Power Master

00374 60. Green Dragon Hetonia

The Green Dragon Hetonia of the Warkan Mountains, now Hetonia, has emerged as a man named Torrhenia.


Hetonia smiles as she looks into her golden chamber.


After more than 3,000 years, Hetonia was so good at gold. I was so cozy when I saw the gold.

“… Huh? ”

It was just then.

“... ”

Hetonia smiles and frowns. Hetonia turns her head and looks at the door, frowning.


A portal appears at the door, as if you were waiting for it. It was a very dark golden portal.


Someone walks out of the portal. Like the portal, she was a woman with dark golden hair and eyes. Hetonia opens her mouth, looking at the woman.


Blonde woman's name is Monia.

“When you're in the middle of fun, you're not looking for manners! ”

Monia frowns at Hetonia's cry.

“You think I wanted to come! ”

Monia didn't want to come. As Hetonia said, Monia also knew that it was manners not to look during the fun.

“...? ”

Hetonia tilts her head in a curious look at what Monia has to say.

“Then why are you here? ”

If you didn't want to come, why did you come here?


When asked by Hetonia, Monia continued to call out to him.

“You kidnapped the Helioca Emperor's family, didn't you? ”

“... Huh? ”

When the unexpected words came out of Monia's mouth, Hetonia was surprised and greeted.

“What the hell! Ha.”

Monia sighs once more at the hermitage of Hetonia.

“I don't care what you do, whether you play as a human woman, even though you're a man. I respect your taste, but you're touching a human you shouldn't be touching right now! ”

“...? ”

In Monia's words, Hetonia tilts her head.

"A human who should not be touched? Are you referring to a human named Levil? ’

From what Monia said, it was clear that the human being was imprisoned not far from here.

"Even royalty is only human." ’

I didn't understand. What do you mean, the Dragon himself shouldn't be bothered? Even as a royal, he was only a man.

I'm not Hechling.

Hetonia was not a newborn Hechling. It was an ancient dragon that had lived for 3,000 years. Monia doesn't understand that there's a human being she shouldn't touch.

"But Monia shouldn't be saying this..."

Monia was a golden dragon, symbolic of wisdom. I shouldn't have just said what I said.

“I don't know what you're talking about. Tell me more.”

Hetonia asks Monia to find out what the hell she meant by that. Monia opens her mouth to Hetonia's question.

“If what I've heard is true, there are people in the Helioca Empire who are not human at the moment. A human being so strong that I have solved so many impossible things, no matter how hard I am. ”

“What are you talking about? ”

In Monia's words, Hetonia reappears. Monia, the golden dragon, is called the Dragon of Wisdom, but she is never weak. A dragon is a dragon. But what kind of man is strong enough to solve the impossible that Monia can't?

“Literally. A very strong human being. ”

“... ”

“I didn't see it myself. I'm not sure I heard it from Lord. Moreover, the source of all the information is Urena. ”

“Urena? You mean her? ”

Hearing the source of the information, Hetonia asked Monia.

“Yes, Urena told me not to touch the royals or nobles of the Helioca Empire. ”

“... ”

In Monia's words, Hetonia speaks nothing.

“I don't know what you're trying to do, but I suggest you send back the Helioca man you kidnapped. I don't think you'll believe that there is such a human being because the source of the information is Eurena, but there's nothing good in messing with Eurena's mind. I'm going now.”

After looking at Hetonia, Monia turns around. Then you take a step back into the portal.


The portal disappears as Monia enters.

“... ”

Hetonia stares blankly at the position where the portal was.

"What the..."

I listened to Monia and found out what was going on. However, I could not understand the situation easily even after listening to it.

Is there such a person? ’

Hetonia considers whether there may be a stronger human being than the dragon, Monia, although weaker than herself.

No, I'm not.

Hetonia shakes her head at the thought.

‘There can't be such a man. ’

Even if you are weak, a dragon is a dragon. Even though the possibilities of progress are infinite, the difference between dragons and humans is enormous. No matter how advanced we are, we are human.

"And with Eurena's information..."

Above all, I could not believe that the source of the information was Eurena.

‘I think he was trying to protect him. ’

Hetonia thought back to what had happened before.

‘You're not going to care much about this. Unless you touch him. ’

Monia asked me to return her brother Levil, who was abducted from the Helioca Empire, but Hetonia decided not to. It was unclear, but it seemed that Urena would not intervene if she didn't touch the human that Urena mentioned.

‘I'll send it back in time anyway. ’

And it wasn't like I was going to keep him around forever. Hetonia intends to return not only Levil, but all those who have been kidnapped, once the plan has begun.

