Power Master

00426 70. Bartas' Castle


The manifestation from the capsule ran straight to the computer.

“I don't think it's a typical place. ”

Brightness booted the body and thought about the meta. No matter how much I thought about it, the scrolling was not a typical location given that it was legendary.

“I wonder...”

The boot was completed while thinking about the meta and the manifesto accessed the official homepage of 'Legendary’.

“Meta.. Meta..”

After entering the home page, type the meta in the search box and press the Search button. Then a huge number of meta-related articles appeared.


After sweeping through the text on the screen, he sobbed. The articles that appeared were irrelevant to the information that explanations wanted.

Of course, not all the articles were checked. The manifesto scrolled down, went to the next page, and so on.

“Guess not.”

I searched for about 30 minutes, but I couldn't find the information I was looking for.

“I have to go by myself. ”

There seemed to be no other way to go except by myself. After finishing his thoughts, he got up from his seat.

“Where the hell is it? ”

After he woke up, he muttered as he entered the capsule. I would go there myself, but I was really curious about the meta place.

* * * *

Either cave.

Jubbuck... jubbuck...

In this dark and dark cave, a man cautiously walked inward with a face that looked slim, unlike his strong body.

Chug! Chug! Chug!

It was just then.

I hear something spinning underneath the man's feet as he walks inward, and the man's face stiffens.

[Set a trap.]

Then the man could see the message.

“Ha, fuck. ”

But it was a message I had already anticipated. The man took a quick step back and checked the floor and ceiling.

‘Floor, not ceiling. ’

The floor and ceiling have not changed.


The man looked ahead. If nothing changes on the floor and ceiling, the only place left is the front.


As expected, a massive number of arrows fly from the front with a sound. The man sees the position of the arrow and quickly falls to the ground.


The swift arrow flies past the man's stomach and disappears. However, the man did not get up even after the arrow had passed.

You're not flying again, are you? ’

The arrow flew in once, so I can't say the trap is over. It was because he had come here and experienced many of these traps.

I didn't expect to see you three times.

Not twice. Three arrows flew in. Thinking about that, I looked forward to the man. However, as time goes by, no arrows appear to be flying.


I couldn't stay down for long, and time passed. The man slowly got up from his seat and looked forward. Then he began to take precautions again.

Jubbuck... jubbuck...

The man thought as he moved on.

‘What's in here that prevents you from using your skills? ’

If only skills can be used, the traps here can be easily destroyed, evaded, and broken through. However, the skill could not be used here.

No, precisely the ones that could not be used were higher skills such as Advanced Trap Discovery, Advanced Trap Destruction, and Destroying Traps.

The basic skill, not the parent skill, was available. But this was not a low-level dungeon. Basic skills were limited.

"Whatever it is, it's gonna be huge, right? ’

What is it about this place that makes it impossible to use a higher skill? Dungeons of this difficulty are usually rewarded with enormous rewards. The man finished his thought and looked forward to the reward.


Then the man who was watching the front stopped walking.


A short distance away, a thin, invisible black thread stands in front of you tightly. The trap is clear. The man looks at the thread and thinks:

‘If it wasn't for the dark eyes, I'd be stuck. ’

The reason a man could find the Black Thread in this dark cave. It was because of the passive skill of the dark eye that allowed him to see even in the dark.

‘If basic skills weren't available, no one would be able to target this dungeon. ’

The Dark Eye was a basic skill that can be learned automatically when you switch to an adventurer. The man was confident that no one would be able to clear this dungeon if this dungeon had sealed not only the higher skill but even the basic skills like the eyes of darkness.


The man steps back in front of the chamber and lifts his leg over the thread. And the man who made it safely over the thread starts walking slowly, looking around.

"But when does it end?"

As I moved, the man thought. It has already been five days since I entered the dungeon and I have experienced countless deaths. The man wondered how much longer it would take for him to arrive at the end.


Thinking about when it would end, the man stopped walking in front of the corner. It was likely a trap.

"There must be another trap, right? ’

In the far corner, there are all traps. There may not be a trap in this corner, but there is much more likely to be a trap.

Oh, I don't see any threads.

However, even if I tried to find a trap, I couldn't find it. It looks like there are traps set in the ground or inside the walls. The man was confirmed to already have a trap.

‘Should I just die again? ’

The man vexed at the situation where only basic skills could be used and moved to a corner to divert.


And the man with the curved directions had to spit out a deep sigh of curiosity.

“What the...”

The man coughed not because there was no trap trigger message.


There was a bright light at the end of the road.

“Ew, is that it? ”

Visibility meant two things: It was the end of a trap or dungeon. But it didn't seem like a trap. The man looks around and starts walking back towards the light.

"There's always a trap at the end..."

