Power Master

00416 68. The Truth of the Day

* * * *

The castle of Bartache sits in the heart of Lake Belkan.

- Why did you bring me here?

- I don't know.

- Oren, what do you know?

- I want to ask you something.

In front of the gates are Kraken inhabitants living in Lake Belkan, as well as Kraken inhabitants from other parts of the city. An enormous number of kraken. Of course, the Kraken weren't the only ones here.

- Commander Yaghoul, it's been a long time. Hororock.

It's been a long time. Hororock.

The commanders of thousands, commanders of hundreds, and ordinary octopuses were also talking behind the Kraken.

- Bagram, I think you know why your mother told you to come here.

- Yes, I heard your mother's longest stay was Bagram's cave.

The reason they gathered here was because their mother, the god of water and vitality, summoned them.

- The reason my mother told me to gather...

Bargram, crouching in the middle, opens his mouth to other Kraken questions and starts answering them.

- I don't know the details.

Bagram was also not aware of the reason for gathering here. I just know a little more about it than the other Kraken.

- We believe it's to catch the man who killed our kind.

The reason they gathered here was to catch a man who killed his own kind.


The Kraken hear Bagram's words and say nothing. I just stared at him with a surprised look. The silence, of course, did not last very long.

- Human?

- Mother told you to gather us here to hunt a human?

- You expect me to believe that?

The Kraken speak as if they can't be trusted. As he listened to the Kraken, Bagram thought:

‘I find that hard to believe. ’

Bagram was also unbelievable.

"What my mother said..."

But this is what his mother, Ataxia, said. I couldn't believe it.

- I don't understand.

- What do you mean, this many people have to get to a human being?

- Even the man who killed our own kind...

- Do you have any other ideas?

- Most likely.

The Kraken continue to talk. No matter how hard I think about it, I don't think this crowd is here to catch a single Human.

It was just then.

- What are you thinking?

- Mother's orders, anyway...

Gruk, gruk.

The Krakens stop speaking as if they had promised and look away.


And a huge gate appeared in the air, with nothing to look forward to. It was the gate of Ataxia.


The gate opens, and within it walks Ataxia, the god of water and vitality, who summons the Kraken here.

- Hello, Mother.

- I'm here to see my mother.

When Ataxia comes out, the Kraken open their mouths, each with an example. With the Kraken greeting, Ataxia glances over the gathered kraken and the octopus sitting behind her, then slowly lowers back to the ground.


Once at the bottom, Ataxia approaches where the Kraken are gathering. Shortly after, Ataxia arrives in front of the Kraken and opens her mouth to see Bagram taking an example.

“Bagram, has the castle changed at all? ”

- No, I didn't. Mother.

Bagram replies to Ataxia's question.


Taksha turns his head and approaches Kraken, who is on the far left.


- Yes, Mother.

Kraken Holland, who was on the far left, replied to Ataxia's call and said:

“Are you the most sensitive of all the brothers gathered here to change? So what can I ask you? ”

- What's that?

“Will someone come out of the castle? Can you let me know then? ”

- Yes, ma'am.

After answering Ataxia's words, Holard begins to look at the castle, and Ataxia returns to the center and opens her mouth to the Kraken.

“What do you think I'm curious about when I look at your faces? ”

The Kraken's expression is full of curiosity.

“What do you want to know? ”

What are you so curious about? Ataxia asks the Kraken why they are full of curiosity.

- Is that...

The first person to open his mouth to the question was Vargram.

- Brothers believe that Mother brought us here for a different reason, not to catch humans.

After finishing his speech, Bagram examines Ataxia's expression. Ataxia listens to Bagram and nods and opens her mouth.

“... maybe you have that idea. ”

The Kraken gathered here do not know about the manifesto. It was natural to have this reaction. Ataxia opened her mouth to explain what manifestations were.

“But that man...”

- Mother, the door is open!

But Ataxia could not finish her sentence. It was the hollard who was watching the gate.

“...! ”


At the sound of the voice in my ears, I stopped, turned my head and looked at the gate. The gate is slowly opening.

Are you finally here? ’

It's not open outside. But the gate was open, which meant someone was coming out from the inside. And the one who came out from the inside was already set. Ataxia watches the gates with furious eyes and cold.


And soon the door was completely opened and the inside of the gate was revealed. As expected from Ataxia, there was a Human manifesto there, which is why the Kraken were gathered here. I looked at the expression on his face.

“...! ”

After opening the door, he looked surprised to see Ataxia and the Kraken and their subordinate octopus in front of the gate. Taksha looks at that expression and smiles at the surprised look on his face.

‘...? ’

However, his smile disappears quickly in the aftermath of the reaction.

