhere. The bear thought, "Where did you hear it?" Soon I realized where I heard it from and who the Faradans were.

"Ah! Kraken! ’

The Paradens were the words the gods used to sing the Kraken.

“These are the ones you call Kraken. I'll give you the location. What do you think? Can you kill him? ”

< Refurem's Proposal >

Luck and the thief's god, Refurem, offer you one. The offer is to kill the gods, the Kraken they call the Paradens. I don't know why Refurem would want to kill the Kraken. Do you accept Lepurem's offer to kill the Kraken or refuse it?

[Kraken: 0/??]

Quest difficulty: S

Quest reward:???

Minor Amity with Refurem Decline Quest

The quest appears at the end of Refurem's words.

“... ”

After reading the quest, he turned his gaze to look at the Refurem. Refurem was looking at the manifesto with a half-mixed look of anticipation and coolness.

‘... what do I do? ’

This situation, the quest, and so sudden.

‘There's no time limit, and I don't think I should just take quests...’

There was no time limit on whether or not there was a set number to catch. I didn't feel like I needed to take quests and catch them.

‘Let's just take it. ’

I didn't have to refuse to degrade God's intimacy. Even if it is a god of luck and thieves who have nothing to do with themselves.

“Yeah, I got you. ”

[You have accepted the quest.]

A quest acceptance message appears and Refurem smiles.

“Thank you. Here. ”

Lefurem reaches out his hand again, thanking you. Lefurem holds a scroll in his hand. Enlightenment handed over the scroll.

[You have obtained a map of Kraken's location.]

"It was a map."

I expected a warp scroll or a map. After placing the map in the inventory, he closed the inventory and looked at the refurbish. There was no longer any coolness on Lepurem's face, where it felt slightly cooler. He was expressing a child full of innocence that I had never seen before. Leferem opened his mouth and said,

“Heehee! See you later! ”


As Refurem finishes speaking, the surrounding area begins to crumble again. Soon after the space distorted, the distortion was restored. It was the back alley of a commercial district where Hermeto and Emos met. Naturally, no delay and no Hermeto was seen.

- Delay: Delay?

After that, he whispered to the delay.

- Delay: clear! Where are you? It just disappeared! You're whispering in my ear.

A whisper came from the delay, as if he was waiting.

- To Delay: I'll talk to him. See you in front of the Imperial Palace.

After whispering to the delay, he began to move to the Imperial Palace.

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

I went to the reserve army.

He's a reserve student, so I took him for a short ride.

But I didn't think I was tired even though I received it briefly.

I think this is the reserve army. Vaguely.

And training for the Reserves... It was even bigger than I thought.

I can't even imagine when I was in the field... It was amazing.

I'm looking forward to next year. Vaguely.

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