‘The last one. ’

There was only one person left until the plan began. If only one more person is kidnapped, we can begin the plan.

‘Welcome. ’

In anticipation of that, Hetonia steps out of the room. Then he smiled at the hallway and the rooms next to it.

* * * *

“When do we get there? ”

Myeonghu asked Acures. Currently, Myung Hu and Aquares were leaving the headquarters to go to the resting place of Levil and the royal families.

“You're almost there. ”

Acores, who was leading the way, answered the question of clarity. Then he looked around and said,

“But are you really going alone? ”

Where the royal families are being held, there was a green dragon, called the Wind Dragon, that was powerful enough to destroy the kingdom overnight.

“Yes, it is. Why do you keep asking? ”

Myeonghu frowned and replied, watching Acores constantly asking the same question.

“Oh, I'm sorry. ”

Acures apologized when the light frowned, then silently walked.


After a while, he stops walking and turns back to look at the signs and opens his mouth.

“This is it. It's as far as we go. ”

“This place?”

Afterward, he looked ahead to what Acures had said. There was a small building. After looking at the building, he turns his head and looks at Acures.

“You said there was some kind of magic. ”

When we spoke at the Enchanted Forces and headquarters, Aquares told us that we had to pass through the Enchanted Forces before we could get there. However, until now, I have never seen the clear past the sorcery camp.

“Yes, this building is an entrance and a magician. You walk out the back door of this building, and you get there. ”

“Oh, really? ”

At Acures' words, he turned his head again and looked at the building. When Myung Hu saw the building, Acules continued.

“A few cautions, perhaps the dragon will notice you as soon as you enter. And at the same time, the Guardians inside will attack. ”

“Is there a Guardian? ”

There was nothing strange about noticing. But a Guardian?

“Yes, some types of guardians are Iron Golems, Iron Gargoyles, Hop Goblins, and many others are unchecked. Just think of it as a rare place. ”

“What about the road? Can we just keep going? ”

“Yes, you can walk straight ahead. The building looks small, but it's quite spacious inside. You'll have to go through several rooms to get to the back door. ”

Aquares describes the structure in the building and moves aside. Myeonghu took a step forward as Acurse stepped aside and approached the door.

“Be careful.”

When I arrived at the door, Acures, who was standing behind me, said.


Myeonghu opened the door and looked inside, listening to Acures. A seemingly ordinary corridor came into view. After checking the inside, he moved inside.


[You have entered the Green Dragon Hetonia Temporary Rare - Safe Zone.]

[This is your first time as a user.]

[First Discovery Buff applied.]

[Double XP for 3 days with First Discovery Buff.]

[Unable to log out area.]

[Death will be dealt upon logout.]

The moment I stepped inside, a message appeared as the sights changed. After seeing the message, he turned around and looked at the door.


I can't see the door. I thought I was becoming a warp. He turned back and looked ahead. The door is visible on the other side, whether it is made of a straight line structure, as Acures said. Myeonghu muttered as he walked toward the door.

“The Guardians will come out from there, right? ”

This was a safe zone. The battle with the Guardian begins at the gate on the other side.

“What's coming out? ”

Soon after arriving on the other side of the door, he opened the door and entered, expecting which guardian was waiting.

[Temporary Rare of Green Dragon Hetonia - You have entered the first room.]

[Rare Guardian Hop Goblin Aculus is furious.]

"Hobb Goblin. ’

The Guardian in the first room was a Hobb Goblin. He glanced at the center of the message.

‘That's him. ’

In the center of the room is a Hop Goblin. The Guardian Aculus was clearly in the first room here in the message.

- Grrrgh!

Aculus is trembling. Of course, I wasn't shaken up by fear. Aculus' expression was filled with anger and excitement.

- Unauthorized human! I'll kill you!

Bang, bang!

Soon, Aculus began to rush towards the end of the day with a loud thump on his foot.

“The pulse of blood. ”

After casting the pulse of blood, Myeonghu turned his gaze to the other side of Aculus who was running.

‘There's the second room. ’

On the other side was a door connected to the second room. Enlightenment slowly began to move to the other side. Soon after, Aculus ran to Myung Hu and entered the blood wave range.

- Rrrrgh!

As expected, Aculas, who was within the range of blood waves, began to slowly collapse forward, screaming in agony.

[You defeated Rare's Guardian Hop Goblin Aculus.]

[300,000 Reputation.]

[You have passed the first room.]

[Level Up!]

The message that Aculus collapsed and appeared.


The moment I saw the message, I had to stop walking.

You did three? ’

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

Happy Thanksgiving.


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