What's that look? ’

It was clear that he was making a surprised face. However, I couldn't find any surprises on the face of Nam Hu now. The problem was not only that.

That look...

After seeing the look in his eyes, Ataxa was forced to make a flaw.

‘Their eyes then. ’

When I was called a monster, not a god, like now. The eyes of the top predators who tried to absorb their power at the time. Now the manifesto was showing the eyes of the predators at that time.

You know the attack won't work. ’

Ataxia doesn't understand why the spectacle is making such eyes. Human attacks cannot harm God no matter how strong. Myeonghu knew it. Then why are you looking at him like that?


Immediately, the predator's gaze looked out, and he walked out of the gate.


What's so good about it? After leaving the gate, he stopped walking and laughed with a big smile.

“... ”

Taksha frowns at the sound of such a smile. But even then, shortly thereafter, Ataxia had no choice but to remove her frowned glabella again. It was because he had a change in the castle that should be buried here forever.


Walls with no symbols. A strange symbol appeared on the wall. It wasn't just that. Light, a pillar of bright light began to appear around the castle.

* * * *

After the message appeared and he saw it, he could see that it was over and why Haran had not used the key to the curse.

‘Ah, you're not using the key to the curse. ’

Why was Haran staring at me without using the key of the curse? I didn't use the key of the curse in the first place. Like the auxiliary boundary column before, the central cursing column was destroyed only by defeating the echalim.


He turned his head to look at the pillar of the curse. The pillar of the curse changed color at a faster rate than Haran used the key of the curse. It was so fast that more than half had changed in a moment.

[Curse column will be destroyed.]

A new message appeared shortly after being driven by a ridiculous speed. It was a message that the cursed pillar was destroyed. Of course, there was more than one message. An enormous number of messages have begun to appear from the ground up that the message has been destroyed.

[Reputation increases by 20 million.]

[Max Reputation.]

[Reputation accumulates.]

[Current cumulative Reputation Rank: F]

[Special Quest ‘Last Column’ has been completed.]

[Claim your reward.]

[Level Up!]


[Level Up!]

[You obtained the Destroyed Bartas' Token.]

[You have completed the Preceding Quest ‘Last Column’.]

[Special Quest ‘The Truth of the Day’ has been activated.]

[Close to the sacred pillar.]


[Reduce damage taken from enemies by 20% for 10 minutes.]

There were many important messages including reputation messages, quest completion messages, level-up messages, and quest activation messages.

Destroyed Bartas' Token? ’

However, what caught their attention was a message related to the token that appeared in the middle.

It's not a piece? ’

Until now, after completing the quest, what I received was a token fragment. I thought since I had one more quest left, I would get another Token Fragment. However, unlike I thought, it wasn't a token piece that I obtained through completing a quest. He quickly opened his inventory and checked out the 'Destroyed Bartash's Token' he had obtained this time.

< Bartas' Token of Destruction [Demigod] >

Two-generation Bartas' Token. Cannot benefit from Tokens because they are destroyed. However, if you collect scattered token fragments, the story will be different.

[Bartas' Token Fragment A: 0/1]

[Bartas' Token Fragment B: 0/1]

[Bartas' Token Fragment C: 0/1]

[Bartas' Token Fragment D: 0/1]

‘...! ’

After checking the information, he took the destroyed token from his inventory. The token was empty everywhere, and I thought I could fit a piece of the token I had obtained so far. After finishing his thought, he took the token piece A out of his inventory.

‘Here it is.'

And after checking the blank spot of the broken token and the shape of the token piece, the pieces were inserted in the right place.


Then, with a bright light, the token pieces merged into the token as it was. After reviewing the information on the destroyed token,

Part A of the token that was 0/1 was replaced by 1/1. After closing the info window with a smile, he took the token pieces out of his inventory and started inserting them into the token.


B, C followed by the last token piece D inserted into the token. A tremendous amount of light emanates from the broken token. Then in the message that followed, he smiled.

[All the pieces have been gathered in the Destroyed Bartas' Token.]

[Destroyed Bartas' Token has been destroyed.]

[Obtained two of Bartas' Tokens.]

After seeing the message, he looked at his hands. I don't see the broken token in my hand. He turned his eyes from his hands to the inventory. There is a new item in your inventory that you have never seen before. It is clear that two of the bartesche's tokens were in place. Myeonghu confirmed the information with an anticipated eye.

“... Huh? ”

After checking the information on the tokens, he had to spit out the elasticity.

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Did you have a happy Christmas?

I was lying very well. Haha.

It's a happy weekend.

We hope you all enjoy your meal and have a happy weekend!