Power Master

00348 55. Entrance Palace

‘I don't know. ’

He had no idea who Abrethan was. All he knew was that the palace of Elphanus had been taken over by Abrethan and that the head of Abrethan lived somewhere inside the palace.

“It's a shame. I only know I'm in the royal palace. ”

After finishing my thought, I told Laen with a embarrassing expression.


At the end of the sentence, Laenne lets out a short burst of elasticity.

“So what do we do? ”

Then I asked Myoung-goon.

“... ”

Enlightenment was unable to say anything to Laen.

Why are you asking me that? ’

How? Why are you asking yourself this?

It was just then.

“I don't know who the chief is, but I'm keeping an eye on the top executive, so I should be able to find out soon enough. ”

Marx opens his mouth as he listens to Myungchul and Laenne.

“...! ”

Marx's words surprise Laenne, turning his head to see Marx. Why didn't you talk to yourself?

“Who is he? ”

Enlightenment asked.


Marx blurs his words and gives you a frowny look. Soon after, however, Marx opened his mouth, expressing his determination.

“I am Duke Regal. ”

There are three ducks in the Kingdom of Elphanus. Among them, it was the Duke of Harmon who was the Duke of Recal who was the most loyal to the royal family. Now Marx is saying Duke Recal, Duke Harmund's housekeeper, is Abrethan's top executive.

“...? ”

I had no choice but to question Marx's words. It wasn't exactly Marx's words, but Laenne's expression that changed after hearing Marx's words. Laenne looks very embarrassed.

“Le, how can Duke Regal be the best executive? ”

Laenne asked Marx. Laenne was stuttering, probably embarrassed. At Laenne's words, Marx bends one knee and bows his head to take an example.

“I'm sorry I couldn't tell you. Duke Regal is also surrounded by them. No, it is presumed that Duke Regal brought them into the palace in the first place. ”

“...! ”

According to Marx, Laenne was unable to speak for a moment. Marx's words were that shocking to Laen.

“Oh, how dare you, Duke Regal! ”

Laenne's reaction was no surprise at all. The Duke of Recal, who believed so much, was the chief executive of the enemy force, a natural reaction. Marx glances back at Laenne and says,

“I noticed Duke Regal is regularly meeting with their leader. As long as there's no change, the Duke of Recal will meet with their leader in five days, and when he does, we'll know who he is. ”

“I see.”

Myeonghu nods at Marx's words.

‘I don't know right now. ’

It takes some time to figure out who Abrethan's leader is.

Five days.

Brightness opened the quest window.

< Refurem's Proposal >

Luck and the thief's god, Refurem, offer you one. The offer is to kill the gods, the Kraken they call the Paradens. I don't know why Refurem would want to kill the Kraken. Do you accept Lepurem's offer to kill the Kraken or refuse it?

[Kraken: 0/??]

Quest difficulty: S

Quest reward:???

Minor Amity with Refurem Decline Quest

‘Let's break this up until then. ’

It was quite a while before I received the ‘Refurem's Proposal' quest from the god of thieves and luck I met in the Arman Empire.

‘Five days should do it. ’

It took me about five days to find Abrethan's leader, and I thought I could get enough.

- Delay: Delay, about five days. Shall we go get the Kraken?

He whispered to the delay straightaway.

- Delay: Kraken? You're gonna break the quest that Leferem gave you?

Yeah, it's been a while, so I think I'm gonna have to wake up.


Just then, Laenne, who was making a mischievous face, called out for clarification. As I was watching the quest, I stopped whispering in Laen's call and looked at Laen. Then Laenne opens his mouth with a serious expression.

“I have a favor to ask you. ”


After reminding him that NPC's request was directed to a quest, he opened his mouth.

“What kind of favor? ”

Laenne was not usually NPC. King of the Kingdom of Elphanus. Even a Scarecrow King is a king.

“The reason I left the palace was to go somewhere. May I escort you there? ”

Later, Laenne said.

< Scarecrow King's Request >

Laen-Elpanus, king of the scarecrows, left the palace to go somewhere. Laen-Elpanus wishes to escort you to your destination. Escort Laen Elphanus safely to your destination!

Quest Difficulty: A

Quest reward:???

Cancel quest to make relationship with Elphanus worse

And the quest appeared at the end of Laen's words. After checking the quest, he saw Laenne.