The man had experienced many dungeons before entering this dungeon. And at the end of those dungeons, most of the traps were set. In other words, this dungeon, which was extremely difficult, was more likely to have a trap.

‘... nothing. ’

However, unlike the man's concerns, there were no traps, and the man was able to reach the end of the cave safely.

[You have passed the Dungeon of Thief King Carryu's Despair!]]

[First Passer!]

[Claim your reward.]

[Please check your inventory.]

[Warp to Dungeon Entrance.]

At the end of the cave, a message appeared.

‘... not looking for rewards, but getting them automatically? ’

The man who saw the message was a little embarrassed. He also had to find his own reward for the dungeons that had passed so far.

‘Let's go out and see. ’

The man who opened his inventory and was about to check on the rewards immediately decided to check out of the dungeon after seeing the magicians under his feet.


Suddenly, light comes out of the magic circle, and the man disappears in place with the light.


The man reappeared at the entrance to the dungeon 'The Despair of Thief King Carryu’. As soon as he becomes warp through the entrance, the man opens his inventory to see the rewards.


The reward is a scroll. The man checks the information directly.

< Movement Scroll: Meta [Legend] > [Not Exchangeable]

Restrictions: None

Immediately moves to the Plaza of Meta.

“... legend? Scroll to Move?”

The man who checked the information on the scroll was surprised. The Moving Scroll was disturbing, but legendary.

“Where's Meta? ”

The man wondered where the meta would go if he used scrolls. However, there was no information about Meta in a man's memory.

“Hmm, I have to do a quick search. ”

I passed the dungeon anyway and had to take a break. The man who sighed decided to take a break and search for meta and logout.


Then a man logged out a while later logged back in. The man with the connection frowned. But it didn't look bad. The frowning man's eyes and expression were filled with curiosity and curiosity.

“Nothing came out. ”

I searched for meta, but nothing came up.

“I guess that's the legend, too. ”

I needed legendary items just by going. It was normal not to appear in the search.

“I have to go myself. ”

The man opened his inventory and pulled out the 'Movement scroll: meta’ he had acquired this time. I couldn't exchange anyway, and I was so curious as to what kind of ‘meta’ place I could go with Legendary grade scrolling.

“Oh, but that's a shame.”

I was hesitant to use the scroll. But the man's troubles did not last long.

“Adventurer Mind! ”

Will a man give up his dungeon? Whenever I think of weakness, I tear the scroll with strength, shouting his creed.


Tore the scroll to create a warp magic circle beneath the man's feet. Then a message appeared to the man.

[Go to the 'meta’ that can change everything.]

‘Everything? ’

So I saw the message and got caught up in the light of a man. Soon after, the man who was caught in the light disappeared from the entrance of the dungeon 'Despair of Thief King Carryu’.

[You have reached the Plaza of Meta.]

[If this is your first visit, please go to the coin exchange in the center of the square.]

The man reappeared in the square of Meta on the scroll.

“... a coin exchange? ”

A coin exchange? The man reaches the square and tilts his head. Then he turned his head and looked around.

“You mean over there? ”

A three-story building sits in the center of the square. The coin resembles the coin exchange in the message, given that there is a circular coin drawing above the entrance.


The man steps forward and enters the coin exchange as indicated in the message.


The man who came into the coin exchange looked inside and thought of the bank.

“What can I help you with? ”

Soon after, an NPC approached the man and asked, Your outfit makes you look like a guard guarding a coin exchange. The man opens his mouth to the security guard NPC's question.

“What is this place? ”

“Oh, is this your first time in Meta? ”

The security guard, NPC, gives a short burst of elasticity to the man's words and asks with a smile.

“Yes, this is my first time. ”

The man nodded and replied.

“I see. I'll explain. ”

It was followed by a description of the security guard NPC.

“This is the Coin Exchange where you can exchange items and gold for coins. And the coins exchanged here...... I hope you have a good time. ”

A short time later, NPC, the guard, smiles and walks somewhere.

“... ”

The man who heard all the explanations did not say anything. You just stare at the spot where the security guard NPC was.

“That's ridiculous. ”

However, shortly thereafter, the sober man mutters briefly and walks out of the coin exchange. Then you turn your head to the left.

-Ogaras' Shop (Weapon)

-Horrad's Shop (Armor)

-Margyro's Shop (Accessory)


-Granlin's Shop (Occupation)

-Old's Shop (Skill Book)

There were numerous shops on the left. There was no problem because each shop sold different items. The man turns his head to the right. Unlike numerous shops on the left, there was only one building on the right.

- Alice's Gambling Hall

The word "gambling den" was a seven-story building with a huge imprint on it. The man mutters as he looks at Alice's gambling den.

“This is what it means to be able to change...”

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Earlier today!

This novel is called The Strength Master.

Have a nice day.