“Where is it? ”

Myeonghu could not easily accept the quest. The quest did not show where Laenne was going. I needed to know where I was going


Laenne gives you a blurry expression. It seemed quite embarrassing to tell me where to go.

‘I don't know where. ’

Myeonghu finally decided to refuse. I didn't even know where I was going, but I couldn't accept the Hot Stone Quest.

“A special place for generations to descend from our royal family. ”

However, could he have felt such a state of mind? Laenne, who was blurry in her expression, opens his mouth.

- To Delay: What do we do?

In Laenne's words, Lu Shu whispered to the delay again.

- Delay: Isn't it worth a visit if it's a special place descending from the royal family? I'm curious about the reward for my first discovery.

- To Delay: I Accept!

After whispering to Delay, he told Laen.

“Very well.”

[You have accepted the quest.]

* * * *

“What? Dying? ”

Abrethan's second-in-command, Hartren, greets with a puzzling voice. Two trillion deputy commanders, Lycombe, who reported on Hartren's report, nodded and said again.

“Yes, Cho. I couldn't reach them, so I followed them, and they were all dead. ”

“I thought you said there was only one knight guarding the king? ”


Lycomb's words blur the end. Then, he opened his mouth in embarrassment.

“I don't think it's one. ”

“What are you talking about? What do you mean, it's not one? ”

“I checked how he died, and his skin was melting. It is presumed that you are under powerful fire magic. ”

“So there is a wizard besides the knight? ”

“I think so. The problem is...”

Lycomb tilts his head, blurring his words.

“The level of flame magic that killed the Tributes is much higher than that of the Royal Wizard of the Kingdom of Elphanus. ”

Lycomb was clear on the level of the Royal Wizard. The fire magic, which could be said to have caused the deaths of the Tributes, was never possible at the level of the Royal Wizard. Even with the help of magic items, the level difference was too great to be impossible.

“... ”

Hartren listens to Lycomb and says nothing. However, for a moment Hartren nodded.

“Well, a severed limb wouldn't be a knight's escort. ”

Even the Scarecrow King was a king. Of course, I wouldn't have taken out a knight as a escort, but I thought it would be too uncomfortable.


Hartren summons Lycomb.

“Yes, Cho. ”

Then Lycomb replied, and Hartlen continued.

“I'll give you five trillion won. Go deal with it yourself. ”

“Yes, Master. ”

* * * *

“Here you go.”

Laenne pauses as she moves ahead. As I was walking behind Laen, I stopped whispering in his ear and looked around. There were trees and flowers all around.


After checking around, he had to tilt his head. The place where I stopped walking was full of trees and flowers, but that was it. Laenne said it was a special place descending from the royal family generations. But this place didn't seem so special.

“The entrance to that, to be exact. ”

Later, Laen explained that he could understand.

“Thank you so much for getting me here. ”

Laenne bows his head, thanking all the signs and delays.

[You have completed the quest ‘The Scarecrow King's Request’.]

The quest was completed at the same time as thanking you. Myeonghu looked back at Laenne in the message and thought,

‘It was really peaceful. ’

It was really peaceful on the way here. I saw the quest and was afraid they would send people from Abrethan until I arrived, but not a single one of them came.

It wasn't just that. I wanted to meet a monster as I entered the mountain, but strangely, not a single monster appeared. The quest had been described as a companion escort, but that was not the case. He was literally with me.

‘What will I get in return? ’

All he did was come with me to the destination. If the reward wasn't a question mark, I wouldn't care, but the reward was a question mark and I was very concerned because nothing happened.


Later, Laenne reaches out his hand. In Laenne's hands were two square hands, and the quest's rewards were clear.

“A gift of thanks for coming all the way here. ”

“Phew, what's all this? ”

“Thank you.”

The effects and delays were handed over to Laen one by one.

[You have won the Hand of the House of Elphanus.]

The moment you received the Hand, you received a message. And when he saw the message, he was a little embarrassed.

‘... Hand of the royal family? ’

The message clearly contained the royal family tree. Myung Hu quickly examined the information on the hand he received from Laen.

< Elphanus Royal Hand [Rare] >

The hand of the royal family of Elphanus. Can take royal test using a hand. If you pass the test, you will gain tremendous power.

‘... a test? ’

The item information was different from what I expected, and I had to tilt my head. The royal family's defeat made me think of something enormous, but when I read the information, it didn't seem like it.

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

I said I'd do more, but I couldn't do it.


Today, I will definitely try to put up one more page.


Rudgus, thank you for the coupon.